config = $config != null ? $config : config(''); $this->adapterType = $this->config['default'] ?? 'local'; $this->size = $this->config['max_size'] ?? 1024 * 1024 * 10; $this->extYes = $this->config['ext_yes'] ?? []; $this->extNo = $this->config['ext_no'] ?? []; if (!empty(static::$maker)) { foreach (static::$maker as $maker) { \call_user_func($maker, $this); } } } /** * 注入配置文件 * @param $config * @return $this */ public function setConfig($config){ $this->config = $config; return $this; } /** * 设置服务注入 * @access public * @param Closure $maker * @return void */ public static function maker(Closure $maker) { static::$maker[] = $maker; } /** * 存储路径 * @param string $name * @return $this */ public function adapter(string $name) { $this->adapterType = $name; return $this; } /** * 存储路径 * @param string $name * @return $this */ public function path(string $name) :Storage { $this->path = $name; return $this; } /** * 允许上传文件类型 * @param array $ext * @return $this */ public function extYes(array $ext) { $this->extYes = $ext; return $this; } /** * 不允许上传文件类型 * @param array $ext * @return $this */ public function extNo(array $ext) { $this->extNo = $ext; return $this; } /** * 设置允许文件大小 * @param int $size * @return $this */ public function size(int $size) { $this->size = $size; return $this; } /** * 上传文件 * @param $file * @throws \Exception */ public function upload($file,$same = true) { $this->verifyFile($file); // 验证附件 $filesystem = FilesystemFactory::get($this->adapterType,$this->config); $storageKey = $this->hash($file->getPathname()); if($same){ $storageKey = $this->hash($file->getPathname()).'_'.uniqid(); }else{ if($filesystem->fileExists(trim($this->path.'/'.$storageKey.'.'.$file->getUploadExtension(), '/'))){ $filesystem->delete(trim($this->path.'/'.$storageKey.'.'.$file->getUploadExtension(), '/')); } } $result = $this->putFileAs($this->path, $file, $storageKey.'.'.$file->getUploadExtension()); if($result){ $info = [ 'adapter' => $this->adapterType, 'origin_name' => $file->getUploadName(), 'file_name' => $result, 'storage_key' => $storageKey, 'file_url' => $this->url($result), 'size' => $file->getSize(), 'mime_type' => $file->getUploadMineType(), 'extension' => $file->getUploadExtension(), ]; if (\substr($file->getUploadMineType(), 0, 5) == 'image') { $size = \getimagesize($file); $info['file_height'] = $size[1] ?? 0; $info['file_width'] = $size[0] ?? 0; } return \json_decode(\json_encode($info)); } } /** * 原文件覆盖上传 * @param $file * @param $fileName * @param $ext * @throws \Throwable */ public function reUpload($file,$fileName,$ext = false) { $this->verifyFile($file); // 验证附件 $filesystem = FilesystemFactory::get($this->adapterType,$this->config); $first = strrpos($fileName,'/'); if($first === false){ $path = $this->path; $keyAndExt = explode('.',substr($fileName,0,strlen($fileName))); }else{ $path = substr($fileName,0,$first); $keyAndExt = explode('.',substr($fileName,$first + 1,strlen($fileName))); } $storageKey = $keyAndExt[0] ?? \hash_file('md5', $file->getPathname()); $fileName = $path.'/'.$storageKey.'.'.($ext?$keyAndExt[1]:$file->getUploadExtension()); if($filesystem->fileExists(trim($fileName, '/'))){ $filesystem->delete($fileName); } $result = $this->putFileAs($this->path, $file, $storageKey.'.'.($ext?$keyAndExt[1]:$file->getUploadExtension())); if($result) { $info = [ 'origin_name' => $file->getUploadName(), 'file_name' => $result, 'storage_key' => $storageKey, 'file_url' => $this->url($result), 'size' => $file->getSize(), 'mime_type' => $file->getUploadMineType(), 'extension' => $file->getUploadExtension(), ]; if (\substr($file->getUploadMineType(), 0, 5) == 'image') { $size = \getimagesize($file); $info['file_height'] = $size[1] ?? 0; $info['file_width'] = $size[0] ?? 0; } return \json_decode(\json_encode($info)); } } /** * 批量上传文件 * @param $files * @param int $num * @param int $size * @throws \Exception */ public function uploads($files,$num = 0, $size = 0,$same = true) { $result = []; if($num > 0 && count($files) > $num){ throw new \Exception('文件数量超过了'.$num); } if($size > 0){ $allSize = 0; foreach ($files as $key => $file) { $allSize += $file->getSize(); } if($allSize > $size){ throw new \Exception('文件总大小超过了'.$size); } } foreach ($files as $key => $file) { $info = $this->upload($file,$same); \array_push($result, $info); } return \json_decode(\json_encode($result)); } /** * base64图片上传 * @param $baseImg * @throws \Throwable */ public function base64Upload($baseImg) { preg_match('/^(data:\s*image\/(\w+);base64,)/',$baseImg,$res); if(count($res) != 3){ throw new \Exception('格式错误'); } $img = base64_decode(str_replace($res[1],'', $baseImg)); $size = getimagesizefromstring($img); if(count($size) == 0){ throw new \Exception('图片格式不正确'); } if(!empty($this->extYes) && !in_array($size['mime'],$this->extYes)) { throw new \Exception('不允许上传文件类型'.$size['mime']); } if(!empty($this->extNo) &&in_array($size['mime'],$this->extNo)) { throw new \Exception('文件类型不被允许'.$size['mime']); } $storageKey = md5(uniqid()); $fileName = $this->path.'/'.$storageKey.'.'.