Conditional::OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'notEquals' => Conditional::OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL, 'greaterThan' => Conditional::OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN, 'greaterThanOrEqual' => Conditional::OPERATOR_GREATERTHANOREQUAL, 'lessThan' => Conditional::OPERATOR_LESSTHAN, 'lessThanOrEqual' => Conditional::OPERATOR_LESSTHANOREQUAL, 'between' => Conditional::OPERATOR_BETWEEN, 'notBetween' => Conditional::OPERATOR_NOTBETWEEN, ]; protected const SINGLE_OPERATORS = CellMatcher::COMPARISON_OPERATORS; protected const RANGE_OPERATORS = CellMatcher::COMPARISON_RANGE_OPERATORS; /** @var string */ protected $operator = Conditional::OPERATOR_EQUAL; /** @var array */ protected $operand = [0]; /** * @var string[] */ protected $operandValueType = []; public function __construct(string $cellRange) { parent::__construct($cellRange); } protected function operator(string $operator): void { if ((!isset(self::SINGLE_OPERATORS[$operator])) && (!isset(self::RANGE_OPERATORS[$operator]))) { throw new Exception('Invalid Operator for Cell Value CF Rule Wizard'); } $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @param mixed $operand */ protected function operand(int $index, $operand, string $operandValueType = Wizard::VALUE_TYPE_LITERAL): void { if (is_string($operand)) { $operand = $this->validateOperand($operand, $operandValueType); } $this->operand[$index] = $operand; $this->operandValueType[$index] = $operandValueType; } /** * @param mixed $value * * @return float|int|string */ protected function wrapValue($value, string $operandValueType) { if (!is_numeric($value) && !is_bool($value) && null !== $value) { if ($operandValueType === Wizard::VALUE_TYPE_LITERAL) { return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $value) . '"'; } return $this->cellConditionCheck($value); } if (null === $value) { $value = 'NULL'; } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $value = $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } return $value; } public function getConditional(): Conditional { if (!isset(self::RANGE_OPERATORS[$this->operator])) { unset($this->operand[1], $this->operandValueType[1]); } $values = array_map([$this, 'wrapValue'], $this->operand, $this->operandValueType); $conditional = new Conditional(); $conditional->setConditionType(Conditional::CONDITION_CELLIS); $conditional->setOperatorType($this->operator); $conditional->setConditions($values); $conditional->setStyle($this->getStyle()); $conditional->setStopIfTrue($this->getStopIfTrue()); return $conditional; } protected static function unwrapString(string $condition): string { if ((strpos($condition, '"') === 0) && (strpos(strrev($condition), '"') === 0)) { $condition = substr($condition, 1, -1); } return str_replace('""', '"', $condition); } public static function fromConditional(Conditional $conditional, string $cellRange = 'A1'): WizardInterface { if ($conditional->getConditionType() !== Conditional::CONDITION_CELLIS) { throw new Exception('Conditional is not a Cell Value CF Rule conditional'); } $wizard = new self($cellRange); $wizard->style = $conditional->getStyle(); $wizard->stopIfTrue = $conditional->getStopIfTrue(); $wizard->operator = $conditional->getOperatorType(); $conditions = $conditional->getConditions(); foreach ($conditions as $index => $condition) { // Best-guess to try and identify if the text is a string literal, a cell reference or a formula? $operandValueType = Wizard::VALUE_TYPE_LITERAL; if (is_string($condition)) { if (Calculation::keyInExcelConstants($condition)) { $condition = Calculation::getExcelConstants($condition); } elseif (preg_match('/^' . Calculation::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF_RELATIVE . '$/i', $condition)) { $operandValueType = Wizard::VALUE_TYPE_CELL; $condition = self::reverseAdjustCellRef($condition, $cellRange); } elseif ( preg_match('/\(\)/', $condition) || preg_match('/' . Calculation::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF_RELATIVE . '/i', $condition) ) { $operandValueType = Wizard::VALUE_TYPE_FORMULA; $condition = self::reverseAdjustCellRef($condition, $cellRange); } else { $condition = self::unwrapString($condition); } } $wizard->operand($index, $condition, $operandValueType); } return $wizard; } /** * @param string $methodName * @param mixed[] $arguments */ public function __call($methodName, $arguments): self { if (!isset(self::MAGIC_OPERATIONS[$methodName]) && $methodName !== 'and') { throw new Exception('Invalid Operator for Cell Value CF Rule Wizard'); } if ($methodName === 'and') { if (!isset(self::RANGE_OPERATORS[$this->operator])) { throw new Exception('AND Value is only appropriate for range operators'); } // Scrutinizer ignores its own suggested workaround. //$this->operand(1, /** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ ...$arguments); if (count($arguments) < 2) { $this->operand(1, $arguments[0]); } else { $this->operand(1, $arguments[0], $arguments[1]); } return $this; } $this->operator(self::MAGIC_OPERATIONS[$methodName]); //$this->operand(0, ...$arguments); if (count($arguments) < 2) { $this->operand(0, $arguments[0]); } else { $this->operand(0, $arguments[0], $arguments[1]); } return $this; } }