getTransport()); } /** * @return SymfonyMailer Swift mailer instance */ public function getSymfonyMailer(): SymfonyMailer { if (!is_object($this->symfonyMailer)) { $this->symfonyMailer = $this->createSymfonyMailer(); } return $this->symfonyMailer; } /** * @return TransportInterface */ public function getTransport(): TransportInterface { if (!is_object($this->_transport)) { $this->_transport = $this->createTransport($this->_transport); } return $this->_transport; } /** * @param array|TransportInterface $transport * @throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid argument. */ public function setTransport($transport): void { if (!is_array($transport) && !$transport instanceof TransportInterface) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('"' . get_class($this) . '::transport" should be either object or array, "' . gettype($transport) . '" given.'); } $this->_transport = $transport instanceof TransportInterface ? $transport : $this->createTransport( $transport ); $this->symfonyMailer = null; } private function createTransport(array $config = []): TransportInterface { $config = array_merge(config(''), $config); $defaultFactories = \Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport::getDefaultFactories(); $transportObj = new \Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport($defaultFactories); if (array_key_exists('dsn', $config) && is_string($config['dsn'])) { $transport = $transportObj->fromString($config['dsn']); } elseif (array_key_exists('dsn', $config) && $config['dsn'] instanceof Dsn) { $transport = $transportObj->fromDsnObject($config['dsn']); } elseif (array_key_exists('scheme', $config) && array_key_exists('host', $config)) { $dsn = new Dsn( $config['scheme'], $config['host'], $config['username'] ?? '', $config['password'] ?? '', $config['port'] ?? null, $config['options'] ?? [], ); $transport = $transportObj->fromDsnObject($dsn); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Transport configuration array must contain either "dsn", or "scheme" and "host" keys.'); } return $transport; } }