// // Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco@gmail.com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/json // #ifndef BOOST_JSON_IMPL_OBJECT_IPP #define BOOST_JSON_IMPL_OBJECT_IPP #include <boost/json/object.hpp> #include <boost/json/detail/digest.hpp> #include <boost/json/detail/except.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <new> #include <stdexcept> #include <type_traits> BOOST_JSON_NS_BEGIN //---------------------------------------------------------- constexpr object::table::table() = default; // empty objects point here BOOST_JSON_REQUIRE_CONST_INIT object::table object::empty_; std::size_t object::table:: digest(string_view key) const noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(salt != 0); return detail::digest( key.data(), key.size(), salt); } auto object::table:: bucket(std::size_t hash) noexcept -> index_t& { return reinterpret_cast< index_t*>(&(*this)[capacity])[ hash % capacity]; } auto object::table:: bucket(string_view key) noexcept -> index_t& { return bucket(digest(key)); } void object::table:: clear() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(! is_small()); // initialize buckets std::memset( reinterpret_cast<index_t*>( &(*this)[capacity]), 0xff, // null_index_ capacity * sizeof(index_t)); } object::table* object::table:: allocate( std::size_t capacity, std::uintptr_t salt, storage_ptr const& sp) { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( alignof(key_value_pair) >= alignof(index_t)); BOOST_ASSERT(capacity > 0); BOOST_ASSERT(capacity <= max_size()); table* p; if(capacity <= detail::small_object_size_) { p = reinterpret_cast< table*>(sp->allocate( sizeof(table) + capacity * sizeof(key_value_pair))); p->capacity = static_cast< std::uint32_t>(capacity); } else { p = reinterpret_cast< table*>(sp->allocate( sizeof(table) + capacity * ( sizeof(key_value_pair) + sizeof(index_t)))); p->capacity = static_cast< std::uint32_t>(capacity); p->clear(); } if(salt) { p->salt = salt; } else { // VFALCO This would be better if it // was random, but maybe this // is good enough. p->salt = reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t>(p); } return p; } //---------------------------------------------------------- void object:: revert_construct:: destroy() noexcept { obj_->destroy(); } //---------------------------------------------------------- void object:: revert_insert:: destroy() noexcept { obj_->destroy( &(*obj_->t_)[size_], obj_->end()); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Construction // //---------------------------------------------------------- object:: object(detail::unchecked_object&& uo) : sp_(uo.storage()) { if(uo.size() == 0) { t_ = &empty_; return; } // should already be checked BOOST_ASSERT( uo.size() <= max_size()); t_ = table::allocate( uo.size(), 0, sp_); // insert all elements, keeping // the last of any duplicate keys. auto dest = begin(); auto src = uo.release(); auto const end = src + 2 * uo.size(); if(t_->is_small()) { t_->size = 0; while(src != end) { access::construct_key_value_pair( dest, pilfer(src[0]), pilfer(src[1])); src += 2; auto result = find_impl(dest->key()); if(! result.first) { ++dest; ++t_->size; continue; } // handle duplicate auto& v = *result.first; // don't bother to check if // storage deallocate is trivial v.~key_value_pair(); // trivial relocate std::memcpy( static_cast<void*>(&v), dest, sizeof(v)); } return; } while(src != end) { access::construct_key_value_pair( dest, pilfer(src[0]), pilfer(src[1])); src += 2; auto& head = t_->bucket(dest->key()); auto i = head; for(;;) { if(i == null_index_) { // end of bucket access::next( *dest) = head; head = static_cast<index_t>( dest - begin()); ++dest; break; } auto& v = (*t_)[i]; if(v.key() != dest->key()) { i = access::next(v); continue; } // handle duplicate access::next(*dest) = access::next(v); // don't bother to check if // storage deallocate is trivial v.