// Boost.Geometry // // varray details // // Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Andrew Hundt. // Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // // This file was modified by Oracle on 2020. // Modifications copyright (c) 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_DETAIL_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_DETAIL_HPP #include <algorithm> #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include <memory> #include <type_traits> #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <boost/core/no_exceptions_support.hpp> #include <boost/move/move.hpp> #include <boost/core/addressof.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp> #if defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES) #include <boost/move/detail/fwd_macros.hpp> #endif // TODO - move vectors iterators optimization to the other, optional file instead of checking defines? #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_ENABLE_VECTOR_OPTIMIZATION) && !defined(BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS) #include <vector> #include <boost/container/vector.hpp> #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_ENABLE_VECTOR_OPTIMIZATION && !BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index { namespace detail { namespace varray_detail { template <typename I> struct are_elements_contiguous : std::is_pointer<I> {}; // EXPERIMENTAL - not finished // Conditional setup - mark vector iterators defined in known implementations // as iterators pointing to contiguous ranges #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_ENABLE_VECTOR_OPTIMIZATION) && !defined(BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS) template <typename Pointer> struct are_elements_contiguous< boost::container::container_detail::vector_const_iterator<Pointer> > : std::true_type {}; template <typename Pointer> struct are_elements_contiguous< boost::container::container_detail::vector_iterator<Pointer> > : std::true_type {}; #if defined(BOOST_DINKUMWARE_STDLIB) template <typename T> struct are_elements_contiguous< std::_Vector_const_iterator<T> > : std::true_type {}; template <typename T> struct are_elements_contiguous< std::_Vector_iterator<T> > : std::true_type {}; #elif defined(BOOST_GNU_STDLIB) template <typename P, typename T, typename A> struct are_elements_contiguous< __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<P, std::vector<T, A> > > : std::true_type {}; #elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) // TODO - test it first //template <typename P> //struct are_elements_contiguous< // __wrap_iter<P> //> : std::true_type //{}; #else // OTHER_STDLIB // TODO - add other iterators implementations #endif // STDLIB #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_ENABLE_VECTOR_OPTIMIZATION && !BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS template <typename I, typename O> struct is_memop_safe_for_range : std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_same < std::remove_const_t < typename ::boost::iterator_value<I>::type >, std::remove_const_t < typename ::boost::iterator_value<O>::type > >::value && are_elements_contiguous<I>::value && are_elements_contiguous<O>::value && std::is_trivially_copyable < typename ::boost::iterator_value<O>::type >::value > {}; template <typename I, typename V> struct is_memop_safe_for_value : std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_same < std::remove_const_t < typename ::boost::iterator_value<I>::type >, std::remove_const_t<V> >::value && std::is_trivially_copyable < V >::value > {}; // destroy(I, I) template <typename I> void destroy_dispatch(I /*first*/, I /*last*/, std::true_type /*has_trivial_destructor*/) {} template <typename I> void destroy_dispatch(I first, I last, std::false_type /*has_trivial_destructor*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; for ( ; first != last ; ++first ) first->~value_type(); } template <typename I> void destroy(I first, I last) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; destroy_dispatch(first, last, std::is_trivially_destructible<value_type>()); } // destroy(I) template <typename I> void destroy_dispatch(I /*pos*/, std::true_type /*has_trivial_destructor*/) {} template <typename I> void destroy_dispatch(I pos, std::false_type /*has_trivial_destructor*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; pos->~value_type(); } template <typename I> void destroy(I pos) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; destroy_dispatch(pos, std::is_trivially_destructible<value_type>()); } // copy(I, I, O) template <typename I, typename O> inline O copy_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::true_type /*use_memmove*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; typename boost::iterator_difference<I>::type d = std::distance(first, last); ::memmove(boost::addressof(*dst), boost::addressof(*first), sizeof(value_type) * d); return dst + d; } template <typename I, typename O> inline O copy_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::false_type /*use_memmove*/) { return std::copy(first, last, dst); // may throw } template <typename I, typename O> inline O copy(I first, I last, O dst) { return copy_dispatch(first, last, dst, is_memop_safe_for_range<I, O>()); // may throw } // uninitialized_copy(I, I, O) template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_copy_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::true_type /*use_memcpy*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; typename boost::iterator_difference<I>::type d = std::distance(first, last); ::memcpy(boost::addressof(*dst), boost::addressof(*first), sizeof(value_type) * d); return dst + d; } template <typename I, typename F> inline F