tempDocumentFilename = tempnam(Settings::getTempDir(), 'PhpWord');
if (false === $this->tempDocumentFilename) {
throw new CreateTemporaryFileException(); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// Template file cloning
if (false === copy($documentTemplate, $this->tempDocumentFilename)) {
throw new CopyFileException($documentTemplate, $this->tempDocumentFilename); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// Temporary document content extraction
$this->zipClass = new ZipArchive();
$index = 1;
while (false !== $this->zipClass->locateName($this->getHeaderName($index))) {
$this->tempDocumentHeaders[$index] = $this->readPartWithRels($this->getHeaderName($index));
$index = 1;
while (false !== $this->zipClass->locateName($this->getFooterName($index))) {
$this->tempDocumentFooters[$index] = $this->readPartWithRels($this->getFooterName($index));
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $this->readPartWithRels($this->getMainPartName());
$this->tempDocumentSettingsPart = $this->readPartWithRels($this->getSettingsPartName());
$this->tempDocumentContentTypes = $this->zipClass->getFromName($this->getDocumentContentTypesName());
public function __destruct()
// ZipClass
if ($this->zipClass) {
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// Nothing to do here.
// Temporary file
if ($this->tempDocumentFilename && file_exists($this->tempDocumentFilename)) {
public function __wakeup(): void
$this->tempDocumentFilename = '';
$this->zipClass = null;
throw new Exception('unserialize not permitted for this class');
* Expose zip class.
* To replace an image: $templateProcessor->zip()->AddFromString("word/media/image1.jpg", file_get_contents($file));
* To read a file: $templateProcessor->zip()->getFromName("word/media/image1.jpg");
* @return \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\ZipArchive
public function zip()
return $this->zipClass;
* @param string $fileName
* @return string
protected function readPartWithRels($fileName)
$relsFileName = $this->getRelationsName($fileName);
$partRelations = $this->zipClass->getFromName($relsFileName);
if ($partRelations !== false) {
$this->tempDocumentRelations[$fileName] = $partRelations;
return $this->fixBrokenMacros($this->zipClass->getFromName($fileName));
* @param string $xml
* @param XSLTProcessor $xsltProcessor
* @return string
protected function transformSingleXml($xml, $xsltProcessor)
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
$orignalLibEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$domDocument = new DOMDocument();
if (false === $domDocument->loadXML($xml)) {
throw new Exception('Could not load the given XML document.');
$transformedXml = $xsltProcessor->transformToXml($domDocument);
if (false === $transformedXml) {
throw new Exception('Could not transform the given XML document.');
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
return $transformedXml;
* @param mixed $xml
* @param XSLTProcessor $xsltProcessor
* @return mixed
protected function transformXml($xml, $xsltProcessor)
if (is_array($xml)) {
foreach ($xml as &$item) {
$item = $this->transformSingleXml($item, $xsltProcessor);
} else {
$xml = $this->transformSingleXml($xml, $xsltProcessor);
return $xml;
* Applies XSL style sheet to template's parts.
* Note: since the method doesn't make any guess on logic of the provided XSL style sheet,
* make sure that output is correctly escaped. Otherwise you may get broken document.
* @param DOMDocument $xslDomDocument
* @param array $xslOptions
* @param string $xslOptionsUri
public function applyXslStyleSheet($xslDomDocument, $xslOptions = [], $xslOptionsUri = ''): void
$xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
if (false === $xsltProcessor->setParameter($xslOptionsUri, $xslOptions)) {
throw new Exception('Could not set values for the given XSL style sheet parameters.');
$this->tempDocumentHeaders = $this->transformXml($this->tempDocumentHeaders, $xsltProcessor);
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $this->transformXml($this->tempDocumentMainPart, $xsltProcessor);
$this->tempDocumentFooters = $this->transformXml($this->tempDocumentFooters, $xsltProcessor);
* @param string $macro
* @return string
protected static function ensureMacroCompleted($macro)
if (substr($macro, 0, 2) !== self::$macroOpeningChars && substr($macro, -1) !== self::$macroClosingChars) {
$macro = self::$macroOpeningChars . $macro . self::$macroClosingChars;
return $macro;
* @param ?string $subject
* @return string
protected static function ensureUtf8Encoded($subject)
return $subject ? Text::toUTF8($subject) : '';
* @param string $search
