[], 'override' => []]; /** * Document relationship. * * @var array */ private $relationships = []; /** * Create new Word2007 writer. * * @param \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord */ public function __construct(?PhpWord $phpWord = null) { // Assign PhpWord $this->setPhpWord($phpWord); // Create parts // The first four files need to be in this order for Mimetype detection to work $this->parts = [ 'ContentTypes' => '[Content_Types].xml', 'Rels' => '_rels/.rels', 'RelsDocument' => 'word/_rels/document.xml.rels', 'Document' => 'word/document.xml', 'DocPropsApp' => 'docProps/app.xml', 'DocPropsCore' => 'docProps/core.xml', 'DocPropsCustom' => 'docProps/custom.xml', 'Comments' => 'word/comments.xml', 'Styles' => 'word/styles.xml', 'Numbering' => 'word/numbering.xml', 'Settings' => 'word/settings.xml', 'WebSettings' => 'word/webSettings.xml', 'FontTable' => 'word/fontTable.xml', 'Theme' => 'word/theme/theme1.xml', 'RelsPart' => '', 'Header' => '', 'Footer' => '', 'Footnotes' => '', 'Endnotes' => '', 'Chart' => '', ]; foreach (array_keys($this->parts) as $partName) { $partClass = static::class . '\\Part\\' . $partName; if (class_exists($partClass)) { /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part\AbstractPart $part Type hint */ $part = new $partClass(); $part->setParentWriter($this); $this->writerParts[strtolower($partName)] = $part; } } // Set package paths $this->mediaPaths = ['image' => 'word/media/', 'object' => 'word/embeddings/']; } /** * Save document by name. */ public function save(string $filename): void { $filename = $this->getTempFile($filename); $zip = $this->getZipArchive($filename); $phpWord = $this->getPhpWord(); // Content types $this->contentTypes['default'] = [ 'rels' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml', 'xml' => 'application/xml', ]; // Add section media files $sectionMedia = Media::getElements('section'); if (!empty($sectionMedia)) { $this->addFilesToPackage($zip, $sectionMedia); $this->registerContentTypes($sectionMedia); foreach ($sectionMedia as $element) { $this->relationships[] = $element; } } // Add header/footer media files & relations $this->addHeaderFooterMedia($zip, 'header'); $this->addHeaderFooterMedia($zip, 'footer'); // Add header/footer contents $rId = Media::countElements('section') + 6; //@see Rels::writeDocRels for 6 first elements $sections = $phpWord->getSections(); foreach ($sections as $section) { $this->addHeaderFooterContent($section, $zip, 'header', $rId); $this->addHeaderFooterContent($section, $zip, 'footer', $rId); } $this->addNotes($zip, $rId, 'footnote'); $this->addNotes($zip, $rId, 'endnote'); $this->addComments($zip, $rId); $this->addChart($zip, $rId); // Write parts foreach ($this->parts as $partName => $fileName) { if ($fileName != '') { $zip->addFromString($fileName, $this->getWriterPart($partName)->write()); } } // Close zip archive and cleanup temp file $zip->close(); $this->cleanupTempFile(); } /** * Get content types. * * @return array */ public function getContentTypes() { return $this->contentTypes; } /** * Get content types. * * @return array */ public function getRelationships() { return $this->relationships; } /** * Add header/footer media files, e.g. footer1.xml.rels. * * @param string $docPart */ private function addHeaderFooterMedia(ZipArchive $zip, $docPart): void { $elements = Media::getElements($docPart); if (!empty($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $file => $media) { if (count($media) > 0) { if (!empty($media)) { $this->addFilesToPackage($zip, $media); $this->registerContentTypes($media); } /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part\AbstractPart $writerPart Type hint */ $writerPart = $this->getWriterPart('relspart')->setMedia($media); $zip->addFromString("word/_rels/{$file}.xml.rels", $writerPart->write()); } } } } /** * Add header/footer content. * * @param string $elmType header|footer * @param int &$rId */ private function addHeaderFooterContent(Section &$section, ZipArchive $zip, $elmType, &$rId): void { $getFunction = $elmType == 'header' ? 