/*! @file Forward declares `boost::hana::hash`. @copyright Louis Dionne 2016 @copyright Jason Rice 2016 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_HANA_FWD_HASH_HPP #define BOOST_HANA_FWD_HASH_HPP #include <boost/hana/config.hpp> #include <boost/hana/core/when.hpp> BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN //! Returns a `hana::type` representing the compile-time hash of an object. //! @ingroup group-Hashable //! //! Given an arbitrary object `x`, `hana::hash` returns a `hana::type` //! representing the hash of `x`. In normal programming, hashes are //! usually numerical values that can be used e.g. as indices in an //! array as part of the implementation of a hash table. In the context //! of metaprogramming, we are interested in type-level hashes instead. //! Thus, `hana::hash` must return a `hana::type` object instead of an //! integer. This `hana::type` must somehow summarize the object being //! hashed, but that summary may of course lose some information. //! //! In order for the `hash` function to be defined properly, it must be //! the case that whenever `x` is equal to `y`, then `hash(x)` is equal //! to `hash(y)`. This ensures that `hana::hash` is a function in the //! mathematical sense of the term. //! //! //! Signature //! --------- //! Given a `Hashable` `H`, the signature is //! \f$ //! \mathtt{hash} : H \to \mathtt{type\_tag} //! \f$ //! //! @param x //! An object whose hash is to be computed. //! //! //! Example //! ------- //! @include example/hash.cpp #ifdef BOOST_HANA_DOXYGEN_INVOKED constexpr auto hash = [](auto const& x) { return tag-dispatched; }; #else template <typename T, typename = void> struct hash_impl : hash_impl<T, when<true>> { }; struct hash_t { template <typename X> constexpr auto operator()(X const& x) const; }; constexpr hash_t hash{}; #endif BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_END #endif // !BOOST_HANA_FWD_HASH_HPP