/* * * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 * John Maddock * * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * */ /* * LOCATION: see http://www.boost.org for most recent version. * FILE cregex.cpp * VERSION see <boost/version.hpp> * DESCRIPTION: Declares POSIX API functions * + boost::RegEx high level wrapper. */ #ifndef BOOST_RE_CREGEX_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_RE_CREGEX_HPP_INCLUDED #ifndef BOOST_REGEX_CONFIG_HPP #include <boost/regex/config.hpp> #endif #include <boost/regex/v5/match_flags.hpp> #include <boost/regex/v5/error_type.hpp> #ifndef BOOST_REGEX_STANDALONE #if !defined(BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB) && !defined(BOOST_REGEX_SOURCE) && !defined(BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) && defined(__cplusplus) # define BOOST_LIB_NAME boost_regex # if defined(BOOST_REGEX_DYN_LINK) || defined(BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK) # define BOOST_DYN_LINK # endif # ifdef BOOST_REGEX_DIAG # define BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC # endif # include <boost/config/auto_link.hpp> #endif #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #include <cstddef> #else #include <stddef.h> #endif /* include these defs only for POSIX compatablity */ #ifdef __cplusplus namespace boost{ extern "C" { #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) typedef std::ptrdiff_t regoff_t; typedef std::size_t regsize_t; #else typedef ptrdiff_t regoff_t; typedef size_t regsize_t; #endif typedef struct { unsigned int re_magic; #ifdef __cplusplus std::size_t re_nsub; /* number of parenthesized subexpressions */ #else size_t re_nsub; #endif const char* re_endp; /* end pointer for REG_PEND */ void* guts; /* none of your business :-) */ match_flag_type eflags; /* none of your business :-) */ } regex_tA; #ifndef BOOST_NO_WREGEX typedef struct { unsigned int re_magic; #ifdef __cplusplus std::size_t re_nsub; /* number of parenthesized subexpressions */ #else size_t re_nsub; #endif const wchar_t* re_endp; /* end pointer for REG_PEND */ void* guts; /* none of your business :-) */ match_flag_type eflags; /* none of your business :-) */ } regex_tW; #endif typedef struct { regoff_t rm_so; /* start of match */ regoff_t rm_eo; /* end of match */ } regmatch_t; /* regcomp() flags */ typedef enum{ REG_BASIC = 0000, REG_EXTENDED = 0001, REG_ICASE = 0002, REG_NOSUB = 0004, REG_NEWLINE = 0010, REG_NOSPEC = 0020, REG_PEND = 0040, REG_DUMP = 0200, REG_NOCOLLATE = 0400, REG_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS = 01000, REG_NEWLINE_ALT = 02000, REG_PERLEX = 04000, REG_PERL = REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOCOLLATE | REG_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS | REG_PERLEX, REG_AWK = REG_EXTENDED | REG_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS, REG_GREP = REG_BASIC | REG_NEWLINE_ALT, REG_EGREP = REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE_ALT, REG_ASSERT = 15, REG_INVARG = 16, REG_ATOI = 255, /* convert name to number (!) */ REG_ITOA = 0400 /* convert number to name (!) */ } reg_comp_flags; /* regexec() flags */ typedef enum{ REG_NOTBOL = 00001, REG_NOTEOL = 00002, REG_STARTEND = 00004 } reg_exec_flags; /* * POSIX error codes: */ typedef unsigned reg_error_t; typedef reg_error_t reg_errcode_t; /* backwards compatibility */ static const reg_error_t REG_NOERROR = 0; /* Success. */ static const reg_error_t REG_NOMATCH = 1; /* Didn't find a match (for regexec). */ /* POSIX regcomp return error codes. (In the order listed in the standard.) */ static const reg_error_t REG_BADPAT = 2; /* Invalid pattern. */ static const reg_error_t REG_ECOLLATE = 3; /* Undefined collating element. */ static const reg_error_t REG_ECTYPE = 4; /* Invalid character class name. */ static const reg_error_t REG_EESCAPE = 5; /* Trailing backslash. */ static const reg_error_t REG_ESUBREG = 6; /* Invalid back reference. */ static const reg_error_t REG_EBRACK = 7; /* Unmatched left bracket. */ static const reg_error_t REG_EPAREN = 8; /* Parenthesis imbalance. */ static const reg_error_t REG_EBRACE = 9; /* Unmatched \{. */ static const reg_error_t REG_BADBR = 10; /* Invalid contents of \{\}. */ static const reg_error_t REG_ERANGE = 11; /* Invalid range end. */ static const reg_error_t REG_ESPACE = 12; /* Ran out of memory. */ static const reg_error_t REG_BADRPT = 13; /* No preceding re for repetition op. */ static const reg_error_t REG_EEND = 14; /* unexpected end of expression */ static const reg_error_t REG_ESIZE = 15; /* expression too big */ static const reg_error_t REG_ERPAREN = 8; /* = REG_EPAREN : unmatched right parenthesis */ static const reg_error_t REG_EMPTY = 17; /* empty expression */ static const reg_error_t REG_E_MEMORY = 15; /* = REG_ESIZE : out of memory */ static const reg_error_t REG_ECOMPLEXITY = 18; /* complexity too high */ static const reg_error_t REG_ESTACK = 19; /* out of stack space */ static const reg_error_t REG_E_PERL = 20; /* Perl (?...) error */ static const reg_error_t REG_E_UNKNOWN = 21; /* unknown error */ static const reg_error_t REG_ENOSYS = 21; /* = REG_E_UNKNOWN : Reserved. */ BOOST_REGEX_DECL int BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regcompA(regex_tA*, const char*, int); BOOST_REGEX_DECL regsize_t BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regerrorA(int, const regex_tA*, char*, regsize_t); BOOST_REGEX_DECL int BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regexecA(const regex_tA*, const char*, regsize_t, regmatch_t*, int); BOOST_REGEX_DECL void BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regfreeA(regex_tA*); #ifndef BOOST_NO_WREGEX BOOST_REGEX_DECL int BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regcompW(regex_tW*, const wchar_t*, int); BOOST_REGEX_DECL regsize_t BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regerrorW(int, const regex_tW*, wchar_t*, regsize_t); BOOST_REGEX_DECL int BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regexecW(const regex_tW*, const wchar_t*, regsize_t, regmatch_t*, int); BOOST_REGEX_DECL void BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regfreeW(regex_tW*); #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define regcomp regcompW #define regerror regerrorW #define regexec regexecW #define regfree regfreeW #define regex_t regex_tW #else #define regcomp regcompA #define regerror regerrorA #define regexec regexecA #define regfree regfreeA #define regex_t regex_tA #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ } /* namespace */ #endif #endif /* include guard */