~key_value_pair(); // trivial relocate std::memcpy( static_cast<void*>(&v), dest, sizeof(v)); break; } } t_->size = static_cast< index_t>(dest - begin()); } object:: ~object() { if(sp_.is_not_shared_and_deallocate_is_trivial()) return; if(t_->capacity == 0) return; destroy(); } object:: object( std::size_t min_capacity, storage_ptr sp) : sp_(std::move(sp)) , t_(&empty_) { reserve(min_capacity); } object:: object(object&& other) noexcept : sp_(other.sp_) , t_(detail::exchange( other.t_, &empty_)) { } object:: object( object&& other, storage_ptr sp) : sp_(std::move(sp)) { if(*sp_ == *other.sp_) { t_ = detail::exchange( other.t_, &empty_); return; } t_ = &empty_; object(other, sp_).swap(*this); } object:: object( object const& other, storage_ptr sp) : sp_(std::move(sp)) , t_(&empty_) { reserve(other.size()); revert_construct r(*this); if(t_->is_small()) { for(auto const& v : other) { ::new(end()) key_value_pair(v, sp_); ++t_->size; } r.commit(); return; } for(auto const& v : other) { // skip duplicate checking auto& head = t_->bucket(v.key()); auto pv = ::new(end()) key_value_pair(v, sp_); access::next(*pv) = head; head = t_->size; ++t_->size; } r.commit(); } object:: object( std::initializer_list<std::pair< string_view, value_ref>> init, std::size_t min_capacity, storage_ptr sp) : sp_(std::move(sp)) , t_(&empty_) { if( min_capacity < init.size()) min_capacity = init.size(); reserve(min_capacity); revert_construct r(*this); insert(init); r.commit(); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Assignment // //---------------------------------------------------------- object& object:: operator=(object const& other) { object tmp(other, sp_); this->~object(); ::new(this) object(pilfer(tmp)); return *this; } object& object:: operator=(object&& other) { object tmp(std::move(other), sp_); this->~object(); ::new(this) object(pilfer(tmp)); return *this; } object& object:: operator=( std::initializer_list<std::pair< string_view, value_ref>> init) { object tmp(init, sp_); this->~object(); ::new(this) object(pilfer(tmp)); return *this; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Modifiers // //---------------------------------------------------------- void object:: clear() noexcept { if(empty()) return; if(! sp_.is_not_shared_and_deallocate_is_trivial()) destroy(begin(), end()); if(! t_->is_small()) t_->clear(); t_->size = 0; } void object:: insert( std::initializer_list<std::pair< string_view, value_ref>> init) { auto const n0 = size(); if(init.size() > max_size() - n0) detail::throw_length_error( "object too large", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); reserve(n0 + init.size()); revert_insert r(*this); if(t_->is_small()) { for(auto& iv : init) { auto result = find_impl(iv.first); if(result.first) { // ignore duplicate continue; } ::new(end()) key_value_pair( iv.first, iv.second.make_value(sp_)); ++t_->size; } r.commit(); return; } for(auto& iv : init) { auto& head = t_->bucket(iv.first); auto i = head; for(;;) { if(i == null_index_) { // VFALCO value_ref should construct // a key_value_pair using placement auto& v = *::new(end()) key_value_pair( iv.first, iv.second.make_value(sp_)); access::next(v) = head; head = static_cast<index_t>( t_->size); ++t_->size; break; } auto& v = (*t_)[i]; if(v.key() == iv.first) { // ignore duplicate break; } i = access::next(v); } } r.commit(); } auto object:: erase(const_iterator pos) noexcept -> iterator { auto p = begin() + (pos - begin()); if(t_->is_small()) { p->~value_type(); --t_->size; auto const pb = end(); if(p != end()) { // the casts silence warnings std::memcpy( static_cast<void*>(p), static_cast<void const*>(pb), sizeof(*p)); } return p; } remove(t_->bucket(p->key()), *p); p->~value_type(); --t_->size; auto const pb = end(); if(p != end()) { auto& head = t_->bucket(pb->key()); remove(head, *pb); // the casts silence warnings std::memcpy( static_cast<void*>(p), static_cast<void const*>(pb), sizeof(*p)); access::next(*p) = head; head = static_cast< index_t>(p - begin()); } return p; } auto object:: erase(string_view key) noexcept -> std::size_t { auto it = find(key); if(it == end()) return 0; erase(it); return 1; } void object:: swap(object& other) { if(*sp_ == *other.sp_) { t_ = detail::exchange( other.t_, t_); return; } object temp1( std::move(*this), other.storage()); object temp2( std::move(other), this->storage()); other.