public function setComplexValue($search, Element\AbstractElement $complexType): void
$elementName = substr(get_class($complexType), strrpos(get_class($complexType), '\\') + 1);
$objectClass = 'PhpOffice\\PhpWord\\Writer\\Word2007\\Element\\' . $elementName;
$xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
/** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Element\AbstractElement $elementWriter */
$elementWriter = new $objectClass($xmlWriter, $complexType, true);
$where = $this->findContainingXmlBlockForMacro($search, 'w:r');
if ($where === false) {
$block = $this->getSlice($where['start'], $where['end']);
$textParts = $this->splitTextIntoTexts($block);
$this->replaceXmlBlock($search, $textParts, 'w:r');
$search = static::ensureMacroCompleted($search);
$this->replaceXmlBlock($search, $xmlWriter->getData(), 'w:r');
* @param string $search
public function setComplexBlock($search, Element\AbstractElement $complexType): void
$elementName = substr(get_class($complexType), strrpos(get_class($complexType), '\\') + 1);
$objectClass = 'PhpOffice\\PhpWord\\Writer\\Word2007\\Element\\' . $elementName;
$xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
/** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Element\AbstractElement $elementWriter */
$elementWriter = new $objectClass($xmlWriter, $complexType, false);
$this->replaceXmlBlock($search, $xmlWriter->getData(), 'w:p');
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace
* @param int $limit
public function setValue($search, $replace, $limit = self::MAXIMUM_REPLACEMENTS_DEFAULT): void
if (is_array($search)) {
foreach ($search as &$item) {
$item = static::ensureMacroCompleted($item);
} else {
$search = static::ensureMacroCompleted($search);
if (is_array($replace)) {
foreach ($replace as &$item) {
$item = static::ensureUtf8Encoded($item);
} else {
$replace = static::ensureUtf8Encoded($replace);
if (Settings::isOutputEscapingEnabled()) {
$xmlEscaper = new Xml();
$replace = $xmlEscaper->escape($replace);
$this->tempDocumentHeaders = $this->setValueForPart($search, $replace, $this->tempDocumentHeaders, $limit);
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $this->setValueForPart($search, $replace, $this->tempDocumentMainPart, $limit);
$this->tempDocumentFooters = $this->setValueForPart($search, $replace, $this->tempDocumentFooters, $limit);
* Set values from a one-dimensional array of "variable => value"-pairs.
public function setValues(array $values): void
foreach ($values as $macro => $replace) {
$this->setValue($macro, $replace);
public function setCheckbox(string $search, bool $checked): void
$search = static::ensureMacroCompleted($search);
$blockType = 'w:sdt';
$where = $this->findContainingXmlBlockForMacro($search, $blockType);
if (!is_array($where)) {
$block = $this->getSlice($where['start'], $where['end']);
$val = $checked ? '1' : '0';
$block = preg_replace('/()/', '$1"' . $val . '"$2', $block);
$text = $checked ? '☒' : '☐';
$block = preg_replace('/().*?(<\/w:t>)/', '$1' . $text . '$2', $block);
$this->replaceXmlBlock($search, $block, $blockType);
* @param string $search
public function setChart($search, Element\AbstractElement $chart): void
$elementName = substr(get_class($chart), strrpos(get_class($chart), '\\') + 1);
$objectClass = 'PhpOffice\\PhpWord\\Writer\\Word2007\\Element\\' . $elementName;
// Get the next relation id
$rId = $this->getNextRelationsIndex($this->getMainPartName());
// Define the chart filename
$filename = "charts/chart{$rId}.xml";
// Get the part writer
$writerPart = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part\Chart();
// ContentTypes.xml
$this->zipClass->addFromString("word/{$filename}", $writerPart->write());
// add chart to content type
$xmlRelationsType = "";
$this->tempDocumentContentTypes = str_replace('', $xmlRelationsType, $this->tempDocumentContentTypes) . '';
// Add the chart to relations
$xmlChartRelation = "";
$this->tempDocumentRelations[$this->getMainPartName()] = str_replace('', $xmlChartRelation, $this->tempDocumentRelations[$this->getMainPartName()]) . '';
// Write the chart
$xmlWriter = new XMLWriter();
$elementWriter = new $objectClass($xmlWriter, $chart, true);
// Place it in the template
$this->replaceXmlBlock($search, '' . $xmlWriter->getData() . '', 'w:p');
private function getImageArgs($varNameWithArgs)
$varElements = explode(':', $varNameWithArgs);
array_shift($varElements); // first element is name of variable => remove it
$varInlineArgs = [];
// size format documentation: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.vml.shape%28v=office.14%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
