/* boost random/detail/gray_coded_qrng.hpp header file * * Copyright Justinas Vygintas Daugmaudis 2010-2018 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_GRAY_CODED_QRNG_HPP #define BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_GRAY_CODED_QRNG_HPP #include <boost/random/detail/qrng_base.hpp> #include <boost/core/bit.hpp> // lsb #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp> #include <stdexcept> #include <functional> // bit_xor #include <algorithm> #include <boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp> #include <boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp> //!\file //!Describes the gray-coded quasi-random number generator base class template. namespace boost { namespace random { namespace qrng_detail { template<class T> static int lsb( T x ) { if( x == 0 ) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::range_error( "qrng_detail::lsb: argument is 0" ) ); } return boost::core::countr_zero( x ); } template<class T> static int msb( T x ) { if( x == 0 ) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::range_error( "qrng_detail::msb: argument is 0" ) ); } return std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - 1 - boost::core::countl_zero( x ); } template<typename LatticeT> class gray_coded_qrng : public qrng_base< gray_coded_qrng<LatticeT> , LatticeT , typename LatticeT::value_type > { public: typedef typename LatticeT::value_type result_type; typedef result_type size_type; private: typedef gray_coded_qrng<LatticeT> self_t; typedef qrng_base<self_t, LatticeT, size_type> base_t; // The base needs to access modifying member f-ns, and we // don't want these functions to be available for the public use friend class qrng_base<self_t, LatticeT, size_type>; // Respect lattice bit_count here struct check_nothing { inline static void bit_pos(unsigned) {} inline static void code_size(size_type) {} }; struct check_bit_range { static void raise_bit_count() { boost::throw_exception( std::range_error("gray_coded_qrng: bit_count") ); } inline static void bit_pos(unsigned bit_pos) { if (bit_pos >= LatticeT::bit_count) raise_bit_count(); } inline static void code_size(size_type code) { if (code > (self_t::max)()) raise_bit_count(); } }; // We only want to check whether bit pos is outside the range if given bit_count // is narrower than the size_type, otherwise checks compile to nothing. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(LatticeT::bit_count <= std::numeric_limits<size_type>::digits); typedef typename conditional< ((LatticeT::bit_count) < std::numeric_limits<size_type>::digits) , check_bit_range , check_nothing >::type check_bit_range_t; public: //!Returns: Tight lower bound on the set of values returned by operator(). //! //!Throws: nothing. static BOOST_CONSTEXPR result_type min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () { return 0; } //!Returns: Tight upper bound on the set of values returned by operator(). //! //!Throws: nothing. static BOOST_CONSTEXPR result_type max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () { return low_bits_mask_t<LatticeT::bit_count>::sig_bits; } explicit gray_coded_qrng(std::size_t dimension) : base_t(dimension) {} // default copy c-tor is fine // default assignment operator is fine void seed() { set_zero_state(); update_quasi(0); base_t::reset_seq(0); } void seed(const size_type init) { if (init != this->curr_seq()) { // We don't want negative seeds. check_seed_sign(init); size_type seq_code = init + 1; if (BOOST_UNLIKELY(!(init < seq_code))) boost::throw_exception( std::range_error("gray_coded_qrng: seed") ); seq_code ^= (seq_code >> 1); // Fail if we see that seq_code is outside bit range. // We do that before we even touch engine state. check_bit_range_t::code_size(seq_code); set_zero_state(); for (unsigned r = 0; seq_code != 0; ++r, seq_code >>= 1) { if (seq_code & static_cast<size_type>(1)) update_quasi(r); } } // Everything went well, set the new seq count base_t::reset_seq(init); } private: void compute_seq(size_type seq) { // Find the position of the least-significant zero in sequence count. // This is the bit that changes in the Gray-code representation as // the count is advanced. // Xor'ing with max() has the effect of flipping all the bits in seq, // except for the sign bit. unsigned r = qrng_detail::lsb(static_cast<size_type>(seq ^ (self_t::max)())); check_bit_range_t::bit_pos(r); update_quasi(r); } void update_quasi(unsigned r) { // Calculate the next state. std::transform(this->state_begin(), this->state_end(), this->lattice.iter_at(r * this->dimension()), this->state_begin(), std::bit_xor<result_type>()); } void set_zero_state() { std::fill(this->state_begin(), this->state_end(), result_type /*zero*/ ()); } }; } // namespace qrng_detail } // namespace random } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_GRAY_CODED_QRNG_HPP