MySQLDump - PHP ========= [Requirements]( | [Installing]( | [Getting started]( | [API]( | [Settings]( | [PDO Settings]( | [TODO]( | [License]( | [Credits]( [![Build Status](]( [![Total Downloads](]( [![Monthly Downloads](]( [![Daily Downloads](]( [![Scrutinizer Quality Score](]( [![Latest Stable Version](]( This is a php version of mysqldump cli that comes with MySQL, without dependencies, output compression and sane defaults. Out of the box, MySQLDump-PHP supports backing up table structures, the data itself, views, triggers and events. MySQLDump-PHP is the only library that supports: * output binary blobs as hex. * resolves view dependencies (using Stand-In tables). * output compared against original mysqldump. Linked to travis-ci testing system (testing from php 5.3 to 7.3 & hhvm) * dumps stored routines (functions and procedures). * dumps events. * does extended-insert and/or complete-insert. * supports virtual columns from MySQL 5.7. * does insert-ignore, like a REPLACE but ignoring errors if a duplicate key exists. * modifying data from database on-the-fly when dumping, using hooks. * can save directly to google cloud storage over a compressed stream wrapper (GZIPSTREAM). * can restore a dump from a file, when no mysql executable is available. ## Important From version 2.0, connections to database are made using the standard DSN, documented in [PDO connection string]( ## Requirements - PHP 5.3.0 or newer - MySQL 4.1.0 or newer - [PDO]( ## Installing Using [Composer]( ``` $ composer require ifsnop/mysqldump-php ``` Using [Curl]( to always download and decompress the latest release: ``` $ curl --silent --location | grep -i tarball_url | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | xargs curl --location --silent | tar xvz ``` ## Getting started With [Autoloader]([Composer]( ```php start('storage/work/dump.sql'); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'mysqldump-php error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } ``` Plain old PHP: ```php start('storage/work/dump.sql'); ``` Refer to the [wiki]( for some examples and a comparision between mysqldump and mysqldump-php dumps. ## Changing values when exporting You can register a callable that will be used to transform values during the export. An example use-case for this is removing sensitive data from database dumps: ```php $dumper = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb', 'username', 'password'); $dumper->setTransformTableRowHook(function ($tableName, array $row) { if ($tableName === 'customers') { $row['social_security_number'] = (string) rand(1000000, 9999999); } return $row; }); $dumper->start('storage/work/dump.sql'); ``` ## Getting information about the dump You can register a callable that will be used to report on the progress of the dump ```php $dumper->setInfoHook(function($object, $info) { if ($object === 'table') { echo $info['name'], $info['rowCount']; }); ``` ## Table specific export conditions You can register table specific 'where' clauses to limit data on a per table basis. These override the default `where` dump setting: ```php $dumper = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb', 'username', 'password'); $dumper->setTableWheres(array( 'users' => 'date_registered > NOW() - INTERVAL 3 MONTH AND deleted=0', 'logs' => 'date_logged > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY', 'posts' => 'isLive=1' )); ``` ## Table specific export limits You can register table specific 'limits' to limit the returned rows on a per table basis: ```php $dumper = new IMysqldump\Mysqldump('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb', 'username', 'password'); $dumper->setTableLimits(array( 'users' => 300, 'logs' => 50, 'posts' => 10 )); ``` ## Constructor and default parameters ```php /** * Constructor of Mysqldump. Note that in the case of an SQLite database * connection, the filename must be in the $db parameter. * * @param string $dsn PDO DSN connection string * @param string $user SQL account username * @param string $pass SQL account password * @param array $dumpSettings SQL database settings * @param array $pdoSettings PDO configured attributes */ public function __construct( $dsn = '', $user = '', $pass = '', $dumpSettings = array(), $pdoSettings = array() ) $dumpSettingsDefault = array( 'include-tables' => array(), 'exclude-tables' => array(), 'compress' => Mysqldump::NONE, 'init_commands' => array(), 'no-data' => array(), 'if-not-exists' => false, 'reset-auto-increment' => false, 'add-drop-database' => false, 'add-drop-table' => false, 'add-drop-trigger' => true, 'add-locks' => true, 'complete-insert' => false, 'databases' => false, 'default-character-set' => Mysqldump::UTF8, 'disable-keys' => true, 'extended-insert' => true, 'events' => false, 'hex-blob' => true, /* faster than escaped content */ 'insert-ignore' => false, 'net_buffer_length' => self::MAXLINESIZE, 'no-autocommit' => true, 