* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\StaticAnalysis; use function array_diff_key; use function assert; use function count; use function current; use function end; use function explode; use function max; use function preg_match; use function preg_quote; use function range; use function reset; use function sprintf; use PhpParser\Node; use PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for phpunit/php-code-coverage */ final class ExecutableLinesFindingVisitor extends NodeVisitorAbstract { /** * @var int */ private $nextBranch = 0; /** * @var string */ private $source; /** * @var array */ private $executableLinesGroupedByBranch = []; /** * @var array */ private $unsets = []; /** * @var array */ private $commentsToCheckForUnset = []; public function __construct(string $source) { $this->source = $source; } public function enterNode(Node $node): void { foreach ($node->getComments() as $comment) { $commentLine = $comment->getStartLine(); if (!isset($this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$commentLine])) { continue; } foreach (explode("\n", $comment->getText()) as $text) { $this->commentsToCheckForUnset[$commentLine] = $text; $commentLine++; } } if ($node instanceof Node\Scalar\String_ || $node instanceof Node\Scalar\EncapsedStringPart) { $startLine = $node->getStartLine() + 1; $endLine = $node->getEndLine() - 1; if ($startLine <= $endLine) { foreach (range($startLine, $endLine) as $line) { unset($this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$line]); } } return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Interface_) { foreach (range($node->getStartLine(), $node->getEndLine()) as $line) { $this->unsets[$line] = true; } return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Declare_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\DeclareDeclare || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Else_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\EnumCase || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Finally_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\GroupUse || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Label || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Namespace_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Switch_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\TryCatch || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Use_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\UseUse || $node instanceof Node\Expr\ConstFetch || $node instanceof Node\Expr\Match_ || $node instanceof Node\Expr\Variable || $node instanceof Node\Expr\Throw_ || $node instanceof Node\ComplexType || $node instanceof Node\Const_ || $node instanceof Node\Identifier || $node instanceof Node\Name || $node instanceof Node\Param || $node instanceof Node\Scalar) { return; } /* * nikic/php-parser ^4.18 represents throw statements * as Stmt\Throw_ objects */ if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Throw_) { $this->setLineBranch($node->expr->getEndLine(), $node->expr->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); return; } /* * nikic/php-parser ^5 represents throw statements * as Stmt\Expression objects that contain an * Expr\Throw_ object */ if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $node->expr instanceof Node\Expr\Throw_) { $this->setLineBranch($node->expr->expr->getEndLine(), $node->expr->expr->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Enum_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Function_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod || $node instanceof Node\Expr\Closure || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Trait_) { $isConcreteClassLike = $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Enum_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Class_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Trait_; if (null !== $node->stmts) { foreach ($node->stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop) { continue; } foreach (range($stmt->getStartLine(), $stmt->getEndLine()) as $line) { unset($this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$line]); if ( $isConcreteClassLike && !$stmt instanceof Node\Stmt\ClassMethod ) { $this->unsets[$line] = true; } } } } if ($isConcreteClassLike) { return; } $hasEmptyBody = [] === $node->stmts || null === $node->stmts || ( 1 === count($node->stmts) && $node->stmts[0] instanceof Node\Stmt\Nop ); if ($hasEmptyBody) { if ($node->getEndLine() === $node->getStartLine()) { return; } $this->setLineBranch($node->getEndLine(), $node->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); return; } return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\ArrowFunction) { $startLine = max( $node->getStartLine() + 1, $node->expr->getStartLine() ); $endLine = $node->expr->getEndLine(); if ($endLine < $startLine) { return; } $this->setLineBranch($startLine, $endLine, ++$this->nextBranch); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\Ternary) { if (null !== $node->if && $node->getStartLine() !== $node->if->getEndLine()) { $this->setLineBranch($node->if->getStartLine(), $node->if->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); } if ($node->getStartLine() !== $node->else->getEndLine()) { $this->setLineBranch($node->else->getStartLine(), $node->else->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); } return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce) { if ($node->getStartLine() !== $node->getEndLine()) { $this->setLineBranch($node->getEndLine(), $node->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); } return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\If_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\ElseIf_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Case_) { if (null === $node->cond) { return; } $this->setLineBranch( $node->cond->getStartLine(), $node->cond->getStartLine(), ++$this->nextBranch ); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\For_) { $startLine = null; $endLine = null; if ([] !== $node->init) { $startLine = $node->init[0]->getStartLine(); end($node->init); $endLine = current($node->init)->getEndLine(); reset($node->init); } if ([] !== $node->cond) { if (null === $startLine) { $startLine = $node->cond[0]->getStartLine(); } end($node->cond); $endLine = current($node->cond)->getEndLine(); reset($node->cond); } if ([] !== $node->loop) { if (null === $startLine) { $startLine = $node->loop[0]->getStartLine(); } end($node->loop); $endLine = current($node->loop)->getEndLine(); reset($node->loop); } if (null === $startLine || null === $endLine) { return; } $this->setLineBranch( $startLine, $endLine, ++$this->nextBranch ); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Foreach_) { $this->setLineBranch( $node->expr->getStartLine(), $node->valueVar->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch ); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\While_ || $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Do_) { $this->setLineBranch( $node->cond->getStartLine(), $node->cond->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch ); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Stmt\Catch_) { assert([] !== $node->types); $startLine = $node->types[0]->getStartLine(); end($node->types); $endLine = current($node->types)->getEndLine(); $this->setLineBranch( $startLine, $endLine, ++$this->nextBranch ); return; } if ($node instanceof Node\Expr\CallLike) { if (isset($this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$node->getStartLine()])) { $branch = $this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$node->getStartLine()]; } else { $branch = ++$this->nextBranch; } $this->setLineBranch($node->getStartLine(), $node->getEndLine(), $branch); return; } if (isset($this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$node->getStartLine()])) { return; } $this->setLineBranch($node->getStartLine(), $node->getEndLine(), ++$this->nextBranch); } public function afterTraverse(array $nodes): void { $lines = explode("\n", $this->source); foreach ($lines as $lineNumber => $line) { $lineNumber++; if (1 === preg_match('/^\s*$/', $line) || ( isset($this->commentsToCheckForUnset[$lineNumber]) && 1 === preg_match(sprintf('/^\s*%s\s*$/', preg_quote($this->commentsToCheckForUnset[$lineNumber], '/')), $line) )) { unset($this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$lineNumber]); } } $this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch = array_diff_key( $this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch, $this->unsets ); } public function executableLinesGroupedByBranch(): array { return $this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch; } private function setLineBranch(int $start, int $end, int $branch): void { foreach (range($start, $end) as $line) { $this->executableLinesGroupedByBranch[$line] = $branch; } } }