prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback); if (is_numeric($callback)) { return $this->assertSentTimes($mailable, $callback); } $message = "The expected [{$mailable}] mailable was not sent."; if (count($this->queuedMailables) > 0) { $message .= ' Did you mean to use assertQueued() instead?'; } PHPUnit::assertTrue( $this->sent($mailable, $callback)->count() > 0, $message ); } /** * Assert if a mailable was sent a number of times. * * @param string $mailable * @param int $times * @return void */ protected function assertSentTimes($mailable, $times = 1) { $count = $this->sent($mailable)->count(); PHPUnit::assertSame( $times, $count, "The expected [{$mailable}] mailable was sent {$count} times instead of {$times} times." ); } /** * Determine if a mailable was not sent or queued to be sent based on a truth-test callback. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|null $callback * @return void */ public function assertNotOutgoing($mailable, $callback = null) { $this->assertNotSent($mailable, $callback); $this->assertNotQueued($mailable, $callback); } /** * Determine if a mailable was not sent based on a truth-test callback. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|null $callback * @return void */ public function assertNotSent($mailable, $callback = null) { [$mailable, $callback] = $this->prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback); PHPUnit::assertCount( 0, $this->sent($mailable, $callback), "The unexpected [{$mailable}] mailable was sent." ); } /** * Assert that no mailables were sent or queued to be sent. * * @return void */ public function assertNothingOutgoing() { $this->assertNothingSent(); $this->assertNothingQueued(); } /** * Assert that no mailables were sent. * * @return void */ public function assertNothingSent() { $mailableNames = collect($this->mailables)->map(function ($mailable) { return get_class($mailable); })->join(', '); PHPUnit::assertEmpty($this->mailables, 'The following mailables were sent unexpectedly: '.$mailableNames); } /** * Assert if a mailable was queued based on a truth-test callback. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|int|null $callback * @return void */ public function assertQueued($mailable, $callback = null) { [$mailable, $callback] = $this->prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback); if (is_numeric($callback)) { return $this->assertQueuedTimes($mailable, $callback); } PHPUnit::assertTrue( $this->queued($mailable, $callback)->count() > 0, "The expected [{$mailable}] mailable was not queued." ); } /** * Assert if a mailable was queued a number of times. * * @param string $mailable * @param int $times * @return void */ protected function assertQueuedTimes($mailable, $times = 1) { $count = $this->queued($mailable)->count(); PHPUnit::assertSame( $times, $count, "The expected [{$mailable}] mailable was queued {$count} times instead of {$times} times." ); } /** * Determine if a mailable was not queued based on a truth-test callback. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|null $callback * @return void */ public function assertNotQueued($mailable, $callback = null) { [$mailable, $callback] = $this->prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback); PHPUnit::assertCount( 0, $this->queued($mailable, $callback), "The unexpected [{$mailable}] mailable was queued." ); } /** * Assert that no mailables were queued. * * @return void */ public function assertNothingQueued() { $mailableNames = collect($this->queuedMailables)->map(function ($mailable) { return get_class($mailable); })->join(', '); PHPUnit::assertEmpty($this->queuedMailables, 'The following mailables were queued unexpectedly: '.$mailableNames); } /** * Get all of the mailables matching a truth-test callback. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|null $callback * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function sent($mailable, $callback = null) { [$mailable, $callback] = $this->prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback); if (! $this->hasSent($mailable)) { return collect(); } $callback = $callback ?: function () { return true; }; return $this->mailablesOf($mailable)->filter(function ($mailable) use ($callback) { return $callback($mailable); }); } /** * Determine if the given mailable has been sent. * * @param string $mailable * @return bool */ public function hasSent($mailable) { return $this->mailablesOf($mailable)->count() > 0; } /** * Get all of the queued mailables matching a truth-test callback. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|null $callback * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function queued($mailable, $callback = null) { [$mailable, $callback] = $this->prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback); if (! $this->hasQueued($mailable)) { return collect(); } $callback = $callback ?: function () { return true; }; return $this->queuedMailablesOf($mailable)->filter(function ($mailable) use ($callback) { return $callback($mailable); }); } /** * Determine if the given mailable has been queued. * * @param string $mailable * @return bool */ public function hasQueued($mailable) { return $this->queuedMailablesOf($mailable)->count() > 0; } /** * Get all of the mailed mailables for a given type. * * @param string $type * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function mailablesOf($type) { return collect($this->mailables)->filter(function ($mailable) use ($type) { return $mailable instanceof $type; }); } /** * Get all of the mailed mailables for a given type. * * @param string $type * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function queuedMailablesOf($type) { return collect($this->queuedMailables)->filter(function ($mailable) use ($type) { return $mailable instanceof $type; }); } /** * Get a mailer instance by name. * * @param string|null $name * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailer */ public function mailer($name = null) { $this->currentMailer = $name; return $this; } /** * Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance. * * @param mixed $users * @return \Illuminate\Mail\PendingMail */ public function to($users) { return (new PendingMailFake($this))->to($users); } /** * Begin the process of mailing a mailable class instance. * * @param mixed $users * @return \Illuminate\Mail\PendingMail */ public function bcc($users) { return (new PendingMailFake($this))->bcc($users); } /** * Send a new message with only a raw text part. * * @param string $text * @param \Closure|string $callback * @return void */ public function raw($text, $callback) { // } /** * Send a new message using a view. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailable|string|array $view * @param array $data * @param \Closure|string|null $callback * @return void */ public function send($view, array $data = [], $callback = null) { if (! $view instanceof Mailable) { return; } $view->mailer($this->currentMailer); if ($view instanceof ShouldQueue) { return $this->queue($view, $data); } $this->currentMailer = null; $this->mailables[] = $view; } /** * Queue a new e-mail message for sending. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailable|string|array $view * @param string|null $queue * @return mixed */ public function queue($view, $queue = null) { if (! $view instanceof Mailable) { return; } $view->mailer($this->currentMailer); $this->currentMailer = null; $this->queuedMailables[] = $view; } /** * Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds. * * @param \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|int $delay * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Mailable|string|array $view * @param string|null $queue * @return mixed */ public function later($delay, $view, $queue = null) { $this->queue($view, $queue); } /** * Get the array of failed recipients. * * @return array */ public function failures() { return []; } /** * Infer mailable class using reflection if a typehinted closure is passed to assertion. * * @param string|\Closure $mailable * @param callable|null $callback * @return array */ protected function prepareMailableAndCallback($mailable, $callback) { if ($mailable instanceof Closure) { return [$this->firstClosureParameterType($mailable), $mailable]; } return [$mailable, $callback]; } /** * Forget all of the resolved mailer instances. * * @return $this */ public function forgetMailers() { $this->currentMailer = null; return $this; } }