uninitialized_copy_dispatch(I first, I last, F dst, std::false_type /*use_memcpy*/) { return std::uninitialized_copy(first, last, dst); // may throw } template <typename I, typename F> inline F uninitialized_copy(I first, I last, F dst) { return uninitialized_copy_dispatch(first, last, dst, is_memop_safe_for_range<I, F>()); // may throw } // uninitialized_move(I, I, O) template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_move_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::true_type /*use_memcpy*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; typename boost::iterator_difference<I>::type d = std::distance(first, last); ::memcpy(boost::addressof(*dst), boost::addressof(*first), sizeof(value_type) * d); return dst + d; } template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_move_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::false_type /*use_memcpy*/) { //return boost::uninitialized_move(first, last, dst); // may throw O o = dst; BOOST_TRY { typedef typename std::iterator_traits<O>::value_type value_type; for (; first != last; ++first, ++o ) new (boost::addressof(*o)) value_type(boost::move(*first)); } BOOST_CATCH(...) { varray_detail::destroy(dst, o); BOOST_RETHROW; } BOOST_CATCH_END return dst; } template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_move(I first, I last, O dst) { return uninitialized_move_dispatch(first, last, dst, is_memop_safe_for_range<I, O>()); // may throw } // TODO - move uses memmove - implement 2nd version using memcpy? // move(I, I, O) template <typename I, typename O> inline O move_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::true_type /*use_memmove*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; typename boost::iterator_difference<I>::type d = std::distance(first, last); ::memmove(boost::addressof(*dst), boost::addressof(*first), sizeof(value_type) * d); return dst + d; } template <typename I, typename O> inline O move_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::false_type /*use_memmove*/) { return boost::move(first, last, dst); // may throw } template <typename I, typename O> inline O move(I first, I last, O dst) { return move_dispatch(first, last, dst, is_memop_safe_for_range<I, O>()); // may throw } // move_backward(BDI, BDI, BDO) template <typename BDI, typename BDO> inline BDO move_backward_dispatch(BDI first, BDI last, BDO dst, std::true_type /*use_memmove*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<BDI>::type value_type; typename boost::iterator_difference<BDI>::type d = std::distance(first, last); BDO foo(dst - d); ::memmove(boost::addressof(*foo), boost::addressof(*first), sizeof(value_type) * d); return foo; } template <typename BDI, typename BDO> inline BDO move_backward_dispatch(BDI first, BDI last, BDO dst, std::false_type /*use_memmove*/) { return boost::move_backward(first, last, dst); // may throw } template <typename BDI, typename BDO> inline BDO move_backward(BDI first, BDI last, BDO dst) { return move_backward_dispatch(first, last, dst, is_memop_safe_for_range<BDI, BDO>()); // may throw } template <typename T> struct has_nothrow_move : std::integral_constant < bool, ::boost::has_nothrow_move<std::remove_const_t<T> >::value || ::boost::has_nothrow_move<T>::value > {}; // uninitialized_move_if_noexcept(I, I, O) template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::true_type /*use_move*/) { return varray_detail::uninitialized_move(first, last, dst); } template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::false_type const& /*use_move*/) { return varray_detail::uninitialized_copy(first, last, dst); } template <typename I, typename O> inline O uninitialized_move_if_noexcept(I first, I last, O dst) { typedef has_nothrow_move< typename ::boost::iterator_value<O>::type > use_move; return uninitialized_move_if_noexcept_dispatch(first, last, dst, use_move()); // may throw } // move_if_noexcept(I, I, O) template <typename I, typename O> inline O move_if_noexcept_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::true_type /*use_move*/) { return varray_detail::move(first, last, dst); } template <typename I, typename O> inline O move_if_noexcept_dispatch(I first, I last, O dst, std::false_type /*use_move*/) { return varray_detail::copy(first, last, dst); } template <typename I, typename O> inline O move_if_noexcept(I first, I last, O dst) { typedef has_nothrow_move< typename ::boost::iterator_value<O>::type > use_move; return move_if_noexcept_dispatch(first, last, dst, use_move()); // may throw } // uninitialized_fill(I, I) template <typename I> inline void uninitialized_fill_dispatch(I /*first*/, I /*last*/, std::true_type const& /*has_trivial_constructor*/, std::true_type const& /*disable_trivial_init*/) {} template <typename I> inline void uninitialized_fill_dispatch(I first, I last, std::true_type const& /*has_trivial_constructor*/, std::false_type const& /*disable_trivial_init*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; for ( ; first != last ; ++first ) new (boost::addressof(*first)) value_type(); } template <typename I, typename DisableTrivialInit> inline void uninitialized_fill_dispatch(I first, I last, std::false_type const& /*has_trivial_constructor*/, DisableTrivialInit const& /*not_used*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; I it = first; BOOST_TRY { for ( ; it != last ; ++it ) new (boost::addressof(*it)) value_type(); // may throw } BOOST_CATCH(...) { varray_detail::destroy(first, it); BOOST_RETHROW; } BOOST_CATCH_END } template <typename I, typename DisableTrivialInit> inline void uninitialized_fill(I first, I last, DisableTrivialInit const& disable_trivial_init) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; uninitialized_fill_dispatch(first, last, std::is_trivially_constructible<value_type>(), disable_trivial_init); // may