// weighted_kurtosis.hpp
//  Copyright 2006 Olivier Gygi, Daniel Egloff. Distributed under the Boost
//  Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)


#include <limits>
#include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/framework/accumulator_base.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/framework/extractor.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/framework/parameters/sample.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/numeric/functional.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/framework/depends_on.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/weighted_moment.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/weighted_mean.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace accumulators

namespace impl
    // weighted_kurtosis_impl
        @brief Kurtosis estimation for weighted samples

        The kurtosis of a sample distribution is defined as the ratio of the 4th central moment and the square of the 2nd central
        moment (the variance) of the samples, minus 3. The term \f$ -3 \f$ is added in order to ensure that the normal distribution
        has zero kurtosis. The kurtosis can also be expressed by the simple moments:

            \hat{g}_2 =
                {\left(\widehat{m}_n^{(2)} - \hat{\mu}_n^{2}\right)^2} - 3,

        where \f$ \widehat{m}_n^{(i)} \f$ are the \f$ i \f$-th moment and \f$ \hat{\mu}_n \f$ the mean (first moment) of the
        \f$ n \f$ samples.

        The kurtosis estimator for weighted samples is formally identical to the estimator for unweighted samples, except that
        the weighted counterparts of all measures it depends on are to be taken.
    template<typename Sample, typename Weight>
    struct weighted_kurtosis_impl
      : accumulator_base
        typedef typename numeric::functional::multiplies<Sample, Weight>::result_type weighted_sample;
        // for boost::result_of
        typedef typename numeric::functional::fdiv<weighted_sample, weighted_sample>::result_type result_type;


        template<typename Args>
        result_type result(Args const &args) const
            return numeric::fdiv(
                        - 4. * accumulators::weighted_moment<3>(args) * weighted_mean(args)
                        + 6. * accumulators::weighted_moment<2>(args) * weighted_mean(args) * weighted_mean(args)
                        - 3. * weighted_mean(args) * weighted_mean(args) * weighted_mean(args) * weighted_mean(args)
                      , ( accumulators::weighted_moment<2>(args) - weighted_mean(args) * weighted_mean(args) )
                        * ( accumulators::weighted_moment<2>(args) - weighted_mean(args) * weighted_mean(args) )
                   ) - 3.;

} // namespace impl

// tag::weighted_kurtosis
namespace tag
    struct weighted_kurtosis
      : depends_on<weighted_mean, weighted_moment<2>, weighted_moment<3>, weighted_moment<4> >
        /// INTERNAL ONLY
        typedef accumulators::impl::weighted_kurtosis_impl<mpl::_1, mpl::_2> impl;

// extract::weighted_kurtosis
namespace extract
    extractor<tag::weighted_kurtosis> const weighted_kurtosis = {};


using extract::weighted_kurtosis;

}} // namespace boost::accumulators
