getMessage(); } return mb_substr($value, 0, $chars, 'UTF-8'); } /** * MID. * * @param mixed $value String value from which to extract characters * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $start Integer offset of the first character that we want to extract * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $chars The number of characters to extract (as an integer) * Or can be an array of values * * @return array|string The joined string * If an array of values is passed for the $value, $start or $chars arguments, then the returned result * will also be an array with matching dimensions */ public static function mid($value, $start, $chars) { if (is_array($value) || is_array($start) || is_array($chars)) { return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $start, $chars); } try { $value = Helpers::extractString($value); $start = Helpers::extractInt($start, 1); $chars = Helpers::extractInt($chars, 0); } catch (CalcExp $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } return mb_substr($value, --$start, $chars, 'UTF-8'); } /** * RIGHT. * * @param mixed $value String value from which to extract characters * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $chars The number of characters to extract (as an integer) * Or can be an array of values * * @return array|string The joined string * If an array of values is passed for the $value or $chars arguments, then the returned result * will also be an array with matching dimensions */ public static function right($value, $chars = 1) { if (is_array($value) || is_array($chars)) { return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $chars); } try { $value = Helpers::extractString($value); $chars = Helpers::extractInt($chars, 0, 1); } catch (CalcExp $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } return mb_substr($value, mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') - $chars, $chars, 'UTF-8'); } /** * TEXTBEFORE. * * @param mixed $text the text that you're searching * Or can be an array of values * @param null|array|string $delimiter the text that marks the point before which you want to extract * Multiple delimiters can be passed as an array of string values * @param mixed $instance The instance of the delimiter after which you want to extract the text. * By default, this is the first instance (1). * A negative value means start searching from the end of the text string. * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $matchMode Determines whether the match is case-sensitive or not. * 0 - Case-sensitive * 1 - Case-insensitive * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $matchEnd Treats the end of text as a delimiter. * 0 - Don't match the delimiter against the end of the text. * 1 - Match the delimiter against the end of the text. * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $ifNotFound value to return if no match is found * The default is a #N/A Error * Or can be an array of values * * @return mixed|mixed[] the string extracted from text before the delimiter; or the $ifNotFound value * If an array of values is passed for any of the arguments, then the returned result * will also be an array with matching dimensions */ public static function before($text, $delimiter, $instance = 1, $matchMode = 0, $matchEnd = 0, $ifNotFound = '#N/A') { if (is_array($text) || is_array($instance) || is_array($matchMode) || is_array($matchEnd) || is_array($ifNotFound)) { return self::evaluateArrayArgumentsIgnore([self::class, __FUNCTION__], 1, $text, $delimiter, $instance, $matchMode, $matchEnd, $ifNotFound); } $text = Helpers::extractString($text ?? ''); $instance = (int) $instance; $matchMode = (int) $matchMode; $matchEnd = (int) $matchEnd; $split = self::validateTextBeforeAfter($text, $delimiter, $instance, $matchMode, $matchEnd, $ifNotFound); if (is_string($split)) { return $split; } if (Helpers::extractString(Functions::flattenSingleValue($delimiter ?? '')) === '') { return ($instance > 0) ? '' : $text; } // Adjustment for a match as the first element of the split $flags = self::matchFlags($matchMode); $delimiter = self::buildDelimiter($delimiter); $adjust = preg_match('/^' . $delimiter . "\$/{$flags}", $split[0]); $oddReverseAdjustment = count($split) % 2; $split = ($instance < 0) ? array_slice($split, 0, max(count($split) - (abs($instance) * 2 - 1) - $adjust - $oddReverseAdjustment, 0)) : array_slice($split, 0, $instance * 2 - 1 - $adjust); return implode('', $split); } /** * TEXTAFTER. * * @param mixed $text the text that you're searching * @param null|array|string $delimiter the text that marks the point before which you want to extract * Multiple delimiters can be passed as an array of string values * @param mixed $instance The instance of the delimiter after which you want to extract the text. * By default, this is the first instance (1). * A negative value means start searching from the end of the text string. * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $matchMode Determines whether the match is case-sensitive or not. * 0 - Case-sensitive * 1 - Case-insensitive * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $matchEnd Treats the end of text as a delimiter. * 0 - Don't match the delimiter against the end of the text. * 1 - Match the delimiter against the end of the text. * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $ifNotFound value to return if no match is found * The default is a #N/A Error * Or can be an array of values * * @return mixed|mixed[] the string extracted from text before the delimiter; or the $ifNotFound value * If an array of values is passed for any of the arguments, then the returned result * will also be an array with matching dimensions */ public static function after($text, $delimiter, $instance = 1, $matchMode = 0, $matchEnd = 0, $ifNotFound = '#N/A') { if (is_array($text) || is_array($instance) || is_array($matchMode) || is_array($matchEnd) || is_array($ifNotFound)) { return self::evaluateArrayArgumentsIgnore([self::class, __FUNCTION__], 1, $text, $delimiter, $instance, $matchMode, $matchEnd, $ifNotFound); } $text = Helpers::extractString($text ?? ''); $instance = (int) $instance; $matchMode = (int) $matchMode; $matchEnd = (int) $matchEnd; $split = self::validateTextBeforeAfter($text, $delimiter, $instance, $matchMode, $matchEnd, $ifNotFound); if (is_string($split)) { return $split; } if (Helpers::extractString(Functions::flattenSingleValue($delimiter ?? '')) === '') { return ($instance < 0) ? '' : $text; } // Adjustment for a match as the first element of the split $flags = self::matchFlags($matchMode); $delimiter = self::buildDelimiter($delimiter); $adjust = preg_match('/^' . $delimiter . "\$/{$flags}", $split[0]); $oddReverseAdjustment = count($split) % 2; $split = ($instance < 0) ? array_slice($split, count($split) - ((int) abs($instance + 1) * 2) - $adjust - $oddReverseAdjustment) : array_slice($split, $instance * 2 - $adjust); return implode('', $split); } /** * @param null|array|string $delimiter * @param int $matchMode * @param int $matchEnd * @param mixed $ifNotFound * * @return array|string */ private static function validateTextBeforeAfter(string $text, $delimiter, int $instance, $matchMode, $matchEnd, $ifNotFound) { $flags = self::matchFlags($matchMode); $delimiter = self::buildDelimiter($delimiter); if (preg_match('/' . $delimiter . "/{$flags}", $text) === 0 && $matchEnd === 0) { return $ifNotFound; } $split = preg_split('/' . $delimiter . "/{$flags}", $text, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if ($split === false) { return ExcelError::NA(); } if ($instance === 0 || abs($instance) > StringHelper::countCharacters($text)) { return ExcelError::VALUE(); } if ($matchEnd === 0 && (abs($instance) > floor(count($split) / 2))) { return ExcelError::NA(); } elseif ($matchEnd !== 0 && (abs($instance) - 1 > ceil(count($split) / 2))) { return ExcelError::NA(); } return $split; } /** * @param null|array|string $delimiter the text that marks the point before which you want to extract * Multiple delimiters can be passed as an array of string values */ private static function buildDelimiter($delimiter): string { if (is_array($delimiter)) { $delimiter = Functions::flattenArray($delimiter); $quotedDelimiters = array_map( function ($delimiter) { return preg_quote($delimiter ?? '', '/'); }, $delimiter ); $delimiters = implode('|', $quotedDelimiters); return '(' . $delimiters . ')'; } return '(' . preg_quote($delimiter ?? '', '/') . ')'; } private static function matchFlags(int $matchMode): string { return ($matchMode === 0) ? 'mu' : 'miu'; } }