#ifndef BOOST_ARCHIVE_DINKUMWARE_HPP #define BOOST_ARCHIVE_DINKUMWARE_HPP // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma once #endif /////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 // dinkumware.hpp: // (C) Copyright 2002 Robert Ramey - http://www.rrsd.com . // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history. // this file adds a couple of things that are missing from the dinkumware // implementation of the standard library. #include <iterator> #include <string> #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <boost/cstdint.hpp> namespace std { // define i/o operators for 64 bit integers template<class CharType> basic_ostream<CharType> & operator<<(basic_ostream<CharType> & os, boost::uint64_t t){ // octal rendering of 64 bit number would be 22 octets + eos CharType d[23]; unsigned int radix; if(os.flags() & (int)std::ios_base::hex) radix = 16; else if(os.flags() & (int)std::ios_base::oct) radix = 8; else //if(s.flags() & (int)std::ios_base::dec) radix = 10; unsigned int i = 0; do{ unsigned int j = t % radix; d[i++] = j + ((j < 10) ? '0' : ('a' - 10)); t /= radix; } while(t > 0); d[i--] = '\0'; // reverse digits unsigned int j = 0; while(j < i){ CharType k = d[i]; d[i] = d[j]; d[j] = k; --i;++j; } os << d; return os; } template<class CharType> basic_ostream<CharType> & operator<<(basic_ostream<CharType> &os, boost::int64_t t){ if(0 <= t){ os << static_cast<boost::uint64_t>(t); } else{ os.put('-'); os << -t; } return os; } template<class CharType> basic_istream<CharType> & operator>>(basic_istream<CharType> &is, boost::int64_t & t){ CharType d; do{ d = is.get(); } while(::isspace(d)); bool negative = (d == '-'); if(negative) d = is.get(); unsigned int radix; if(is.flags() & (int)std::ios_base::hex) radix = 16; else if(is.flags() & (int)std::ios_base::oct) radix = 8; else //if(s.flags() & (int)std::ios_base::dec) radix = 10; t = 0; do{ if('0' <= d && d <= '9') t = t * radix + (d - '0'); else if('a' <= d && d <= 'f') t = t * radix + (d - 'a' + 10); else break; d = is.get(); } while(!is.fail()); // restore the delimiter is.putback(d); is.clear(); if(negative) t = -t; return is; } template<class CharType> basic_istream<CharType> & operator>>(basic_istream<CharType> &is, boost::uint64_t & t){ boost::int64_t it; is >> it; t = it; return is; } template<> class back_insert_iterator<basic_string<char> > : public iterator<output_iterator_tag, char> { public: typedef basic_string<char> container_type; typedef container_type::reference reference; explicit back_insert_iterator(container_type & s) : container(& s) {} // construct with container back_insert_iterator<container_type> & operator=( container_type::const_reference Val_ ){ // push value into container //container->push_back(Val_); *container += Val_; return (*this); } back_insert_iterator<container_type> & operator*(){ return (*this); } back_insert_iterator<container_type> & operator++(){ // pretend to preincrement return (*this); } back_insert_iterator<container_type> operator++(int){ // pretend to postincrement return (*this); } protected: container_type *container; // pointer to container }; template<char> inline back_insert_iterator<basic_string<char> > back_inserter( basic_string<char> & s ){ return (std::back_insert_iterator<basic_string<char> >(s)); } template<> class back_insert_iterator<basic_string<wchar_t> > : public iterator<output_iterator_tag, wchar_t> { public: typedef basic_string<wchar_t> container_type; typedef container_type::reference reference; explicit back_insert_iterator(container_type & s) : container(& s) {} // construct with container back_insert_iterator<container_type> & operator=( container_type::const_reference Val_ ){ // push value into container //container->push_back(Val_); *container += Val_; return (*this); } back_insert_iterator<container_type> & operator*(){ return (*this); } back_insert_iterator<container_type> & operator++(){ // pretend to preincrement return (*this); } back_insert_iterator<container_type> operator++(int){ // pretend to postincrement return (*this); } protected: container_type *container; // pointer to container }; template<wchar_t> inline back_insert_iterator<basic_string<wchar_t> > back_inserter( basic_string<wchar_t> & s ){ return (std::back_insert_iterator<basic_string<wchar_t> >(s)); } } // namespace std #endif //BOOST_ARCHIVE_DINKUMWARE_HPP