/* * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ /*! * \file logical.hpp * \author Andrey Semashev * \date 30.03.2008 * * This header contains logical predicates for value comparison, analogous to \c std::less, \c std::greater * and others. The main difference from the standard equivalents is that the predicates defined in this * header are not templates and therefore do not require a fixed argument type. Furthermore, both arguments * may have different types, in which case the comparison is performed without type conversion. * * \note In case if arguments are integral, the conversion is performed according to the standard C++ rules * in order to avoid warnings from the compiler. */ #ifndef BOOST_LOG_UTILITY_FUNCTIONAL_LOGICAL_HPP_INCLUDED_ #define BOOST_LOG_UTILITY_FUNCTIONAL_LOGICAL_HPP_INCLUDED_ #include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_unsigned.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/integral_constant.hpp> #include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp> #include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp> #ifdef BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif namespace boost { BOOST_LOG_OPEN_NAMESPACE namespace aux { //! The trait creates a common integral type suitable for comparison. This is mostly to silence compiler warnings like 'signed/unsigned mismatch'. template< typename T, typename U, unsigned int TSizeV = sizeof(T), unsigned int USizeV = sizeof(U), bool TSmallerThanU = (sizeof(T) < sizeof(U)) > struct make_common_integral_type { typedef T type; }; //! Specialization for case when \c T is smaller than \c U template< typename T, typename U, unsigned int TSizeV, unsigned int USizeV > struct make_common_integral_type< T, U, TSizeV, USizeV, true > { typedef U type; }; //! Specialization for the case when both types have the same size template< typename T, typename U, unsigned int SizeV > struct make_common_integral_type< T, U, SizeV, SizeV, false > : public boost::conditional< is_unsigned< T >::value, T, U > { }; } // namespace aux //! Equality predicate struct equal_to { typedef bool result_type; template< typename T, typename U > bool operator() (T const& left, U const& right) const { return op(left, right, integral_constant< bool, is_integral< T >::value && is_integral< U >::value >()); } private: template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, false_type) { return (left == right); } template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, true_type) { typedef typename aux::make_common_integral_type< T, U >::type common_integral_type; return static_cast< common_integral_type >(left) == static_cast< common_integral_type >(right); } }; //! Inequality predicate struct not_equal_to { typedef bool result_type; template< typename T, typename U > bool operator() (T const& left, U const& right) const { return op(left, right, integral_constant< bool, is_integral< T >::value && is_integral< U >::value >()); } private: template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, false_type) { return (left != right); } template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, true_type) { typedef typename aux::make_common_integral_type< T, U >::type common_integral_type; return static_cast< common_integral_type >(left) != static_cast< common_integral_type >(right); } }; //! Less predicate struct less { typedef bool result_type; template< typename T, typename U > bool operator() (T const& left, U const& right) const { return op(left, right, integral_constant< bool, is_integral< T >::value && is_integral< U >::value >()); } private: template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, false_type) { return (left < right); } template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, true_type) { typedef typename aux::make_common_integral_type< T, U >::type common_integral_type; return static_cast< common_integral_type >(left) < static_cast< common_integral_type >(right); } }; //! Greater predicate struct greater { typedef bool result_type; template< typename T, typename U > bool operator() (T const& left, U const& right) const { return op(left, right, integral_constant< bool, is_integral< T >::value && is_integral< U >::value >()); } private: template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, false_type) { return (left > right); } template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, true_type) { typedef typename aux::make_common_integral_type< T, U >::type common_integral_type; return static_cast< common_integral_type >(left) > static_cast< common_integral_type >(right); } }; //! Less or equal predicate struct less_equal { typedef bool result_type; template< typename T, typename U > bool operator() (T const& left, U const& right) const { return op(left, right, integral_constant< bool, is_integral< T >::value && is_integral< U >::value >()); } private: template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, false_type) { return (left <= right); } template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, true_type) { typedef typename aux::make_common_integral_type< T, U >::type common_integral_type; return static_cast< common_integral_type >(left) <= static_cast< common_integral_type >(right); } }; //! Greater or equal predicate struct greater_equal { typedef bool result_type; template< typename T, typename U > bool operator() (T const& left, U const& right) const { return op(left, right, integral_constant< bool, is_integral< T >::value && is_integral< U >::value >()); } private: template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, false_type) { return (left >= right); } template< typename T, typename U > static bool op(T const& left, U const& right, true_type) { typedef typename aux::make_common_integral_type< T, U >::type common_integral_type; return static_cast< common_integral_type >(left) >= static_cast< common_integral_type >(right); } }; BOOST_LOG_CLOSE_NAMESPACE // namespace log } // namespace boost #include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp> #endif // BOOST_LOG_UTILITY_FUNCTIONAL_LOGICAL_HPP_INCLUDED_