$res[2]; $base_img = str_replace($res[1], '', $baseImg); $base_img = str_replace('=','',$base_img); $img_len = strlen($base_img); $file_size = intval($img_len - ($img_len/8)*2); if($file_size > $this->size){ throw new \Exception("上传文件过大(当前大小 {$file_size},需小于 {$this->size})"); } $this->put( $path = trim($fileName, '/'), $img ); $info = [ 'origin_name' => $fileName, 'file_name' => $fileName, 'storage_key' => $storageKey, 'file_url' => $this->url($fileName), 'size' => $file_size, 'mime_type' => $size['mime'], 'extension' => $res[2], 'file_height' => $size[1] ?? 0, 'file_width' => $size[0] ?? 0 ]; return \json_decode(\json_encode($info)); } /** * 压缩上传图片 * @param $file * @param $processFunction * @param $same * @throws \Throwable */ public function processUpload($file,$processFunction = null,$same = true){ $this->verifyFile($file); // 验证附件 if (!class_exists(\Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic::class)) { throw new \Exception('图片处理器未安装'); } $image = \Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic::make($file); if(is_callable($processFunction)){ $image = $processFunction($image); } $filesystem = FilesystemFactory::get($this->adapterType,$this->config); $storageKey = $this->hash($file->getPathname()); if($same){ $storageKey = $this->hash($file->getPathname()).'_'.uniqid(); }else{ if($filesystem->fileExists(trim($this->path.'/'.$storageKey.'.'.$file->getUploadExtension(), '/'))){ $filesystem->delete(trim($this->path.'/'.$storageKey.'.'.$file->getUploadExtension(), '/')); } } $name = $storageKey.'.'.$file->getUploadExtension(); $result = $this->put($path = trim($this->path.'/'.$name, '/'), $image->stream()); if($result){ $info = [ 'adapter' => $this->adapterType, 'origin_name' => $file->getUploadName(), 'file_name' => $path, 'storage_key' => $storageKey, 'file_url' => $this->url($path), 'size' => $image->filesize(), 'mime_type' => $file->getUploadMineType(), 'extension' => $file->getUploadExtension(), 'file_height' => $image->height(), 'file_width' => $image->width() ]; return \json_decode(\json_encode($info)); } } /** * 文件验证 * @param $file * @throws \Exception */ protected function verifyFile($file){ if(!empty($this->extYes) && !in_array($file->getUploadMineType(),$this->extYes)) { throw new \Exception('不允许上传文件类型'.$file->getUploadMineType()); } if(!empty($this->extNo) &&in_array($file->getUploadMineType(),$this->extNo)) { throw new \Exception('文件类型不被允许'.$file->getUploadMineType()); } if($file->getSize() > $this->size){ throw new \Exception("上传文件过大(当前大小 {$file->getSize()},需小于 {$this->size})"); } } /** * 获取url * @param string $fileName * @return void */ public function url(string $fileName) { $url = parse_url($fileName); if(isset($url['host'])) return $fileName; $domain = $this->config['storage'][$this->adapterType]['url']; if(empty($domain)){ $domain = '//'.\request()->host(); } return $domain.'/'.$fileName; } /** * Determine if two files are the same by comparing their hashes. * * @param string $firstFile * @param string $secondFile * @return bool */ public function hasSameHash($firstFile, $secondFile) { $hash = @md5_file($firstFile); return $hash && $hash === @md5_file($secondFile); } /** * Get the hash of the file at the given path. * * @param string $path * @param string $algorithm * @return string */ public function hash($path, $algorithm = 'md5') { return hash_file($algorithm, $path); } /** * * @param $path * @param $file * @param $options * @return false|string */ public function putFile($path, $file, $options = []) { $file = is_string($file) ? new File($file) : $file; return $this->putFileAs($path, $file, $this->hash($file->getPathname()).'.'.$file->getUploadExtension(), $options); } /** * @param $path * @param $file * @param $name * @param $options * @return false|string * @throws \Throwable */ public function putFileAs($path, $file, $name, $options = []) { $stream = fopen(is_string($file) ? $file : $file->getRealPath(), 'r'); // Next, we will format the path of the file and store the file using a stream since // they provide better performance than alternatives. Once we write the file this // stream will get closed automatically by us so the developer doesn't have to. $result = $this->put( $path = trim($path.'/'.$name, '/'), $stream, $options ); if (is_resource($stream)) { fclose($stream); } return $result ? $path : false; } /** * * @param $path * @param $contents * @param $options * @return bool * @throws \Throwable */ public function put($path, $contents, $options = []) { $options = is_string($options) ? ['visibility' => $options] : (array) $options; // If the given contents is actually a file or uploaded file instance than we will // automatically store the file using a stream. This provides a convenient path // for the developer to store streams without managing them manually in code. if ($contents instanceof \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File || $contents instanceof UploadFile) { return $this->putFile($path, $contents, $options); } try { if ($contents instanceof StreamInterface) { FilesystemFactory::get($this->adapterType,$this->config)->writeStream($path, $contents->detach(), $options); return true; } is_resource($contents) ? FilesystemFactory::get($this->adapterType,$this->config)->writeStream($path, $contents, $options) : FilesystemFactory::get($this->adapterType,$this->config)->write($path, $contents, $options); } catch (UnableToWriteFile | UnableToSetVisibility $e) { throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e); return false; } return true; } }