/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once /** * F14NodeSet, F14ValueSet, and F14VectorSet * * F14FastSet conditionally works like F14ValueSet or F14VectorSet * * See F14.md * * @author Nathan Bronson * @author Xiao Shi */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if FOLLY_F14_VECTOR_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE //////// Common case for supported platforms namespace folly { namespace f14 { namespace detail { template class F14BasicSet { template using EnableHeterogeneousFind = std::enable_if_t< ::folly::detail::EligibleForHeterogeneousFind< typename Policy::Value, typename Policy::Hasher, typename Policy::KeyEqual, K>::value, T>; template using EnableHeterogeneousInsert = std::enable_if_t< ::folly::detail::EligibleForHeterogeneousInsert< typename Policy::Value, typename Policy::Hasher, typename Policy::KeyEqual, K>::value, T>; template using IsIter = std::is_same>; template using EnableHeterogeneousErase = std::enable_if_t< ::folly::detail::EligibleForHeterogeneousFind< typename Policy::Value, typename Policy::Hasher, typename Policy::KeyEqual, std::conditional_t::value, typename Policy::Value, K>>:: value && !IsIter::value, T>; public: //// PUBLIC - Member types using key_type = typename Policy::Value; using value_type = key_type; using size_type = std::size_t; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using hasher = typename Policy::Hasher; using key_equal = typename Policy::KeyEqual; using allocator_type = typename Policy::Alloc; using reference = value_type&; using const_reference = value_type const&; using pointer = typename Policy::AllocTraits::pointer; using const_pointer = typename Policy::AllocTraits::const_pointer; using iterator = typename Policy::Iter; using const_iterator = iterator; private: using ItemIter = typename Policy::ItemIter; public: //// PUBLIC - Member functions F14BasicSet() noexcept(Policy::kDefaultConstructIsNoexcept) : table_{} {} explicit F14BasicSet( std::size_t initialCapacity, hasher const& hash = hasher{}, key_equal const& eq = key_equal{}, allocator_type const& alloc = allocator_type{}) : table_{initialCapacity, hash, eq, alloc} {} explicit F14BasicSet(std::size_t initialCapacity, allocator_type const& alloc) : F14BasicSet(initialCapacity, hasher{}, key_equal{}, alloc) {} explicit F14BasicSet( std::size_t initialCapacity, hasher const& hash, allocator_type const& alloc) : F14BasicSet(initialCapacity, hash, key_equal{}, alloc) {} explicit F14BasicSet(allocator_type const& alloc) : F14BasicSet(0, hasher{}, key_equal{}, alloc) {} template F14BasicSet( InputIt first, InputIt last, std::size_t initialCapacity = 0, hasher const& hash = hasher{}, key_equal const& eq = key_equal{}, allocator_type const& alloc = allocator_type{}) : table_{initialCapacity, hash, eq, alloc} { initialInsert(first, last, initialCapacity); } template F14BasicSet( InputIt first, InputIt last, std::size_t initialCapacity, allocator_type const& alloc) : table_{initialCapacity, hasher{}, key_equal{}, alloc} { initialInsert(first, last, initialCapacity); } template F14BasicSet( InputIt first, InputIt last, std::size_t initialCapacity, hasher const& hash, allocator_type const& alloc) : table_{initialCapacity, hash, key_equal{}, alloc} { initialInsert(first, last, initialCapacity); } F14BasicSet(F14BasicSet const& rhs) = default; F14BasicSet(F14BasicSet const& rhs, allocator_type const& alloc) : table_(rhs.table_, alloc) {} F14BasicSet(F14BasicSet&& rhs) = default; F14BasicSet(F14BasicSet&& rhs, allocator_type const& alloc) noexcept( Policy::kAllocIsAlwaysEqual) : table_{std::move(rhs.table_), alloc} {} F14BasicSet( std::initializer_list init, std::size_t initialCapacity = 0, hasher const& hash = hasher{}, key_equal const& eq = key_equal{}, allocator_type const& alloc = allocator_type{}) : table_{initialCapacity, hash, eq, alloc} { initialInsert(init.begin(), init.end(), initialCapacity); } F14BasicSet( std::initializer_list init, std::size_t initialCapacity, allocator_type const& alloc) : table_{initialCapacity, hasher{}, key_equal{}, alloc} { initialInsert(init.begin(), init.end(), initialCapacity); } F14BasicSet( std::initializer_list init, std::size_t initialCapacity, hasher const& hash, allocator_type const& alloc) : table_{initialCapacity, hash, key_equal{}, alloc} { initialInsert(init.begin(), init.end(), initialCapacity); } F14BasicSet& operator=(F14BasicSet const&) = default; F14BasicSet& operator=(F14BasicSet&&) = default; F14BasicSet& operator=(std::initializer_list