element instanceof \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Table) { return ''; } $content = ''; $rows = $this->element->getRows(); $rowCount = count($rows); if ($rowCount > 0) { $content .= 'getTableStyle($this->element->getStyle()) . '>' . PHP_EOL; for ($i = 0; $i < $rowCount; ++$i) { /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Row $row Type hint */ $rowStyle = $rows[$i]->getStyle(); // $height = $row->getHeight(); $tblHeader = $rowStyle->isTblHeader(); $content .= '' . PHP_EOL; $rowCells = $rows[$i]->getCells(); $rowCellCount = count($rowCells); for ($j = 0; $j < $rowCellCount; ++$j) { $cellStyle = $rowCells[$j]->getStyle(); $cellStyleCss = $this->getTableStyle($cellStyle); $cellBgColor = $cellStyle->getBgColor(); $cellFgColor = null; if ($cellBgColor && $cellBgColor !== 'auto') { $red = hexdec(substr($cellBgColor, 0, 2)); $green = hexdec(substr($cellBgColor, 2, 2)); $blue = hexdec(substr($cellBgColor, 4, 2)); $cellFgColor = (($red * 0.299 + $green * 0.587 + $blue * 0.114) > 186) ? null : 'ffffff'; } $cellColSpan = $cellStyle->getGridSpan(); $cellRowSpan = 1; $cellVMerge = $cellStyle->getVMerge(); // If this is the first cell of the vertical merge, find out how man rows it spans if ($cellVMerge === 'restart') { for ($k = $i + 1; $k < $rowCount; ++$k) { $kRowCells = $rows[$k]->getCells(); if (isset($kRowCells[$j]) && $kRowCells[$j]->getStyle()->getVMerge() === 'continue') { ++$cellRowSpan; } else { break; } } } // Ignore cells that are merged vertically with previous rows if ($cellVMerge !== 'continue') { $cellTag = $tblHeader ? 'th' : 'td'; $cellColSpanAttr = (is_numeric($cellColSpan) && ($cellColSpan > 1) ? " colspan=\"{$cellColSpan}\"" : ''); $cellRowSpanAttr = ($cellRowSpan > 1 ? " rowspan=\"{$cellRowSpan}\"" : ''); $cellBgColorAttr = (empty($cellBgColor) ? '' : " bgcolor=\"#{$cellBgColor}\""); $cellFgColorAttr = (empty($cellFgColor) ? '' : " color=\"#{$cellFgColor}\""); $content .= "<{$cellTag}{$cellStyleCss}{$cellColSpanAttr}{$cellRowSpanAttr}{$cellBgColorAttr}{$cellFgColorAttr}>" . PHP_EOL; $writer = new Container($this->parentWriter, $rowCells[$j]); $content .= $writer->write(); if ($cellRowSpan > 1) { // There shouldn't be any content in the subsequent merged cells, but lets check anyway for ($k = $i + 1; $k < $rowCount; ++$k) { $kRowCells = $rows[$k]->getCells(); if (isset($kRowCells[$j]) && $kRowCells[$j]->getStyle()->getVMerge() === 'continue') { $writer = new Container($this->parentWriter, $kRowCells[$j]); $content .= $writer->write(); } else { break; } } } $content .= "" . PHP_EOL; } } $content .= '' . PHP_EOL; } $content .= '' . PHP_EOL; } return $content; } /** * Translates Table style in CSS equivalent. * * @param null|\PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Cell|\PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Table|string $tableStyle */ private function getTableStyle($tableStyle = null): string { if ($tableStyle == null) { return ''; } if (is_string($tableStyle)) { $style = ' class="' . $tableStyle; return $style . '"'; } $styleWriter = new TableStyleWriter($tableStyle); $style = $styleWriter->write(); if ($style === '') { return ''; } return ' style="' . $style . '"'; } }