 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <folly/io/IOBuf.h>

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <folly/Conv.h>
#include <folly/Likely.h>
#include <folly/Memory.h>
#include <folly/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <folly/hash/SpookyHashV2.h>
#include <folly/io/Cursor.h>
#include <folly/lang/Align.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>
#include <folly/memory/Malloc.h>
#include <folly/memory/SanitizeAddress.h>

 * Callbacks that will be invoked when IOBuf allocates or frees memory.
 * Note that io_buf_alloc_cb() will also be invoked when IOBuf takes ownership
 * of a malloc-allocated buffer, even if it was allocated earlier by another
 * part of the code.
 * By default these are unimplemented, but programs can define these functions
 * to perform their own custom logic on memory allocation.  This is intended
 * primarily to help programs track memory usage and possibly take action
 * when thresholds are hit.  Callers should generally avoid performing any
 * expensive work in these callbacks, since they may be called from arbitrary
 * locations in the code that use IOBuf, possibly while holding locks.

FOLLY_ATTR_WEAK void io_buf_alloc_cb(void* /*ptr*/, size_t /*size*/) noexcept;
FOLLY_ATTR_WEAK void io_buf_free_cb(void* /*ptr*/, size_t /*size*/) noexcept;
static void (*io_buf_alloc_cb)(void* /*ptr*/, size_t /*size*/) noexcept =
static void (*io_buf_free_cb)(void* /*ptr*/, size_t /*size*/) noexcept =

using std::unique_ptr;

namespace {

enum : uint16_t {
  kHeapMagic = 0xa5a5,
  // This memory segment contains an IOBuf that is still in use
  kIOBufInUse = 0x01,
  // This memory segment contains buffer data that is still in use
  kDataInUse = 0x02,
  // This memory segment contains a SharedInfo that is still in use
  kSharedInfoInUse = 0x04,

enum : std::size_t {
  // When create() is called for buffers less than kDefaultCombinedBufSize,
  // we allocate a single combined memory segment for the IOBuf and the data
  // together.  See the comments for createCombined()/createSeparate() for more
  // details.
  // (The size of 1k is largely just a guess here.  We could could probably do
  // benchmarks of real applications to see if adjusting this number makes a
  // difference.  Callers that know their exact use case can also explicitly
  // call createCombined() or createSeparate().)
  kDefaultCombinedBufSize = 1024

// Helper function for IOBuf::takeOwnership()
// The user's free function is not allowed to throw.
// (We are already in the middle of throwing an exception, so
// we cannot let this exception go unhandled.)
void takeOwnershipError(
    bool freeOnError,
    void* buf,
    folly::IOBuf::FreeFunction freeFn,
    void* userData) noexcept {
  if (!freeOnError) {
  if (!freeFn) {
  freeFn(buf, userData);

} // namespace

namespace folly {

// use free for size >= 4GB
// since we can store only 32 bits in the size var
struct IOBuf::HeapPrefix {
  HeapPrefix(uint16_t flg, size_t sz)
      : magic(kHeapMagic),
        size((sz == ((size_t)(uint32_t)sz)) ? static_cast<uint32_t>(sz) : 0) {}
  ~HeapPrefix() {
    // Reset magic to 0 on destruction.  This is solely for debugging purposes
    // to help catch bugs where someone tries to use HeapStorage after it has
    // been deleted.
    magic = 0;

  uint16_t magic;
  std::atomic<uint16_t> flags;
  uint32_t size;

struct IOBuf::HeapStorage {
  HeapPrefix prefix;
  // The IOBuf is last in the HeapStorage object.
  // This way operator new will work even if allocating a subclass of IOBuf
  // that requires more space.
  folly::IOBuf buf;

struct IOBuf::HeapFullStorage {
  // Make sure jemalloc allocates from the 64-byte class.  Putting this here
  // because HeapStorage is private so it can't be at namespace level.
  static_assert(sizeof(HeapStorage) <= 64, "IOBuf may not grow over 56 bytes!");

  HeapStorage hs;
  SharedInfo shared;
  folly::max_align_t align;

