/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace folly { namespace detail { struct ScopeGuardDismissed {}; class ScopeGuardImplBase { public: void dismiss() noexcept { dismissed_ = true; } void rehire() noexcept { dismissed_ = false; } protected: ScopeGuardImplBase(bool dismissed = false) noexcept : dismissed_(dismissed) {} [[noreturn]] static void terminate() noexcept; static ScopeGuardImplBase makeEmptyScopeGuard() noexcept { return ScopeGuardImplBase{}; } template static const T& asConst(const T& t) noexcept { return t; } bool dismissed_; }; template class ScopeGuardImpl : public ScopeGuardImplBase { public: explicit ScopeGuardImpl(FunctionType& fn) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value) : ScopeGuardImpl( asConst(fn), makeFailsafe( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible{}, &fn)) {} explicit ScopeGuardImpl(const FunctionType& fn) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value) : ScopeGuardImpl( fn, makeFailsafe( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible{}, &fn)) {} explicit ScopeGuardImpl(FunctionType&& fn) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible::value) : ScopeGuardImpl( std::move_if_noexcept(fn), makeFailsafe( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible{}, &fn)) {} explicit ScopeGuardImpl(FunctionType&& fn, ScopeGuardDismissed) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible::value) // No need for failsafe in this case, as the guard is dismissed. : ScopeGuardImplBase{true}, function_(std::forward(fn)) {} ScopeGuardImpl(ScopeGuardImpl&& other) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible::value) : function_(std::move_if_noexcept(other.function_)) { // If the above line attempts a copy and the copy throws, other is // left owning the cleanup action and will execute it (or not) depending // on the value of other.dismissed_. The following lines only execute // if the move/copy succeeded, in which case *this assumes ownership of // the cleanup action and dismisses other. dismissed_ = std::exchange(other.dismissed_, true); } ~ScopeGuardImpl() noexcept(InvokeNoexcept) { if (!dismissed_) { execute(); } } private: static ScopeGuardImplBase makeFailsafe(std::true_type, const void*) noexcept { return makeEmptyScopeGuard(); } template static auto makeFailsafe(std::false_type, Fn* fn) noexcept -> ScopeGuardImpl { return ScopeGuardImpl{ std::ref(*fn)}; } template explicit ScopeGuardImpl(Fn&& fn, ScopeGuardImplBase&& failsafe) : ScopeGuardImplBase{}, function_(std::forward(fn)) { failsafe.dismiss(); } void* operator new(std::size_t) = delete; void execute() noexcept(InvokeNoexcept) { if (InvokeNoexcept) { using R = decltype(function_()); auto catcher_word = reinterpret_cast(&terminate); auto catcher = reinterpret_cast(catcher_word); catch_exception(function_, catcher); } else { function_(); } } FunctionType function_; }; template using ScopeGuardImplDecay = ScopeGuardImpl::type, INE>; } // namespace detail /** * ScopeGuard is a general implementation of the "Initialization is * Resource Acquisition" idiom. Basically, it guarantees that a function * is executed upon leaving the current scope unless otherwise told. * * The makeGuard() function is used to create a new ScopeGuard object. * It can be instantiated with a lambda function, a std::function, * a functor, or a void(*)() function pointer. * * * Usage example: Add a friend to memory if and only if it is also added * to the db. * * void User::addFriend(User& newFriend) { * // add the friend to memory * friends_.push_back(&newFriend); * * // If the db insertion that follows fails, we should * // remove it from memory. * auto guard = makeGuard([&] { friends_.pop_back(); }); * * // this will throw an exception upon error, which * // makes the ScopeGuard execute UserCont::pop_back() * // once the Guard's destructor is called. * db_->addFriend(GetName(), newFriend.GetName()); * * // an exception was not thrown, so don't execute * // the Guard. * guard.dismiss(); * } * * It is also possible to create a guard in dismissed state with * makeDismissedGuard(), and