ilist) { clear(); bulkInsert(ilist.begin(), ilist.end(), false); return *this; } allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept { return table_.alloc(); } //// PUBLIC - Iterators iterator begin() noexcept { return cbegin(); } const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return cbegin(); } const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return table_.makeIter(table_.begin()); } iterator end() noexcept { return cend(); } const_iterator end() const noexcept { return cend(); } const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return table_.makeIter(table_.end()); } //// PUBLIC - Capacity bool empty() const noexcept { return table_.empty(); } std::size_t size() const noexcept { return table_.size(); } std::size_t max_size() const noexcept { return table_.max_size(); } //// PUBLIC - Modifiers void clear() noexcept { table_.clear(); } std::pair insert(value_type const& value) { return emplace(value); } std::pair insert(value_type&& value) { return emplace(std::move(value)); } // std::unordered_set's hinted insertion API is misleading. No // implementation I've seen actually uses the hint. Code restructuring // by the caller to use the hinted API is at best unnecessary, and at // worst a pessimization. It is used, however, so we provide it. iterator insert(const_iterator /*hint*/, value_type const& value) { return insert(value).first; } iterator insert(const_iterator /*hint*/, value_type&& value) { return insert(std::move(value)).first; } template EnableHeterogeneousInsert> insert(K&& value) { return emplace(std::forward(value)); } private: template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void bulkInsert( InputIt first, InputIt last, bool autoReserve) { if (autoReserve) { auto n = std::distance(first, last); if (n == 0) { return; } table_.reserveForInsert(n); } while (first != last) { insert(*first); ++first; } } template void initialInsert(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::size_t initialCapacity) { FOLLY_SAFE_DCHECK(empty() && bucket_count() >= initialCapacity, ""); // It's possible that there are a lot of duplicates in first..last and // so we will oversize ourself. The common case, however, is that // we can avoid a lot of rehashing if we pre-expand. The behavior // is easy to disable at a particular call site by asking for an // initialCapacity of 1. bool autoReserve = std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value && initialCapacity == 0; bulkInsert(first, last, autoReserve); } public: template void insert(InputIt first, InputIt last) { // Bulk reserve is a heuristic choice, so it can backfire. We restrict // ourself to situations that mimic bulk construction without an // explicit initialCapacity. bool autoReserve = std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::value && bucket_count() == 0; bulkInsert(first, last, autoReserve); } void insert(std::initializer_list ilist) { insert(ilist.begin(), ilist.end()); } private: template using UsableAsKey = ::folly::detail:: EligibleForHeterogeneousFind; public: template std::pair emplace(Args&&... args) { auto rv = folly::detail::callWithConstructedKey( table_.alloc(), [&](auto&&... inner) { return table_.tryEmplaceValue( std::forward(inner)...); }, std::forward(args)...); return std::make_pair(table_.makeIter(rv.first), rv.second); } template iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator /*hint*/, Args&&... args) { return emplace(std::forward(args)...).first; } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE iterator erase(const_iterator pos) { return eraseInto(pos, [](value_type&&) {}); } iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) { return eraseInto(first, last, [](value_type&&) {}); } size_type erase(key_type const& key) { return eraseInto(key, [](value_type&&) {}); } template EnableHeterogeneousErase erase(K const& key) { return eraseInto(key, [](value_type&&) {}); } // eraseInto contains the same overloads as erase but provides // an additional callback argument which is called with an rvalue // reference to the item directly before it is destroyed. This can be // used to extract an item out of a F14Set while avoiding a copy. template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE iterator eraseInto(const_iterator pos, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { auto itemPos = table_.unwrapIter(pos); table_.eraseIterInto(itemPos, beforeDestroy); // If