// Copyright 2008 Christian Henning
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt

#include <boost/gil/extension/io/pnm.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace gil {

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Returns the width and height of the PNM file at the specified location.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the location does not correspond to a valid PNM file
template<typename String>
inline point_t pnm_read_dimensions(String const& filename)
    using backend_t = typename get_reader_backend<String, pnm_tag>::type;
    backend_t backend = read_image_info(filename, pnm_tag());
    return { backend._info._width, backend._info._height };

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Loads the image specified by the given pnm image file name into the given view.
/// Triggers a compile assert if the view color space and channel depth are not supported by the PNM library or by the I/O extension.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the file is not a valid PNM file, or if its color space or channel depth are not
/// compatible with the ones specified by View, or if its dimensions don't match the ones of the view.
template< typename String
        , typename View
void pnm_read_view( const String& filename
                  , const View&   view
    read_view( filename
             , view
             , pnm_tag()

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Allocates a new image whose dimensions are determined by the given pnm image file, and loads the pixels into it.
/// Triggers a compile assert if the image color space or channel depth are not supported by the PNM library or by the I/O extension.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the file is not a valid PNM file, or if its color space or channel depth are not
/// compatible with the ones specified by Image
template< typename String
        , typename Image
void pnm_read_image( const String& filename
                   , Image&        img
    read_image( filename
              , img
              , pnm_tag()

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Loads and color-converts the image specified by the given pnm image file name into the given view.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the file is not a valid PNM file, or if its dimensions don't match the ones of the view.
template< typename String
        , typename View
        , typename CC
void pnm_read_and_convert_view( const String& filename
                              , const View&   view
                              , CC            cc
    read_and_convert_view( filename
                         , view
                         , cc
                         , pnm_tag()

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Loads and color-converts the image specified by the given pnm image file name into the given view.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the file is not a valid PNM file, or if its dimensions don't match the ones of the view.
template< typename String
        , typename View
void pnm_read_and_convert_view( const String& filename
                              , const View&   view
    read_and_convert_view( filename
                         , view
                         , pnm_tag()

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Allocates a new image whose dimensions are determined by the given pnm image file, loads and color-converts the pixels into it.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the file is not a valid PNM file
template< typename String
        , typename Image
        , typename CC
void pnm_read_and_convert_image( const String& filename
                               , Image& img
                               , CC     cc
    read_and_convert_image( filename
                          , img
                          , cc
                          , pnm_tag()

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Allocates a new image whose dimensions are determined by the given pnm image file, loads and color-converts the pixels into it.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if the file is not a valid PNM file
template< typename String
        , typename Image
void pnm_read_and_convert_image( const String filename
                               , Image&       img
    read_and_convert_image( filename
                          , img
                          , pnm_tag()

/// \ingroup PNM_IO
/// \brief Saves the view to a pnm file specified by the given pnm image file name.
/// Triggers a compile assert if the view color space and channel depth are not supported by the PNM library or by the I/O extension.
/// Throws std::ios_base::failure if it fails to create the file.
template< typename String
        , typename View
void pnm_write_view( const String& filename
                   , const View&   view
    write_view( filename
              , view
              , pnm_tag()

} // namespace gil
} // namespace boost
