// Boost.Bimap // // Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Matias Capeletto // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /// \file support/map_by.hpp /// \brief map_by<tag>(b) function #ifndef BOOST_BIMAP_SUPPORT_MAP_BY_HPP #define BOOST_BIMAP_SUPPORT_MAP_BY_HPP #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma once #endif #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <boost/bimap/support/map_type_by.hpp> #include <boost/bimap/relation/detail/access_builder.hpp> #ifdef BOOST_BIMAP_ONLY_DOXYGEN_WILL_PROCESS_THE_FOLLOWING_LINES namespace boost { namespace bimaps { namespace support { /** \brief Gets a map view of a bidirectional map Convertible to \c map_type_by<Tag,Bimap>::type Instead of using \c map_type_by<Tag,Bimap>::type this functions use \b Boost.call_traits to find the best way to return this value. To help the user of this function the following metafunction is provided \code namespace result_of { template< class Tag, class Bimap > struct map_by( Bimap & b ); } // namespace result_of \endcode See also member_at, value_type_of. \ingroup bimap_group **/ template< class Tag, class Bimap > BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME result_of::map_by<Tag,Bimap>::type map_by( Bimap & b ); } // namespace support } // namespace bimaps } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_BIMAP_ONLY_DOXYGEN_WILL_PROCESS_THE_FOLLOWING_LINES #ifndef BOOST_BIMAP_DOXIGEN_WILL_NOT_PROCESS_THE_FOLLOWING_LINES namespace boost { namespace bimaps { namespace support { // Since it is very error-prone to directly write the hole bunch // of relation accesor. They are built from little macro blocks that // are both more readable, leading to self docummenting code and a // lot more easier to understand and maintain. // It is very important to note that the three building blocks have // to laid in the same namespace in order to work. There is also // important to keep them in order. // The forward declaration are not necessary but they help a lot to // the reader, as they undercover what is the signature of the // result code. // In the end, it is not quicker to do it in this way because you // write a lot. But this code has no complexity at all and almost // every word writed is for documentation. // Result of // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* namespace result_of { template< class Tag, class Bimap > struct map_by<Tag,Bimap>; { typedef -unspecified- type; }; } // namespace result_of */ BOOST_BIMAP_SYMMETRIC_ACCESS_RESULT_OF_BUILDER ( map_by, map_type_by ) // Implementation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_BIMAP_SYMMETRIC_ACCESS_IMPLEMENTATION_BUILDER ( map_by, Bimap, b, return b.left, return b.right ) // Interface // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_BIMAP_SYMMETRIC_ACCESS_INTERFACE_BUILDER ( map_by ) } // namespace support } // namespace bimaps } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_BIMAP_DOXIGEN_WILL_NOT_PROCESS_THE_FOLLOWING_LINES #endif // BOOST_BIMAP_SUPPORT_MAP_BY_HPP