we are inlined then gcc and clang can optimize away all of the // work of ++pos if the caller discards it. itemPos.advanceLikelyDead(); return table_.makeIter(itemPos); } template iterator eraseInto( const_iterator first, const_iterator last, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { while (first != last) { first = eraseInto(first, beforeDestroy); } return first; } template size_type eraseInto(key_type const& key, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { return table_.eraseKeyInto(key, beforeDestroy); } template EnableHeterogeneousErase eraseInto( K const& key, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { return table_.eraseKeyInto(key, beforeDestroy); } //// PUBLIC - Lookup FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_type count(key_type const& key) const { return contains(key) ? 1 : 0; } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind count( K const& key) const { return contains(key) ? 1 : 0; } // prehash(key) does the work of evaluating hash_function()(key) // (including additional bit-mixing for non-avalanching hash functions), // wraps the result of that work in a token for later reuse, and // begins prefetching of the first steps of looking for key into the // local CPU cache. // // The returned token may be used at any time, may be used more than // once, and may be used in other F14 sets and maps. Tokens are // transferrable between any F14 containers (maps and sets) with the // same key_type and equal hash_function()s. // // Hash tokens are not hints -- it is a bug to call any method on this // class with a token t and key k where t isn't the result of a call // to prehash(k2) with k2 == k. F14HashToken prehash(key_type const& key) const { return table_.prehash(key); } template EnableHeterogeneousFind prehash(K const& key) const { return table_.prehash(key); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE iterator find(key_type const& key) { return const_cast(this)->find(key); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE const_iterator find(key_type const& key) const { return table_.makeIter(table_.find(key)); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE iterator find(F14HashToken const& token, key_type const& key) { return const_cast(this)->find(token, key); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE const_iterator find(F14HashToken const& token, key_type const& key) const { return table_.makeIter(table_.find(token, key)); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind find(K const& key) { return const_cast(this)->find(key); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind find( K const& key) const { return table_.makeIter(table_.find(key)); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind find( F14HashToken const& token, K const& key) { return const_cast(this)->find(token, key); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind find( F14HashToken const& token, K const& key) const { return table_.makeIter(table_.find(token, key)); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE bool contains(key_type const& key) const { return !table_.find(key).atEnd(); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind contains( K const& key) const { return !table_.find(key).atEnd(); } FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE bool contains( F14HashToken const& token, key_type const& key) const { return !table_.find(token, key).atEnd(); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE EnableHeterogeneousFind contains( F14HashToken const& token, K const& key) const { return !table_.find(token, key).atEnd(); } std::pair equal_range(key_type const& key) { return equal_range(*this, key); } std::pair equal_range( key_type const& key) const { return equal_range(*this, key); } template EnableHeterogeneousFind> equal_range( K const& key) { return equal_range(*this, key); } template EnableHeterogeneousFind> equal_range(K const& key) const { return equal_range(*this, key); } //// PUBLIC - Bucket interface std::size_t bucket_count() const noexcept { return table_.bucket_count(); } std::size_t max_bucket_count() const noexcept { return table_.max_bucket_count(); } //// PUBLIC - Hash policy float load_factor() const noexcept { return table_.load_factor(); } float max_load_factor() const noexcept { return table_.max_load_factor(); } void max_load_factor(float v) { table_.max_load_factor(v); } void rehash(std::size_t bucketCapacity) { // The standard's rehash() requires