foreach ($varElements as $argIdx => $varArg) {
if (strpos($varArg, '=')) { // arg=value
[$argName, $argValue] = explode('=', $varArg, 2);
$argName = strtolower($argName);
if ($argName == 'size') {
[$varInlineArgs['width'], $varInlineArgs['height']] = explode('x', $argValue, 2);
} else {
$varInlineArgs[strtolower($argName)] = $argValue;
} elseif (preg_match('/^([0-9]*[a-z%]{0,2}|auto)x([0-9]*[a-z%]{0,2}|auto)$/i', $varArg)) { // 60x40
[$varInlineArgs['width'], $varInlineArgs['height']] = explode('x', $varArg, 2);
} else { // :60:40:f
switch ($argIdx) {
case 0:
$varInlineArgs['width'] = $varArg;
case 1:
$varInlineArgs['height'] = $varArg;
case 2:
$varInlineArgs['ratio'] = $varArg;
return $varInlineArgs;
private function chooseImageDimension($baseValue, $inlineValue, $defaultValue)
$value = $baseValue;
if (null === $value && isset($inlineValue)) {
$value = $inlineValue;
if (!preg_match('/^([0-9\.]*(cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|%|em|ex|)|auto)$/i', $value ?? '')) {
$value = null;
if (null === $value) {
$value = $defaultValue;
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$value .= 'px';
return $value;
private function fixImageWidthHeightRatio(&$width, &$height, $actualWidth, $actualHeight): void
$imageRatio = $actualWidth / $actualHeight;
if (($width === '') && ($height === '')) { // defined size are empty
$width = $actualWidth . 'px';
$height = $actualHeight . 'px';
} elseif ($width === '') { // defined width is empty
$heightFloat = (float) $height;
$widthFloat = $heightFloat * $imageRatio;
$matches = [];
preg_match('/\\d([a-z%]+)$/', $height, $matches);
$width = $widthFloat . $matches[1];
} elseif ($height === '') { // defined height is empty
$widthFloat = (float) $width;
$heightFloat = $widthFloat / $imageRatio;
$matches = [];
preg_match('/\\d([a-z%]+)$/', $width, $matches);
$height = $heightFloat . $matches[1];
} else { // we have defined size, but we need also check it aspect ratio
$widthMatches = [];
preg_match('/\\d([a-z%]+)$/', $width, $widthMatches);
$heightMatches = [];
preg_match('/\\d([a-z%]+)$/', $height, $heightMatches);
// try to fix only if dimensions are same
if ($widthMatches[1] == $heightMatches[1]) {
$dimention = $widthMatches[1];
$widthFloat = (float) $width;
$heightFloat = (float) $height;
$definedRatio = $widthFloat / $heightFloat;
if ($imageRatio > $definedRatio) { // image wider than defined box
$height = ($widthFloat / $imageRatio) . $dimention;
} elseif ($imageRatio < $definedRatio) { // image higher than defined box
$width = ($heightFloat * $imageRatio) . $dimention;
private function prepareImageAttrs($replaceImage, $varInlineArgs)
// get image path and size
$width = null;
$height = null;
$ratio = null;
// a closure can be passed as replacement value which after resolving, can contain the replacement info for the image
// use case: only when a image if found, the replacement tags can be generated
if (is_callable($replaceImage)) {
$replaceImage = $replaceImage();
if (is_array($replaceImage) && isset($replaceImage['path'])) {
$imgPath = $replaceImage['path'];
if (isset($replaceImage['width'])) {
$width = $replaceImage['width'];
if (isset($replaceImage['height'])) {
$height = $replaceImage['height'];
if (isset($replaceImage['ratio'])) {
$ratio = $replaceImage['ratio'];
} else {
$imgPath = $replaceImage;
$width = $this->chooseImageDimension($width, $varInlineArgs['width'] ?? null, 115);
$height = $this->chooseImageDimension($height, $varInlineArgs['height'] ?? null, 70);
$imageData = @getimagesize($imgPath);
if (!is_array($imageData)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid image: %s', $imgPath));
[$actualWidth, $actualHeight, $imageType] = $imageData;
// fix aspect ratio (by default)
if (null === $ratio && isset($varInlineArgs['ratio'])) {
$ratio = $varInlineArgs['ratio'];
if (null === $ratio || !in_array(strtolower($ratio), ['', '-', 'f', 'false'])) {
$this->fixImageWidthHeightRatio($width, $height, $actualWidth, $actualHeight);
$imageAttrs = [
'src' => $imgPath,
'mime' => image_type_to_mime_type($imageType),
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
return $imageAttrs;
private function addImageToRelations($partFileName, $rid, $imgPath, $imageMimeType): void
// define templates
$typeTpl = '';
$relationTpl = '';
$newRelationsTpl = '' . "\n" . '';
$newRelationsTypeTpl = '';
$extTransform = [
'image/jpeg' => 'jpeg',
'image/png' => 'png',
'image/bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/gif' => 'gif',
// get image embed name
if (isset($this->tempDocumentNewImages[$imgPath])) {
$imgName = $this->tempDocumentNewImages[$imgPath];
