rules = array(); } /** * Get CorsRule list * * @return CorsRule[] */ public function getRules() { return $this->rules; } /** * Add a new CorsRule * * @param CorsRule $rule * @throws OssException */ public function addRule($rule) { if (count($this->rules) >= self::OSS_MAX_RULES) { throw new OssException("num of rules in the config exceeds self::OSS_MAX_RULES: " . strval(self::OSS_MAX_RULES)); } $this->rules[] = $rule; } /** * @param boolean $value */ public function setResponseVary($value) { $this->responseVary = $value; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getResponseVary(){ if (isset($this->responseVary)) { return $this->responseVary; } return false; } /** * Parse CorsConfig from the xml. * @param string $strXml * @throws OssException * @return null */ public function parseFromXml($strXml) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($strXml); if(isset($xml->ResponseVary)){ $this->responseVary = (strval($xml->ResponseVary) === 'TRUE' || strval($xml->ResponseVary) === 'true') ? true : false; } if (!isset($xml->CORSRule)) return; foreach ($xml->CORSRule as $rule) { $corsRule = new CorsRule(); foreach ($rule as $key => $value) { if ($key === self::OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADER) { $corsRule->addAllowedHeader(strval($value)); } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_METHOD) { $corsRule->addAllowedMethod(strval($value)); } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN) { $corsRule->addAllowedOrigin(strval($value)); } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADER) { $corsRule->addExposeHeader(strval($value)); } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_MAX_AGE_SECONDS) { $corsRule->setMaxAgeSeconds(strval($value)); } } $this->addRule($corsRule); } } /** * Serialize the object into xml string. * * @return string */ public function serializeToXml() { $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement(''); foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { $xmlRule = $xml->addChild('CORSRule'); $rule->appendToXml($xmlRule); } if(isset($this->responseVary)){ if ($this->responseVary) { $xml->addChild('ResponseVary', 'true'); } else { $xml->addChild('ResponseVary', 'false'); } } return $xml->asXML(); } public function __toString() { return $this->serializeToXml(); } const OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN = 'AllowedOrigin'; const OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_METHOD = 'AllowedMethod'; const OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADER = 'AllowedHeader'; const OSS_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADER = 'ExposeHeader'; const OSS_CORS_MAX_AGE_SECONDS = 'MaxAgeSeconds'; const OSS_MAX_RULES = 10; /** * CorsRule list * * @var CorsRule[] */ private $rules = array(); private $responseVary; }