    Boost.Wave: A Standard compliant C++ preprocessor library

    Token sequence analysis and transformation helper functions


    Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Hartmut Kaiser. Distributed under the Boost
    Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
    LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#if !defined(BOOST_CPP_MACROMAP_UTIL_HPP_HK041119)

#include <boost/assert.hpp>

#include <boost/wave/wave_config.hpp>
#include <boost/wave/token_ids.hpp>
#include <boost/wave/util/unput_queue_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/wave/language_support.hpp>

// this must occur after all of the includes and before any code appears

// This file contains the definition of several token sequence analyze
// and transformation utility functions needed during macro handling.

namespace boost {
namespace wave {
namespace util {

namespace on_exit {

    //  On destruction pop the first element of the list given as the argument
    template <typename ContainerT>
    class pop_front {
        pop_front(ContainerT &list_) : list(list_) {}
        ~pop_front() { list.pop_front(); }

        ContainerT &list;

    //  Append a given list to the list given as argument
    //  On destruction pop the first element of the list given as argument
    template <typename ContainerT>
    class splice_pop_front {
        splice_pop_front(ContainerT &list_, ContainerT &queue)
        :   list(list_)
            list.splice(list.end(), queue);
        ~splice_pop_front() { list.pop_front(); }

        ContainerT &list;

    //  On destruction reset a referenced value to its initial state
    template <typename TypeT>
    class reset {
        reset(TypeT &target_value_, TypeT new_value)
        :   target_value(target_value_), old_value(target_value_)
            target_value_ = new_value;
        ~reset() { target_value = old_value; }

        TypeT &target_value;
        TypeT old_value;

    //  On destruction assign the given iterator back
    template <typename IteratorT, typename UnputIteratorT>
    class assign
        assign(IteratorT &it_, UnputIteratorT const &uit_)
        :   it(it_), uit(uit_) {}
        ~assign() { it = uit.base(); }

        IteratorT &it;
        UnputIteratorT const &uit;

    template <typename IteratorT>
    class assign<IteratorT, IteratorT> {
        assign(IteratorT &it_, IteratorT const &uit_)
        :   it(it_), uit(uit_) {}
        ~assign() { it = uit; }

        IteratorT &it;
        IteratorT const &uit;

}   // namespace on_exit

namespace impl {

//  Test, whether a given identifier resolves to a predefined name
template <typename ContextT, typename StringT>
inline bool
is_special_macroname (ContextT const & ctx, StringT const &name)
    if (name.size() < 7)
        return false;

    if ("defined" == name)
        return true;

    if (boost::wave::need_has_include(ctx.get_language()) &&
        ("__has_include" == name))
        return true;

    if ('_' == name[0] && '_' == name[1]) {
        StringT str = name.substr(2);

        if (str == "cplusplus"  || str == "STDC__" ||
            str == "TIME__"     || str == "DATE__" ||
            str == "LINE__"     || str == "FILE__" ||
            str == "INCLUDE_LEVEL__")
            return true;
    return false;

//  Test, whether two tokens are to be considered equal (different sequences
//  of whitespace are considered to be equal)
template <typename TokenT>
inline bool
token_equals(TokenT const &left, TokenT const &right)
    using namespace boost::wave;

    if (IS_CATEGORY(left, ParameterTokenType)) {
        //  if the existing token is of type T_PARAMETERBASE, then the right token
        //  must be of type T_IDENTIFIER or a keyword
        token_id id = token_id(right);

        return (T_IDENTIFIER == id ||
                IS_CATEGORY(id, KeywordTokenType) ||
                IS_EXTCATEGORY(id, OperatorTokenType|AltExtTokenType) ||
                IS_CATEGORY(id, BoolLiteralTokenType)) &&
            left.get_value() == right.get_value();

    // if the left token has whitespace, the value is irrelevant
    return token_id(left) == token_id(right) && (
            IS_CATEGORY(left, WhiteSpaceTokenType) ||
            left.get_value() == right.get_value()