} else {
// transform extension
if (isset($extTransform[$imageMimeType])) {
$imgExt = $extTransform[$imageMimeType];
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported image type $imageMimeType");
// add image to document
$imgName = 'image_' . $rid . '_' . pathinfo($partFileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.' . $imgExt;
$this->zipClass->pclzipAddFile($imgPath, 'word/media/' . $imgName);
$this->tempDocumentNewImages[$imgPath] = $imgName;
// setup type for image
$xmlImageType = str_replace(['{IMG}', '{EXT}'], [$imgName, $imgExt], $typeTpl);
$this->tempDocumentContentTypes = str_replace('', $xmlImageType, $this->tempDocumentContentTypes) . '';
$xmlImageRelation = str_replace(['{RID}', '{IMG}'], [$rid, $imgName], $relationTpl);
if (!isset($this->tempDocumentRelations[$partFileName])) {
// create new relations file
$this->tempDocumentRelations[$partFileName] = $newRelationsTpl;
// and add it to content types
$xmlRelationsType = str_replace('{RELS}', $this->getRelationsName($partFileName), $newRelationsTypeTpl);
$this->tempDocumentContentTypes = str_replace('', $xmlRelationsType, $this->tempDocumentContentTypes) . '';
// add image to relations
$this->tempDocumentRelations[$partFileName] = str_replace('', $xmlImageRelation, $this->tempDocumentRelations[$partFileName]) . '';
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace Path to image, or array("path" => xx, "width" => yy, "height" => zz)
* @param int $limit
public function setImageValue($search, $replace, $limit = self::MAXIMUM_REPLACEMENTS_DEFAULT): void
// prepare $search_replace
if (!is_array($search)) {
$search = [$search];
$replacesList = [];
if (!is_array($replace) || isset($replace['path'])) {
$replacesList[] = $replace;
} else {
$replacesList = array_values($replace);
$searchReplace = [];
foreach ($search as $searchIdx => $searchString) {
$searchReplace[$searchString] = $replacesList[$searchIdx] ?? $replacesList[0];
// collect document parts
$searchParts = [
$this->getMainPartName() => &$this->tempDocumentMainPart,
foreach (array_keys($this->tempDocumentHeaders) as $headerIndex) {
$searchParts[$this->getHeaderName($headerIndex)] = &$this->tempDocumentHeaders[$headerIndex];
foreach (array_keys($this->tempDocumentFooters) as $headerIndex) {
$searchParts[$this->getFooterName($headerIndex)] = &$this->tempDocumentFooters[$headerIndex];
// define templates
// result can be verified via "Open XML SDK 2.5 Productivity Tool" (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30425)
$imgTpl = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($searchParts as $partFileName => &$partContent) {
$partVariables = $this->getVariablesForPart($partContent);
foreach ($searchReplace as $searchString => $replaceImage) {
$varsToReplace = array_filter($partVariables, function ($partVar) use ($searchString) {
return ($partVar == $searchString) || preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($searchString) . ':/', $partVar);
foreach ($varsToReplace as $varNameWithArgs) {
$varInlineArgs = $this->getImageArgs($varNameWithArgs);
$preparedImageAttrs = $this->prepareImageAttrs($replaceImage, $varInlineArgs);
$imgPath = $preparedImageAttrs['src'];
// get image index
$imgIndex = $this->getNextRelationsIndex($partFileName);
$rid = 'rId' . $imgIndex;
// replace preparations
$this->addImageToRelations($partFileName, $rid, $imgPath, $preparedImageAttrs['mime']);
$xmlImage = str_replace(['{RID}', '{WIDTH}', '{HEIGHT}'], [$rid, $preparedImageAttrs['width'], $preparedImageAttrs['height']], $imgTpl);
// replace variable
$varNameWithArgsFixed = static::ensureMacroCompleted($varNameWithArgs);
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/(<[^<]+>)([^<]*)(' . preg_quote($varNameWithArgsFixed) . ')([^>]*)(<[^>]+>)/Uu', $partContent, $matches)) {
$wholeTag = $matches[0];
[$openTag, $prefix, , $postfix, $closeTag] = $matches;
$replaceXml = $openTag . $prefix . $closeTag . $xmlImage . $openTag . $postfix . $closeTag;
// replace on each iteration, because in one tag we can have 2+ inline variables => before proceed next variable we need to change $partContent
$partContent = $this->setValueForPart($wholeTag, $replaceXml, $partContent, $limit);
if (++$i >= $limit) {
* Returns count of all variables in template.
* @return array
public function getVariableCount()
$variables = $this->getVariablesForPart($this->tempDocumentMainPart);
foreach ($this->tempDocumentHeaders as $headerXML) {
$variables = array_merge(
foreach ($this->tempDocumentFooters as $footerXML) {
$variables = array_merge(
return array_count_values($variables);
* Returns array of all variables in template.
