/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace folly { class FOLLY_EXPORT TryException : public std::logic_error { public: using std::logic_error::logic_error; }; class FOLLY_EXPORT UsingUninitializedTry : public TryException { public: UsingUninitializedTry() : TryException("Using uninitialized try") {} }; /* * Try is a wrapper that contains either an instance of T, an exception, or * nothing. Exceptions are stored as exception_wrappers so that the user can * minimize rethrows if so desired. * * To represent success or a captured exception, use Try. */ template class Try { static_assert( !std::is_reference::value, "Try may not be used with reference types"); enum class Contains { VALUE, EXCEPTION, NOTHING, }; public: /* * The value type for the Try */ typedef T element_type; /* * Construct an empty Try */ Try() noexcept : contains_(Contains::NOTHING) {} /* * Construct a Try with a value by copy * * @param v The value to copy in */ explicit Try(const T& v) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value) : contains_(Contains::VALUE), value_(v) {} /* * Construct a Try with a value by move * * @param v The value to move in */ explicit Try(T&& v) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible::value) : contains_(Contains::VALUE), value_(std::move(v)) {} template explicit Try(in_place_t, Args&&... args) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_constructible::value) : contains_(Contains::VALUE), value_(static_cast(args)...) {} /// Implicit conversion from Try to Try template /* implicit */ Try(typename std::enable_if::value, Try const&>:: type t) noexcept; /* * Construct a Try with an exception_wrapper * * @param e The exception_wrapper */ explicit Try(exception_wrapper e) noexcept : contains_(Contains::EXCEPTION), e_(std::move(e)) {} // Move constructor Try(Try&& t) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible::value); // Move assigner Try& operator=(Try&& t) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible::value); // Copy constructor Try(const Try& t) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value); // Copy assigner Try& operator=(const Try& t) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value); ~Try(); /* * In-place construct the value in the Try object. * * Destroys any previous value prior to constructing the new value. * Leaves *this in an empty state if the construction of T throws. * * @returns reference to the newly constructed value. */ template T& emplace(Args&&... args) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_constructible::value); /* * In-place construct an exception in the Try object. * * Destroys any previous value prior to constructing the new value. * Leaves *this in an empty state if the construction of the exception_wrapper * throws. * * Any arguments passed to emplaceException() are forwarded on to the * exception_wrapper constructor. * * @returns reference to the newly constructed exception_wrapper. */ template exception_wrapper& emplaceException(Args&&... args) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_constructible::value); /* * Get a mutable reference to the contained value. * [Re]throws if the Try contains an exception or is empty. * * @returns mutable reference to the contained value */ T& value() &; /* * Get a rvalue reference to the contained value. * [Re]throws if the Try contains an exception or is empty. * * @returns rvalue reference to the contained value */ T&& value() &&; /* * Get a const reference to the contained value. * [Re]throws if the Try contains an exception or is empty. * * @returns const reference to the contained value */ const T& value() const&; /* * Get a const rvalue reference to the contained value. * [Re]throws if the Try contains an exception or is empty. * * @returns const rvalue reference to the contained value */ const T&& value() const&&; /* * Returns a copy of the contained value if *this has a value, * otherwise returns a value constructed from defaultValue. * * The selected constructor of the return value may throw exceptions. */ template T value_or(U&& defaultValue) const&; template T value_or(U&& defaultValue) &&; /* * [Re]throw if the Try contains an exception or is empty. Otherwise do * nothing. */ void throwUnlessValue() const; [[deprecated("Replaced by throwUnlessValue")]] void throwIfFailed() const; /* * Const dereference operator. * [Re]throws if the Try contains an exception or is empty. * * @returns const reference to the contained value */ const T& operator*() const& { return value(); } /* * Dereference operator. If the Try contains an exception it will be rethrown. * * @returns mutable reference to the contained value */ T& operator*() & { return value(); } /* * Mutable rvalue dereference operator. If the Try contains an exception it * will be rethrown. * * @returns rvalue reference to the contained value */ T&& operator*() && { return std::move(value()); } /* * Const rvalue dereference operator. If the Try contains an exception it * will be rethrown. * * @returns rvalue reference to the contained value */ const T&& operator*() const&& { return std::move(value()); } /* * Const arrow operator. * [Re]throws if the Try contains an exception or is empty. * * @returns const reference to the contained value */ const