container = $container; $this->jobs = $jobs; } /** * Add jobs to the batch. * * @param iterable $jobs * @return $this */ public function add($jobs) { foreach ($jobs as $job) { $this->jobs->push($job); } return $this; } /** * Add a callback to be executed after all jobs in the batch have executed successfully. * * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function then($callback) { $this->options['then'][] = $callback instanceof Closure ? SerializableClosureFactory::make($callback) : $callback; return $this; } /** * Get the "then" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch. * * @return array */ public function thenCallbacks() { return $this->options['then'] ?? []; } /** * Add a callback to be executed after the first failing job in the batch. * * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function catch($callback) { $this->options['catch'][] = $callback instanceof Closure ? SerializableClosureFactory::make($callback) : $callback; return $this; } /** * Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch. * * @return array */ public function catchCallbacks() { return $this->options['catch'] ?? []; } /** * Add a callback to be executed after the batch has finished executing. * * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function finally($callback) { $this->options['finally'][] = $callback instanceof Closure ? SerializableClosureFactory::make($callback) : $callback; return $this; } /** * Get the "finally" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch. * * @return array */ public function finallyCallbacks() { return $this->options['finally'] ?? []; } /** * Indicate that the batch should not be cancelled when a job within the batch fails. * * @param bool $allowFailures * @return $this */ public function allowFailures($allowFailures = true) { $this->options['allowFailures'] = $allowFailures; return $this; } /** * Determine if the pending batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch. * * @return bool */ public function allowsFailures() { return Arr::get($this->options, 'allowFailures', false) === true; } /** * Set the name for the batch. * * @param string $name * @return $this */ public function name(string $name) { $this->name = $name; return $this; } /** * Specify the queue connection that the batched jobs should run on. * * @param string $connection * @return $this */ public function onConnection(string $connection) { $this->options['connection'] = $connection; return $this; } /** * Get the connection used by the pending batch. * * @return string|null */ public function connection() { return $this->options['connection'] ?? null; } /** * Specify the queue that the batched jobs should run on. * * @param string $queue * @return $this */ public function onQueue(string $queue) { $this->options['queue'] = $queue; return $this; } /** * Get the queue used by the pending batch. * * @return string|null */ public function queue() { return $this->options['queue'] ?? null; } /** * Add additional data into the batch's options array. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function withOption(string $key, $value) { $this->options[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * Dispatch the batch. * * @return \Illuminate\Bus\Batch * * @throws \Throwable */ public function dispatch() { $repository = $this->container->make(BatchRepository::class); try { $batch = $repository->store($this); $batch = $batch->add($this->jobs); } catch (Throwable $e) { if (isset($batch)) { $repository->delete($batch->id); } throw $e; } $this->container->make(EventDispatcher::class)->dispatch( new BatchDispatched($batch) ); return $batch; } }