* @return string[]
public function getVariables()
return array_keys($this->getVariableCount());
* Clone a table row in a template document.
* @param string $search
* @param int $numberOfClones
public function cloneRow($search, $numberOfClones): void
$search = static::ensureMacroCompleted($search);
$tagPos = strpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, $search);
if (!$tagPos) {
throw new Exception('Can not clone row, template variable not found or variable contains markup.');
$rowStart = $this->findRowStart($tagPos);
$rowEnd = $this->findRowEnd($tagPos);
$xmlRow = $this->getSlice($rowStart, $rowEnd);
// Check if there's a cell spanning multiple rows.
if (preg_match('##', $xmlRow)) {
// $extraRowStart = $rowEnd;
$extraRowEnd = $rowEnd;
while (true) {
$extraRowStart = $this->findRowStart($extraRowEnd + 1);
$extraRowEnd = $this->findRowEnd($extraRowEnd + 1);
// If extraRowEnd is lower then 7, there was no next row found.
if ($extraRowEnd < 7) {
// If tmpXmlRow doesn't contain continue, this row is no longer part of the spanned row.
$tmpXmlRow = $this->getSlice($extraRowStart, $extraRowEnd);
if (!preg_match('##', $tmpXmlRow) &&
!preg_match('##', $tmpXmlRow)
) {
// This row was a spanned row, update $rowEnd and search for the next row.
$rowEnd = $extraRowEnd;
$xmlRow = $this->getSlice($rowStart, $rowEnd);
$result = $this->getSlice(0, $rowStart);
$result .= implode('', $this->indexClonedVariables($numberOfClones, $xmlRow));
$result .= $this->getSlice($rowEnd);
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $result;
* Delete a table row in a template document.
public function deleteRow(string $search): void
if ('${' !== substr($search, 0, 2) && '}' !== substr($search, -1)) {
$search = '${' . $search . '}';
$tagPos = strpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, $search);
if (!$tagPos) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Can not delete row %s, template variable not found or variable contains markup.', $search));
$tableStart = $this->findTableStart($tagPos);
$tableEnd = $this->findTableEnd($tagPos);
$xmlTable = $this->getSlice($tableStart, $tableEnd);
if (substr_count($xmlTable, 'tempDocumentMainPart = $this->getSlice(0, $tableStart) . $this->getSlice($tableEnd);
$rowStart = $this->findRowStart($tagPos);
$rowEnd = $this->findRowEnd($tagPos);
$xmlRow = $this->getSlice($rowStart, $rowEnd);
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $this->getSlice(0, $rowStart) . $this->getSlice($rowEnd);
// Check if there's a cell spanning multiple rows.
if (preg_match('##', $xmlRow)) {
$extraRowStart = $rowStart;
while (true) {
$extraRowStart = $this->findRowStart($extraRowStart + 1);
$extraRowEnd = $this->findRowEnd($extraRowStart + 1);
// If extraRowEnd is lower then 7, there was no next row found.
if ($extraRowEnd < 7) {
// If tmpXmlRow doesn't contain continue, this row is no longer part of the spanned row.
$tmpXmlRow = $this->getSlice($extraRowStart, $extraRowEnd);
if (!preg_match('##', $tmpXmlRow) &&
!preg_match('##', $tmpXmlRow)
) {
$tableStart = $this->findTableStart($extraRowEnd + 1);
$tableEnd = $this->findTableEnd($extraRowEnd + 1);
$xmlTable = $this->getSlice($tableStart, $tableEnd);
if (substr_count($xmlTable, 'tempDocumentMainPart = $this->getSlice(0, $tableStart) . $this->getSlice($tableEnd);
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $this->getSlice(0, $extraRowStart) . $this->getSlice($extraRowEnd);
* Clones a table row and populates it's values from a two-dimensional array in a template document.
* @param string $search
* @param array $values
public function cloneRowAndSetValues($search, $values): void
$this->cloneRow($search, count($values));
foreach ($values as $rowKey => $rowData) {
$rowNumber = $rowKey + 1;
foreach ($rowData as $macro => $replace) {
$this->setValue($macro . '#' . $rowNumber, $replace);
* Clone a block.
* @param string $blockname
* @param int $clones How many time the block should be cloned
* @param bool $replace
* @param bool $indexVariables If true, any variables inside the block will be indexed (postfixed with #1, #2, ...)
