/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // @author Andrei Alexandrescu (andrei.alexandrescu@fb.com) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; DEFINE_bool(benchmark, false, "Run benchmarks."); DEFINE_bool(json, false, "Output in JSON format."); DEFINE_string( bm_relative_to, "", "Print benchmark results relative to an earlier dump (via --bm_json_verbose)"); DEFINE_string( bm_json_verbose, "", "File to write verbose JSON format (for BenchmarkCompare / --bm_relative_to). " "NOTE: this is written independent of the above --json / --bm_relative_to."); DEFINE_string( bm_regex, "", "Only benchmarks whose names match this regex will be run."); DEFINE_int64( bm_min_usec, 100, "Minimum # of microseconds we'll accept for each benchmark."); DEFINE_int32( bm_min_iters, 1, "Minimum # of iterations we'll try for each benchmark."); DEFINE_int64( bm_max_iters, 1 << 30, "Maximum # of iterations we'll try for each benchmark."); DEFINE_int32( bm_max_secs, 1, "Maximum # of seconds we'll spend on each benchmark."); namespace folly { std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration BenchmarkSuspender::timeSpent; typedef function BenchmarkFun; vector& benchmarks() { static vector _benchmarks; return _benchmarks; } #define FB_FOLLY_GLOBAL_BENCHMARK_BASELINE fbFollyGlobalBenchmarkBaseline #define FB_STRINGIZE_X2(x) FOLLY_PP_STRINGIZE(x) // Add the global baseline BENCHMARK(FB_FOLLY_GLOBAL_BENCHMARK_BASELINE) { #ifdef _MSC_VER _ReadWriteBarrier(); #else asm volatile(""); #endif } size_t getGlobalBenchmarkBaselineIndex() { const char* global = FB_STRINGIZE_X2(FB_FOLLY_GLOBAL_BENCHMARK_BASELINE); auto it = std::find_if( benchmarks().begin(), benchmarks().end(), [global](const detail::BenchmarkRegistration& v) { return v.name == global; }); CHECK(it != benchmarks().end()); return size_t(std::distance(benchmarks().begin(), it)); } #undef FB_STRINGIZE_X2 #undef FB_FOLLY_GLOBAL_BENCHMARK_BASELINE void detail::addBenchmarkImpl( const char* file, StringPiece name, BenchmarkFun fun, bool useCounter) { benchmarks().push_back({file, name.str(), std::move(fun), useCounter}); } static std::pair runBenchmarkGetNSPerIteration( const BenchmarkFun& fun, const double globalBaseline) { using std::chrono::duration_cast; using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock; using std::chrono::microseconds; using std::chrono::nanoseconds; using std::chrono::seconds; // They key here is accuracy; too low numbers means the accuracy was // coarse. We up the ante until we get to at least minNanoseconds // timings. static_assert( std::is_same::value, "High resolution clock must be nanosecond resolution."); // We choose a minimum minimum (sic) of 100,000 nanoseconds, but if // the clock resolution is worse than that, it will be larger. In // essence we're aiming at making the quantization noise 0.01%. static const auto minNanoseconds = std::max( nanoseconds(100000), microseconds(FLAGS_bm_min_usec)); // We do measurements in several epochs and take the minimum, to // account for jitter. static const unsigned int epochs = 1000; // We establish a total time budget as we don't want a measurement // to take too long. This will curtail the number of actual epochs. const auto timeBudget = seconds(FLAGS_bm_max_secs); auto global = high_resolution_clock::now(); std::vector> epochResults(epochs); size_t actualEpochs = 0; for (; actualEpochs < epochs; ++actualEpochs) { const auto maxIters = uint32_t(FLAGS_bm_max_iters); for (auto n = uint32_t(FLAGS_bm_min_iters); n < maxIters; n *= 2) { detail::TimeIterData