~object(); ::new(&other) object(pilfer(temp1)); this->~object(); ::new(this) object(pilfer(temp2)); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Lookup // //---------------------------------------------------------- auto object:: operator[](string_view key) -> value& { auto const result = emplace(key, nullptr); return result.first->value(); } auto object:: count(string_view key) const noexcept -> std::size_t { if(find(key) == end()) return 0; return 1; } auto object:: find(string_view key) noexcept -> iterator { if(empty()) return end(); auto const p = find_impl(key).first; if(p) return p; return end(); } auto object:: find(string_view key) const noexcept -> const_iterator { if(empty()) return end(); auto const p = find_impl(key).first; if(p) return p; return end(); } bool object:: contains( string_view key) const noexcept { if(empty()) return false; return find_impl( key).first != nullptr; } value const* object:: if_contains( string_view key) const noexcept { auto const it = find(key); if(it != end()) return &it->value(); return nullptr; } value* object:: if_contains( string_view key) noexcept { auto const it = find(key); if(it != end()) return &it->value(); return nullptr; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // (private) // //---------------------------------------------------------- auto object:: find_impl( string_view key) const noexcept -> std::pair< key_value_pair*, std::size_t> { BOOST_ASSERT(t_->capacity > 0); if(t_->is_small()) { auto it = &(*t_)[0]; auto const last = &(*t_)[t_->size]; for(;it != last; ++it) if(key == it->key()) return { it, 0 }; return { nullptr, 0 }; } std::pair< key_value_pair*, std::size_t> result; result.second = t_->digest(key); auto i = t_->bucket( result.second); while(i != null_index_) { auto& v = (*t_)[i]; if(v.key() == key) { result.first = &v; return result; } i = access::next(v); } result.first = nullptr; return result; } auto object:: insert_impl( pilfered<key_value_pair> p) -> std::pair<iterator, bool> { // caller is responsible // for preventing aliasing. reserve(size() + 1); auto const result = find_impl(p.get().key()); if(result.first) return { result.first, false }; return { insert_impl( p, result.second), true }; } key_value_pair* object:: insert_impl( pilfered<key_value_pair> p, std::size_t hash) { BOOST_ASSERT( capacity() > size()); if(t_->is_small()) { auto const pv = ::new(end()) key_value_pair(p); ++t_->size; return pv; } auto& head = t_->bucket(hash); auto const pv = ::new(end()) key_value_pair(p); access::next(*pv) = head; head = t_->size; ++t_->size; return pv; } // rehash to at least `n` buckets void object:: rehash(std::size_t new_capacity) { BOOST_ASSERT( new_capacity > t_->capacity); auto t = table::allocate( growth(new_capacity), t_->salt, sp_); if(! empty()) std::memcpy( static_cast< void*>(&(*t)[0]), begin(), size() * sizeof( key_value_pair)); t->size = t_->size; table::deallocate(t_, sp_); t_ = t; if(! t_->is_small()) { // rebuild hash table, // without dup checks auto p = end(); index_t i = t_->size; while(i-- > 0) { --p; auto& head = t_->bucket(p->key()); access::next(*p) = head; head = i; } } } bool object:: equal(object const& other) const noexcept { if(size() != other.size()) return false; auto const end_ = other.end(); for(auto e : *this) { auto it = other.find(e.key()); if(it == end_) return false; if(it->value() != e.value()) return false; } return true; } std::size_t object:: growth( std::size_t new_size) const { if(new_size > max_size()) detail::throw_length_error( "object too large", BOOST_JSON_SOURCE_POS); std::size_t const old = capacity(); if(old > max_size() - old / 2) return new_size; std::size_t const g = old + old / 2; // 1.5x if(g < new_size) return new_size; return g; } void object:: remove( index_t& head, key_value_pair& v) noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(! t_->is_small()); auto const i = static_cast< index_t>(&v - begin()); if(head == i) { head = access::next(v); return; } auto* pn = &access::next((*t_)[head]); while(*pn != i) pn = &access::next((*t_)[*pn]); *pn = access::next(v); } void object:: destroy() noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(t_->capacity > 0); BOOST_ASSERT(! sp_.is_not_shared_and_deallocate_is_trivial()); destroy(begin(), end()); table::deallocate(t_, sp_); } void object:: destroy( key_value_pair* first, key_value_pair* last) noexcept { BOOST_ASSERT(! sp_.is_not_shared_and_deallocate_is_trivial()); while(last != first) (--last)->~key_value_pair(); } BOOST_JSON_NS_END #endif