//  Tests, whether two macro definitions are equal
template <typename ContainerT>
inline bool
definition_equals(ContainerT const &definition,
    ContainerT const &new_definition)
    typedef typename ContainerT::const_iterator const_iterator_type;

    const_iterator_type first1 = definition.begin();
    const_iterator_type last1 = definition.end();
    const_iterator_type first2 = new_definition.begin();
    const_iterator_type last2 = new_definition.end();

    while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2 && token_equals(*first1, *first2))
        // skip whitespace, if both sequences have a whitespace next
        token_id id1 = next_token<const_iterator_type>::peek(first1, last1, false);
        token_id id2 = next_token<const_iterator_type>::peek(first2, last2, false);

        if (IS_CATEGORY(id1, WhiteSpaceTokenType) &&
            IS_CATEGORY(id2, WhiteSpaceTokenType))
            // all consecutive whitespace tokens count as one whitespace
            // adjust first1 and first2 accordingly
            skip_whitespace(first1, last1);
            skip_whitespace(first2, last2);
        else if (!IS_CATEGORY(id1, WhiteSpaceTokenType) &&
                 !IS_CATEGORY(id2, WhiteSpaceTokenType))
        else {
            // the sequences differ
    return (first1 == last1 && first2 == last2) ? true : false;

//  Tests, whether two given sets of macro parameters are equal
template <typename ContainerT>
inline bool
parameters_equal(ContainerT const &parameters, ContainerT const &new_parameters)
    if (parameters.size() != new_parameters.size())
        return false;   // different parameter count

    typedef typename ContainerT::const_iterator const_iterator_type;

    const_iterator_type first1 = parameters.begin();
    const_iterator_type last1 = parameters.end();
    const_iterator_type first2 = new_parameters.begin();
    const_iterator_type last2 = new_parameters.end();

    while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) {
        // parameters are different, if the corresponding tokens are different
        using namespace boost::wave;
        if (token_id(*first1) != token_id(*first2) ||
            (*first1).get_value() != (*first2).get_value())
    return (first1 == last1 && first2 == last2) ? true : false;

//  Strip leading and trailing whitespace from the given token sequence
template <typename ContainerT>
inline void
trim_replacement_list (ContainerT &replacement_list)
    using namespace boost::wave;

    // strip leading whitespace
    if (replacement_list.size() > 0) {
        typename ContainerT::iterator end = replacement_list.end();
        typename ContainerT::iterator it = replacement_list.begin();

        while (it != end && IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType)) {
            token_id id(*it);
            if (T_PLACEHOLDER != id && T_PLACEMARKER != id) {
                typename ContainerT::iterator next = it;
                it = next;
            else {

    // strip trailing whitespace
    if (replacement_list.size() > 0) {
        typename ContainerT::reverse_iterator rend = replacement_list.rend();
        typename ContainerT::reverse_iterator rit = replacement_list.rbegin();

        while (rit != rend && IS_CATEGORY(*rit, WhiteSpaceTokenType))

        typename ContainerT::iterator end = replacement_list.end();
        typename ContainerT::iterator it = rit.base();

        while (it != end && IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType)) {
            token_id id(*it);
            if (T_PLACEHOLDER != id && T_PLACEMARKER != id) {
                typename ContainerT::iterator next = it;
                it = next;
            else {

//  Tests, whether the given token sequence consists out of whitespace only
template <typename ContainerT>
inline bool
is_whitespace_only (ContainerT const &argument)
    typename ContainerT::const_iterator end = argument.end();
    for (typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = argument.begin();
          it != end; ++it)
        if (!IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType))
            return false;
    return true;

//  Tests whether the given token sequence consists only of whitespace
//  and placemarkers
template <typename ContainerT>
inline bool
is_blank_only (ContainerT const &argument)
    typename ContainerT::const_iterator end = argument.end();
    for (typename ContainerT::const_iterator it = argument.begin();
          it != end; ++it)
        if (!IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType) &&
            (T_PLACEMARKER != token_id(*it)))
            return false;
    return true;

//  Remove all placeholder tokens from the given token sequence
template <typename ContainerT>
inline void
remove_placeholders (ContainerT &replacement_list)
    using namespace boost::wave;

