getMessage(); } if (($entry < 0) || ($entry > 1)) { return ExcelError::NAN(); } $mArgs = self::percentileFilterValues($aArgs); $mValueCount = count($mArgs); if ($mValueCount > 0) { sort($mArgs); $count = Counts::COUNT($mArgs); $index = $entry * ($count - 1); $iBase = floor($index); if ($index == $iBase) { return $mArgs[$index]; } $iNext = $iBase + 1; $iProportion = $index - $iBase; return $mArgs[$iBase] + (($mArgs[$iNext] - $mArgs[$iBase]) * $iProportion); } return ExcelError::NAN(); } /** * PERCENTRANK. * * Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set. * Note that the returned rank is simply rounded to the appropriate significant digits, * rather than floored (as MS Excel), so value 3 for a value set of 1, 2, 3, 4 will return * 0.667 rather than 0.666 * * @param mixed $valueSet An array of (float) values, or a reference to, a list of numbers * @param mixed $value The number whose rank you want to find * @param mixed $significance The (integer) number of significant digits for the returned percentage value * * @return float|string (string if result is an error) */ public static function PERCENTRANK($valueSet, $value, $significance = 3) { $valueSet = Functions::flattenArray($valueSet); $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); $significance = ($significance === null) ? 3 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($significance); try { $value = StatisticalValidations::validateFloat($value); $significance = StatisticalValidations::validateInt($significance); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $valueSet = self::rankFilterValues($valueSet); $valueCount = count($valueSet); if ($valueCount == 0) { return ExcelError::NA(); } sort($valueSet, SORT_NUMERIC); $valueAdjustor = $valueCount - 1; if (($value < $valueSet[0]) || ($value > $valueSet[$valueAdjustor])) { return ExcelError::NA(); } $pos = array_search($value, $valueSet); if ($pos === false) { $pos = 0; $testValue = $valueSet[0]; while ($testValue < $value) { $testValue = $valueSet[++$pos]; } --$pos; $pos += (($value - $valueSet[$pos]) / ($testValue - $valueSet[$pos])); } return round(((float) $pos) / $valueAdjustor, $significance); } /** * QUARTILE. * * Returns the quartile of a data set. * * Excel Function: * QUARTILE(value1[,value2[, ...]],entry) * * @param mixed $args Data values * * @return float|string The result, or a string containing an error */ public static function QUARTILE(...$args) { $aArgs = Functions::flattenArray($args); $entry = array_pop($aArgs); try { $entry = StatisticalValidations::validateFloat($entry); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $entry = floor($entry); $entry /= 4; if (($entry < 0) || ($entry > 1)) { return ExcelError::NAN(); } return self::PERCENTILE($aArgs, $entry); } /** * RANK. * * Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. * * @param mixed $value The number whose rank you want to find * @param mixed $valueSet An array of float values, or a reference to, a list of numbers * @param mixed $order Order to sort the values in the value set * * @return float|string The result, or a string containing an error (0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending) */ public static function RANK($value, $valueSet, $order = self::RANK_SORT_DESCENDING) { $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); $valueSet = Functions::flattenArray($valueSet); $order = ($order === null) ? self::RANK_SORT_DESCENDING : Functions::flattenSingleValue($order); try { $value = StatisticalValidations::validateFloat($value); $order = StatisticalValidations::validateInt($order); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $valueSet = self::rankFilterValues($valueSet); if ($order === self::RANK_SORT_DESCENDING) { rsort($valueSet, SORT_NUMERIC); } else { sort($valueSet, SORT_NUMERIC); } $pos = array_search($value, $valueSet); if ($pos === false) { return ExcelError::NA(); } return ++$pos; } protected static function percentileFilterValues(array $dataSet): array { return array_filter( $dataSet, function ($value): bool { return is_numeric($value) && !is_string($value); } ); } protected static function rankFilterValues(array $dataSet): array { return array_filter( $dataSet, function ($value): bool { return is_numeric($value); } ); } }