*/ abstract class CellIterator implements NativeIterator { public const TREAT_NULL_VALUE_AS_EMPTY_CELL = 1; public const TREAT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_EMPTY_CELL = 2; public const IF_NOT_EXISTS_RETURN_NULL = false; public const IF_NOT_EXISTS_CREATE_NEW = true; /** * Worksheet to iterate. * * @var Worksheet */ protected $worksheet; /** * Cell Collection to iterate. * * @var Cells */ protected $cellCollection; /** * Iterate only existing cells. * * @var bool */ protected $onlyExistingCells = false; /** * If iterating all cells, and a cell doesn't exist, identifies whether a new cell should be created, * or if the iterator should return a null value. * * @var bool */ protected $ifNotExists = self::IF_NOT_EXISTS_CREATE_NEW; /** * Destructor. */ public function __destruct() { // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $this->worksheet = $this->cellCollection = null; } public function getIfNotExists(): bool { return $this->ifNotExists; } public function setIfNotExists(bool $ifNotExists = self::IF_NOT_EXISTS_CREATE_NEW): void { $this->ifNotExists = $ifNotExists; } /** * Get loop only existing cells. */ public function getIterateOnlyExistingCells(): bool { return $this->onlyExistingCells; } /** * Validate start/end values for 'IterateOnlyExistingCells' mode, and adjust if necessary. */ abstract protected function adjustForExistingOnlyRange(): void; /** * Set the iterator to loop only existing cells. */ public function setIterateOnlyExistingCells(bool $value): void { $this->onlyExistingCells = (bool) $value; $this->adjustForExistingOnlyRange(); } }