rawResponse = $response; $this->parseResponse(); } /** * Get requestId * * @return string */ public function getRequestId() { if (isset($this->rawResponse) && isset($this->rawResponse->header) && isset($this->rawResponse->header['x-oss-request-id']) ) { return $this->rawResponse->header['x-oss-request-id']; } else { return ''; } } /** * Get the returned data, different request returns the data format is different * * $return mixed */ public function getData() { return $this->parsedData; } /** * Subclass implementation, different requests return data has different analytical logic, implemented by subclasses * * @return mixed */ abstract protected function parseDataFromResponse(); /** * Whether the operation is successful * * @return mixed */ public function isOK() { return $this->isOk; } /** * @throws OssException */ public function parseResponse() { $this->isOk = $this->isResponseOk(); if ($this->isOk) { $this->parsedData = $this->parseDataFromResponse(); } else { $httpStatus = strval($this->rawResponse->status); $requestId = strval($this->getRequestId()); $code = $this->retrieveErrorCode($this->rawResponse->body); $message = $this->retrieveErrorMessage($this->rawResponse->body); $body = $this->rawResponse->body; $details = array( 'status' => $httpStatus, 'request-id' => $requestId, 'code' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'body' => $body ); throw new OssException($details); } } /** * Try to get the error message from body * * @param $body * @return string */ private function retrieveErrorMessage($body) { if (empty($body) || false === strpos($body, 'Message)) { return strval($xml->Message); } $flag = true; } catch (\Exception $e) { $flag = true; } if ($flag === true) { $start = strpos($body, ''); if ($start === false) { return ''; } $start += 9; $end = strpos($body, '', $start); if ($end === false) { return ''; } return substr($body, $start, $end - $start); } return ''; } /** * Try to get the error Code from body * * @param $body * @return string */ private function retrieveErrorCode($body) { if (empty($body) || false === strpos($body, 'Code)) { return strval($xml->Code); } $flag = true; } catch (\Exception $e) { $flag = true; } if ($flag === true) { $start = strpos($body, ''); if ($start === false) { return ''; } $start += 6; $end = strpos($body, '', $start); if ($end === false) { return ''; } return substr($body, $start, $end - $start); } return ''; } /** * Judging from the return http status code, [200-299] that is OK * * @return bool */ protected function isResponseOk() { $status = $this->rawResponse->status; if ((int)(intval($status) / 100) == 2) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return the original return data * * @return ResponseCore */ public function getRawResponse() { return $this->rawResponse; } /** * Indicate whether the request is successful */ protected $isOk = false; /** * Data parsed by subclasses */ protected $parsedData = null; /** * Store the original Response returned by the auth function * * @var ResponseCore */ protected $rawResponse; }