theme; } /** * The workbook has macros ? * * @return bool */ public function hasMacros() { return $this->hasMacros; } /** * Define if a workbook has macros. * * @param bool $hasMacros true|false */ public function setHasMacros($hasMacros): void { $this->hasMacros = (bool) $hasMacros; } /** * Set the macros code. * * @param string $macroCode string|null */ public function setMacrosCode($macroCode): void { $this->macrosCode = $macroCode; $this->setHasMacros($macroCode !== null); } /** * Return the macros code. * * @return null|string */ public function getMacrosCode() { return $this->macrosCode; } /** * Set the macros certificate. * * @param null|string $certificate */ public function setMacrosCertificate($certificate): void { $this->macrosCertificate = $certificate; } /** * Is the project signed ? * * @return bool true|false */ public function hasMacrosCertificate() { return $this->macrosCertificate !== null; } /** * Return the macros certificate. * * @return null|string */ public function getMacrosCertificate() { return $this->macrosCertificate; } /** * Remove all macros, certificate from spreadsheet. */ public function discardMacros(): void { $this->hasMacros = false; $this->macrosCode = null; $this->macrosCertificate = null; } /** * set ribbon XML data. * * @param null|mixed $target * @param null|mixed $xmlData */ public function setRibbonXMLData($target, $xmlData): void { if ($target !== null && $xmlData !== null) { $this->ribbonXMLData = ['target' => $target, 'data' => $xmlData]; } else { $this->ribbonXMLData = null; } } /** * retrieve ribbon XML Data. * * @param string $what * * @return null|array|string */ public function getRibbonXMLData($what = 'all') //we need some constants here... { $returnData = null; $what = strtolower($what); switch ($what) { case 'all': $returnData = $this->ribbonXMLData; break; case 'target': case 'data': if (is_array($this->ribbonXMLData)) { $returnData = $this->ribbonXMLData[$what]; } break; } return $returnData; } /** * store binaries ribbon objects (pictures). * * @param null|mixed $BinObjectsNames * @param null|mixed $BinObjectsData */ public function setRibbonBinObjects($BinObjectsNames, $BinObjectsData): void { if ($BinObjectsNames !== null && $BinObjectsData !== null) { $this->ribbonBinObjects = ['names' => $BinObjectsNames, 'data' => $BinObjectsData]; } else { $this->ribbonBinObjects = null; } } /** * List of unparsed loaded data for export to same format with better compatibility. * It has to be minimized when the library start to support currently unparsed data. * * @internal * * @return array */ public function getUnparsedLoadedData() { return $this->unparsedLoadedData; } /** * List of unparsed loaded data for export to same format with better compatibility. * It has to be minimized when the library start to support currently unparsed data. * * @internal */ public function setUnparsedLoadedData(array $unparsedLoadedData): void { $this->unparsedLoadedData = $unparsedLoadedData; } /** * return the extension of a filename. Internal use for a array_map callback (php<5.3 don't like lambda function). * * @param mixed $path * * @return string */ private function getExtensionOnly($path) { $extension = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); return substr(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */$extension, 0); } /** * retrieve Binaries Ribbon Objects. * * @param string $what * * @return null|array */ public function getRibbonBinObjects($what = 'all') { $ReturnData = null; $what = strtolower($what); switch ($what) { case 'all': return $this->ribbonBinObjects; case 'names': case 'data': if (is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects) && isset($this->ribbonBinObjects[$what])) { $ReturnData = $this->ribbonBinObjects[$what]; } break; case 'types': if ( is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects) && isset($this->ribbonBinObjects['data']) && is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects['data']) ) { $tmpTypes = array_keys($this->ribbonBinObjects['data']); $ReturnData = array_unique(array_map([$this, 'getExtensionOnly'], $tmpTypes)); } else { $ReturnData = []; // the caller want an array... not null if empty } break; } return $ReturnData; } /** * This workbook have a custom UI ? * * @return bool */ public function hasRibbon() { return $this->ribbonXMLData !== null; } /** * This workbook have additionnal object for the ribbon ? * * @return bool */ public function hasRibbonBinObjects() { return $this->ribbonBinObjects !== null; } /** * Check if a sheet with a specified code name already exists. * * @param string $codeName Name of the worksheet to check * * @return bool */ public function sheetCodeNameExists($codeName) { return $this->getSheetByCodeName($codeName) !