/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include namespace folly { class TLRefCount { public: using Int = int64_t; TLRefCount() : localCount_([&]() { return new LocalRefCount(*this); }), collectGuard_(this, [](void*) {}) {} ~TLRefCount() noexcept { assert(globalCount_.load() == 0); assert(state_.load() == State::GLOBAL); } // This can't increment from 0. Int operator++() noexcept { auto& localCount = *localCount_; if (++localCount) { return 42; } if (state_.load() == State::GLOBAL_TRANSITION) { std::lock_guard lg(globalMutex_); } assert(state_.load() == State::GLOBAL); auto value = globalCount_.load(); do { if (value == 0) { return 0; } } while (!globalCount_.compare_exchange_weak(value, value + 1)); return value + 1; } Int operator--() noexcept { auto& localCount = *localCount_; if (--localCount) { return 42; } if (state_.load() == State::GLOBAL_TRANSITION) { std::lock_guard lg(globalMutex_); } assert(state_.load() == State::GLOBAL); return globalCount_-- - 1; } Int operator*() const { if (state_ != State::GLOBAL) { return 42; } return globalCount_.load(); } void useGlobal() noexcept { std::array ptrs{{this}}; useGlobal(ptrs); } template static void useGlobal(const Container& refCountPtrs) { #ifdef FOLLY_SANITIZE_THREAD // TSAN has a limitation for the number of locks held concurrently, so it's // safer to call useGlobal() serially. if (refCountPtrs.size() > 1) { for (auto refCountPtr : refCountPtrs) { refCountPtr->useGlobal(); } return; } #endif std::vector> lgs_; for (auto refCountPtr : refCountPtrs) { lgs_.emplace_back(refCountPtr->globalMutex_); refCountPtr->state_ = State::GLOBAL_TRANSITION; } asymmetricHeavyBarrier(); for (auto refCountPtr : refCountPtrs) { std::weak_ptr collectGuardWeak = refCountPtr->collectGuard_; // Make sure we can't create new LocalRefCounts refCountPtr->collectGuard_.reset(); while (!collectGuardWeak.expired()) { auto accessor = refCountPtr->localCount_.accessAllThreads(); for (auto& count : accessor) { count.collect(); } } refCountPtr->state_ = State::GLOBAL; } } private: using AtomicInt = std::atomic; enum class State { LOCAL, GLOBAL_TRANSITION, GLOBAL, }; class LocalRefCount { public: explicit LocalRefCount(TLRefCount& refCount) : refCount_(refCount) { std::lock_guard lg(refCount.globalMutex_); collectGuard_ = refCount.collectGuard_; } ~LocalRefCount() { collect(); } void collect() { { std::lock_guard lg(collectMutex_); if (!collectGuard_) { return; } collectCount_ = count_.load(); refCount_.globalCount_.fetch_add(collectCount_); collectGuard_.reset(); } // Once we exit collect(), it's possible TLRefCount may be deleted by our // user since the global count may reach zero. We must therefore ensure // that the thread corresponding to this LocalRefCount is not still // executing the update() function. We wait on inUpdate_ to ensure this. // We won't have to worry about further update() calls beyond this point, // because the state is already non-LOCAL. We also don't need to worry // about if a thread is in an update() call but have not gotten around to // setting inUpdate_ to true yet, because then count_ has also not been // updated and we couldn't reach global zero in that case. folly::detail::Sleeper sleeper; while (inUpdate_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) { sleeper.wait(); } } bool operator++() { return update(1); } bool operator--() { return update(-1); } private: bool update(Int delta) { if (UNLIKELY(refCount_.state_.load() != State::LOCAL)) { return false; } // This is equivalent to atomic fetch_add. We know that this operation // is always performed from a single thread. asymmetricLightBarrier() // makes things faster than atomic fetch_add on platforms with native // support. auto count = count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + delta; inUpdate_.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); SCOPE_EXIT { inUpdate_.store(false, std::memory_order_release); }; count_.store(count, std::memory_order_release); asymmetricLightBarrier(); if (UNLIKELY(refCount_.state_.load() != State::LOCAL)) { std::lock_guard lg(collectMutex_); if (collectGuard_) { return true; } if (collectCount_ != count) { return false; } } return true; } AtomicInt count_{0}; std::atomic inUpdate_{false}; TLRefCount& refCount_; std::mutex collectMutex_; Int collectCount_{0}; std::shared_ptr collectGuard_; }; std::atomic state_{State::LOCAL}; folly::ThreadLocal localCount_; std::atomic globalCount_{1}; std::mutex globalMutex_; std::shared_ptr collectGuard_; }; } // namespace folly