reader = $parser->getStreamReader(); $this->read(); parent::__construct($parser); } /** * Get all subsection data. * * @return array */ public function getSubSections() { return $this->subSections; } /** * @inheritdoc * @return int|false */ public function getOffsetFor($objectNumber) { foreach ($this->subSections as $offset => list($startObject, $objectCount)) { /** * @var int $startObject * @var int $objectCount */ if ($objectNumber >= $startObject && $objectNumber < ($startObject + $objectCount)) { $position = $offset + 20 * ($objectNumber - $startObject); $this->reader->ensure($position, 20); $line = $this->reader->readBytes(20); if ($line[17] === 'f') { return false; } return (int) \substr($line, 0, 10); } } return false; } /** * Read the cross-reference. * * This reader will only read the subsections in this method. The offsets were resolved individually by this * information. * * @throws CrossReferenceException */ protected function read() { $subSections = []; $startObject = $entryCount = $lastLineStart = null; $validityChecked = false; while (($line = $this->reader->readLine(20)) !== false) { if (\strpos($line, 'trailer') !== false) { $this->reader->reset($lastLineStart); break; } // jump over if line content doesn't match the expected string if (\sscanf($line, '%d %d', $startObject, $entryCount) !== 2) { continue; } $oldPosition = $this->reader->getPosition(); $position = $oldPosition + $this->reader->getOffset(); if (!$validityChecked && $entryCount > 0) { $nextLine = $this->reader->readBytes(21); /* Check the next line for maximum of 20 bytes and not longer * By catching 21 bytes and trimming the length should be still 21. */ if (\strlen(\trim($nextLine)) !== 21) { throw new CrossReferenceException( 'Cross-reference entries are larger than 20 bytes.', CrossReferenceException::ENTRIES_TOO_LARGE ); } /* Check for less than 20 bytes: cut the line to 20 bytes and trim; have to result in exactly 18 bytes. * If it would have less bytes the substring would get the first bytes of the next line which would * evaluate to a 20 bytes long string after trimming. */ if (\strlen(\trim(\substr($nextLine, 0, 20))) !== 18) { throw new CrossReferenceException( 'Cross-reference entries are less than 20 bytes.', CrossReferenceException::ENTRIES_TOO_SHORT ); } $validityChecked = true; } $subSections[$position] = [$startObject, $entryCount]; $lastLineStart = $position + $entryCount * 20; $this->reader->reset($lastLineStart); } // reset after the last correct parsed line $this->reader->reset($lastLineStart); if (\count($subSections) === 0) { throw new CrossReferenceException( 'No entries found in cross-reference.', CrossReferenceException::NO_ENTRIES ); } $this->subSections = $subSections; } /** * Fixes an invalid object number shift. * * This method can be used to repair documents with an invalid subsection header: * * * xref * 1 7 * 0000000000 65535 f * 0000000009 00000 n * 0000412075 00000 n * 0000412172 00000 n * 0000412359 00000 n * 0000412417 00000 n * 0000412468 00000 n * * * It shall only be called on the first table. * * @return bool */ public function fixFaultySubSectionShift() { $subSections = $this->getSubSections(); if (\count($subSections) > 1) { return false; } $subSection = \current($subSections); if ($subSection[0] != 1) { return false; } if ($this->getOffsetFor(1) === false) { foreach ($subSections as $offset => list($startObject, $objectCount)) { $this->subSections[$offset] = [$startObject - 1, $objectCount]; } return true; } return false; } }