== null; } /** * Get sheet by code name. Warning : sheet don't have always a code name ! * * @param string $codeName Sheet name * * @return null|Worksheet */ public function getSheetByCodeName($codeName) { $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { if ($this->workSheetCollection[$i]->getCodeName() == $codeName) { return $this->workSheetCollection[$i]; } } return null; } /** * Create a new PhpSpreadsheet with one Worksheet. */ public function __construct() { $this->uniqueID = uniqid('', true); $this->calculationEngine = new Calculation($this); $this->theme = new Theme(); // Initialise worksheet collection and add one worksheet $this->workSheetCollection = []; $this->workSheetCollection[] = new Worksheet($this); $this->activeSheetIndex = 0; // Create document properties $this->properties = new Document\Properties(); // Create document security $this->security = new Document\Security(); // Set defined names $this->definedNames = []; // Create the cellXf supervisor $this->cellXfSupervisor = new Style(true); $this->cellXfSupervisor->bindParent($this); // Create the default style $this->addCellXf(new Style()); $this->addCellStyleXf(new Style()); } /** * Code to execute when this worksheet is unset(). */ public function __destruct() { $this->disconnectWorksheets(); $this->calculationEngine = null; $this->cellXfCollection = []; $this->cellStyleXfCollection = []; } /** * Disconnect all worksheets from this PhpSpreadsheet workbook object, * typically so that the PhpSpreadsheet object can be unset. */ public function disconnectWorksheets(): void { foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $worksheet) { $worksheet->disconnectCells(); unset($worksheet); } $this->workSheetCollection = []; } /** * Return the calculation engine for this worksheet. * * @return null|Calculation */ public function getCalculationEngine() { return $this->calculationEngine; } /** * Get properties. * * @return Document\Properties */ public function getProperties() { return $this->properties; } /** * Set properties. */ public function setProperties(Document\Properties $documentProperties): void { $this->properties = $documentProperties; } /** * Get security. * * @return Document\Security */ public function getSecurity() { return $this->security; } /** * Set security. */ public function setSecurity(Document\Security $documentSecurity): void { $this->security = $documentSecurity; } /** * Get active sheet. * * @return Worksheet */ public function getActiveSheet() { return $this->getSheet($this->activeSheetIndex); } /** * Create sheet and add it to this workbook. * * @param null|int $sheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last) * * @return Worksheet */ public function createSheet($sheetIndex = null) { $newSheet = new Worksheet($this); $this->addSheet($newSheet, $sheetIndex); return $newSheet; } /** * Check if a sheet with a specified name already exists. * * @param string $worksheetName Name of the worksheet to check * * @return bool */ public function sheetNameExists($worksheetName) { return $this->getSheetByName($worksheetName) !== null; } /** * Add sheet. * * @param Worksheet $worksheet The worksheet to add * @param null|int $sheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last) * * @return Worksheet */ public function addSheet(Worksheet $worksheet, $sheetIndex = null) { if ($this->sheetNameExists($worksheet->getTitle())) { throw new Exception( "Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$worksheet->getTitle()}'. Rename this worksheet first." ); } if ($sheetIndex === null) { if ($this->activeSheetIndex < 0) { $this->activeSheetIndex = 0; } $this->workSheetCollection[] = $worksheet; } else { // Insert the sheet at the requested index array_splice( $this->workSheetCollection, $sheetIndex, 0, [$worksheet] ); // Adjust active sheet index if necessary if ($this->activeSheetIndex >= $sheetIndex) { ++$this->activeSheetIndex; } } if ($worksheet->getParent() === null) { $worksheet->rebindParent($this); } return $worksheet; } /** * Remove sheet by index. * * @param int $sheetIndex Index position of the worksheet to remove */ public function removeSheetByIndex($sheetIndex): void { $numSheets = count($this->workSheetCollection); if ($sheetIndex > $numSheets - 1) { throw new Exception( "You tried to remove a sheet by the out of bounds index: {$sheetIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}." ); } array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $sheetIndex, 1); // Adjust active sheet index if necessary if ( ($this->activeSheetIndex >= $sheetIndex) && ($this->activeSheetIndex > 0 || $numSheets <= 1) ) { --$this->activeSheetIndex; } } /** * Get sheet by index. * * @param int $sheetIndex Sheet index * * @return Worksheet */ public function getSheet($sheetIndex) { if (!isset($this->workSheetCollection[$sheetIndex])) { $numSheets = $this->getSheetCount(); throw new Exception( "Your requested sheet index: {$sheetIndex} is out of bounds. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}." ); } return $this->workSheetCollection[$sheetIndex]; } /** * Get all sheets. * * @return Worksheet[] */ public function getAllSheets() { return $this->workSheetCollection; } /** * Get sheet by name. * * @param string $worksheetName Sheet name * * @return null|Worksheet */ public function getSheetByName($worksheetName) { $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { if ($this->workSheetCollection[$i]->getTitle() === trim($worksheetName, "'")) { return $this->workSheetCollection[$i]; } } return null; } /** * Get sheet by name, throwing exception if not found. */ public function getSheetByNameOrThrow(string $worksheetName): Worksheet { $worksheet = $this->getSheetByName($worksheetName); if ($worksheet === null) { throw new Exception("Sheet $worksheetName does not exist."); } return $worksheet; } /** * Get index for sheet. * * @return int index */ public function getIndex(Worksheet $worksheet) { foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $key => $value) { if ($value->getHashCode() === $worksheet->getHashCode()) { return $key; } } throw new Exception('Sheet does not exist.'); } /** * Set index for sheet by sheet name. * * @param string $worksheetName Sheet name to modify index for * @param int $newIndexPosition New index for the sheet * * @return int New sheet index */ public function setIndexByName($worksheetName, $newIndexPosition) { $oldIndex = $this->getIndex($this->getSheetByNameOrThrow($worksheetName)); $worksheet = array_splice( $this->workSheetCollection, $oldIndex, 1 ); array_splice( $this->workSheetCollection, $newIndexPosition, 0, $worksheet ); return $newIndexPosition; } /** * Get sheet count. * * @return int */ public function getSheetCount() { return count($this->workSheetCollection); } /** * Get active sheet index. * * @return int Active sheet index */ public function getActiveSheetIndex() { return $this->activeSheetIndex; } /** * Set active sheet index. * * @param int $worksheetIndex Active sheet index * * @return Worksheet */ public function setActiveSheetIndex($worksheetIndex) { $numSheets = count($this->workSheetCollection); if ($worksheetIndex > $numSheets - 1) { throw new Exception( "You tried to set a sheet active by the out of bounds index: {$worksheetIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}." ); } $this->activeSheetIndex = $worksheetIndex; return $this->getActiveSheet(); } /** * Set active sheet index by name. * * @param string $worksheetName Sheet title * * @return Worksheet */ public function setActiveSheetIndexByName($worksheetName) { if (($worksheet = $this->getSheetByName($worksheetName)) instanceof Worksheet) { $this->setActiveSheetIndex($this->getIndex($worksheet)); return $worksheet; } throw new Exception('Workbook does not contain sheet:' . $worksheetName); } /** * Get sheet names. * * @return string[] */ public function getSheetNames() { $returnValue = []; $worksheetCount = $this->getSheetCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { $returnValue[] = $this->getSheet($i)->getTitle(); } return $returnValue; } /** * Add external sheet. * * @param Worksheet $worksheet External sheet to add * @param null|int $sheetIndex Index where sheet should go (0,1,..., or null for last) * * @return Worksheet */ public function addExternalSheet(Worksheet $worksheet, $sheetIndex = null) { if ($this->sheetNameExists($worksheet->getTitle())) { throw new Exception("Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$worksheet->getTitle()}'. Rename the external sheet first."); } // count how many cellXfs there are in this workbook currently, we will need this below $countCellXfs = count($this->cellXfCollection); // copy all the shared cellXfs from the external workbook and append them to the current foreach ($worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getCellXfCollection() as $cellXf) { $this->addCellXf(clone $cellXf); } // move sheet to this workbook $worksheet->rebindParent($this); // update the cellXfs foreach ($worksheet->getCoordinates(false) as $coordinate) { $cell = $worksheet->getCell($coordinate); $cell->setXfIndex($cell->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs); } // update the column dimensions Xfs foreach ($worksheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { $columnDimension->setXfIndex($columnDimension->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs); } // update the row dimensions Xfs foreach ($worksheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { $xfIndex = $rowDimension->getXfIndex(); if ($xfIndex !