throw } // construct(I) template <typename I> inline void construct_dispatch(std::true_type /*dont_init*/, I /*pos*/) {} template <typename I> inline void construct_dispatch(std::false_type /*dont_init*/, I pos) { typedef typename ::boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; new (static_cast<void*>(::boost::addressof(*pos))) value_type(); // may throw } template <typename DisableTrivialInit, typename I> inline void construct(DisableTrivialInit const&, I pos) { typedef typename ::boost::iterator_value<I>::type value_type; typedef std::integral_constant < bool, std::is_trivially_constructible<value_type>::value && DisableTrivialInit::value > dont_init; construct_dispatch(dont_init(), pos); // may throw } // construct(I, V) template <typename I, typename V> inline void construct_copy_dispatch(I pos, V const& v, std::true_type /*use_memcpy*/) { ::memcpy(boost::addressof(*pos), boost::addressof(v), sizeof(V)); } template <typename I, typename P> inline void construct_copy_dispatch(I pos, P const& p, std::false_type const& /*use_memcpy*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type V; new (static_cast<void*>(boost::addressof(*pos))) V(p); // may throw } template <typename DisableTrivialInit, typename I, typename P> inline void construct(DisableTrivialInit const&, I pos, P const& p) { construct_copy_dispatch(pos, p, is_memop_safe_for_value<I, P>()); // may throw } // Needed by push_back(V &&) template <typename I, typename V> inline void construct_move_dispatch(I pos, V const& v, std::true_type const& /*use_memcpy*/) { ::memcpy(boost::addressof(*pos), boost::addressof(v), sizeof(V)); } template <typename I, typename P> inline void construct_move_dispatch(I pos, BOOST_RV_REF(P) p, std::false_type const& /*use_memcpy*/) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type V; new (static_cast<void*>(boost::addressof(*pos))) V(::boost::move(p)); // may throw } template <typename DisableTrivialInit, typename I, typename P> inline void construct(DisableTrivialInit const&, I pos, BOOST_RV_REF(P) p) { construct_move_dispatch(pos, ::boost::move(p), is_memop_safe_for_value<I, P>()); // may throw } // Needed by emplace_back() and emplace() #if !defined(BOOST_CONTAINER_VARRAY_DISABLE_EMPLACE) #if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES) template <typename DisableTrivialInit, typename I, class ...Args> inline void construct(DisableTrivialInit const&, I pos, BOOST_FWD_REF(Args) ...args) { typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type V; new (static_cast<void*>(boost::addressof(*pos))) V(::boost::forward<Args>(args)...); // may throw } #else // !BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES // BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES -> P0 const& p0 // !BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES -> P0 && p0 // which means that version with one parameter may take V const& v #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_DETAIL_CONSTRUCT(N) \ template <typename DisableTrivialInit, typename I, typename P BOOST_MOVE_I##N BOOST_MOVE_CLASS##N > \ inline \ void construct(DisableTrivialInit const&, \ I pos, \ BOOST_FWD_REF(P) p \ BOOST_MOVE_I##N BOOST_MOVE_UREF##N) \ { \ typedef typename boost::iterator_value<I>::type V; \ new \ (static_cast<void*>(boost::addressof(*pos))) \ V(boost::forward<P>(p) BOOST_MOVE_I##N BOOST_MOVE_FWD##N); /*may throw*/ \ } \ BOOST_MOVE_ITERATE_1TO9(BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_DETAIL_CONSTRUCT) #undef BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_DETAIL_CONSTRUCT #endif // !BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES #endif // !BOOST_CONTAINER_VARRAY_DISABLE_EMPLACE // assign(I, V) template <typename I, typename V> inline void assign_copy_dispatch(I pos, V const& v, std::true_type /*use_memcpy*/) { // TODO - use memmove here? ::memcpy(boost::addressof(*pos), boost::addressof(v), sizeof(V)); } template <typename I, typename V> inline void assign_copy_dispatch(I pos, V const& v, std::false_type /*use_memcpy*/) { *pos = v; // may throw } template <typename I, typename V> inline void assign(I pos, V const& v) { assign_copy_dispatch(pos, v, is_memop_safe_for_value<I, V>()); // may throw } template <typename I, typename V> inline void assign_move_dispatch(I pos, V const& v, std::true_type /*use_memcpy*/) { // TODO - use memmove here? ::memcpy(boost::addressof(*pos), boost::addressof(v), sizeof(V)); } template <typename I, typename V> inline void assign_move_dispatch(I pos, BOOST_RV_REF(V) v, std::false_type /*use_memcpy*/) { *pos = boost::move(v); // may throw } template <typename I, typename V> inline void assign(I pos, BOOST_RV_REF(V) v) { assign_move_dispatch(pos, ::boost::move(v), is_memop_safe_for_value<I, V>()); } // uninitialized_copy_s template <typename I, typename F> inline std::size_t uninitialized_copy_s(I first, I last, F dest, std::size_t max_count) { std::size_t count = 0; F it = dest; BOOST_TRY { for ( ; first != last ; ++it, ++first, ++count ) { if ( max_count <= count ) return (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)(); // dummy 0 as DisableTrivialInit construct(0, it, *first); // may throw } } BOOST_CATCH(...) { varray_detail::destroy(dest, it); BOOST_RETHROW; } BOOST_CATCH_END return count; } // scoped_destructor template<class T> class scoped_destructor { public: scoped_destructor(T * ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {} ~scoped_destructor() { if(m_ptr) varray_detail::destroy(m_ptr); } void release() { m_ptr = 0; } private: T * m_ptr; }; }}}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index::detail::varray_detail #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_DETAIL_VARRAY_DETAIL_HPP