/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include DEFINE_bool( dynamic_iothreadpoolexecutor, true, "IOThreadPoolExecutor will dynamically create threads"); namespace folly { using folly::detail::MemoryIdler; /* Class that will free jemalloc caches and madvise the stack away * if the event loop is unused for some period of time */ class MemoryIdlerTimeout : public AsyncTimeout, public EventBase::LoopCallback { public: explicit MemoryIdlerTimeout(EventBase* b) : AsyncTimeout(b), base_(b) {} void timeoutExpired() noexcept override { idled_ = true; timerRunning_ = false; } void runLoopCallback() noexcept override { if (idled_) { if (num_ == 0) { MemoryIdler::flushLocalMallocCaches(); MemoryIdler::unmapUnusedStack(MemoryIdler::kDefaultStackToRetain); } idled_ = false; num_ = 0; } else { if (!timerRunning_) { timerRunning_ = true; std::chrono::steady_clock::duration idleTimeout = MemoryIdler::defaultIdleTimeout.load(std::memory_order_acquire); idleTimeout = MemoryIdler::getVariationTimeout(idleTimeout); scheduleTimeout(static_cast( std::chrono::duration_cast(idleTimeout) .count())); } else { num_++; } } // reschedule this callback for the next event loop. base_->runBeforeLoop(this); } private: EventBase* base_; bool idled_{false}; bool timerRunning_{false}; size_t num_{0}; }; IOThreadPoolExecutor::IOThreadPoolExecutor( size_t numThreads, std::shared_ptr threadFactory, EventBaseManager* ebm, bool waitForAll) : ThreadPoolExecutor( numThreads, FLAGS_dynamic_iothreadpoolexecutor ? 0 : numThreads, std::move(threadFactory), waitForAll), nextThread_(0), eventBaseManager_(ebm) { setNumThreads(numThreads); registerThreadPoolExecutor(this); } IOThreadPoolExecutor::IOThreadPoolExecutor( size_t maxThreads, size_t minThreads, std::shared_ptr threadFactory, EventBaseManager* ebm, bool waitForAll) : ThreadPoolExecutor( maxThreads, minThreads, std::move(threadFactory), waitForAll), nextThread_(0), eventBaseManager_(ebm) { setNumThreads(maxThreads); registerThreadPoolExecutor(this); } IOThreadPoolExecutor::~IOThreadPoolExecutor() { deregisterThreadPoolExecutor(this); stop(); } void IOThreadPoolExecutor::add(Func func) { add(std::move(func), std::chrono::milliseconds(0)); } void IOThreadPoolExecutor::add( Func func, std::chrono::milliseconds expiration, Func expireCallback) { ensureActiveThreads(); SharedMutex::ReadHolder r{&threadListLock_}; if (threadList_.get().empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("No threads available"); } auto ioThread = pickThread(); auto task = Task(std::move(func), expiration, std::move(expireCallback)); auto wrappedFunc = [this, ioThread, task = std::move(task)]() mutable { runTask(ioThread, std::move(task)); ioThread->pendingTasks--; }; ioThread->pendingTasks++; ioThread->eventBase->runInEventBaseThread(std::move(wrappedFunc)); } std::shared_ptr IOThreadPoolExecutor::pickThread() { auto& me = *thisThread_; auto& ths = threadList_.get(); // When new task is added to IOThreadPoolExecutor, a thread is chosen for it // to be executed on, thisThread_ is by default chosen, however, if the new // task is added by the clean up operations on thread destruction, thisThread_ // is not an available thread anymore, thus, always check whether or not // thisThread_ is an available thread before choosing it. if (me && threadList_.contains(me)) { return me; } auto n = ths.size(); if (n == 0) { // XXX I think the only way this can happen is if somebody calls // getEventBase (1) from one of the executor's threads while the executor // is stopping or getting downsized to zero or (2) from outside the executor // when it has no threads. In the first case, it's not obvious what the // correct behavior should be-- do we really want to return ourselves even // though we're about to exit? (The comment above seems to imply no.) In // the second case, `!me` so we'll crash anyway. return me; } auto thread = ths[nextThread_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) % n]; return std::static_pointer_cast(thread); } EventBase* IOThreadPoolExecutor::getEventBase() { ensureActiveThreads(); SharedMutex::ReadHolder r{&threadListLock_}; if (threadList_.get().empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("No threads available"); } return pickThread()->eventBase; } EventBase* IOThreadPoolExecutor::getEventBase( ThreadPoolExecutor::ThreadHandle* h) { auto thread = dynamic_cast(h); if (thread) { return thread->eventBase; } return nullptr; } EventBaseManager* IOThreadPoolExecutor::getEventBaseManager() { return eventBaseManager_; } std::shared_ptr IOThreadPoolExecutor::makeThread() { return std::make_shared(this); } void IOThreadPoolExecutor::threadRun(ThreadPtr thread) { this->threadPoolHook_.registerThread(); const auto ioThread = std::static_pointer_cast(thread); ioThread->eventBase = eventBaseManager_->getEventBase(); thisThread_.reset(new std::shared_ptr(ioThread)); auto idler = std::make_unique(ioThread->eventBase); ioThread->eventBase->runBeforeLoop(idler.get()); ioThread->eventBase->runInEventBaseThread( [thread] { thread->startupBaton.post(); }); { ExecutorBlockingGuard guard{ ExecutorBlockingGuard::TrackTag{}, this, namePrefix_}; while (ioThread->shouldRun) { ioThread->eventBase->loopForever(); } if (isJoin_) { while (ioThread->pendingTasks > 0) { ioThread->eventBase->loopOnce(); } } idler.reset(); if (isWaitForAll_) { // some tasks, like thrift asynchronous calls, create additional // event base hookups, let's wait till all of them complete. ioThread->eventBase->loop(); } } std::lock_guard guard(ioThread->eventBaseShutdownMutex_); ioThread->eventBase = nullptr; eventBaseManager_->clearEventBase(); } // threadListLock_ is writelocked void IOThreadPoolExecutor::stopThreads(size_t n) { std::vector stoppedThreads; stoppedThreads.reserve(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { const auto ioThread = std::static_pointer_cast(threadList_.get()[i]); for (auto& o : observers_) { o->threadStopped(ioThread.get()); } ioThread->shouldRun = false; stoppedThreads.push_back(ioThread); std::lock_guard guard(ioThread->eventBaseShutdownMutex_); if (ioThread->eventBase) { ioThread->eventBase->terminateLoopSoon(); } } for (const auto& thread : stoppedThreads) { stoppedThreads_.add(thread); threadList_.remove(thread); } } // threadListLock_ is readlocked size_t IOThreadPoolExecutor::getPendingTaskCountImpl() const { size_t count = 0; for (const auto& thread : threadList_.get()) { auto ioThread = std::static_pointer_cast(thread); size_t pendingTasks = ioThread->pendingTasks; if (pendingTasks > 0 && !ioThread->idle.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { pendingTasks--; } count += pendingTasks; } return count; } } // namespace folly