== null) { $rowDimension->setXfIndex($xfIndex + $countCellXfs); } } return $this->addSheet($worksheet, $sheetIndex); } /** * Get an array of all Named Ranges. * * @return DefinedName[] */ public function getNamedRanges(): array { return array_filter( $this->definedNames, function (DefinedName $definedName) { return $definedName->isFormula() === self::DEFINED_NAME_IS_RANGE; } ); } /** * Get an array of all Named Formulae. * * @return DefinedName[] */ public function getNamedFormulae(): array { return array_filter( $this->definedNames, function (DefinedName $definedName) { return $definedName->isFormula() === self::DEFINED_NAME_IS_FORMULA; } ); } /** * Get an array of all Defined Names (both named ranges and named formulae). * * @return DefinedName[] */ public function getDefinedNames(): array { return $this->definedNames; } /** * Add a named range. * If a named range with this name already exists, then this will replace the existing value. */ public function addNamedRange(NamedRange $namedRange): void { $this->addDefinedName($namedRange); } /** * Add a named formula. * If a named formula with this name already exists, then this will replace the existing value. */ public function addNamedFormula(NamedFormula $namedFormula): void { $this->addDefinedName($namedFormula); } /** * Add a defined name (either a named range or a named formula). * If a defined named with this name already exists, then this will replace the existing value. */ public function addDefinedName(DefinedName $definedName): void { $upperCaseName = StringHelper::strToUpper($definedName->getName()); if ($definedName->getScope() == null) { // global scope $this->definedNames[$upperCaseName] = $definedName; } else { // local scope $this->definedNames[$definedName->getScope()->getTitle() . '!' . $upperCaseName] = $definedName; } } /** * Get named range. * * @param null|Worksheet $worksheet Scope. Use null for global scope */ public function getNamedRange(string $namedRange, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): ?NamedRange { $returnValue = null; if ($namedRange !== '') { $namedRange = StringHelper::strToUpper($namedRange); // first look for global named range $returnValue = $this->getGlobalDefinedNameByType($namedRange, self::DEFINED_NAME_IS_RANGE); // then look for local named range (has priority over global named range if both names exist) $returnValue = $this->getLocalDefinedNameByType($namedRange, self::DEFINED_NAME_IS_RANGE, $worksheet) ?: $returnValue; } return $returnValue instanceof NamedRange ? $returnValue : null; } /** * Get named formula. * * @param null|Worksheet $worksheet Scope. Use null for global scope */ public function getNamedFormula(string $namedFormula, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): ?NamedFormula { $returnValue = null; if ($namedFormula !== '') { $namedFormula = StringHelper::strToUpper($namedFormula); // first look for global named formula $returnValue = $this->getGlobalDefinedNameByType($namedFormula, self::DEFINED_NAME_IS_FORMULA); // then look for local named formula (has priority over global named formula if both names exist) $returnValue = $this->getLocalDefinedNameByType($namedFormula, self::DEFINED_NAME_IS_FORMULA, $worksheet) ?: $returnValue; } return $returnValue instanceof NamedFormula ? $returnValue : null; } private function getGlobalDefinedNameByType(string $name, bool $type): ?DefinedName { if (isset($this->definedNames[$name]) && $this->definedNames[$name]->isFormula() === $type) { return $this->definedNames[$name]; } return null; } private function getLocalDefinedNameByType(string $name, bool $type, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): ?DefinedName { if ( ($worksheet !== null) && isset($this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $name]) && $this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $name]->isFormula() === $type ) { return $this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $name]; } return null; } /** * Get named range. * * @param null|Worksheet $worksheet Scope. Use null for global scope */ public function getDefinedName(string $definedName, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): ?DefinedName { $returnValue = null; if ($definedName !== '') { $definedName = StringHelper::strToUpper($definedName); // first look for global defined name if (isset($this->definedNames[$definedName])) { $returnValue = $this->definedNames[$definedName]; } // then look for local defined name (has priority over global defined name if both names exist) if (($worksheet !