0); return [ implode('.', $masks), implode('.', array_reverse($postDecimalMasks)), ]; } /** * @param mixed $number */ private static function processComplexNumberFormatMask($number, string $mask): string { /** @var string */ $result = $number; $maskingBlockCount = preg_match_all('/0+/', $mask, $maskingBlocks, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if ($maskingBlockCount > 1) { $maskingBlocks = array_reverse($maskingBlocks[0]); $offset = 0; foreach ($maskingBlocks as $block) { $size = strlen($block[0]); $divisor = 10 ** $size; $offset = $block[1]; /** @var float */ $numberFloat = $number; $blockValue = sprintf("%0{$size}d", fmod($numberFloat, $divisor)); $number = floor($numberFloat / $divisor); $mask = substr_replace($mask, $blockValue, $offset, $size); } /** @var string */ $numberString = $number; if ($number > 0) { $mask = substr_replace($mask, $numberString, $offset, 0); } $result = $mask; } return self::makeString($result); } /** * @param mixed $number */ private static function complexNumberFormatMask($number, string $mask, bool $splitOnPoint = true): string { /** @var float */ $numberFloat = $number; if ($splitOnPoint) { $masks = explode('.', $mask); if (count($masks) <= 2) { $decmask = $masks[1] ?? ''; $decpos = substr_count($decmask, '0'); $numberFloat = round($numberFloat, $decpos); } } $sign = ($numberFloat < 0.0) ? '-' : ''; $number = self::f2s(abs($numberFloat)); if ($splitOnPoint && strpos($mask, '.') !== false && strpos($number, '.') !== false) { $numbers = explode('.', $number); $masks = explode('.', $mask); if (count($masks) > 2) { $masks = self::mergeComplexNumberFormatMasks($numbers, $masks); } $integerPart = self::complexNumberFormatMask($numbers[0], $masks[0], false); $numlen = strlen($numbers[1]); $msklen = strlen($masks[1]); if ($numlen < $msklen) { $numbers[1] .= str_repeat('0', $msklen - $numlen); } $decimalPart = strrev(self::complexNumberFormatMask(strrev($numbers[1]), strrev($masks[1]), false)); $decimalPart = substr($decimalPart, 0, $msklen); return "{$sign}{$integerPart}.{$decimalPart}"; } if (strlen($number) < strlen($mask)) { $number = str_repeat('0', strlen($mask) - strlen($number)) . $number; } $result = self::processComplexNumberFormatMask($number, $mask); return "{$sign}{$result}"; } public static function f2s(float $f): string { return self::floatStringConvertScientific((string) $f); } public static function floatStringConvertScientific(string $s): string { // convert only normalized form of scientific notation: // optional sign, single digit 1-9, // decimal point and digits (allowed to be omitted), // E (e permitted), optional sign, one or more digits if (preg_match('/^([+-])?([1-9])([.]([0-9]+))?[eE]([+-]?[0-9]+)$/', $s, $matches) === 1) { $exponent = (int) $matches[5]; $sign = ($matches[1] === '-') ? '-' : ''; if ($exponent >= 0) { $exponentPlus1 = $exponent + 1; $out = $matches[2] . $matches[4]; $len = strlen($out); if ($len < $exponentPlus1) { $out .= str_repeat('0', $exponentPlus1 - $len); } $out = substr($out, 0, $exponentPlus1) . ((strlen($out) === $exponentPlus1) ? '' : ('.' . substr($out, $exponentPlus1))); $s = "$sign$out"; } else { $s = $sign . '0.' . str_repeat('0', -$exponent - 1) . $matches[2] . $matches[4]; } } return $s; } /** * @param mixed $value */ private static function formatStraightNumericValue($value, string $format, array $matches, bool $useThousands): string { /** @var float */ $valueFloat = $value; $left = $matches[1]; $dec = $matches[2]; $right = $matches[3]; // minimun width of formatted number (including dot) $minWidth = strlen($left) + strlen($dec) + strlen($right); if ($useThousands) { $value = number_format( $valueFloat, strlen($right), StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator() ); return self::pregReplace(self::NUMBER_REGEX, $value, $format); } if (preg_match('/[0#]E[+-]0/i', $format)) { // Scientific format $decimals = strlen($right); $size = $decimals + 3; return sprintf("%{$size}.{$decimals}E", $valueFloat); } elseif (preg_match('/0([^\d\.]+)0/', $format) || substr_count($format, '.') > 1) { if ($valueFloat == floor($valueFloat) && substr_count($format, '.') === 1) { $value *= 10 ** strlen(explode('.', $format)[1]); } $result = self::complexNumberFormatMask($value, $format); if (strpos($result, 'E') !== false) { // This is a hack and doesn't match Excel. // It will, at least, be an accurate representation, // even if formatted incorrectly. // This is needed for absolute values >=1E18. $result = self::f2s($valueFloat); } return $result; } $sprintf_pattern = "%0$minWidth." . strlen($right) . 