// (C) Copyright 2006 Douglas Gregor <doug.gregor -at- gmail.com>

// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

//  Authors: Douglas Gregor

/** @file skeleton_and_content.hpp
 *  This file reflects the skeleton/content facilities into Python.
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
#include <boost/function/function1.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi/python.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi/python/serialize.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace mpi { namespace python {

 * This @c content class is a wrapper around the C++ "content"
 * retrieved from get_content. This wrapper is only needed to store a
 * copy of the Python object on which get_content() was called.
class content : public boost::mpi::content
  typedef boost::mpi::content inherited;

  content(const inherited& base, boost::python::object object) 
    : inherited(base), object(object) { }

  inherited&       base()       { return *this; }
  const inherited& base() const { return *this; }

  boost::python::object object;

 * A class specific to the Python bindings that mimics the behavior of
 * the skeleton_proxy<T> template. In the case of Python skeletons, we
 * only need to know the object (and its type) to transmit the
 * skeleton. This is the only user-visible skeleton proxy type,
 * although instantiations of its derived classes (@c
 * skeleton_proxy<T>) will be returned from the Python skeleton()
 * function.
class skeleton_proxy_base 
  skeleton_proxy_base(const boost::python::object& object) : object(object) { }

  boost::python::object object;

 * The templated @c skeleton_proxy class represents a skeleton proxy
 * in Python. The only data is stored in the @c skeleton_proxy_base
 * class (which is the type actually exposed as @c skeleton_proxy in
 * Python). However, the type of @c skeleton_proxy<T> is important for
 * (de-)serialization of @c skeleton_proxy<T>'s for transmission.
template<typename T>
class skeleton_proxy : public skeleton_proxy_base
  skeleton_proxy(const boost::python::object& object) 
    : skeleton_proxy_base(object) { }

namespace detail {
  using boost::python::object;
  using boost::python::extract;
  extern BOOST_MPI_DECL boost::python::object skeleton_proxy_base_type;

  template<typename T>
  struct skeleton_saver
    operator()(packed_oarchive& ar, const object& obj, const unsigned int)
      packed_skeleton_oarchive pso(ar);
      pso << extract<T&>(obj.attr("object"))();

  template<typename T> 
  struct skeleton_loader
    operator()(packed_iarchive& ar, object& obj, const unsigned int)
      packed_skeleton_iarchive psi(ar);
      extract<skeleton_proxy<T>&> proxy(obj);
      if (!proxy.check())
        obj = object(skeleton_proxy<T>(object(T())));

      psi >> extract<T&>(obj.attr("object"))();

   * The @c skeleton_content_handler structure contains all of the
   * information required to extract a skeleton and content from a
   * Python object with a certain C++ type.
  struct skeleton_content_handler {
    function1<object, const object&> get_skeleton_proxy;
    function1<content, const object&> get_content;

   * A function object that extracts the skeleton from of a Python
   * object, which is actually a wrapped C++ object of type T.
  template<typename T>
  struct do_get_skeleton_proxy
    object operator()(object value) {
      return object(skeleton_proxy<T>(value));

   * A function object that extracts the content of a Python object,
   * which is actually a wrapped C++ object of type T.
  template<typename T>
  struct do_get_content
    content operator()(object value_obj) {
      T& value = extract<T&>(value_obj)();
      return content(boost::mpi::get_content(value), value_obj);

   * Determine if a skeleton and content handler for @p type has
   * already been registered.
  skeleton_and_content_handler_registered(PyTypeObject* type);
   * Register a skeleton/content handler with a particular Python type
   * (which actually wraps a C++ type).
                                        const skeleton_content_handler&);
} // end namespace detail

template<typename T>
void register_skeleton_and_content(const T& value, PyTypeObject* type)
  using boost::python::detail::direct_serialization_table;
  using boost::python::detail::get_direct_serialization_table;
  using namespace boost::python;

  // Determine the type
  if (!type)
    type = object(value).ptr()->ob_type;

  // Don't re-register the same type.
  if (detail::skeleton_and_content_handler_registered(type))

  // Register the skeleton proxy type
    boost::python::scope proxy_scope(detail::skeleton_proxy_base_type);
    std::string name("skeleton_proxy<");
    name += typeid(T).name();
    name += ">";
    class_<skeleton_proxy<T>, bases<skeleton_proxy_base> >(name.c_str(), 

  // Register the saver and loader for the associated skeleton and
  // proxy, to allow (de-)serialization of skeletons via the proxy.
  direct_serialization_table<packed_iarchive, packed_oarchive>& table = 
    get_direct_serialization_table<packed_iarchive, packed_oarchive>();

  // Register the rest of the skeleton/content mechanism, including
  // handlers that extract a skeleton proxy from a Python object and
  // extract the content from a Python object.
  detail::skeleton_content_handler handler;
  handler.get_skeleton_proxy = detail::do_get_skeleton_proxy<T>();
  handler.get_content = detail::do_get_content<T>();
  detail::register_skeleton_and_content_handler(type, handler);

} } } // end namespace boost::mpi::python