== null) && isset($this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $definedName])) { $returnValue = $this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $definedName]; } } return $returnValue; } /** * Remove named range. * * @param null|Worksheet $worksheet scope: use null for global scope * * @return $this */ public function removeNamedRange(string $namedRange, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): self { if ($this->getNamedRange($namedRange, $worksheet) === null) { return $this; } return $this->removeDefinedName($namedRange, $worksheet); } /** * Remove named formula. * * @param null|Worksheet $worksheet scope: use null for global scope * * @return $this */ public function removeNamedFormula(string $namedFormula, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): self { if ($this->getNamedFormula($namedFormula, $worksheet) === null) { return $this; } return $this->removeDefinedName($namedFormula, $worksheet); } /** * Remove defined name. * * @param null|Worksheet $worksheet scope: use null for global scope * * @return $this */ public function removeDefinedName(string $definedName, ?Worksheet $worksheet = null): self { $definedName = StringHelper::strToUpper($definedName); if ($worksheet === null) { if (isset($this->definedNames[$definedName])) { unset($this->definedNames[$definedName]); } } else { if (isset($this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $definedName])) { unset($this->definedNames[$worksheet->getTitle() . '!' . $definedName]); } elseif (isset($this->definedNames[$definedName])) { unset($this->definedNames[$definedName]); } } return $this; } /** * Get worksheet iterator. * * @return Iterator */ public function getWorksheetIterator() { return new Iterator($this); } /** * Copy workbook (!= clone!). * * @return Spreadsheet */ public function copy() { $filename = File::temporaryFilename(); $writer = new XlsxWriter($this); $writer->setIncludeCharts(true); $writer->save($filename); $reader = new XlsxReader(); $reader->setIncludeCharts(true); $reloadedSpreadsheet = $reader->load($filename); unlink($filename); return $reloadedSpreadsheet; } public function __clone() { throw new Exception( 'Do not use clone on spreadsheet. Use spreadsheet->copy() instead.' ); } /** * Get the workbook collection of cellXfs. * * @return Style[] */ public function getCellXfCollection() { return $this->cellXfCollection; } /** * Get cellXf by index. * * @param int $cellStyleIndex * * @return Style */ public function getCellXfByIndex($cellStyleIndex) { return $this->cellXfCollection[$cellStyleIndex]; } /** * Get cellXf by hash code. * * @param string $hashcode * * @return false|Style */ public function getCellXfByHashCode($hashcode) { foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $cellXf) { if ($cellXf->getHashCode() === $hashcode) { return $cellXf; } } return false; } /** * Check if style exists in style collection. * * @return bool */ public function cellXfExists(Style $cellStyleIndex) { return in_array($cellStyleIndex, $this->cellXfCollection, true); } /** * Get default style. * * @return Style */ public function getDefaultStyle() { if (isset($this->cellXfCollection[0])) { return $this->cellXfCollection[0]; } throw new Exception('No default style found for this workbook'); } /** * Add a cellXf to the workbook. */ public function addCellXf(Style $style): void { $this->cellXfCollection[] = $style; $style->setIndex(count($this->cellXfCollection) - 1); } /** * Remove cellXf by index. It is ensured that all cells get their xf index updated. * * @param int $cellStyleIndex Index to cellXf */ public function removeCellXfByIndex($cellStyleIndex): void { if ($cellStyleIndex > count($this->cellXfCollection) - 1) { throw new Exception('CellXf index is out of bounds.'); } // first remove the cellXf array_splice($this->cellXfCollection, $cellStyleIndex, 1); // then update cellXf indexes for cells foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $worksheet) { foreach ($worksheet->getCoordinates(false) as $coordinate) { $cell = $worksheet->getCell($coordinate); $xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex(); if ($xfIndex > $cellStyleIndex) { // decrease xf index by 1 $cell->setXfIndex($xfIndex - 1); } elseif ($xfIndex == $cellStyleIndex) { // set to default xf index 0 $cell->setXfIndex(0); } } } } /** * Get the cellXf supervisor. * * @return Style */ public function getCellXfSupervisor() { return $this->cellXfSupervisor; } /** * Get the workbook collection of cellStyleXfs. * * @return Style[] */ public function getCellStyleXfCollection() { return $this->cellStyleXfCollection; } /** * Get cellStyleXf by index. * * @param int $cellStyleIndex Index to cellXf * * @return Style */ public function getCellStyleXfByIndex($cellStyleIndex) { return $this->cellStyleXfCollection[$cellStyleIndex]; } /** * Get