    : freeFn(nullptr), userData(nullptr), useHeapFullStorage(false) {
  // Use relaxed memory ordering here.  Since we are creating a new SharedInfo,
  // no other threads should be referring to it yet.
  refcount.store(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);

IOBuf::SharedInfo::SharedInfo(FreeFunction fn, void* arg, bool hfs)
    : freeFn(fn), userData(arg), useHeapFullStorage(hfs) {
  // Use relaxed memory ordering here.  Since we are creating a new SharedInfo,
  // no other threads should be referring to it yet.
  refcount.store(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);

void IOBuf::SharedInfo::invokeAndDeleteEachObserver(
    SharedInfoObserverEntryBase* observerListHead, ObserverCb cb) noexcept {
  if (observerListHead && cb) {
    // break the chain
    observerListHead->prev->next = nullptr;
    auto entry = observerListHead;
    while (entry) {
      auto tmp = entry->next;
      delete entry;
      entry = tmp;

void IOBuf::SharedInfo::releaseStorage(SharedInfo* info) noexcept {
  if (info->useHeapFullStorage) {
    auto storageAddr =
        reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(info) - offsetof(HeapFullStorage, shared);
    auto storage = reinterpret_cast<HeapFullStorage*>(storageAddr);
    IOBuf::releaseStorage(&storage->hs, kSharedInfoInUse);

void* IOBuf::operator new(size_t size) {
  size_t fullSize = offsetof(HeapStorage, buf) + size;
  auto storage = static_cast<HeapStorage*>(checkedMalloc(fullSize));

  new (&storage->prefix) HeapPrefix(kIOBufInUse, fullSize);

  if (io_buf_alloc_cb) {
    io_buf_alloc_cb(storage, fullSize);

  return &(storage->buf);

void* IOBuf::operator new(size_t /* size */, void* ptr) {
  return ptr;

void IOBuf::operator delete(void* ptr) {
  auto storageAddr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) - offsetof(HeapStorage, buf);
  auto storage = reinterpret_cast<HeapStorage*>(storageAddr);
  releaseStorage(storage, kIOBufInUse);

void IOBuf::operator delete(void* /* ptr */, void* /* placement */) {
  // Provide matching operator for `IOBuf::new` to avoid MSVC compilation
  // warning (C4291) about memory leak when exception is thrown in the
  // constructor.

void IOBuf::releaseStorage(HeapStorage* storage, uint16_t freeFlags) noexcept {
  CHECK_EQ(storage->prefix.magic, static_cast<uint16_t>(kHeapMagic));

  // Use relaxed memory order here.  If we are unlucky and happen to get
  // out-of-date data the compare_exchange_weak() call below will catch
  // it and load new data with memory_order_acq_rel.
  auto flags = storage->prefix.flags.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
  DCHECK_EQ((flags & freeFlags), freeFlags);

  while (true) {
    auto newFlags = uint16_t(flags & ~freeFlags);
    if (newFlags == 0) {
      // save the size
      size_t size = storage->prefix.size;
      // The storage space is now unused.  Free it.
      if (FOLLY_LIKELY(size)) {
        if (io_buf_free_cb) {
          io_buf_free_cb(storage, size);
        sizedFree(storage, size);
      } else {

    // This storage segment still contains portions that are in use.
    // Just clear the flags specified in freeFlags for now.
    auto ret = storage->prefix.flags.compare_exchange_weak(
        flags, newFlags, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
    if (ret) {
      // We successfully updated the flags.

