/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::ostream; using std::string; namespace folly { // free functions size_t hash_value(const IPAddressV4& addr) { return addr.hash(); } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const IPAddressV4& addr) { os << addr.str(); return os; } void toAppend(IPAddressV4 addr, string* result) { result->append(addr.str()); } void toAppend(IPAddressV4 addr, fbstring* result) { result->append(addr.str()); } bool IPAddressV4::validate(StringPiece ip) noexcept { return tryFromString(ip).hasValue(); } // public static IPAddressV4 IPAddressV4::fromLong(uint32_t src) { in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = src; return IPAddressV4(addr); } IPAddressV4 IPAddressV4::fromLongHBO(uint32_t src) { in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = htonl(src); return IPAddressV4(addr); } // static public uint32_t IPAddressV4::toLong(StringPiece ip) { auto str = ip.str(); in_addr addr; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, str.c_str(), &addr) != 1) { throw IPAddressFormatException( fmt::format("Can't convert invalid IP '{}' to long", ip)); } return addr.s_addr; } // static public uint32_t IPAddressV4::toLongHBO(StringPiece ip) { return ntohl(IPAddressV4::toLong(ip)); } // public default constructor IPAddressV4::IPAddressV4() = default; // ByteArray4 constructor IPAddressV4::IPAddressV4(const ByteArray4& src) noexcept : addr_(src) {} // public string constructor IPAddressV4::IPAddressV4(StringPiece addr) : addr_() { auto maybeIp = tryFromString(addr); if (maybeIp.hasError()) { throw IPAddressFormatException( to("Invalid IPv4 address '", addr, "'")); } *this = maybeIp.value(); } Expected IPAddressV4::tryFromString( StringPiece str) noexcept { struct in_addr inAddr; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, str.str().c_str(), &inAddr) != 1) { return makeUnexpected(IPAddressFormatError::INVALID_IP); } return IPAddressV4(inAddr); } // in_addr constructor IPAddressV4::IPAddressV4(const in_addr src) noexcept : addr_(src) {} IPAddressV4 IPAddressV4::fromBinary(ByteRange bytes) { auto maybeIp = tryFromBinary(bytes); if (maybeIp.hasError()) { throw IPAddressFormatException(to( "Invalid IPv4 binary data: length must be 4 bytes, got ", bytes.size())); } return maybeIp.value(); } Expected IPAddressV4::tryFromBinary( ByteRange bytes) noexcept { IPAddressV4 addr; auto setResult = addr.trySetFromBinary(bytes); if (setResult.hasError()) { return makeUnexpected(setResult.error()); } return addr; } Expected IPAddressV4::trySetFromBinary( ByteRange bytes) noexcept { if (bytes.size() != 4) { return makeUnexpected(IPAddressFormatError::INVALID_IP); } memcpy(&addr_.inAddr_.s_addr, bytes.data(), sizeof(in_addr)); return folly::unit; } // static IPAddressV4 IPAddressV4::fromInverseArpaName(const std::string& arpaname) { auto piece = StringPiece(arpaname); // input must be something like if (!piece.removeSuffix(".in-addr.arpa")) { throw IPAddressFormatException( fmt::format("input does not end with '.in-addr.arpa': '{}'", arpaname)); } std::vector pieces; split(".", piece, pieces); if (pieces.size() != 4) { throw IPAddressFormatException(fmt::format("Invalid input. Got {}", piece)); } // reverse -> return IPAddressV4(join(".", pieces.rbegin(), pieces.rend())); } IPAddressV6 IPAddressV4::createIPv6() const { ByteArray16 ba{}; ba[10] = 0xff; ba[11] = 0xff; std::memcpy(&ba[12], bytes(), 4); return IPAddressV6(ba); } // public IPAddressV6 IPAddressV4::getIPv6For6To4() const { ByteArray16 ba{}; ba[0] = (uint8_t)((IPAddressV6::PREFIX_6TO4 & 0xFF00) >> 8); ba[1] = (uint8_t)(IPAddressV6::PREFIX_6TO4 & 0x00FF); std::memcpy(&ba[2], bytes(), 