// Boost.Geometry - gis-projections (based on PROJ4) // Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2017, 2018, 2019. // Modifications copyright (c) 2017-2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // This file is converted from PROJ4, http://trac.osgeo.org/proj // PROJ4 is originally written by Gerald Evenden (then of the USGS) // PROJ4 is maintained by Frank Warmerdam // PROJ4 is converted to Boost.Geometry by Barend Gehrels // Last updated version of proj: 5.0.0 // Original copyright notice: // This implements the Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube (QSC) projection. // Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Martin Lambers <marlam@marlam.de> // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // The QSC projection was introduced in: // [OL76] // E.M. O'Neill and R.E. Laubscher, "Extended Studies of a Quadrilateralized // Spherical Cube Earth Data Base", Naval Environmental Prediction Research // Facility Tech. Report NEPRF 3-76 (CSC), May 1976. // The preceding shift from an ellipsoid to a sphere, which allows to apply // this projection to ellipsoids as used in the Ellipsoidal Cube Map model, // is described in // [LK12] // M. Lambers and A. Kolb, "Ellipsoidal Cube Maps for Accurate Rendering of // Planetary-Scale Terrain Data", Proc. Pacfic Graphics (Short Papers), Sep. // 2012 // You have to choose one of the following projection centers, // corresponding to the centers of the six cube faces: // phi0 = 0.0, lam0 = 0.0 ("front" face) // phi0 = 0.0, lam0 = 90.0 ("right" face) // phi0 = 0.0, lam0 = 180.0 ("back" face) // phi0 = 0.0, lam0 = -90.0 ("left" face) // phi0 = 90.0 ("top" face) // phi0 = -90.0 ("bottom" face) // Other projection centers will not work! // In the projection code below, each cube face is handled differently. // See the computation of the face parameter in the ENTRY0(qsc) function // and the handling of different face values (FACE_*) in the forward and // inverse projections. // Furthermore, the projection is originally only defined for theta angles // between (-1/4 * PI) and (+1/4 * PI) on the current cube face. This area // of definition is named AREA_0 in the projection code below. The other // three areas of a cube face are handled by rotation of AREA_0. #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_QSC_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_QSC_HPP #include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/srs/projections/impl/base_static.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/srs/projections/impl/base_dynamic.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/srs/projections/impl/projects.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/srs/projections/impl/factory_entry.hpp> namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace projections { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace qsc { /* The six cube faces. */ enum face_type { face_front = 0, face_right = 1, face_back = 2, face_left = 3, face_top = 4, face_bottom = 5 }; template <typename T> struct par_qsc { T a_squared; T b; T one_minus_f; T one_minus_f_squared; face_type face; }; static const double epsilon10 = 1.e-10; /* The four areas on a cube face. AREA_0 is the area of definition, * the other three areas are counted counterclockwise. */ enum area_type { area_0 = 0, area_1 = 1, area_2 = 2, area_3 = 3 }; /* Helper function for forward projection: compute the theta angle * and determine the area number. */ template <typename T> inline T qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(T const& phi, T const& y, T const& x, area_type *area) { static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi<T>(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>(); static const T pi = detail::pi<T>(); T theta; if (phi < epsilon10) { *area = area_0; theta = 0.0; } else { theta = atan2(y, x); if (fabs(theta) <= fourth_pi) { *area = area_0; } else if (theta > fourth_pi && theta <= half_pi + fourth_pi) { *area = area_1; theta -= half_pi; } else if (theta > half_pi + fourth_pi || theta <= -(half_pi + fourth_pi)) { *area = area_2; theta = (theta >= 0.0 ? theta - pi : theta + pi); } else { *area = area_3; theta += half_pi; } } return theta; } /* Helper function: shift the longitude. */ template <typename T> inline T qsc_shift_lon_origin(T const& lon, T const& offset) { static const T pi = detail::pi<T>(); static const T two_pi = detail::two_pi<T>(); T slon = lon + offset; if (slon < -pi) { slon += two_pi; } else if (slon > +pi) { slon -= two_pi; } return slon; } /* Forward projection, ellipsoid */ template <typename T, typename Parameters> struct base_qsc_ellipsoid { par_qsc<T> m_proj_parm; // FORWARD(e_forward) // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y) inline void fwd(Parameters const& par, T const& lp_lon, T const& lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const { static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi<T>(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>(); static const T pi = detail::pi<T>(); T lat, lon; T theta, phi; T t, mu; /* nu; */ area_type area; /* Convert the geodetic latitude to a geocentric latitude. * This corresponds to the shift from the ellipsoid to the sphere * described in [LK12]. */ if (par.es != 0.0) { lat = atan(this->m_proj_parm.one_minus_f_squared * tan(lp_lat)); } else { lat = lp_lat; } /* Convert the input lat, lon into theta, phi as used by QSC. * This depends on the cube face and the area on it. * For the top and bottom face, we can compute theta and phi * directly from phi, lam. For the other faces, we must use * unit sphere cartesian coordinates as an intermediate step. */ lon = lp_lon; if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_top) { phi = half_pi - lat; if (lon >= fourth_pi && lon <= half_pi + fourth_pi) { area = area_0; theta = lon - half_pi; } else if (lon > half_pi + fourth_pi || lon <= -(half_pi + fourth_pi)) { area = area_1; theta = (lon > 0.0 ? lon - pi : lon + pi); } else if (lon > -(half_pi + fourth_pi) && lon <= -fourth_pi) { area = area_2; theta = lon + half_pi; } else { area = area_3; theta = lon; } } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_bottom) { phi = half_pi + lat; if (lon >= fourth_pi && lon <= half_pi + fourth_pi) { area = area_0; theta = -lon + half_pi; } else if (lon < fourth_pi && lon >= -fourth_pi) { area = area_1; theta = -lon; } else if (lon < -fourth_pi && lon >= -(half_pi + fourth_pi)) { area = area_2; theta = -lon - half_pi; } else { area = area_3; theta = (lon > 0.0 ? -lon + pi : -lon - pi); } } else { T q, r, s; T sinlat, coslat; T sinlon, coslon; if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_right) { lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, +half_pi); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_back) { lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, +pi); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_left) { lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lon, -half_pi); } sinlat = sin(lat); coslat = cos(lat); sinlon = sin(lon); coslon = cos(lon); q = coslat * coslon; r = coslat * sinlon; s = sinlat; if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_front) { phi = acos(q); theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, r, &area); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_right) { phi = acos(r); theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, -q, &area); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_back) { phi = acos(-q); theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, -r, &area); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_left) { phi = acos(-r); theta = qsc_fwd_equat_face_theta(phi, s, q, &area); } else { /* Impossible */ phi = theta = 0.0; area = area_0; } } /* Compute mu and nu for the area of definition. * For mu, see Eq. (3-21) in [OL76], but note the typos: * compare with Eq. (3-14). For nu, see Eq. (3-38). */ mu = atan((12.0 / pi) * (theta + acos(sin(theta) * cos(fourth_pi)) - half_pi)); // TODO: (cos(mu) * cos(mu)) could be replaced with sqr(cos(mu)) t = sqrt((1.0 - cos(phi)) / (cos(mu) * cos(mu)) / (1.0 - cos(atan(1.0 / cos(theta))))); /* nu = atan(t); We don't really need nu, just t, see below. */ /* Apply the result to the real area. */ if (area == area_1) { mu += half_pi; } else if (area == area_2) { mu += pi; } else if (area == area_3) { mu += half_pi + pi; } /* Now compute x, y from mu and nu */ /* t = tan(nu); */ xy_x = t * cos(mu); xy_y = t * sin(mu); } /* Inverse projection, ellipsoid */ // INVERSE(e_inverse) // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat) inline void inv(Parameters const& par, T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const { static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>(); static const T pi = detail::pi<T>(); T mu, nu, cosmu, tannu; T tantheta, theta, cosphi, phi; T t; int area; /* Convert the input x, y to the mu and nu angles as used by QSC. * This depends on the area of the cube face. */ nu = atan(sqrt(xy_x * xy_x + xy_y * xy_y)); mu = atan2(xy_y, xy_x); if (xy_x >= 0.0 && xy_x >= fabs(xy_y)) { area = area_0; } else if (xy_y >= 0.0 && xy_y >= fabs(xy_x)) { area = area_1; mu -= half_pi; } else if (xy_x < 0.0 && -xy_x >= fabs(xy_y)) { area = area_2; mu = (mu < 0.0 ? mu + pi : mu - pi); } else { area = area_3; mu += half_pi; } /* Compute phi and theta for the area of definition. * The inverse projection is not described in the original paper, but some * good hints can be found here (as of 2011-12-14): * http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsbits/saf.93/saf.9302 * (search for "Message-Id: <9302181759.AA25477 at fits.cv.nrao.edu>") */ t = (pi / 12.0) * tan(mu); tantheta = sin(t) / (cos(t) - (1.0 / sqrt(2.0))); theta = atan(tantheta); cosmu = cos(mu); tannu = tan(nu); cosphi = 1.0 - cosmu * cosmu * tannu * tannu * (1.0 - cos(atan(1.0 / cos(theta)))); if (cosphi < -1.0) { cosphi = -1.0; } else if (cosphi > +1.0) { cosphi = +1.0; } /* Apply the result to the real area on the cube face. * For the top and bottom face, we can compute phi and lam directly. * For the other faces, we must use unit sphere cartesian coordinates * as an intermediate step. */ if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_top) { phi = acos(cosphi); lp_lat = half_pi - phi; if (area == area_0) { lp_lon = theta + half_pi; } else if (area == area_1) { lp_lon = (theta < 0.0 ? theta + pi : theta - pi); } else if (area == area_2) { lp_lon = theta - half_pi; } else /* area == AREA_3 */ { lp_lon = theta; } } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_bottom) { phi = acos(cosphi); lp_lat = phi - half_pi; if (area == area_0) { lp_lon = -theta + half_pi; } else if (area == area_1) { lp_lon = -theta; } else if (area == area_2) { lp_lon = -theta - half_pi; } else /* area == area_3 */ { lp_lon = (theta < 0.0 ? -theta - pi : -theta + pi); } } else { /* Compute phi and lam via cartesian unit sphere coordinates. */ T q, r, s; q = cosphi; t = q * q; if (t >= 1.0) { s = 0.0; } else { s = sqrt(1.0 - t) * sin(theta); } t += s * s; if (t >= 1.0) { r = 0.0; } else { r = sqrt(1.0 - t); } /* Rotate q,r,s into the correct area. */ if (area == area_1) { t = r; r = -s; s = t; } else if (area == area_2) { r = -r; s = -s; } else if (area == area_3) { t = r; r = s; s = -t; } /* Rotate q,r,s into the correct cube face. */ if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_right) { t = q; q = -r; r = t; } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_back) { q = -q; r = -r; } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_left) { t = q; q = r; r = -t; } /* Now compute phi and lam from the unit sphere coordinates. */ lp_lat = acos(-s) - half_pi; lp_lon = atan2(r, q); if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_right) { lp_lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lp_lon, -half_pi); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_back) { lp_lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lp_lon, -pi); } else if (this->m_proj_parm.face == face_left) { lp_lon = qsc_shift_lon_origin(lp_lon, +half_pi); } } /* Apply the shift from the sphere to the ellipsoid as described * in [LK12]. */ if (par.es != 0.0) { int invert_sign; T tanphi, xa; invert_sign = (lp_lat < 0.0 ? 1 : 0); tanphi = tan(lp_lat); xa = this->m_proj_parm.b / sqrt(tanphi * tanphi + this->m_proj_parm.one_minus_f_squared); lp_lat = atan(sqrt(par.a * par.a - xa * xa) / (this->m_proj_parm.one_minus_f * xa)); if (invert_sign) { lp_lat = -lp_lat; } } } static inline std::string get_name() { return "qsc_ellipsoid"; } }; // Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube template <typename Parameters, typename T> inline void setup_qsc(Parameters const& par, par_qsc<T>& proj_parm) { static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi<T>(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>(); /* Determine the cube face from the center of projection. */ if (par.phi0 >= half_pi - fourth_pi / 2.0) { proj_parm.face = face_top; } else if (par.phi0 <= -(half_pi - fourth_pi / 2.0)) { proj_parm.face = face_bottom; } else if (fabs(par.lam0) <= fourth_pi) { proj_parm.face = face_front; } else if (fabs(par.lam0) <= half_pi + fourth_pi) { proj_parm.face = (par.lam0 > 0.0 ? face_right : face_left); } else { proj_parm.face = face_back; } /* Fill in useful values for the ellipsoid <-> sphere shift * described in [LK12]. */ if (par.es != 0.0) { proj_parm.a_squared = par.a * par.a; proj_parm.b = par.a * sqrt(1.0 - par.es); proj_parm.one_minus_f = 1.0 - (par.a - proj_parm.b) / par.a; proj_parm.one_minus_f_squared = proj_parm.one_minus_f * proj_parm.one_minus_f; } } }} // namespace detail::qsc #endif // doxygen /*! \brief Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube projection \ingroup projections \tparam Geographic latlong point type \tparam Cartesian xy point type \tparam Parameters parameter type \par Projection characteristics - Azimuthal - Spheroid \par Example \image html ex_qsc.gif */ template <typename T, typename Parameters> struct qsc_ellipsoid : public detail::qsc::base_qsc_ellipsoid<T, Parameters> { template <typename Params> inline qsc_ellipsoid(Params const& , Parameters const& par) { detail::qsc::setup_qsc(par, this->m_proj_parm); } }; #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { // Static projection BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_STATIC_PROJECTION_FI(srs::spar::proj_qsc, qsc_ellipsoid) // Factory entry(s) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_ENTRY_FI(qsc_entry, qsc_ellipsoid) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_INIT_BEGIN(qsc_init) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_INIT_ENTRY(qsc, qsc_entry) } } // namespace detail #endif // doxygen } // namespace projections }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_QSC_HPP