T* operator->() const { return &value(); } /* * Arrow operator. If the Try contains an exception it will be rethrown. * * @returns mutable reference to the contained value */ T* operator->() { return &value(); } /* * @returns True if the Try contains a value, false otherwise */ bool hasValue() const { return contains_ == Contains::VALUE; } /* * @returns True if the Try contains an exception, false otherwise */ bool hasException() const { return contains_ == Contains::EXCEPTION; } /* * @returns True if the Try contains an exception of type Ex, false otherwise */ template bool hasException() const { return hasException() && e_.is_compatible_with(); } exception_wrapper& exception() & { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return e_; } exception_wrapper&& exception() && { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return std::move(e_); } const exception_wrapper& exception() const& { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return e_; } const exception_wrapper&& exception() const&& { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return std::move(e_); } /* * @returns a pointer to the `std::exception` held by `*this`, if one is held; * otherwise, returns `nullptr`. */ std::exception* tryGetExceptionObject() { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } std::exception const* tryGetExceptionObject() const { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } /* * @returns a pointer to the `Ex` held by `*this`, if it holds an object whose * type `From` permits `std::is_convertible`; otherwise, * returns `nullptr`. */ template E* tryGetExceptionObject() { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } template E const* tryGetExceptionObject() const { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } /* * If the Try contains an exception and it is of type Ex, execute func(Ex) * * @param func a function that takes a single parameter of type const Ex& * * @returns True if the Try held an Ex and func was executed, false otherwise */ template bool withException(F func) { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } template bool withException(F func) const { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } /* * If the Try contains an exception and it is of type compatible with Ex as * deduced from the first parameter of func, execute func(Ex) * * @param func a function that takes a single parameter of type const Ex& * * @returns True if the Try held an Ex and func was executed, false otherwise */ template bool withException(F func) { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } template bool withException(F func) const { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } template typename std::enable_if::type get() { return std::forward(*this); } template typename std::enable_if::type get() { return std::forward(value()); } private: void destroy() noexcept; Contains contains_; union { T value_; exception_wrapper e_; }; }; /* * Specialization of Try for void value type. Encapsulates either success or an * exception. */ template <> class Try { public: /* * The value type for the Try */ typedef void element_type; // Construct a Try holding a successful and void result Try() noexcept : hasValue_(true) {} /* * Construct a Try with an exception_wrapper * * @param e The exception_wrapper */ explicit Try(exception_wrapper e) noexcept : hasValue_(false), e_(std::move(e)) {} /// Implicit conversion from Try to Try /* implicit */ inline Try(const Try& t) noexcept; // Copy assigner inline Try& operator=(const Try& t) noexcept; // Copy constructor Try(const Try& t) noexcept : hasValue_(t.hasValue_) { if (t.hasException()) { new (&e_) exception_wrapper(t.e_); } } ~Try() { if (hasException()) { e_.~exception_wrapper(); } } /* * In-place construct a 'void' value into this Try object. * * This has the effect of clearing any existing exception stored in the * Try object. */ void emplace() noexcept { if (hasException()) { e_.~exception_wrapper(); hasValue_ = true; } } /* * In-place construct an exception in the Try object. * * Destroys any previous value prior to constructing the new value. * Leaves *this in an empty state if the construction of the exception_wrapper * throws. * * Any arguments passed to emplaceException() are forwarded on to the * exception_wrapper constructor. * * @returns reference to the newly constructed exception_wrapper. */ template exception_wrapper& emplaceException(Args&&... args) noexcept( std::is_nothrow_constructible::value); // If the Try contains an exception, throws it void value() const { throwIfFailed(); } // Dereference operator. If the Try contains an exception, throws it void operator*() const { return value(); } // If the Try contains an exception, throws it inline void throwIfFailed() const; inline void throwUnlessValue() const; // @returns False if the Try contains an exception, true otherwise bool hasValue() const { return hasValue_; } // @returns True if the Try contains an exception, false otherwise bool hasException() const { return !hasValue_; } // @returns True if the Try contains an exception of type Ex, false otherwise template bool hasException() const { return hasException() && e_.is_compatible_with(); } /* * @throws TryException if the Try doesn't contain an exception * * @returns