later rehire it with the rehire() * method. * * makeDismissedGuard() is not just syntactic sugar for creating a guard and * immediately dismissing it, but it has a subtle behavior difference if * move-construction of the passed function can throw: if it does, the function * will be called by makeGuard(), but not by makeDismissedGuard(). * * Examine ScopeGuardTest.cpp for some more sample usage. * * Stolen from: * Andrei's and Petru Marginean's CUJ article: * http://drdobbs.com/184403758 * and the loki library: * http://loki-lib.sourceforge.net/index.php?n=Idioms.ScopeGuardPointer * and triendl.kj article: * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/scope_guard.aspx */ template FOLLY_NODISCARD detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay makeGuard(F&& f) noexcept( noexcept(detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay(static_cast(f)))) { return detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay(static_cast(f)); } template FOLLY_NODISCARD detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay makeDismissedGuard(F&& f) noexcept( noexcept(detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay( static_cast(f), detail::ScopeGuardDismissed{}))) { return detail::ScopeGuardImplDecay( static_cast(f), detail::ScopeGuardDismissed{}); } namespace detail { #if defined(FOLLY_EXCEPTION_COUNT_USE_CXA_GET_GLOBALS) || \ defined(FOLLY_EXCEPTION_COUNT_USE_GETPTD) || \ defined(FOLLY_EXCEPTION_COUNT_USE_STD) /** * ScopeGuard used for executing a function when leaving the current scope * depending on the presence of a new uncaught exception. * * If the executeOnException template parameter is true, the function is * executed if a new uncaught exception is present at the end of the scope. * If the parameter is false, then the function is executed if no new uncaught * exceptions are present at the end of the scope. * * Used to implement SCOPE_FAIL and SCOPE_SUCCESS below. */ template class ScopeGuardForNewException { public: explicit ScopeGuardForNewException(const FunctionType& fn) : guard_(fn) {} explicit ScopeGuardForNewException(FunctionType&& fn) : guard_(std::move(fn)) {} ScopeGuardForNewException(ScopeGuardForNewException&& other) = default; ~ScopeGuardForNewException() noexcept(ExecuteOnException) { if (ExecuteOnException != (exceptionCounter_ < uncaught_exceptions())) { guard_.dismiss(); } } private: void* operator new(std::size_t) = delete; void operator delete(void*) = delete; ScopeGuardImpl guard_; int exceptionCounter_{uncaught_exceptions()}; }; /** * Internal use for the macro SCOPE_FAIL below */ enum class ScopeGuardOnFail {}; template ScopeGuardForNewException::type, true> operator+(detail::ScopeGuardOnFail, FunctionType&& fn) { return ScopeGuardForNewException< typename std::decay::type, true>(std::forward(fn)); } /** * Internal use for the macro SCOPE_SUCCESS below */ enum class ScopeGuardOnSuccess {}; template ScopeGuardForNewException::type, false> operator+(ScopeGuardOnSuccess, FunctionType&& fn) { return ScopeGuardForNewException< typename std::decay::type, false>(std::forward(fn)); } #endif // native uncaught_exception() supported /** * Internal use for the macro SCOPE_EXIT below */ enum class ScopeGuardOnExit {}; template ScopeGuardImpl::type, true> operator+( detail::ScopeGuardOnExit, FunctionType&& fn) { return ScopeGuardImpl::type, true>( std::forward(fn)); } } // namespace detail } // namespace folly #define SCOPE_EXIT \ auto FB_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE(SCOPE_EXIT_STATE) = \ ::folly::detail::ScopeGuardOnExit() + [&]() noexcept #if defined(FOLLY_EXCEPTION_COUNT_USE_CXA_GET_GLOBALS) || \ defined(FOLLY_EXCEPTION_COUNT_USE_GETPTD) || \ defined(FOLLY_EXCEPTION_COUNT_USE_STD) #define SCOPE_FAIL \ auto FB_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE(SCOPE_FAIL_STATE) = \ ::folly::detail::ScopeGuardOnFail() + [&]() noexcept #define SCOPE_SUCCESS \ auto FB_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE(SCOPE_SUCCESS_STATE) = \ ::folly::detail::ScopeGuardOnSuccess() + [&]() #endif // native uncaught_exception() supported