* @param array $variableReplacements Array containing replacements for macros found inside the block to clone
* @return null|string
public function cloneBlock($blockname, $clones = 1, $replace = true, $indexVariables = false, $variableReplacements = null)
$xmlBlock = null;
$matches = [];
$escapedMacroOpeningChars = self::$macroOpeningChars;
$escapedMacroClosingChars = self::$macroClosingChars;
if (isset($matches[3])) {
$xmlBlock = $matches[3];
if ($indexVariables) {
$cloned = $this->indexClonedVariables($clones, $xmlBlock);
} elseif ($variableReplacements !== null && is_array($variableReplacements)) {
$cloned = $this->replaceClonedVariables($variableReplacements, $xmlBlock);
} else {
$cloned = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $clones; ++$i) {
$cloned[] = $xmlBlock;
if ($replace) {
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = str_replace(
$matches[2] . $matches[3] . $matches[4],
implode('', $cloned),
return $xmlBlock;
* Replace a block.
* @param string $blockname
* @param string $replacement
public function replaceBlock($blockname, $replacement): void
$matches = [];
$escapedMacroOpeningChars = preg_quote(self::$macroOpeningChars);
$escapedMacroClosingChars = preg_quote(self::$macroClosingChars);
'/(<\?xml.*)(' . $escapedMacroOpeningChars . $blockname . $escapedMacroClosingChars . '<\/w:.*?p>)(.*)()/is',
if (isset($matches[3])) {
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = str_replace(
$matches[2] . $matches[3] . $matches[4],
* Delete a block of text.
* @param string $blockname
public function deleteBlock($blockname): void
$this->replaceBlock($blockname, '');
* Automatically Recalculate Fields on Open.
* @param bool $update
public function setUpdateFields($update = true): void
$string = $update ? 'true' : 'false';
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('//', $this->tempDocumentSettingsPart, $matches)) {
$this->tempDocumentSettingsPart = str_replace($matches[0], '', $this->tempDocumentSettingsPart);
} else {
$this->tempDocumentSettingsPart = str_replace('', '', $this->tempDocumentSettingsPart);
* Saves the result document.
* @return string
public function save()
foreach ($this->tempDocumentHeaders as $index => $xml) {
$this->savePartWithRels($this->getHeaderName($index), $xml);
$this->savePartWithRels($this->getMainPartName(), $this->tempDocumentMainPart);
$this->savePartWithRels($this->getSettingsPartName(), $this->tempDocumentSettingsPart);
foreach ($this->tempDocumentFooters as $index => $xml) {
$this->savePartWithRels($this->getFooterName($index), $xml);
$this->zipClass->addFromString($this->getDocumentContentTypesName(), $this->tempDocumentContentTypes);
// Close zip file
if (false === $this->zipClass->close()) {
throw new Exception('Could not close zip file.'); // @codeCoverageIgnore
return $this->tempDocumentFilename;
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $xml
protected function savePartWithRels($fileName, $xml): void
$this->zipClass->addFromString($fileName, $xml);
if (isset($this->tempDocumentRelations[$fileName])) {
$relsFileName = $this->getRelationsName($fileName);
$this->zipClass->addFromString($relsFileName, $this->tempDocumentRelations[$fileName]);
* Saves the result document to the user defined file.
* @since 0.8.0
* @param string $fileName
public function saveAs($fileName): void
$tempFileName = $this->save();
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
* Note: we do not use `rename` function here, because it loses file ownership data on Windows platform.
* As a result, user cannot open the file directly getting "Access denied" message.
* @see https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord/issues/532
copy($tempFileName, $fileName);
* Finds parts of broken macros and sticks them together.
* Macros, while being edited, could be implicitly broken by some of the word processors.
* @param string $documentPart The document part in XML representation
* @return string
protected function fixBrokenMacros($documentPart)
$brokenMacroOpeningChars = substr(self::$macroOpeningChars, 0, 1);
$endMacroOpeningChars = substr(self::$macroOpeningChars, 1);
$macroClosingChars = self::$macroClosingChars;
return preg_replace_callback(
'/\\' . $brokenMacroOpeningChars . '(?:\\' . $endMacroOpeningChars . '|[^{$]*\>\{)[^' . $macroClosingChars . '$]*\}/U',
function ($match) {
return strip_tags($match[0]);
* Find and replace macros in the given XML section.
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace
* @param array|string $documentPartXML
* @param int $limit
* @return string
protected function setValueForPart($search, $replace, $documentPartXML, $limit)
// Note: we can't use the same function for both cases here, because of performance considerations.
if (self::MAXIMUM_REPLACEMENTS_DEFAULT === $limit) {
return str_replace($search, $replace, $documentPartXML);
$regExpEscaper = new RegExp();
return preg_replace($regExpEscaper->escape($search), $replace, $documentPartXML, $limit);
* Find all variables in $documentPartXML.