4); return IPAddressV6(ba); } // public string IPAddressV4::toJson() const { return fmt::format("{{family:'AF_INET', addr:'{}', hash:{}}}", str(), hash()); } // public bool IPAddressV4::inSubnet(StringPiece cidrNetwork) const { auto subnetInfo = IPAddress::createNetwork(cidrNetwork); auto addr = subnetInfo.first; if (!addr.isV4()) { throw IPAddressFormatException( fmt::format("Address '{}' is not a V4 address", addr.toJson())); } return inSubnetWithMask(addr.asV4(), fetchMask(subnetInfo.second)); } // public bool IPAddressV4::inSubnetWithMask( const IPAddressV4& subnet, const ByteArray4 cidrMask) const { const auto mask = detail::Bytes::mask(toByteArray(), cidrMask); const auto subMask = detail::Bytes::mask(subnet.toByteArray(), cidrMask); return (mask == subMask); } // public bool IPAddressV4::isLoopback() const { static IPAddressV4 loopback_addr(""); return inSubnetWithMask(loopback_addr, fetchMask(8)); } // public bool IPAddressV4::isLinkLocal() const { static IPAddressV4 linklocal_addr(""); return inSubnetWithMask(linklocal_addr, fetchMask(16)); } // public bool IPAddressV4::isNonroutable() const { auto ip = toLongHBO(); return isPrivate() || (/* align */ true && ip <= 0x00FFFFFF) || // (ip >= 0xC0000000 && ip <= 0xC00000FF) || // (ip >= 0xC0000200 && ip <= 0xC00002FF) || // (ip >= 0xC6120000 && ip <= 0xC613FFFF) || // (ip >= 0xC6336400 && ip <= 0xC63364FF) || // (ip >= 0xCB007100 && ip <= 0xCB0071FF) || // (ip >= 0xE0000000 && ip <= 0xFFFFFFFF) || // false; } // public bool IPAddressV4::isPrivate() const { auto ip = toLongHBO(); return // some ranges below (ip >= 0x0A000000 && ip <= 0x0AFFFFFF) || // (ip >= 0x7F000000 && ip <= 0x7FFFFFFF) || // (ip >= 0xA9FE0000 && ip <= 0xA9FEFFFF) || // (ip >= 0xAC100000 && ip <= 0xAC1FFFFF) || // (ip >= 0xC0A80000 && ip <= 0xC0A8FFFF) || // false; } // public bool IPAddressV4::isMulticast() const { return (toLongHBO() & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000; } // public IPAddressV4 IPAddressV4::mask(size_t numBits) const { static const auto bits = bitCount(); if (numBits > bits) { throw IPAddressFormatException( fmt::format("numBits({}) > bitsCount({})", numBits, bits)); } ByteArray4 ba = detail::Bytes::mask(fetchMask(numBits), addr_.bytes_); return IPAddressV4(ba); } // public string IPAddressV4::str() const { return detail::fastIpv4ToString(addr_.inAddr_); } // public void IPAddressV4::toFullyQualifiedAppend(std::string& out) const { detail::fastIpv4AppendToString(addr_.inAddr_, out); } // public string IPAddressV4::toInverseArpaName() const { return fmt::format( "{}.{}.{}.{}.in-addr.arpa", addr_.bytes_[3], addr_.bytes_[2], addr_.bytes_[1], addr_.bytes_[0]); } // public uint8_t IPAddressV4::getNthMSByte(size_t byteIndex) const { const auto highestIndex = byteCount() - 1; if (byteIndex > highestIndex) { throw std::invalid_argument(fmt::format( "Byte index must be <= {} for addresses of type: {}", highestIndex, detail::familyNameStr(AF_INET))); } return bytes()[byteIndex]; } // protected ByteArray4 IPAddressV4::fetchMask(size_t numBits) { static const size_t bits = bitCount(); if (numBits > bits) { throw IPAddressFormatException("IPv4 addresses are 32 bits"); } auto const val = Endian::big(uint32_t(~uint64_t(0) << (32 - numBits))); ByteArray4 arr; std::memcpy(arr.data(), &val, sizeof(val)); return arr; } // public static CIDRNetworkV4 IPAddressV4::longestCommonPrefix( const CIDRNetworkV4& one, const CIDRNetworkV4& two) { auto prefix = detail::Bytes::longestCommonPrefix( one.first.addr_.bytes_, one.second, two.first.addr_.bytes_, two.second); return {IPAddressV4(prefix.first), prefix.second}; } } // namespace folly