argument(0)->type('digit')->required()->value(); $height = $this->argument(1)->type('digit')->required()->value(); $anchor = $this->argument(2)->value('center'); $relative = $this->argument(3)->type('boolean')->value(false); $bgcolor = $this->argument(4)->value(); $original_width = $image->getWidth(); $original_height = $image->getHeight(); // check of only width or height is set $width = is_null($width) ? $original_width : intval($width); $height = is_null($height) ? $original_height : intval($height); // check on relative width/height if ($relative) { $width = $original_width + $width; $height = $original_height + $height; } // check for negative width/height $width = ($width <= 0) ? $width + $original_width : $width; $height = ($height <= 0) ? $height + $original_height : $height; // create new canvas $canvas = $image->getDriver()->newImage($width, $height, $bgcolor); // set copy position $canvas_size = $canvas->getSize()->align($anchor); $image_size = $image->getSize()->align($anchor); $canvas_pos = $image_size->relativePosition($canvas_size); $image_pos = $canvas_size->relativePosition($image_size); if ($width <= $original_width) { $dst_x = 0; $src_x = $canvas_pos->x; $src_w = $canvas_size->width; } else { $dst_x = $image_pos->x; $src_x = 0; $src_w = $original_width; } if ($height <= $original_height) { $dst_y = 0; $src_y = $canvas_pos->y; $src_h = $canvas_size->height; } else { $dst_y = $image_pos->y; $src_y = 0; $src_h = $original_height; } // make image area transparent to keep transparency // even if background-color is set $rect = new \ImagickDraw; $fill = $canvas->pickColor(0, 0, 'hex'); $fill = $fill == '#ff0000' ? '#00ff00' : '#ff0000'; $rect->setFillColor($fill); $rect->rectangle($dst_x, $dst_y, $dst_x + $src_w - 1, $dst_y + $src_h - 1); $canvas->getCore()->drawImage($rect); $canvas->getCore()->transparentPaintImage($fill, 0, 0, false); $canvas->getCore()->setImageColorspace($image->getCore()->getImageColorspace()); // copy image into new canvas $image->getCore()->cropImage($src_w, $src_h, $src_x, $src_y); $canvas->getCore()->compositeImage($image->getCore(), \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, $dst_x, $dst_y); $canvas->getCore()->setImagePage(0,0,0,0); // set new core to canvas $image->setCore($canvas->getCore()); return true; } }