    // strip leading whitespace
    if (replacement_list.size() > 0) {
        typename ContainerT::iterator end = replacement_list.end();
        typename ContainerT::iterator it = replacement_list.begin();

        while (it != end) {
            token_id id(*it);
            if (T_PLACEHOLDER == id || T_PLACEMARKER == id) {
                typename ContainerT::iterator next = it;
                it = next;
            else {

        // remove all 'new' leading and trailing whitespace
        if (is_whitespace_only(replacement_list))

//  Remove all whitespace tokens on the left side of the given token sequence
template <typename ContainerT>
inline void
trim_sequence_left (ContainerT &argument)
    using namespace boost::wave;

    // strip leading whitespace (should be only one token)
    if (argument.size() > 0 &&
        IS_CATEGORY(argument.front(), WhiteSpaceTokenType))

//  Remove all whitespace tokens on the right side of the given token sequence
template <typename ContainerT>
inline void
trim_sequence_right (ContainerT &argument)
    using namespace boost::wave;

    // strip trailing whitespace (should be only one token)
    if (argument.size() > 0 &&
        IS_CATEGORY(argument.back(), WhiteSpaceTokenType))

//  Remove all whitespace tokens on the left and right sides of the given token
//  sequence
template <typename ContainerT>
inline void
trim_sequence (ContainerT &argument)

// call 'skipped_token' preprocessing hook
template <typename ContextT>
void call_skipped_token_hook(ContextT& ctx,
    typename ContextT::token_type const& skipped)
    ctx.get_hooks().skipped_token(ctx.derived(), skipped);

//  Skip forward to a given token
template <typename ContextT, typename IteratorT>
inline bool
skip_to_token(ContextT& ctx, IteratorT &it, IteratorT const &end,
    token_id id, bool& seen_newline)
    using namespace boost::wave;
    if (token_id(*it) == id)
        return true;

//     call_skipped_token_hook(ctx, *it);
    if (++it == end)
        return false;

    while (IS_CATEGORY(*it, WhiteSpaceTokenType) ||
           T_NEWLINE == token_id(*it))
        if (T_NEWLINE == token_id(*it))
            seen_newline = true;

//         call_skipped_token_hook(ctx, *it);
        if (++it == end)
            return false;
    return token_id(*it) == id;

//  Get the full name of a given macro name (concatenate the string
//  representations of the single tokens).
template <typename IteratorT>
inline std::string
get_full_name(IteratorT const &begin, IteratorT const &end)
    std::string full_name;
    for (IteratorT err_it = begin; err_it != end; ++err_it)
        full_name += (*err_it).get_value().c_str();

    return full_name;

//  The following predicate is used in conjunction with the remove_copy_if
//  algorithm to allow the detection of an eventually copied operator ##.
//  No removal is performed in any case.
class find_concat_operator {
    find_concat_operator(bool &found_) : found_concat(found_) {}

    template <typename TokenT>
    bool operator()(TokenT const &tok)
        using namespace boost::wave;
        if (T_POUND_POUND == BASE_TOKEN(token_id(tok)))
            found_concat = true;
        return false;

    bool &found_concat;

//  Convert a string of an arbitrary string compatible type to a internal
//  string (BOOST_WAVE_STRING)
template <typename Target, typename Src>
struct to_string_helper
    typedef Target type;

    static Target call(Src const& str)
        return Target(str.c_str());

// do nothing if types are equal
template <typename Src>
struct to_string_helper<Src, Src>
    typedef Src const& type;

    static Src const& call(Src const& str)
        return str;

template <typename Target>
struct to_string_helper<Target, char const*>
    typedef Target type;

    static Target call(char const* str)
        return Target(str);

}   // namespace impl

template <typename Target, typename Src>
inline typename impl::to_string_helper<Target, Src>::type
to_string(Src const& src)
    return impl::to_string_helper<Target, Src>::call(src);

}   // namespace util
}   // namespace wave
}   // namespace boost

// the suffix header occurs after all of the code

#endif // !defined(BOOST_CPP_MACROMAP_UTIL_HPP_HK041119)