* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\StaticAnalysis; use function assert; use function implode; use function rtrim; use function trim; use PhpParser\Node; use PhpParser\Node\ComplexType; use PhpParser\Node\Identifier; use PhpParser\Node\IntersectionType; use PhpParser\Node\Name; use PhpParser\Node\NullableType; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Enum_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Trait_; use PhpParser\Node\UnionType; use PhpParser\NodeAbstract; use PhpParser\NodeTraverser; use PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract; use SebastianBergmann\Complexity\CyclomaticComplexityCalculatingVisitor; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for phpunit/php-code-coverage */ final class CodeUnitFindingVisitor extends NodeVisitorAbstract { /** * @psalm-var array}> */ private $classes = []; /** * @psalm-var array}> */ private $traits = []; /** * @psalm-var array */ private $functions = []; public function enterNode(Node $node): void { if ($node instanceof Class_) { if ($node->isAnonymous()) { return; } $this->processClass($node); } if ($node instanceof Trait_) { $this->processTrait($node); } if (!$node instanceof ClassMethod && !$node instanceof Function_) { return; } if ($node instanceof ClassMethod) { $parentNode = $node->getAttribute('parent'); if ($parentNode instanceof Class_ && $parentNode->isAnonymous()) { return; } $this->processMethod($node); return; } $this->processFunction($node); } /** * @psalm-return array}> */ public function classes(): array { return $this->classes; } /** * @psalm-return array}> */ public function traits(): array { return $this->traits; } /** * @psalm-return array */ public function functions(): array { return $this->functions; } /** * @psalm-param ClassMethod|Function_ $node */ private function cyclomaticComplexity(Node $node): int { assert($node instanceof ClassMethod || $node instanceof Function_); $nodes = $node->getStmts(); if ($nodes === null) { return 0; } $traverser = new NodeTraverser; $cyclomaticComplexityCalculatingVisitor = new CyclomaticComplexityCalculatingVisitor; $traverser->addVisitor($cyclomaticComplexityCalculatingVisitor); /* @noinspection UnusedFunctionResultInspection */ $traverser->traverse($nodes); return $cyclomaticComplexityCalculatingVisitor->cyclomaticComplexity(); } /** * @psalm-param ClassMethod|Function_ $node */ private function signature(Node $node): string { assert($node instanceof ClassMethod || $node instanceof Function_); $signature = ($node->returnsByRef() ? '&' : '') . $node->name->toString() . '('; $parameters = []; foreach ($node->getParams() as $parameter) { assert(isset($parameter->var->name)); $parameterAsString = ''; if ($parameter->type !== null) { $parameterAsString = $this->type($parameter->type) . ' '; } $parameterAsString .= '$' . $parameter->var->name; /* @todo Handle default values */ $parameters[] = $parameterAsString; } $signature .= implode(', ', $parameters) . ')'; $returnType = $node->getReturnType(); if ($returnType !== null) { $signature .= ': ' . $this->type($returnType); } return $signature; } /** * @psalm-param Identifier|Name|ComplexType $type */ private function type(Node $type): string { assert($type instanceof Identifier || $type instanceof Name || $type instanceof ComplexType); if ($type instanceof NullableType) { return '?' . $type->type; } if ($type instanceof UnionType) { return $this->unionTypeAsString($type); } if ($type instanceof IntersectionType) { return $this->intersectionTypeAsString($type); } return $type->toString(); } private function visibility(ClassMethod $node): string { if ($node->isPrivate()) { return 'private'; } if ($node->isProtected()) { return 'protected'; } return 'public'; } private function processClass(Class_ $node): void { $name = $node->name->toString(); $namespacedName = $node->namespacedName->toString(); $this->classes[$namespacedName] = [ 'name' => $name, 'namespacedName' => $namespacedName, 'namespace' => $this->namespace($namespacedName, $name), 'startLine' => $node->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $node->getEndLine(), 'methods' => [], ]; } private function processTrait(Trait_ $node): void { $name = $node->name->toString(); $namespacedName = $node->namespacedName->toString(); $this->traits[$namespacedName] = [ 'name' => $name, 'namespacedName' => $namespacedName, 'namespace' => $this->namespace($namespacedName, $name), 'startLine' => $node->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $node->getEndLine(), 'methods' => [], ]; } private function processMethod(ClassMethod $node): void { $parentNode = $node->getAttribute('parent'); if ($parentNode instanceof Interface_) { return; } assert($parentNode instanceof Class_ || $parentNode instanceof Trait_ || $parentNode instanceof Enum_); assert(isset($parentNode->name)); assert(isset($parentNode->namespacedName)); assert($parentNode->namespacedName instanceof Name); $parentName = $parentNode->name->toString(); $parentNamespacedName = $parentNode->namespacedName->toString(); if ($parentNode instanceof Class_) { $storage = &$this->classes; } else { $storage = &$this->traits; } if (!isset($storage[$parentNamespacedName])) { $storage[$parentNamespacedName] = [ 'name' => $parentName, 'namespacedName' => $parentNamespacedName, 'namespace' => $this->namespace($parentNamespacedName, $parentName), 'startLine' => $parentNode->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $parentNode->getEndLine(), 'methods' => [], ]; } $storage[$parentNamespacedName]['methods'][$node->name->toString()] = [ 'methodName' => $node->name->toString(), 'signature' => $this->signature($node), 'visibility' => $this->visibility($node), 'startLine' => $node->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $node->getEndLine(), 'ccn' => $this->cyclomaticComplexity($node), ]; } private function processFunction(Function_ $node): void { assert(isset($node->name)); assert(isset($node->namespacedName)); assert($node->namespacedName instanceof Name); $name = $node->name->toString(); $namespacedName = $node->namespacedName->toString(); $this->functions[$namespacedName] = [ 'name' => $name, 'namespacedName' => $namespacedName, 'namespace' => $this->namespace($namespacedName, $name), 'signature' => $this->signature($node), 'startLine' => $node->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $node->getEndLine(), 'ccn' => $this->cyclomaticComplexity($node), ]; } private function namespace(string $namespacedName, string $name): string { return trim(rtrim($namespacedName, $name), '\\'); } private function unionTypeAsString(UnionType $node): string { $types = []; foreach ($node->types as $type) { if ($type instanceof IntersectionType) { $types[] = '(' . $this->intersectionTypeAsString($type) . ')'; continue; } $types[] = $this->typeAsString($type); } return implode('|', $types); } private function intersectionTypeAsString(IntersectionType $node): string { $types = []; foreach ($node->types as $type) { $types[] = $this->typeAsString($type); } return implode('&', $types); } /** * @psalm-param Identifier|Name $node $node */ private function typeAsString(NodeAbstract $node): string { if ($node instanceof Name) { return $node->toCodeString(); } return $node->toString(); } }