'f'; /** @var float */ $valueFloat = $value; $value = sprintf($sprintf_pattern, round($valueFloat, strlen($right))); return self::pregReplace(self::NUMBER_REGEX, $value, $format); } /** * @param mixed $value */ public static function format($value, string $format): string { // The "_" in this string has already been stripped out, // so this test is never true. Furthermore, testing // on Excel shows this format uses Euro symbol, not "EUR". // if ($format === NumberFormat::FORMAT_CURRENCY_EUR_SIMPLE) { // return 'EUR ' . sprintf('%1.2f', $value); // } $baseFormat = $format; $useThousands = self::areThousandsRequired($format); $scale = self::scaleThousandsMillions($format); if (preg_match('/[#\?0]?.*[#\?0]\/(\?+|\d+|#)/', $format)) { // It's a dirty hack; but replace # and 0 digit placeholders with ? $format = (string) preg_replace('/[#0]+\//', '?/', $format); $format = (string) preg_replace('/\/[#0]+/', '/?', $format); $value = FractionFormatter::format($value, $format); } else { // Handle the number itself // scale number $value = $value / $scale; $paddingPlaceholder = (strpos($format, '?') !== false); // Replace # or ? with 0 $format = self::pregReplace('/[\\#\?](?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*\Z)/', '0', $format); // Remove locale code [$-###] for an LCID $format = self::pregReplace('/\[\$\-.*\]/', '', $format); $n = '/\\[[^\\]]+\\]/'; $m = self::pregReplace($n, '', $format); // Some non-number strings are quoted, so we'll get rid of the quotes, likewise any positional * symbols $format = self::makeString(str_replace(['"', '*'], '', $format)); if (preg_match(self::NUMBER_REGEX, $m, $matches)) { // There are placeholders for digits, so inject digits from the value into the mask $value = self::formatStraightNumericValue($value, $format, $matches, $useThousands); if ($paddingPlaceholder === true) { $value = self::padValue($value, $baseFormat); } } elseif ($format !== NumberFormat::FORMAT_GENERAL) { // Yes, I know that this is basically just a hack; // if there's no placeholders for digits, just return the format mask "as is" $value = self::makeString(str_replace('?', '', $format)); } } if (preg_match('/\[\$(.*)\]/u', $format, $m)) { // Currency or Accounting $currencyCode = $m[1]; [$currencyCode] = explode('-', $currencyCode); if ($currencyCode == '') { $currencyCode = StringHelper::getCurrencyCode(); } $value = self::pregReplace('/\[\$([^\]]*)\]/u', $currencyCode, (string) $value); } if ( (strpos((string) $value, '0.') !== false) && ((strpos($baseFormat, '#.') !== false) || (strpos($baseFormat, '?.') !== false)) ) { $value = preg_replace('/(\b)0\.|([^\d])0\./', '${2}.', (string) $value); } return (string) $value; } /** * @param array|string $value */ private static function makeString($value): string { return is_array($value) ? '' : "$value"; } private static function pregReplace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $subject): string { return self::makeString(preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject) ?? ''); } public static function padValue(string $value, string $baseFormat): string { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ [$preDecimal, $postDecimal] = preg_split('/\.(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*\Z)/miu', $baseFormat . '.?'); $length = strlen($value); if (strpos($postDecimal, '?') !== false) { $value = str_pad(rtrim($value, '0. '), $length, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT); } if (strpos($preDecimal, '?') !== false) { $value = str_pad(ltrim($value, '0, '), $length, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $value; } /** * Find out if we need thousands separator * This is indicated by a comma enclosed by a digit placeholders: #, 0 or ? */ public static function areThousandsRequired(string &$format): bool { $useThousands = (bool) preg_match('/([#\?0]),([#\?0])/', $format); if ($useThousands) { $format = self::pregReplace('/([#\?0]),([#\?0])/', '${1}${2}', $format); } return $useThousands; } /** * Scale thousands, millions,... * This is indicated by a number of commas after a digit placeholder: #, or 0.0,, or ?,. */ public static function scaleThousandsMillions(string &$format): int { $scale = 1; // same as no scale if (preg_match('/(#|0|\?)(,+)/', $format, $matches)) { $scale = 1000 ** strlen($matches[2]); // strip the commas $format = self::pregReplace('/([#\?0]),+/', '${1}', $format); } return $scale; } }