    // We failed to update the flags.  Some other thread probably updated them
    // and cleared some of the other bits.  Continue around the loop to see if
    // we are the last user now, or if we need to try updating the flags again.

void IOBuf::freeInternalBuf(void* /* buf */, void* userData) noexcept {
  auto storage = static_cast<HeapStorage*>(userData);
  releaseStorage(storage, kDataInUse);

IOBuf::IOBuf(CreateOp, std::size_t capacity)
    : next_(this),
      flagsAndSharedInfo_(0) {
  SharedInfo* info;
  allocExtBuffer(capacity, &buf_, &info, &capacity_);
  data_ = buf_;

    CopyBufferOp /* op */,
    const void* buf,
    std::size_t size,
    std::size_t headroom,
    std::size_t minTailroom)
    : IOBuf(CREATE, headroom + size + minTailroom) {
  if (size > 0) {
    assert(buf != nullptr);
    memcpy(writableData(), buf, size);

    CopyBufferOp op,
    ByteRange br,
    std::size_t headroom,
    std::size_t minTailroom)
    : IOBuf(op, br.data(), br.size(), headroom, minTailroom) {}

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::create(std::size_t capacity) {
  // For smaller-sized buffers, allocate the IOBuf, SharedInfo, and the buffer
  // all with a single allocation.
  // We don't do this for larger buffers since it can be wasteful if the user
  // needs to reallocate the buffer but keeps using the same IOBuf object.
  // In this case we can't free the data space until the IOBuf is also
  // destroyed.  Callers can explicitly call createCombined() or
  // createSeparate() if they know their use case better, and know if they are
  // likely to reallocate the buffer later.
  if (capacity <= kDefaultCombinedBufSize) {
    return createCombined(capacity);

  // if we have nallocx, we want to allocate the capacity and the overhead in
  // a single allocation only if we do not cross into the next allocation class
  // for some buffer sizes, this can use about 25% extra memory
  if (canNallocx()) {
    auto mallocSize = goodMallocSize(capacity);
    // round capacity to a multiple of 8
    size_t minSize = ((capacity + 7) & ~7) + sizeof(SharedInfo);
    // if we do not have space for the overhead, allocate the mem separateley
    if (mallocSize < minSize) {
      auto* buf = checkedMalloc(mallocSize);
      return takeOwnership(buf, mallocSize, static_cast<size_t>(0));

  return createSeparate(capacity);

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createCombined(std::size_t capacity) {
  // To save a memory allocation, allocate space for the IOBuf object, the
  // SharedInfo struct, and the data itself all with a single call to malloc().
  size_t requiredStorage = offsetof(HeapFullStorage, align) + capacity;
  size_t mallocSize = goodMallocSize(requiredStorage);
  auto storage = static_cast<HeapFullStorage*>(checkedMalloc(mallocSize));

  new (&storage->hs.prefix) HeapPrefix(kIOBufInUse | kDataInUse, mallocSize);
  new (&storage->shared) SharedInfo(freeInternalBuf, storage);

  if (io_buf_alloc_cb) {
    io_buf_alloc_cb(storage, mallocSize);

  auto bufAddr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&storage->align);
  uint8_t* storageEnd = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(storage) + mallocSize;
  auto actualCapacity = size_t(storageEnd - bufAddr);
  unique_ptr<IOBuf> ret(new (&storage->hs.buf) IOBuf(
      packFlagsAndSharedInfo(0, &storage->shared),
  return ret;

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createSeparate(std::size_t capacity) {
  return std::make_unique<IOBuf>(CREATE, capacity);

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createChain(
    size_t totalCapacity, std::size_t maxBufCapacity) {
  unique_ptr<IOBuf> out =
      create(std::min(totalCapacity, size_t(maxBufCapacity)));
  size_t allocatedCapacity = out->capacity();

  while (allocatedCapacity < totalCapacity) {
    unique_ptr<IOBuf> newBuf = create(
        std::min(totalCapacity - allocatedCapacity, size_t(maxBufCapacity)));
    allocatedCapacity += newBuf->capacity();

  return out;

size_t IOBuf::goodSize(size_t minCapacity, CombinedOption combined) {
  if (combined == CombinedOption::DEFAULT) {
    combined = minCapacity <= kDefaultCombinedBufSize
        ? CombinedOption::COMBINED
        : CombinedOption::SEPARATE;
  size_t overhead;
  if (combined == CombinedOption::COMBINED) {
    overhead = offsetof(HeapFullStorage, align);
  } else {
    // Pad minCapacity to a multiple of 8
    minCapacity = (minCapacity + 7) & ~7;
    overhead = sizeof(SharedInfo);
  size_t goodSize = folly::goodMallocSize(minCapacity + overhead);
  return goodSize - overhead;

    void* buf,
    std::size_t capacity,
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t length,
    FreeFunction freeFn,
    void* userData,
    bool freeOnError)
    : next_(this),
      data_(static_cast<uint8_t*>(buf) + offset),
          packFlagsAndSharedInfo(kFlagFreeSharedInfo, nullptr)) {
  // do not allow only user data without a freeFn
  // since we use that for folly::sizedFree
  DCHECK(!userData || (userData && freeFn));