understanding the max load factor, // which is easy to get wrong. Since we don't actually allow adjustment // of max_load_factor there is no difference. reserve(bucketCapacity); } void reserve(std::size_t capacity) { table_.reserve(capacity); } //// PUBLIC - Observers hasher hash_function() const { return table_.hasher(); } key_equal key_eq() const { return table_.keyEqual(); } //// PUBLIC - F14 Extensions // containsEqualValue returns true iff there is an element in the set // that compares equal to key using operator==. It is undefined // behavior to call this function if operator== on key_type can ever // return true when the same keys passed to key_eq() would return false // (the opposite is allowed). When using the default key_eq this function // is equivalent to contains(). bool containsEqualValue(value_type const& value) const { return !table_.findMatching(value, [&](auto& k) { return value == k; }) .atEnd(); } // Get memory footprint, not including sizeof(*this). std::size_t getAllocatedMemorySize() const { return table_.getAllocatedMemorySize(); } // Enumerates classes of allocated memory blocks currently owned // by this table, calling visitor(allocationSize, allocationCount). // This can be used to get a more accurate indication of memory footprint // than getAllocatedMemorySize() if you have some way of computing the // internal fragmentation of the allocator, such as JEMalloc's nallocx. // The visitor might be called twice with the same allocationSize. The // visitor's computation should produce the same result for visitor(8, // 2) as for two calls to visitor(8, 1), for example. The visitor may // be called with a zero allocationCount. template void visitAllocationClasses(V&& visitor) const { return table_.visitAllocationClasses(visitor); } // Calls visitor with two value_type const*, b and e, such that every // entry in the table is included in exactly one of the ranges [b,e). // This can be used to efficiently iterate elements in bulk when crossing // an API boundary that supports contiguous blocks of items. template void visitContiguousRanges(V&& visitor) const; F14TableStats computeStats() const noexcept { return table_.computeStats(); } private: template static auto equal_range(Self& self, K const& key) { auto first = self.find(key); auto last = first; if (last != self.end()) { ++last; } return std::make_pair(first, last); } protected: F14Table table_; }; } // namespace detail } // namespace f14 template class F14ValueSet : public f14::detail::F14BasicSet> { protected: using Policy = f14::detail::SetPolicyWithDefaults< f14::detail::ValueContainerPolicy, Key, Hasher, KeyEqual, Alloc>; private: using Super = f14::detail::F14BasicSet; public: using typename Super::value_type; F14ValueSet() = default; using Super::Super; F14ValueSet& operator=(std::initializer_list ilist) { Super::operator=(ilist); return *this; } void swap(F14ValueSet& rhs) noexcept(Policy::kSwapIsNoexcept) { this->table_.swap(rhs.table_); } template void visitContiguousRanges(V&& visitor) const { this->table_.visitContiguousItemRanges(std::forward(visitor)); } }; template class F14NodeSet : public f14::detail::F14BasicSet> { protected: using Policy = f14::detail::SetPolicyWithDefaults< f14::detail::NodeContainerPolicy, Key, Hasher, KeyEqual, Alloc>; private: using Super = f14::detail::F14BasicSet; public: using typename Super::value_type; F14NodeSet() = default; using Super::Super; F14NodeSet& operator=(std::initializer_list ilist) { Super::operator=(ilist); return *this; } void swap(F14NodeSet& rhs) noexcept(Policy::kSwapIsNoexcept) { this->table_.swap(rhs.table_); } template void visitContiguousRanges(V&& visitor) const { this->table_.visitItems([&](typename Policy::Item ptr) { value_type const* b = std::addressof(*ptr); visitor(b, b + 1); }); } }; namespace f14 { namespace detail { template < typename Key, typename Hasher, typename KeyEqual, typename Alloc, typename EligibleForPerturbedInsertionOrder> class F14VectorSetImpl : public F14BasicSet> { protected: using Policy = SetPolicyWithDefaults< VectorContainerPolicy, Key, Hasher, KeyEqual, Alloc, EligibleForPerturbedInsertionOrder>; private: using Super = F14BasicSet; template using IsIter = Disjunction< std::is_same>, std::is_same>>; template using EnableHeterogeneousVectorErase = std::enable_if_t< ::folly::detail::EligibleForHeterogeneousFind< typename Policy::Value, typename Policy::Hasher, typename Policy::KeyEqual, std::conditional_t::value, typename