'getHeaders' : 'getFooters'; $elmCount = ($section->getSectionId() - 1) * 3; $elements = $section->$getFunction(); /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\AbstractElement $element Type hint */ foreach ($elements as &$element) { ++$elmCount; $element->setRelationId(++$rId); $elmFile = "{$elmType}{$elmCount}.xml"; // e.g. footer1.xml $this->contentTypes['override']["/word/$elmFile"] = $elmType; $this->relationships[] = ['target' => $elmFile, 'type' => $elmType, 'rID' => $rId]; /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part\AbstractPart $writerPart Type hint */ $writerPart = $this->getWriterPart($elmType)->setElement($element); $zip->addFromString("word/$elmFile", $writerPart->write()); } } /** * Add footnotes/endnotes. * * @param int &$rId * @param string $noteType */ private function addNotes(ZipArchive $zip, &$rId, $noteType = 'footnote'): void { $phpWord = $this->getPhpWord(); $noteType = ($noteType == 'endnote') ? 'endnote' : 'footnote'; $partName = "{$noteType}s"; $method = 'get' . $partName; $collection = $phpWord->$method(); // Add footnotes media files, relations, and contents /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Collection\AbstractCollection $collection Type hint */ if ($collection->countItems() > 0) { $media = Media::getElements($noteType); $this->addFilesToPackage($zip, $media); $this->registerContentTypes($media); $this->contentTypes['override']["/word/{$partName}.xml"] = $partName; $this->relationships[] = ['target' => "{$partName}.xml", 'type' => $partName, 'rID' => ++$rId]; // Write relationships file, e.g. word/_rels/footnotes.xml if (!empty($media)) { /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part\AbstractPart $writerPart Type hint */ $writerPart = $this->getWriterPart('relspart')->setMedia($media); $zip->addFromString("word/_rels/{$partName}.xml.rels", $writerPart->write()); } // Write content file, e.g. word/footnotes.xml $writerPart = $this->getWriterPart($partName)->setElements($collection->getItems()); $zip->addFromString("word/{$partName}.xml", $writerPart->write()); } } /** * Add comments. * * @param int &$rId */ private function addComments(ZipArchive $zip, &$rId): void { $phpWord = $this->getPhpWord(); $collection = $phpWord->getComments(); $partName = 'comments'; // Add comment relations and contents /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Collection\AbstractCollection $collection Type hint */ if ($collection->countItems() > 0) { $this->relationships[] = ['target' => "{$partName}.xml", 'type' => $partName, 'rID' => ++$rId]; // Write content file, e.g. word/comments.xml $writerPart = $this->getWriterPart($partName)->setElements($collection->getItems()); $zip->addFromString("word/{$partName}.xml", $writerPart->write()); } } /** * Add chart. * * @param int &$rId */ private function addChart(ZipArchive $zip, &$rId): void { $phpWord = $this->getPhpWord(); $collection = $phpWord->getCharts(); $index = 0; if ($collection->countItems() > 0) { /** @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Chart $chart */ foreach ($collection->getItems() as $chart) { ++$index; ++$rId; $filename = "charts/chart{$index}.xml"; // ContentTypes.xml $this->contentTypes['override']["/word/{$filename}"] = 'chart'; // word/_rels/document.xml.rel $this->relationships[] = ['target' => $filename, 'type' => 'chart', 'rID' => $rId]; // word/charts/chartN.xml $chart->setRelationId($rId); $writerPart = $this->getWriterPart('Chart'); $writerPart->setElement($chart); $zip->addFromString("word/{$filename}", $writerPart->write()); } } } /** * Register content types for each media. * * @param array $media */ private function registerContentTypes($media): void { foreach ($media as $medium) { $mediumType = $medium['type']; if ($mediumType == 'image') { $extension = $medium['imageExtension']; if (!isset($this->contentTypes['default'][$extension])) { $this->contentTypes['default'][$extension] = $medium['imageType']; } } elseif ($mediumType == 'object') { if (!isset($this->contentTypes['default']['bin'])) { $this->contentTypes['default']['bin'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.oleObject'; } } } } }