timeIterData = fun(static_cast(n)); if (timeIterData.duration < minNanoseconds) { continue; } // We got an accurate enough timing, done. But only save if // smaller than the current result. auto nsecs = duration_cast(timeIterData.duration); epochResults[actualEpochs] = std::make_pair( max(0.0, double(nsecs.count()) / timeIterData.niter - globalBaseline), std::move(timeIterData.userCounters)); // Done with the current epoch, we got a meaningful timing. break; } auto now = high_resolution_clock::now(); if (now - global >= timeBudget) { // No more time budget available. ++actualEpochs; break; } } // Current state of the art: get the minimum. After some // experimentation, it seems taking the minimum is the best. auto iter = min_element( epochResults.begin(), epochResults.begin() + actualEpochs, [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.first < b.first; }); // If the benchmark was basically drowned in baseline noise, it's // possible it became negative. return std::make_pair(max(0.0, iter->first), iter->second); } struct ScaleInfo { double boundary; const char* suffix; }; static const ScaleInfo kTimeSuffixes[]{ {365.25 * 24 * 3600, "years"}, {24 * 3600, "days"}, {3600, "hr"}, {60, "min"}, {1, "s"}, {1E-3, "ms"}, {1E-6, "us"}, {1E-9, "ns"}, {1E-12, "ps"}, {1E-15, "fs"}, {0, nullptr}, }; static const ScaleInfo kMetricSuffixes[]{ {1E24, "Y"}, // yotta {1E21, "Z"}, // zetta {1E18, "X"}, // "exa" written with suffix 'X' so as to not create // confusion with scientific notation {1E15, "P"}, // peta {1E12, "T"}, // terra {1E9, "G"}, // giga {1E6, "M"}, // mega {1E3, "K"}, // kilo {1, ""}, {1E-3, "m"}, // milli {1E-6, "u"}, // micro {1E-9, "n"}, // nano {1E-12, "p"}, // pico {1E-15, "f"}, // femto {1E-18, "a"}, // atto {1E-21, "z"}, // zepto {1E-24, "y"}, // yocto {0, nullptr}, }; static string humanReadable( double n, unsigned int decimals, const ScaleInfo* scales) { if (std::isinf(n) || std::isnan(n)) { return folly::to(n); } const double absValue = fabs(n); const ScaleInfo* scale = scales; while (absValue < scale[0].boundary && scale[1].suffix != nullptr) { ++scale; } const double scaledValue = n / scale->boundary; return stringPrintf("%.*f%s", decimals, scaledValue, scale->suffix); } static string readableTime(double n, unsigned int decimals) { return humanReadable(n, decimals, kTimeSuffixes); } static string metricReadable(double n, unsigned int decimals) { return humanReadable(n, decimals, kMetricSuffixes); } namespace { class BenchmarkResultsPrinter { public: BenchmarkResultsPrinter() = default; explicit BenchmarkResultsPrinter(std::set counterNames) : counterNames_(std::move(counterNames)), namesLength_{std::accumulate( counterNames_.begin(), counterNames_.end(), size_t{0}, [](size_t acc, auto&& name) { return acc + 2 + name.length(); })} {} static constexpr unsigned int columns{76}; void separator(char pad) { puts(string(columns + namesLength_, pad).c_str()); } void header(const string& file) { separator('='); printf("%-*srelative time/iter iters/s", columns - 28, file.c_str()); for (auto const& name : counterNames_) { printf(" %s", name.c_str()); } printf("\n"); separator('='); } void print(const vector& data) { for (auto& datum : data) { auto file = datum.file; if (file != lastFile_) { // New file starting header(file); lastFile_ = file; } string s = datum.name; if (s == "-") { separator('-'); continue; } bool useBaseline /* = void */; if (s[0] == '%') { s.erase(0, 1); useBaseline = true; } else { baselineNsPerIter_ = datum.timeInNs; useBaseline = false; } s.resize(columns - 29, ' '); auto nsPerIter = datum.timeInNs; auto secPerIter = nsPerIter / 1E9; auto itersPerSec = (secPerIter == 0) ? std::numeric_limits::infinity() : (1 / secPerIter); if (!useBaseline) { // Print without baseline printf( "%*s %9s %7s", static_cast(s.size()), s.c_str(), readableTime(secPerIter, 2).c_str(), metricReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str()); } else { // Print with baseline auto rel = baselineNsPerIter_ / nsPerIter * 100.0; printf( "%*s %7.2f%% %9s %7s", static_cast(s.size()), s.c_str(), rel, readableTime(secPerIter, 2).c_str(), metricReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str()); } for (auto const& name : counterNames_) { if (auto ptr = folly::get_ptr(datum.counters, name)) { switch (ptr->type) { case UserMetric::Type::TIME: printf( " %-*s", int(name.length()), readableTime(ptr->value, 2).c_str()); break; case UserMetric::Type::METRIC: printf( " %-*s", int(name.length()), metricReadable(ptr->value, 2).c_str()); break; case UserMetric::Type::CUSTOM: default: printf(" %-*" PRId64, int(name.length()), ptr->value); } } else { printf(" %-*s", int(name.length()), "NaN"); } } printf("\n"); } } private: std::set counterNames_; size_t namesLength_{0}; double baselineNsPerIter_{numeric_limits::max()}; string lastFile_; }; } // namespace static void printBenchmarkResultsAsJson( const vector& data) { dynamic d = dynamic::object; for (auto& datum : data) { d[datum.name] = datum.timeInNs * 1000.; } printf("%s\n", toPrettyJson(d).c_str()); } void benchmarkResultsToDynamic( const vector& data, dynamic& out) { out = dynamic::array; for (auto& datum : data) { if (!datum.counters.empty()) { dynamic obj = dynamic::object; for (auto& counter : datum.counters) { dynamic counterInfo = dynamic::object; counterInfo["value"] = counter.second.value; counterInfo["type"] = static_cast(counter.second.type); obj[counter.first] = counterInfo; } out.push_back( dynamic::array(datum.file, datum.name, datum.timeInNs, obj)); } else { out.push_back(dynamic::array(datum.file, datum.name, datum.timeInNs)); } } } void benchmarkResultsFromDynamic( const dynamic& d, vector& results) { for (auto& datum : d) { results.push_back( {datum[0].asString(), datum[1].asString(), datum[2].asDouble(), UserCounters{}}); } } static pair resultKey( const detail::BenchmarkResult& result) { return pair(result.file, result.name); } void printResultComparison( const vector& base, const vector& test) { map, double> baselines; for (auto& baseResult : base) { baselines[resultKey(baseResult)] = baseResult.timeInNs; } // // Width available static const unsigned int columns = 76; // Compute the longest benchmark name size_t longestName = 0; for (auto& datum : test) { longestName = max(longestName, datum.name.size()); } // Print a horizontal rule auto separator = [&](char pad) { puts(string(columns, pad).c_str()); }; // Print header for a file auto header = [&](const string& file) { separator('='); printf("%-*srelative time/iter iters/s", columns - 28, file.c_str()); separator('='); }; string lastFile; for (auto& datum : test) { folly::Optional baseline = folly::get_optional(baselines, resultKey(datum)); auto file = datum.file; if (file != lastFile) { // New file starting header(file); lastFile = file; } string s = datum.name; if (s == "-") { separator('-'); continue; } if (s[0] == '%') { s.erase(0, 1); } s.resize(columns - 29, ' '); auto nsPerIter = datum.timeInNs; auto secPerIter = nsPerIter / 1E9; auto itersPerSec = (secPerIter == 0) ? std::numeric_limits::infinity() : (1 / secPerIter); if (!baseline) { // Print without baseline printf( "%*s %9s %7s\n", static_cast(s.size()), s.c_str(), readableTime(secPerIter, 2).c_str(), metricReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str()); } else { // Print with baseline auto rel = *baseline / nsPerIter * 100.0; printf( "%*s %7.2f%% %9s %7s\n", static_cast(s.size()), s.c_str(), rel, readableTime(secPerIter, 2).c_str(), metricReadable(itersPerSec, 2).c_str()); } } separator('='); } void checkRunMode() { if (folly::kIsDebug || folly::kIsSanitize) { std::cerr << "WARNING: Benchmark running " << (folly::kIsDebug ? "in DEBUG mode" : "with SANITIZERS") << std::endl; } } namespace { std::pair, std::vector> runBenchmarksWithPrinter(BenchmarkResultsPrinter* FOLLY_NULLABLE printer) { vector results; results.reserve(benchmarks().size() - 1); std::unique_ptr bmRegex; if (!FLAGS_bm_regex.empty()) { bmRegex = std::make_unique(FLAGS_bm_regex); } // PLEASE KEEP QUIET. MEASUREMENTS IN PROGRESS. size_t baselineIndex = getGlobalBenchmarkBaselineIndex(); auto const globalBaseline = runBenchmarkGetNSPerIteration(benchmarks()[baselineIndex].func, 0); std::set counterNames; FOR_EACH_RANGE (i, 0, benchmarks().size()) { if (i == baselineIndex) { continue; } std::pair elapsed; auto& bm = benchmarks()[i]; if (bm.name != "-") { // skip separators if (bmRegex && !boost::regex_search(bm.name, *bmRegex)) { continue; } elapsed = runBenchmarkGetNSPerIteration(bm.func, globalBaseline.first); } // if customized user counters is used, it cannot print the result in real // time as it needs to run all cases first to know the complete set of // counters have been used, then the header can be printed out properly if (printer != nullptr) { printer->print({{bm.file, bm.name, elapsed.first, elapsed.second}}); } else { results.push_back({bm.file, bm.name, elapsed.first, elapsed.second}); } // get all counter names for (auto const& kv : elapsed.second) { counterNames.insert(kv.first); } } // MEASUREMENTS DONE. return std::make_pair(std::move(counterNames), std::move(results)); } std::vector resultsFromFile( const std::string& filename) { std::string content; readFile(filename.c_str(), content); std::vector ret; if (!content.empty()) { benchmarkResultsFromDynamic(parseJson(content), ret); } return ret; } bool writeResultsToFile( const std::vector& results, const std::string& filename) { dynamic d; benchmarkResultsToDynamic(results, d); return writeFile(toPrettyJson(d), filename.c_str()); } } // namespace namespace detail { std::vector runBenchmarksWithResults() { return runBenchmarksWithPrinter(nullptr).second; } } // namespace detail void runBenchmarks() { CHECK(!benchmarks().empty()); checkRunMode(); BenchmarkResultsPrinter printer; bool useCounter = std::any_of(benchmarks().begin(), benchmarks().end(), [](const auto& bm) { return bm.useCounter; }); // PLEASE KEEP QUIET. MEASUREMENTS IN PROGRESS. auto benchmarkResults = runBenchmarksWithPrinter( FLAGS_bm_relative_to.empty() && !FLAGS_json && !useCounter ? &printer : nullptr); // PLEASE MAKE NOISE. MEASUREMENTS DONE. if (FLAGS_json) { printBenchmarkResultsAsJson(benchmarkResults.second); } else if (!FLAGS_bm_relative_to.empty()) { printResultComparison( resultsFromFile(FLAGS_bm_relative_to), benchmarkResults.second); } else { printer = BenchmarkResultsPrinter{std::move(benchmarkResults.first)}; printer.print(benchmarkResults.second); printer.separator('='); } if (!FLAGS_bm_json_verbose.empty()) { writeResultsToFile(benchmarkResults.second, FLAGS_bm_json_verbose); } checkRunMode(); } } // namespace folly