Policy::Value, K>>:: value && !IsIter::value, T>; public: using typename Super::const_iterator; using typename Super::iterator; using typename Super::key_type; using typename Super::value_type; F14VectorSetImpl() = default; using Super::Super; F14VectorSetImpl& operator=(std::initializer_list ilist) { Super::operator=(ilist); return *this; } iterator begin() { return cbegin(); } const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return this->table_.linearBegin(this->size()); } iterator end() { return cend(); } const_iterator end() const { return cend(); } const_iterator cend() const { return this->table_.linearEnd(); } private: template void eraseUnderlying( typename Policy::ItemIter underlying, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { Alloc& a = this->table_.alloc(); auto values = this->table_.values_; // destroy the value and remove the ptr from the base table auto index = underlying.item(); this->table_.eraseIterInto(underlying, beforeDestroy); Policy::AllocTraits::destroy(a, std::addressof(values[index])); // move the last element in values_ down and fix up the inbound index auto tailIndex = this->size(); if (tailIndex != index) { auto tail = this->table_.find( VectorContainerIndexSearch{static_cast(tailIndex)}); tail.item() = index; auto p = std::addressof(values[index]); assume(p != nullptr); this->table_.transfer(a, std::addressof(values[tailIndex]), p, 1); } } template std::size_t eraseUnderlyingKey(K const& key, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { auto underlying = this->table_.find(key); if (underlying.atEnd()) { return 0; } else { eraseUnderlying(underlying, beforeDestroy); return 1; } } public: FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE iterator erase(const_iterator pos) { return eraseInto(pos, [](value_type&&) {}); } iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) { return eraseInto(first, last, [](value_type&&) {}); } std::size_t erase(key_type const& key) { return eraseInto(key, [](value_type&&) {}); } template EnableHeterogeneousVectorErase erase(K const& key) { return eraseInto(key, [](value_type&&) {}); } template FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE iterator eraseInto(const_iterator pos, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { auto underlying = this->table_.find( VectorContainerIndexSearch{this->table_.iterToIndex(pos)}); eraseUnderlying(underlying, beforeDestroy); return ++pos; } template iterator eraseInto( const_iterator first, const_iterator last, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { while (first != last) { first = eraseInto(first, beforeDestroy); } return first; } template std::size_t eraseInto(key_type const& key, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { return eraseUnderlyingKey(key, beforeDestroy); } template EnableHeterogeneousVectorErase eraseInto( K const& key, BeforeDestroy&& beforeDestroy) { return eraseUnderlyingKey(key, beforeDestroy); } template void visitContiguousRanges(V&& visitor) const { auto n = this->table_.size(); if (n > 0) { value_type const* b = std::addressof(this->table_.values_[0]); visitor(b, b + n); } } }; } // namespace detail } // namespace f14 template class F14VectorSet : public f14::detail:: F14VectorSetImpl { using Super = f14::detail:: F14VectorSetImpl; public: using typename Super::const_iterator; using typename Super::iterator; using typename Super::value_type; using reverse_iterator = typename Super::Policy::ReverseIter; using const_reverse_iterator = reverse_iterator; F14VectorSet() = default; using Super::Super; F14VectorSet& operator=(std::initializer_list ilist) { Super::operator=(ilist); return *this; } void swap(F14VectorSet& rhs) noexcept(Super::Policy::kSwapIsNoexcept) { this->table_.swap(rhs.table_); } // ITERATION ORDER // // Deterministic iteration order for insert-only workloads is part of // F14VectorSet's supported API: iterator is LIFO and reverse_iterator // is FIFO. // // If there have been no calls to erase() then iterator and // const_iterator enumerate entries in the opposite of insertion order. // begin()->first is the key most recently inserted. reverse_iterator // and reverse_const_iterator, therefore, enumerate in LIFO (insertion) // order for insert-only workloads. Deterministic iteration order is // only guaranteed if no keys were removed since the last time the // set was empty. Iteration order is preserved across rehashes and // F14VectorSet copies and moves. // // iterator