[-+])? *\% *(?[-+])? *(?[0-9]+\.?[0-9*]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *)|(?: *(?[-+])? *(?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *\% *))$~i'; // preg_quoted string for major currency symbols, with a %s for locale currency private const CURRENCY_CONVERSION_LIST = '\$€£¥%s'; private const STRING_CONVERSION_LIST = [ [self::class, 'convertToNumberIfNumeric'], [self::class, 'convertToNumberIfFraction'], [self::class, 'convertToNumberIfPercent'], [self::class, 'convertToNumberIfCurrency'], ]; /** * Identify whether a string contains a formatted numeric value, * and convert it to a numeric if it is. * * @param string $operand string value to test */ public static function convertToNumberIfFormatted(string &$operand): bool { foreach (self::STRING_CONVERSION_LIST as $conversionMethod) { if ($conversionMethod($operand) === true) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Identify whether a string contains a numeric value, * and convert it to a numeric if it is. * * @param string $operand string value to test */ public static function convertToNumberIfNumeric(string &$operand): bool { $thousandsSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), '/'); $value = preg_replace(['/(\d)' . $thousandsSeparator . '(\d)/u', '/([+-])\s+(\d)/u'], ['$1$2', '$1$2'], trim($operand)); $decimalSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), '/'); $value = preg_replace(['/(\d)' . $decimalSeparator . '(\d)/u', '/([+-])\s+(\d)/u'], ['$1.$2', '$1$2'], $value ?? ''); if (is_numeric($value)) { $operand = (float) $value; return true; } return false; } /** * Identify whether a string contains a fractional numeric value, * and convert it to a numeric if it is. * * @param string $operand string value to test */ public static function convertToNumberIfFraction(string &$operand): bool { if (preg_match(self::STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION, $operand, $match)) { $sign = ($match[1] === '-') ? '-' : '+'; $wholePart = ($match[3] === '') ? '' : ($sign . $match[3]); $fractionFormula = '=' . $wholePart . $sign . $match[4]; $operand = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($fractionFormula); return true; } return false; } /** * Identify whether a string contains a percentage, and if so, * convert it to a numeric. * * @param string $operand string value to test */ public static function convertToNumberIfPercent(string &$operand): bool { $thousandsSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), '/'); $value = preg_replace('/(\d)' . $thousandsSeparator . '(\d)/u', '$1$2', trim($operand)); $decimalSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), '/'); $value = preg_replace(['/(\d)' . $decimalSeparator . '(\d)/u', '/([+-])\s+(\d)/u'], ['$1.$2', '$1$2'], $value ?? ''); $match = []; if ($value !== null && preg_match(self::STRING_REGEXP_PERCENT, $value, $match, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL)) { //Calculate the percentage $sign = ($match['PrefixedSign'] ?? $match['PrefixedSign2'] ?? $match['PostfixedSign']) ?? ''; $operand = (float) ($sign . ($match['PostfixedValue'] ?? $match['PrefixedValue'])) / 100; return true; } return false; } /** * Identify whether a string contains a currency value, and if so, * convert it to a numeric. * * @param string $operand string value to test */ public static function convertToNumberIfCurrency(string &$operand): bool { $currencyRegexp = self::currencyMatcherRegexp(); $thousandsSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), '/'); $value = preg_replace('/(\d)' . $thousandsSeparator . '(\d)/u', '$1$2', $operand); $match = []; if ($value !== null && preg_match($currencyRegexp, $value, $match, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL)) { //Determine the sign $sign = ($match['PrefixedSign'] ?? $match['PrefixedSign2'] ?? $match['PostfixedSign']) ?? ''; $decimalSeparator = StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(); //Cast to a float $intermediate = (string) ($match['PostfixedValue'] ?? $match['PrefixedValue']); $intermediate = str_replace($decimalSeparator, '.', $intermediate); if (is_numeric($intermediate)) { $operand = (float) ($sign . str_replace($decimalSeparator, '.', $intermediate)); return true; } } return false; } public static function currencyMatcherRegexp(): string { $currencyCodes = sprintf(self::CURRENCY_CONVERSION_LIST, preg_quote(StringHelper::getCurrencyCode(), '/')); $decimalSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), '/'); return '~^(?:(?: *(?[-+])? *(?[' . $currencyCodes . ']) *(?[-+])? *(?[0-9]+[' . $decimalSeparator . ']?[0-9*]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *)|(?: *(?[-+])? *(?[0-9]+' . $decimalSeparator . '?[0-9]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *(?[' . $currencyCodes . ']) *))$~ui'; } }