cellStyleXf by hash code. * * @param string $hashcode * * @return false|Style */ public function getCellStyleXfByHashCode($hashcode) { foreach ($this->cellStyleXfCollection as $cellStyleXf) { if ($cellStyleXf->getHashCode() === $hashcode) { return $cellStyleXf; } } return false; } /** * Add a cellStyleXf to the workbook. */ public function addCellStyleXf(Style $style): void { $this->cellStyleXfCollection[] = $style; $style->setIndex(count($this->cellStyleXfCollection) - 1); } /** * Remove cellStyleXf by index. * * @param int $cellStyleIndex Index to cellXf */ public function removeCellStyleXfByIndex($cellStyleIndex): void { if ($cellStyleIndex > count($this->cellStyleXfCollection) - 1) { throw new Exception('CellStyleXf index is out of bounds.'); } array_splice($this->cellStyleXfCollection, $cellStyleIndex, 1); } /** * Eliminate all unneeded cellXf and afterwards update the xfIndex for all cells * and columns in the workbook. */ public function garbageCollect(): void { // how many references are there to each cellXf ? $countReferencesCellXf = []; foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) { $countReferencesCellXf[$index] = 0; } foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { // from cells foreach ($sheet->getCoordinates(false) as $coordinate) { $cell = $sheet->getCell($coordinate); ++$countReferencesCellXf[$cell->getXfIndex()]; } // from row dimensions foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) { ++$countReferencesCellXf[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()]; } } // from column dimensions foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { ++$countReferencesCellXf[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()]; } } // remove cellXfs without references and create mapping so we can update xfIndex // for all cells and columns $countNeededCellXfs = 0; $map = []; foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) { if ($countReferencesCellXf[$index] > 0 || $index == 0) { // we must never remove the first cellXf ++$countNeededCellXfs; } else { unset($this->cellXfCollection[$index]); } $map[$index] = $countNeededCellXfs - 1; } $this->cellXfCollection = array_values($this->cellXfCollection); // update the index for all cellXfs foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $i => $cellXf) { $cellXf->setIndex($i); } // make sure there is always at least one cellXf (there should be) if (empty($this->cellXfCollection)) { $this->cellXfCollection[] = new Style(); } // update the xfIndex for all cells, row dimensions, column dimensions foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { // for all cells foreach ($sheet->getCoordinates(false) as $coordinate) { $cell = $sheet->getCell($coordinate); $cell->setXfIndex($map[$cell->getXfIndex()]); } // for all row dimensions foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) { $rowDimension->setXfIndex($map[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()]); } } // for all column dimensions foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { $columnDimension->setXfIndex($map[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()]); } // also do garbage collection for all the sheets $sheet->garbageCollect(); } } /** * Return the unique ID value assigned to this spreadsheet workbook. * * @return string */ public function getID() { return $this->uniqueID; } /** * Get the visibility of the horizonal scroll bar in the application. * * @return bool True if horizonal scroll bar is visible */ public function getShowHorizontalScroll() { return $this->showHorizontalScroll; } /** * Set the visibility of the horizonal scroll bar in the application. * * @param bool $showHorizontalScroll True if horizonal scroll bar is visible */ public function setShowHorizontalScroll($showHorizontalScroll): void { $this->showHorizontalScroll = (bool) $showHorizontalScroll; } /** * Get the visibility of the vertical scroll bar in the application. * * @return bool True if vertical scroll bar is visible */ public function getShowVerticalScroll() { return $this->showVerticalScroll; } /** * Set the visibility of the vertical scroll bar in the application. * * @param bool $showVerticalScroll True if vertical scroll bar is visible */ public function setShowVerticalScroll($showVerticalScroll): void { $this->showVerticalScroll = (bool) $showVerticalScroll; } /** * Get the visibility of the sheet tabs in the application. * * @return bool True if the sheet tabs are visible */ public function getShowSheetTabs() { return $this->showSheetTabs; } /** * Set the visibility of the sheet tabs in the application. * * @param bool $showSheetTabs True if sheet tabs are visible */ public function setShowSheetTabs($showSheetTabs): void { $this->showSheetTabs = (bool) $showSheetTabs; } /** * Return whether the workbook window is minimized. * * @return bool true if workbook window is minimized */ public function getMinimized() { return $this->minimized; } /** * Set whether the workbook window is minimized. * * @param bool $minimized true if workbook window is minimized */ public function setMinimized($minimized): void { $this->minimized = (bool) $minimized; } /** * Return whether to group dates when presenting the user with * filtering optiomd in the user interface. * * @return bool true if workbook window is minimized */ public function getAutoFilterDateGrouping() { return $this->autoFilterDateGrouping; } /** * Set whether to group dates when presenting the user with * filtering optiomd in the user interface. * * @param bool $autoFilterDateGrouping true if workbook window is minimized */ public function setAutoFilterDateGrouping($autoFilterDateGrouping): void { $this->autoFilterDateGrouping = (bool) $autoFilterDateGrouping; } /** * Return the first sheet in the book view. * * @return int First sheet in book view */ public function getFirstSheetIndex() { return $this->firstSheetIndex; } /** * Set the first sheet in the book view. * * @param int $firstSheetIndex First sheet in book view */ public function setFirstSheetIndex($firstSheetIndex): void { if ($firstSheetIndex >= 0) { $this->firstSheetIndex = (int) $firstSheetIndex; } else { throw new Exception('First sheet index must be a positive integer.'); } } /** * Return the visibility status of the workbook. * * This may be one of the following three values: * - visibile * * @return string Visible status */ public function getVisibility() { return $this->visibility; } /** * Set the visibility status of the workbook. * * Valid values are: * - 'visible' (self::VISIBILITY_VISIBLE): * Workbook window is visible * - 'hidden' (self::VISIBILITY_HIDDEN): * Workbook window is hidden, but can be shown by the user * via the user interface * - 'veryHidden' (self::VISIBILITY_VERY_HIDDEN): * Workbook window is hidden and cannot be shown in the * user interface. * * @param null|string $visibility visibility status of the workbook */ public function setVisibility($visibility): void { if ($visibility === null) { $visibility = self::VISIBILITY_VISIBLE; } if (in_array($visibility, self::WORKBOOK_VIEW_VISIBILITY_VALUES)) { $this->visibility = $visibility; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid visibility value.'); } } /** * Get the ratio between the workbook tabs bar and the horizontal scroll bar. * TabRatio is assumed to be out of 1000 of the horizontal window width. * * @return int Ratio between the workbook tabs bar and the horizontal scroll bar */ public function getTabRatio() { return $this->tabRatio; } /** * Set the ratio between the workbook tabs bar and the horizontal scroll bar * TabRatio is assumed to be out of 1000 of the horizontal window width. * * @param int $tabRatio Ratio between the tabs bar and the horizontal scroll bar */ public function setTabRatio($tabRatio): void { if ($tabRatio >= 0 && $tabRatio <= 1000) { $this->tabRatio = (int) $tabRatio; } else { throw new Exception('Tab ratio must be between 0 and 1000.'); } } public function reevaluateAutoFilters(bool $resetToMax): void { foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $sheet) { $filter = $sheet->getAutoFilter(); if (!empty($filter->getRange())) { if ($resetToMax) { $filter->setRangeToMaxRow(); } $filter->showHideRows(); } } } /** * Silliness to mollify Scrutinizer. * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function getSharedComponent(): Style { return new Style(); } /** * @throws Exception * * @return mixed */ public function __serialize() { throw new Exception('Spreadsheet objects cannot be serialized'); } /** * @throws Exception */ public function jsonSerialize(): mixed { throw new Exception('Spreadsheet objects cannot be json encoded'); } public function resetThemeFonts(): void { $majorFontLatin = $this->theme->getMajorFontLatin(); $minorFontLatin = $this->theme->getMinorFontLatin(); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $cellStyleXf) { $scheme = $cellStyleXf->getFont()->getScheme(); if ($scheme === 'major') { $cellStyleXf->getFont()->setName($majorFontLatin)->setScheme($scheme); } elseif ($scheme === 'minor') { $cellStyleXf->getFont()->setName($minorFontLatin)->setScheme($scheme); } } foreach ($this->cellStyleXfCollection as $cellStyleXf) { $scheme = $cellStyleXf->getFont()->getScheme(); if ($scheme === 'major') { $cellStyleXf->getFont()->setName($majorFontLatin)->setScheme($scheme); } elseif ($scheme === 'minor') { $cellStyleXf->getFont()->setName($minorFontLatin)->setScheme($scheme); } } } }