mutable reference to the exception contained by this Try */ exception_wrapper& exception() & { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return e_; } exception_wrapper&& exception() && { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return std::move(e_); } const exception_wrapper& exception() const& { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return e_; } const exception_wrapper&& exception() const&& { if (!hasException()) { throw_exception("Try does not contain an exception"); } return std::move(e_); } /* * @returns a pointer to the `std::exception` held by `*this`, if one is held; * otherwise, returns `nullptr`. */ std::exception* tryGetExceptionObject() { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } std::exception const* tryGetExceptionObject() const { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } /* * @returns a pointer to the `Ex` held by `*this`, if it holds an object whose * type `From` permits `std::is_convertible`; otherwise, * returns `nullptr`. */ template E* tryGetExceptionObject() { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } template E const* tryGetExceptionObject() const { return hasException() ? e_.get_exception() : nullptr; } /* * If the Try contains an exception and it is of type Ex, execute func(Ex) * * @param func a function that takes a single parameter of type const Ex& * * @returns True if the Try held an Ex and func was executed, false otherwise */ template bool withException(F func) { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } template bool withException(F func) const { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } /* * If the Try contains an exception and it is of type compatible with Ex as * deduced from the first parameter of func, execute func(Ex) * * @param func a function that takes a single parameter of type const Ex& * * @returns True if the Try held an Ex and func was executed, false otherwise */ template bool withException(F func) { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } template bool withException(F func) const { if (!hasException()) { return false; } return e_.with_exception(std::move(func)); } template R get() { return std::forward(*this); } private: bool hasValue_; union { exception_wrapper e_; }; }; template struct isTry : std::false_type {}; template struct isTry> : std::true_type {}; /* * @param f a function to execute and capture the result of (value or exception) * * @returns Try holding the result of f */ template typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same, void>::value, Try>>::type makeTryWithNoUnwrap(F&& f); /* * Specialization of makeTryWith for void return * * @param f a function to execute and capture the result of * * @returns Try holding the result of f */ template typename std:: enable_if, void>::value, Try>::type makeTryWithNoUnwrap(F&& f); /* * @param f a function to execute and capture the result of (value or exception) * * @returns Try holding the result of f */ template typename std:: enable_if>::value, Try>>::type makeTryWith(F&& f); /* * Specialization of makeTryWith for functions that return Try * Causes makeTryWith to not double-wrap the try. * * @param f a function to execute and capture the result of * * @returns result of f if f did not throw. Otherwise Try containing * exception */ template typename std::enable_if>::value, invoke_result_t>:: type makeTryWith(F&& f); /* * Try to in-place construct a new value from the specified arguments. * * If T's constructor throws an exception then this is caught and the Try * object is initialised to hold that exception. * * @param args Are passed to T's constructor. */ template T* tryEmplace(Try& t, Args&&... args) noexcept; /* * Overload of tryEmplace() for Try. */ inline void tryEmplace(Try& t) noexcept; /* * Try to in-place construct a new value from the result of a function. * * If the function completes successfully then attempts to in-place construct * a value of type, T, passing the result of the function as the only parameter. * * If either the call to the function completes with an exception or the * constructor completes with an exception then the exception is caught and * stored in the Try object. * * @returns A pointer to the newly constructed object if it completed * successfully, otherwise returns nullptr if the operation completed with * an exception. */ template T* tryEmplaceWith(Try& t, Func&& func) noexcept; /* * Specialization of tryEmplaceWith() for Try. * * Calls func() and if it doesn't throw an exception then calls t.emplace(). * If func() throws then captures the exception in t using t.emplaceException(). * * Func must be callable with zero parameters and must return void. * * @returns true if func() completed without an exception, false if func() * threw an exception. */ template bool tryEmplaceWith(Try& t, Func&& func) noexcept; /** * Tuple...> -> std::tuple * * Unwraps a tuple-like type containing a sequence of Try instances to * std::tuple */ template auto unwrapTryTuple(Tuple&&); /* * Try to move the value/exception from another Try object. * * If T's constructor throws an exception then this is caught and the Try * object is initialised to hold that exception. */ template void tryAssign(Try& t, Try&& other) noexcept; } // namespace folly #include