markerFillColor = new ChartColor(); $this->markerBorderColor = new ChartColor(); $this->setDataType($dataType); $this->dataSource = $dataSource; $this->formatCode = $formatCode; $this->pointCount = $pointCount; $this->dataValues = $dataValues; $this->pointMarker = $marker; if ($fillColor !== null) { $this->setFillColor($fillColor); } if (is_numeric($pointSize)) { $this->pointSize = (int) $pointSize; } } /** * Get Series Data Type. * * @return string */ public function getDataType() { return $this->dataType; } /** * Set Series Data Type. * * @param string $dataType Datatype of this data series * Typical values are: * DataSeriesValues::DATASERIES_TYPE_STRING * Normally used for axis point values * DataSeriesValues::DATASERIES_TYPE_NUMBER * Normally used for chart data values * * @return $this */ public function setDataType($dataType) { if (!in_array($dataType, self::DATA_TYPE_VALUES)) { throw new Exception('Invalid datatype for chart data series values'); } $this->dataType = $dataType; return $this; } /** * Get Series Data Source (formula). * * @return ?string */ public function getDataSource() { return $this->dataSource; } /** * Set Series Data Source (formula). * * @param ?string $dataSource * * @return $this */ public function setDataSource($dataSource) { $this->dataSource = $dataSource; return $this; } /** * Get Point Marker. * * @return string */ public function getPointMarker() { return $this->pointMarker; } /** * Set Point Marker. * * @param string $marker * * @return $this */ public function setPointMarker($marker) { $this->pointMarker = $marker; return $this; } public function getMarkerFillColor(): ChartColor { return $this->markerFillColor; } public function getMarkerBorderColor(): ChartColor { return $this->markerBorderColor; } /** * Get Point Size. */ public function getPointSize(): int { return $this->pointSize; } /** * Set Point Size. * * @return $this */ public function setPointSize(int $size = 3) { $this->pointSize = $size; return $this; } /** * Get Series Format Code. * * @return string */ public function getFormatCode() { return $this->formatCode; } /** * Set Series Format Code. * * @param string $formatCode * * @return $this */ public function setFormatCode($formatCode) { $this->formatCode = $formatCode; return $this; } /** * Get Series Point Count. * * @return int */ public function getPointCount() { return $this->pointCount; } /** * Get fill color object. * * @return null|ChartColor|ChartColor[] */ public function getFillColorObject() { return $this->fillColor; } private function stringToChartColor(string $fillString): ChartColor { $value = $type = ''; if (substr($fillString, 0, 1) === '*') { $type = 'schemeClr'; $value = substr($fillString, 1); } elseif (substr($fillString, 0, 1) === '/') { $type = 'prstClr'; $value = substr($fillString, 1); } elseif ($fillString !== '') { $type = 'srgbClr'; $value = $fillString; $this->validateColor($value); } return new ChartColor($value, null, $type); } private function chartColorToString(ChartColor $chartColor): string { $type = (string) $chartColor->getColorProperty('type'); $value = (string) $chartColor->getColorProperty('value'); if ($type === '' || $value === '') { return ''; } if ($type === 'schemeClr') { return "*$value"; } if ($type === 'prstClr') { return "/$value"; } return $value; } /** * Get fill color. * * @return string|string[] HEX color or array with HEX colors */ public function getFillColor() { if ($this->fillColor === null) { return ''; } if (is_array($this->fillColor)) { $array = []; foreach ($this->fillColor as $chartColor) { $array[] = $this->chartColorToString($chartColor); } return $array; } return $this->chartColorToString($this->fillColor); } /** * Set fill color for series. * * @param ChartColor|ChartColor[]|string|string[] $color HEX color or array with HEX colors * * @return DataSeriesValues */ public function setFillColor($color) { if (is_array($color)) { $this->fillColor = []; foreach ($color as $fillString) { if ($fillString instanceof ChartColor) { $this->fillColor[] = $fillString; } else { $this->fillColor[] = $this->stringToChartColor($fillString); } } } elseif ($color instanceof ChartColor) { $this->fillColor = $color; } else { $this->fillColor = $this->stringToChartColor($color); } return $this; } /** * Method for validating hex color. * * @param string $color value for color * * @return bool true if validation was successful */ private function validateColor($color) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i', $color)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid hex color for chart series (color: "%s")', $color)); } return true; } /** * Get line width for series. * * @return null|float|int */ public function getLineWidth() { return $this->lineStyleProperties['width']; } /** * Set line width for the series. * * @param null|float|int $width * * @return $this */ public function setLineWidth($width) { $this->lineStyleProperties['width'] = $width; return $this; } /** * Identify if the Data Series is a multi-level or a simple series. * * @return null|bool */ public function isMultiLevelSeries() { if (!empty($this->dataValues)) { return is_array(array_values($this->dataValues)[0]); } return null; } /** * Return the level count of a multi-level Data Series. * * @return int */ public function multiLevelCount() { $levelCount = 0; foreach ($this->dataValues as $dataValueSet) { $levelCount = max($levelCount, count($dataValueSet)); } return $levelCount; } /** * Get Series Data Values. * * @return mixed[] */ public function getDataValues() { return $this->dataValues; } /** * Get the first Series Data value. * * @return mixed */ public function getDataValue() { $count = count($this->dataValues); if ($count == 0) { return null; } elseif ($count == 1) { return $this->dataValues[0]; } return $this->dataValues; } /** * Set Series Data Values. * * @param array $dataValues * * @return $this */ public function setDataValues($dataValues) { $this->dataValues = Functions::flattenArray($dataValues); $this->pointCount = count($dataValues); return $this; } public function refresh(Worksheet $worksheet, bool $flatten = true): void { if ($this->dataSource !== null) { $calcEngine = Calculation::getInstance($worksheet->getParent()); $newDataValues = Calculation::unwrapResult( $calcEngine->_calculateFormulaValue( '=' . $this->dataSource, null, $worksheet->getCell('A1') ) ); if ($flatten) { $this->dataValues = Functions::flattenArray($newDataValues); foreach ($this->dataValues as &$dataValue) { if (is_string($dataValue) && !empty($dataValue) && $dataValue[0] == '#') { $dataValue = 0.0; } } unset($dataValue); } else { [$worksheet, $cellRange] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($this->dataSource, true); $dimensions = Coordinate::rangeDimension(str_replace('$', '', $cellRange)); if (($dimensions[0] == 1) || ($dimensions[1] == 1)) { $this->dataValues = Functions::flattenArray($newDataValues); } else { $newArray = array_values(array_shift(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $newDataValues)); foreach ($newArray as $i => $newDataSet) { $newArray[$i] = [$newDataSet]; } foreach ($newDataValues as $newDataSet) { $i = 0; foreach ($newDataSet as $newDataVal) { array_unshift($newArray[$i++], $newDataVal); } } $this->dataValues = $newArray; } } $this->pointCount = count($this->dataValues); } } public function getScatterLines(): bool { return $this->scatterLines; } public function setScatterLines(bool $scatterLines): self { $this->scatterLines = $scatterLines; return $this; } public function getBubble3D(): bool { return $this->bubble3D; } public function setBubble3D(bool $bubble3D): self { $this->bubble3D = $bubble3D; return $this; } /** * Smooth Line. Must be specified for both DataSeries and DataSeriesValues. * * @var bool */ private $smoothLine; /** * Get Smooth Line. * * @return bool */ public function getSmoothLine() { return $this->smoothLine; } /** * Set Smooth Line. * * @param bool $smoothLine * * @return $this */ public function setSmoothLine($smoothLine) { $this->smoothLine = $smoothLine; return $this; } public function getLabelLayout(): ?Layout { return $this->labelLayout; } public function setLabelLayout(?Layout $labelLayout): self { $this->labelLayout = $labelLayout; return $this; } public function setTrendLines(array $trendLines): self { $this->trendLines = $trendLines; return $this; } public function getTrendLines(): array { return $this->trendLines; } }