'no-create-db' => false, 'no-create-info' => false, 'lock-tables' => true, 'routines' => false, 'single-transaction' => true, 'skip-triggers' => false, 'skip-tz-utc' => false, 'skip-comments' => false, 'skip-dump-date' => false, 'skip-definer' => false, 'where' => '', /* deprecated */ 'disable-foreign-keys-check' => true ); $pdoSettingsDefaults = array( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => false ); // missing settings in constructor will be replaced by default options $this->_pdoSettings = self::array_replace_recursive($pdoSettingsDefault, $pdoSettings); $this->_dumpSettings = self::array_replace_recursive($dumpSettingsDefault, $dumpSettings); ``` ## Dump Settings - **include-tables** - Only include these tables (array of table names), include all if empty. - **exclude-tables** - Exclude these tables (array of table names), include all if empty, supports regexps. - **include-views** - Only include these views (array of view names), include all if empty. By default, all views named as the include-tables array are included. - **if-not-exists** - Only create a new table when a table of the same name does not already exist. No error message is thrown if the table already exists. - **compress** - Gzip, Bzip2, None. - Could be specified using the declared consts: IMysqldump\Mysqldump::GZIP, IMysqldump\Mysqldump::BZIP2 or IMysqldump\Mysqldump::NONE - **reset-auto-increment** - Removes the AUTO_INCREMENT option from the database definition - Useful when used with no-data, so when db is recreated, it will start from 1 instead of using an old value - **add-drop-database** - - **add-drop-table** - - **add-drop-triggers** - - **add-locks** - - **complete-insert** - - **databases** - - **default-character-set** - utf8 (default, compatible option), utf8mb4 (for full utf8 compliance) - Could be specified using the declared consts: IMysqldump\Mysqldump::UTF8 or IMysqldump\Mysqldump::UTF8MB4BZIP2 - - - **disable-keys** - - **events** - - **extended-insert** - - **hex-blob** - - **insert-ignore** - - **lock-tables** - - **net_buffer_length** - - **no-autocommit** - Option to disable autocommit (faster inserts, no problems with index keys) - - **no-create-db** - Option to disable the dump of create database statements. - - **no-create-info** - - **no-data** - - Do not dump data for these tables (array of table names), support regexps, `true` to ignore all tables - **routines** - - **single-transaction** - - **skip-comments** - - **skip-dump-date** - - **skip-triggers** - - **skip-tz-utc** - - **skip-definer** - - **where** - The following options are now enabled by default, and there is no way to disable them since they should always be used. - **disable-foreign-keys-check** - ## PDO Settings - **PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT** - **PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE** - **PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND** - **PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY** - - - ## Errors To dump a database, you need the following privileges : - **SELECT** - In order to dump table structures and data. - **SHOW VIEW** - If any databases has views, else you will get an error. - **TRIGGER** - If any table has one or more triggers. - **LOCK TABLES** - If "lock tables" option was enabled. Use **SHOW GRANTS FOR user@host;** to know what privileges user has. See the following link for more information: [Which are the minimum privileges required to get a backup of a MySQL database schema?]( ## Tests Current code for testing is an ugly hack. Probably there are much better ways of doing them using PHPUnit, so PR's are welcomed. The testing script creates and populates a database using all possible datatypes. Then it exports it using both mysqldump-php and mysqldump, and compares the output. Only if it is identical tests are OK. After [this]( commit, some test are performed using phpunit. Some tests are skipped if mysql server doesn't support them. A couple of tests are only comparing between original sql code and mysqldump-php generated sql, because some options are not available in mysqldump. ## Bugs (from mysqldump, not from mysqldump-php) After [this]( bug report, a new one has been introduced. _binary is appended also when hex-blob option is used, if the value is empty. ## Backporting mysqldump-php is not backwards compatible with php 5.2 because we it uses namespaces. However, it could be trivially fixed if needed. ## Todo Write more tests, test with mariadb also. ## Contributing Format all code to PHP-FIG standards. ## License This project is open-sourced software licensed under the [GPL license]( ## Credits After more than 8 years, there is barely anything left from the original source code, but: Originally based on James Elliott's script from 2009. Adapted and extended by Michael J. Calkins. Currently maintained, developed and improved by Diego Torres.