uses LIFO order so that erasing while iterating with begin() // and end() is safe using the erase(it++) idiom, which is supported // by std::set and std::unordered_set. erase(iter) invalidates iter // and all iterators before iter in the non-reverse iteration order. // Every successful erase invalidates all reverse iterators. // // No erase is provided for reverse_iterator (AKA const_reverse_iterator) // to make it harder to shoot yourself in the foot by erasing while // reverse-iterating. You can write that as set.erase(set.iter(riter)) // if you need it. reverse_iterator rbegin() { return this->table_.values_; } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return crbegin(); } const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return this->table_.values_; } reverse_iterator rend() { return this->table_.values_ + this->table_.size(); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return crend(); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return this->table_.values_ + this->table_.size(); } // explicit conversions between iterator and reverse_iterator iterator iter(reverse_iterator riter) { return this->table_.iter(riter); } const_iterator iter(const_reverse_iterator riter) const { return this->table_.iter(riter); } reverse_iterator riter(iterator it) { return this->table_.riter(it); } const_reverse_iterator riter(const_iterator it) const { return this->table_.riter(it); } friend Range tag_invoke( order_preserving_reinsertion_view_fn, F14VectorSet const& c) noexcept { return {c.rbegin(), c.rend()}; } }; template class F14FastSet : public std::conditional_t< sizeof(Key) < 24, F14ValueSet, f14::detail:: F14VectorSetImpl> { using Super = std::conditional_t< sizeof(Key) < 24, F14ValueSet, f14::detail:: F14VectorSetImpl>; public: using typename Super::value_type; F14FastSet() = default; using Super::Super; F14FastSet& operator=(std::initializer_list ilist) { Super::operator=(ilist); return *this; } void swap(F14FastSet& rhs) noexcept(Super::Policy::kSwapIsNoexcept) { this->table_.swap(rhs.table_); } }; } // namespace folly #endif // if FOLLY_F14_VECTOR_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE //////// Compatibility for unsupported platforms (not x86_64 and not aarch64) #include namespace folly { namespace f14 { namespace detail { template bool setsEqual(S const& lhs, S const& rhs) { if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) { return false; } for (auto& k : lhs) { if (!rhs.containsEqualValue(k)) { return false; } } return true; } } // namespace detail } // namespace f14 template bool operator==( F14ValueSet const& lhs, F14ValueSet const& rhs) { return setsEqual(lhs, rhs); } template bool operator!=( F14ValueSet const& lhs, F14ValueSet const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } template bool operator==( F14NodeSet const& lhs, F14NodeSet const& rhs) { return setsEqual(lhs, rhs); } template bool operator!=( F14NodeSet const& lhs, F14NodeSet const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } template bool operator==( F14VectorSet const& lhs, F14VectorSet const& rhs) { return setsEqual(lhs, rhs); } template bool operator!=( F14VectorSet const& lhs, F14VectorSet const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } template bool operator==( F14FastSet const& lhs, F14FastSet const& rhs) { return setsEqual(lhs, rhs); } template bool operator!=( F14FastSet const& lhs, F14FastSet const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } template void swap(F14ValueSet& lhs, F14ValueSet& rhs) noexcept( noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs))) { lhs.swap(rhs); } template void swap(F14NodeSet& lhs, F14NodeSet& rhs) noexcept( noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs))) { lhs.swap(rhs); } template void swap( F14VectorSet& lhs, F14VectorSet& rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs))) { lhs.swap(rhs); } template void swap(F14FastSet& lhs, F14FastSet& rhs) noexcept( noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs))) { lhs.swap(rhs); } template std::size_t erase_if(F14ValueSet& c, Pred pred) { return f14::detail::erase_if_impl(c, pred); } template std::size_t erase_if(F14NodeSet& c, Pred pred) { return f14::detail::erase_if_impl(c, pred); } template std::size_t erase_if(F14VectorSet& c, Pred pred) { return f14::detail::erase_if_impl(c, pred); } template std::size_t erase_if(F14FastSet& c, Pred pred) { return f14::detail::erase_if_impl(c, pred); } } // namespace folly