* @param string $documentPartXML
* @return string[]
protected function getVariablesForPart($documentPartXML)
$matches = [];
$escapedMacroOpeningChars = preg_quote(self::$macroOpeningChars);
$escapedMacroClosingChars = preg_quote(self::$macroClosingChars);
preg_match_all("/$escapedMacroOpeningChars(.*?)$escapedMacroClosingChars/i", $documentPartXML, $matches);
return $matches[1];
* Get the name of the header file for $index.
* @param int $index
* @return string
protected function getHeaderName($index)
return sprintf('word/header%d.xml', $index);
* Usually, the name of main part document will be 'document.xml'. However, some .docx files (possibly those from Office 365, experienced also on documents from Word Online created from blank templates) have file 'document22.xml' in their zip archive instead of 'document.xml'. This method searches content types file to correctly determine the file name.
* @return string
protected function getMainPartName()
$contentTypes = $this->zipClass->getFromName('[Content_Types].xml');
$pattern = '~PartName="\/(word\/document.*?\.xml)" ContentType="application\/vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\.wordprocessingml\.document\.main\+xml"~';
$matches = [];
preg_match($pattern, $contentTypes, $matches);
return array_key_exists(1, $matches) ? $matches[1] : 'word/document.xml';
* The name of the file containing the Settings part.
* @return string
protected function getSettingsPartName()
return 'word/settings.xml';
* Get the name of the footer file for $index.
* @param int $index
* @return string
protected function getFooterName($index)
return sprintf('word/footer%d.xml', $index);
* Get the name of the relations file for document part.
* @param string $documentPartName
* @return string
protected function getRelationsName($documentPartName)
return 'word/_rels/' . pathinfo($documentPartName, PATHINFO_BASENAME) . '.rels';
protected function getNextRelationsIndex($documentPartName)
if (isset($this->tempDocumentRelations[$documentPartName])) {
$candidate = substr_count($this->tempDocumentRelations[$documentPartName], 'tempDocumentRelations[$documentPartName], 'Id="rId' . $candidate . '"') !== false) {
return $candidate;
return 1;
* @return string
protected function getDocumentContentTypesName()
return '[Content_Types].xml';
* Find the start position of the nearest table before $offset.
private function findTableStart(int $offset): int
$rowStart = strrpos(
'tempDocumentMainPart) - $offset) * -1)
if (!$rowStart) {
$rowStart = strrpos(
((strlen($this->tempDocumentMainPart) - $offset) * -1)
if (!$rowStart) {
throw new Exception('Can not find the start position of the table.');
return $rowStart;
* Find the end position of the nearest table row after $offset.
private function findTableEnd(int $offset): int
return strpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, '', $offset) + 7;
* Find the start position of the nearest table row before $offset.
* @param int $offset
* @return int
protected function findRowStart($offset)
$rowStart = strrpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, 'tempDocumentMainPart) - $offset) * -1));
if (!$rowStart) {
$rowStart = strrpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, '', ((strlen($this->tempDocumentMainPart) - $offset) * -1));
if (!$rowStart) {
throw new Exception('Can not find the start position of the row to clone.');
return $rowStart;
* Find the end position of the nearest table row after $offset.
* @param int $offset
* @return int
protected function findRowEnd($offset)
return strpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, '', $offset) + 7;
* Get a slice of a string.
* @param int $startPosition
* @param int $endPosition
* @return string
protected function getSlice($startPosition, $endPosition = 0)
if (!$endPosition) {
$endPosition = strlen($this->tempDocumentMainPart);
return substr($this->tempDocumentMainPart, $startPosition, ($endPosition - $startPosition));
* Replaces variable names in cloned
* rows/blocks with indexed names.
* @param int $count
* @param string $xmlBlock
* @return string
protected function indexClonedVariables($count, $xmlBlock)
$results = [];
$escapedMacroOpeningChars = preg_quote(self::$macroOpeningChars);
$escapedMacroClosingChars = preg_quote(self::$macroClosingChars);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; ++$i) {
$results[] = preg_replace("/$escapedMacroOpeningChars([^:]*?)(:.*?)?$escapedMacroClosingChars/", self::$macroOpeningChars . '\1#' . $i . '\2' . self::$macroClosingChars, $xmlBlock);
return $results;
* Replaces variables with values from array, array keys are the variable names.
* @param array $variableReplacements
* @param string $xmlBlock
* @return string[]
protected function replaceClonedVariables($variableReplacements, $xmlBlock)
$results = [];
foreach ($variableReplacements as $replacementArray) {
$localXmlBlock = $xmlBlock;
foreach ($replacementArray as $search => $replacement) {
$localXmlBlock = $this->setValueForPart(self::ensureMacroCompleted($search), $replacement, $localXmlBlock, self::MAXIMUM_REPLACEMENTS_DEFAULT);
$results[] = $localXmlBlock;
return $results;
* Replace an XML block surrounding a macro with a new block.
