<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace PhpParser;

class NodeTraverser implements NodeTraverserInterface {
     * @deprecated Use NodeVisitor::DONT_TRAVERSE_CHILDREN instead.

     * @deprecated Use NodeVisitor::STOP_TRAVERSAL instead.
    public const STOP_TRAVERSAL = NodeVisitor::STOP_TRAVERSAL;

     * @deprecated Use NodeVisitor::REMOVE_NODE instead.
    public const REMOVE_NODE = NodeVisitor::REMOVE_NODE;

     * @deprecated Use NodeVisitor::DONT_TRAVERSE_CURRENT_AND_CHILDREN instead.

    /** @var list<NodeVisitor> Visitors */
    protected array $visitors = [];

    /** @var bool Whether traversal should be stopped */
    protected bool $stopTraversal;

     * Create a traverser with the given visitors.
     * @param NodeVisitor ...$visitors Node visitors
    public function __construct(NodeVisitor ...$visitors) {
        $this->visitors = $visitors;

     * Adds a visitor.
     * @param NodeVisitor $visitor Visitor to add
    public function addVisitor(NodeVisitor $visitor): void {
        $this->visitors[] = $visitor;

     * Removes an added visitor.
    public function removeVisitor(NodeVisitor $visitor): void {
        $index = array_search($visitor, $this->visitors);
        if ($index !== false) {
            array_splice($this->visitors, $index, 1, []);

     * Traverses an array of nodes using the registered visitors.
     * @param Node[] $nodes Array of nodes
     * @return Node[] Traversed array of nodes
    public function traverse(array $nodes): array {
        $this->stopTraversal = false;

        foreach ($this->visitors as $visitor) {
            if (null !== $return = $visitor->beforeTraverse($nodes)) {
                $nodes = $return;

        $nodes = $this->traverseArray($nodes);

        for ($i = \count($this->visitors) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
            $visitor = $this->visitors[$i];
            if (null !== $return = $visitor->afterTraverse($nodes)) {
                $nodes = $return;

        return $nodes;

     * Recursively traverse a node.
     * @param Node $node Node to traverse.
    protected function traverseNode(Node $node): void {
        foreach ($node->getSubNodeNames() as $name) {
            $subNode = $node->$name;

            if (\is_array($subNode)) {
                $node->$name = $this->traverseArray($subNode);
                if ($this->stopTraversal) {
            } elseif ($subNode instanceof Node) {
                $traverseChildren = true;
                $visitorIndex = -1;

                foreach ($this->visitors as $visitorIndex => $visitor) {
                    $return = $visitor->enterNode($subNode);
                    if (null !== $return) {
                        if ($return instanceof Node) {
                            $this->ensureReplacementReasonable($subNode, $return);
                            $subNode = $node->$name = $return;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::DONT_TRAVERSE_CHILDREN === $return) {
                            $traverseChildren = false;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::DONT_TRAVERSE_CURRENT_AND_CHILDREN === $return) {
                            $traverseChildren = false;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::STOP_TRAVERSAL === $return) {
                            $this->stopTraversal = true;
                            break 2;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::REPLACE_WITH_NULL === $return) {
                            $node->$name = null;
                            continue 2;
                        } else {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'enterNode() returned invalid value of type ' . gettype($return)

                if ($traverseChildren) {
                    if ($this->stopTraversal) {

                for (; $visitorIndex >= 0; --$visitorIndex) {
                    $visitor = $this->visitors[$visitorIndex];
                    $return = $visitor->leaveNode($subNode);

                    if (null !== $return) {
                        if ($return instanceof Node) {
                            $this->ensureReplacementReasonable($subNode, $return);
                            $subNode = $node->$name = $return;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::STOP_TRAVERSAL === $return) {
                            $this->stopTraversal = true;
                            break 2;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::REPLACE_WITH_NULL === $return) {
                            $node->$name = null;
                        } elseif (\is_array($return)) {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'leaveNode() may only return an array ' .
                                'if the parent structure is an array'
                        } else {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'leaveNode() returned invalid value of type ' . gettype($return)

     * Recursively traverse array (usually of nodes).
     * @param array $nodes Array to traverse
     * @return array Result of traversal (may be original array or changed one)
    protected function traverseArray(array $nodes): array {
        $doNodes = [];

        foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
            if ($node instanceof Node) {
                $traverseChildren = true;
                $visitorIndex = -1;

                foreach ($this->visitors as $visitorIndex => $visitor) {
                    $return = $visitor->enterNode($node);
                    if (null !== $return) {
                        if ($return instanceof Node) {
                            $this->ensureReplacementReasonable($node, $return);
                            $nodes[$i] = $node = $return;
                        } elseif (\is_array($return)) {
                            $doNodes[] = [$i, $return];
                            continue 2;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::REMOVE_NODE === $return) {
                            $doNodes[] = [$i, []];
                            continue 2;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::DONT_TRAVERSE_CHILDREN === $return) {
                            $traverseChildren = false;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::DONT_TRAVERSE_CURRENT_AND_CHILDREN === $return) {
                            $traverseChildren = false;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::STOP_TRAVERSAL === $return) {
                            $this->stopTraversal = true;
                            break 2;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::REPLACE_WITH_NULL === $return) {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'REPLACE_WITH_NULL can not be used if the parent structure is an array');
                        } else {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'enterNode() returned invalid value of type ' . gettype($return)

                if ($traverseChildren) {
                    if ($this->stopTraversal) {

                for (; $visitorIndex >= 0; --$visitorIndex) {
                    $visitor = $this->visitors[$visitorIndex];
                    $return = $visitor->leaveNode($node);

                    if (null !== $return) {
                        if ($return instanceof Node) {
                            $this->ensureReplacementReasonable($node, $return);
                            $nodes[$i] = $node = $return;
                        } elseif (\is_array($return)) {
                            $doNodes[] = [$i, $return];
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::REMOVE_NODE === $return) {
                            $doNodes[] = [$i, []];
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::STOP_TRAVERSAL === $return) {
                            $this->stopTraversal = true;
                            break 2;
                        } elseif (NodeVisitor::REPLACE_WITH_NULL === $return) {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'REPLACE_WITH_NULL can not be used if the parent structure is an array');
                        } else {
                            throw new \LogicException(
                                'leaveNode() returned invalid value of type ' . gettype($return)
            } elseif (\is_array($node)) {
                throw new \LogicException('Invalid node structure: Contains nested arrays');

        if (!empty($doNodes)) {
            while (list($i, $replace) = array_pop($doNodes)) {
                array_splice($nodes, $i, 1, $replace);

        return $nodes;

    private function ensureReplacementReasonable(Node $old, Node $new): void {
        if ($old instanceof Node\Stmt && $new instanceof Node\Expr) {
            throw new \LogicException(
                "Trying to replace statement ({$old->getType()}) " .
                "with expression ({$new->getType()}). Are you missing a " .
                "Stmt_Expression wrapper?"

        if ($old instanceof Node\Expr && $new instanceof Node\Stmt) {
            throw new \LogicException(
                "Trying to replace expression ({$old->getType()}) " .
                "with statement ({$new->getType()})"