
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;

class BranchPruner
     * @var bool
    protected $branchPruningEnabled = true;

     * Used to generate unique store keys.
     * @var int
    private $branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;

     * currently pending storeKey (last item of the storeKeysStack.
     * @var ?string
    protected $pendingStoreKey;

     * @var string[]
    protected $storeKeysStack = [];

     * @var bool[]
    protected $conditionMap = [];

     * @var bool[]
    protected $thenMap = [];

     * @var bool[]
    protected $elseMap = [];

     * @var int[]
    protected $braceDepthMap = [];

     * @var null|string
    protected $currentCondition;

     * @var null|string
    protected $currentOnlyIf;

     * @var null|string
    protected $currentOnlyIfNot;

     * @var null|string
    protected $previousStoreKey;

    public function __construct(bool $branchPruningEnabled)
        $this->branchPruningEnabled = $branchPruningEnabled;

    public function clearBranchStore(): void
        $this->branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;

    public function initialiseForLoop(): void
        $this->currentCondition = null;
        $this->currentOnlyIf = null;
        $this->currentOnlyIfNot = null;
        $this->previousStoreKey = null;
        $this->pendingStoreKey = empty($this->storeKeysStack) ? null : end($this->storeKeysStack);

        if ($this->branchPruningEnabled) {

    private function initialiseCondition(): void
        if (isset($this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) && $this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
            $this->currentCondition = $this->pendingStoreKey;
            $stackDepth = count($this->storeKeysStack);
            if ($stackDepth > 1) {
                // nested if
                $this->previousStoreKey = $this->storeKeysStack[$stackDepth - 2];

    private function initialiseThen(): void
        if (isset($this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) && $this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
            $this->currentOnlyIf = $this->pendingStoreKey;
        } elseif (
            isset($this->previousStoreKey, $this->thenMap[$this->previousStoreKey])
            && $this->thenMap[$this->previousStoreKey]
        ) {
            $this->currentOnlyIf = $this->previousStoreKey;

    private function initialiseElse(): void
        if (isset($this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) && $this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
            $this->currentOnlyIfNot = $this->pendingStoreKey;
        } elseif (
            isset($this->previousStoreKey, $this->elseMap[$this->previousStoreKey])
            && $this->elseMap[$this->previousStoreKey]
        ) {
            $this->currentOnlyIfNot = $this->previousStoreKey;

    public function decrementDepth(): void
        if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey)) {

    public function incrementDepth(): void
        if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey)) {

    public function functionCall(string $functionName): void
        if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && ($functionName === 'IF(')) {
            // we handle a new if
            $this->pendingStoreKey = $this->getUnusedBranchStoreKey();
            $this->storeKeysStack[] = $this->pendingStoreKey;
            $this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = true;
            $this->braceDepthMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = 0;
        } elseif (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey) && array_key_exists($this->pendingStoreKey, $this->braceDepthMap)) {
            // this is not an if but we go deeper

    public function argumentSeparator(): void
        if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey) && $this->braceDepthMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] === 0) {
            // We must go to the IF next argument
            if ($this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
                $this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
                $this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = true;
            } elseif ($this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
                $this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
                $this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = true;
            } elseif ($this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
                throw new Exception('Reaching fourth argument of an IF');

     * @param mixed $value
    public function closingBrace($value): void
        if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey) && $this->braceDepthMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] === -1) {
            // we are closing an IF(
            if ($value !== 'IF(') {
                throw new Exception('Parser bug we should be in an "IF("');

            if ($this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
                throw new Exception('We should not be expecting a condition');

            $this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
            $this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
            $this->pendingStoreKey = null;

    public function currentCondition(): ?string
        return $this->currentCondition;

    public function currentOnlyIf(): ?string
        return $this->currentOnlyIf;

    public function currentOnlyIfNot(): ?string
        return $this->currentOnlyIfNot;

    private function getUnusedBranchStoreKey(): string
        $storeKeyValue = 'storeKey-' . $this->branchStoreKeyCounter;

        return $storeKeyValue;