* @param string $macro Name of macro
* @param string $block New block content
* @param string $blockType XML tag type of block
* @return \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor Fluent interface
public function replaceXmlBlock($macro, $block, $blockType = 'w:p')
$where = $this->findContainingXmlBlockForMacro($macro, $blockType);
if (is_array($where)) {
$this->tempDocumentMainPart = $this->getSlice(0, $where['start']) . $block . $this->getSlice($where['end']);
return $this;
* Find start and end of XML block containing the given macro
* e.g. ...${macro}....
* Note that only the first instance of the macro will be found
* @param string $macro Name of macro
* @param string $blockType XML tag for block
* @return bool|int[] FALSE if not found, otherwise array with start and end
protected function findContainingXmlBlockForMacro($macro, $blockType = 'w:p')
$macroPos = $this->findMacro($macro);
if (0 > $macroPos) {
return false;
$start = $this->findXmlBlockStart($macroPos, $blockType);
if (0 > $start) {
return false;
$end = $this->findXmlBlockEnd($start, $blockType);
//if not found or if resulting string does not contain the macro we are searching for
if (0 > $end || strstr($this->getSlice($start, $end), $macro) === false) {
return false;
return ['start' => $start, 'end' => $end];
* Find the position of (the start of) a macro.
* Returns -1 if not found, otherwise position of opening $
* Note that only the first instance of the macro will be found
* @param string $search Macro name
* @param int $offset Offset from which to start searching
* @return int -1 if macro not found
protected function findMacro($search, $offset = 0)
$search = static::ensureMacroCompleted($search);
$pos = strpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, $search, $offset);
return ($pos === false) ? -1 : $pos;
* Find the start position of the nearest XML block start before $offset.
* @param int $offset Search position
* @param string $blockType XML Block tag
* @return int -1 if block start not found
protected function findXmlBlockStart($offset, $blockType)
$reverseOffset = (strlen($this->tempDocumentMainPart) - $offset) * -1;
// first try XML tag with attributes
$blockStart = strrpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, '<' . $blockType . ' ', $reverseOffset);
// if not found, or if found but contains the XML tag without attribute
if (false === $blockStart || strrpos($this->getSlice($blockStart, $offset), '<' . $blockType . '>')) {
// also try XML tag without attributes
$blockStart = strrpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, '<' . $blockType . '>', $reverseOffset);
return ($blockStart === false) ? -1 : $blockStart;
* Find the nearest block end position after $offset.
* @param int $offset Search position
* @param string $blockType XML Block tag
* @return int -1 if block end not found
protected function findXmlBlockEnd($offset, $blockType)
$blockEndStart = strpos($this->tempDocumentMainPart, '' . $blockType . '>', $offset);
// return position of end of tag if found, otherwise -1
return ($blockEndStart === false) ? -1 : $blockEndStart + 3 + strlen($blockType);
* Splits a w:r/w:t into a list of w:r where each ${macro} is in a separate w:r.
* @param string $text
* @return string
protected function splitTextIntoTexts($text)
if (!$this->textNeedsSplitting($text)) {
return $text;
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/()/i', $text, $matches)) {
$extractedStyle = $matches[0];
} else {
$extractedStyle = '';
$unformattedText = preg_replace('/>\s+', '><', $text);
$result = str_replace([self::$macroOpeningChars, self::$macroClosingChars], ['' . $extractedStyle . '' . self::$macroOpeningChars, self::$macroClosingChars . '' . $extractedStyle . ''], $unformattedText);
return str_replace(['' . $extractedStyle . '', '', ''], ['', '', ''], $result);
* Returns true if string contains a macro that is not in it's own w:r.
* @param string $text
* @return bool
protected function textNeedsSplitting($text)
$escapedMacroOpeningChars = preg_quote(self::$macroOpeningChars);
$escapedMacroClosingChars = preg_quote(self::$macroClosingChars);
return 1 === preg_match('/[^>]' . $escapedMacroOpeningChars . '|' . $escapedMacroClosingChars . '[^<]/i', $text);
public function setMacroOpeningChars(string $macroOpeningChars): void
self::$macroOpeningChars = $macroOpeningChars;
public function setMacroClosingChars(string $macroClosingChars): void
self::$macroClosingChars = $macroClosingChars;
public function setMacroChars(string $macroOpeningChars, string $macroClosingChars): void
self::$macroOpeningChars = $macroOpeningChars;
self::$macroClosingChars = $macroClosingChars;