  // add support for sized dealloc if freeFn is null
  if (!userData && !freeFn) {
    userData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(capacity);

  auto rollback = makeGuard([&] { //
    takeOwnershipError(freeOnError, buf, freeFn, userData);
  setSharedInfo(new SharedInfo(freeFn, userData));

  if (io_buf_alloc_cb && !freeFn && capacity) {
    io_buf_alloc_cb(buf, capacity);

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::takeOwnership(
    void* buf,
    std::size_t capacity,
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t length,
    FreeFunction freeFn,
    void* userData,
    bool freeOnError) {
  // do not allow only user data without a freeFn
  // since we use that for folly::sizedFree
  DCHECK(!userData || (userData && freeFn));

  // add support for sized dealloc if freeFn is null
  if (!userData && !freeFn) {
    userData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(capacity);

  HeapFullStorage* storage = nullptr;
  auto rollback = makeGuard([&] {
    if (storage) {
    takeOwnershipError(freeOnError, buf, freeFn, userData);

  size_t requiredStorage = sizeof(HeapFullStorage);
  size_t mallocSize = goodMallocSize(requiredStorage);
  storage = static_cast<HeapFullStorage*>(checkedMalloc(mallocSize));

  new (&storage->hs.prefix)
      HeapPrefix(kIOBufInUse | kSharedInfoInUse, mallocSize);
  new (&storage->shared)
      SharedInfo(freeFn, userData, true /*useHeapFullStorage*/);

  auto result = unique_ptr<IOBuf>(new (&storage->hs.buf) IOBuf(
      packFlagsAndSharedInfo(0, &storage->shared),
      static_cast<uint8_t*>(buf) + offset,


  if (io_buf_alloc_cb) {
    io_buf_alloc_cb(storage, mallocSize);
    if (userData && !freeFn) {
      // Even though we did not allocate the buffer, call io_buf_alloc_cb()
      // since we will call io_buf_free_cb() on destruction, and we want these
      // calls to be 1:1.
      io_buf_alloc_cb(buf, capacity);

  return result;

IOBuf::IOBuf(WrapBufferOp, const void* buf, std::size_t capacity) noexcept
    : IOBuf(
          // We cast away the const-ness of the buffer here.
          // This is okay since IOBuf users must use unshare() to create a copy
          // of this buffer before writing to the buffer.
          capacity) {}

IOBuf::IOBuf(WrapBufferOp op, ByteRange br) noexcept
    : IOBuf(op, br.data(), br.size()) {}

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::wrapBuffer(const void* buf, std::size_t capacity) {
  return std::make_unique<IOBuf>(WRAP_BUFFER, buf, capacity);

IOBuf IOBuf::wrapBufferAsValue(const void* buf, std::size_t capacity) noexcept {
  return IOBuf(WrapBufferOp::WRAP_BUFFER, buf, capacity);

IOBuf::IOBuf() noexcept = default;

IOBuf::IOBuf(IOBuf&& other) noexcept
    : data_(other.data_),
      flagsAndSharedInfo_(other.flagsAndSharedInfo_) {
  // Reset other so it is a clean state to be destroyed.
  other.data_ = nullptr;
  other.buf_ = nullptr;
  other.length_ = 0;
  other.capacity_ = 0;
  other.flagsAndSharedInfo_ = 0;

  // If other was part of the chain, assume ownership of the rest of its chain.
  // (It's only valid to perform move assignment on the head of a chain.)
  if (other.next_ != &other) {
    next_ = other.next_;
    next_->prev_ = this;
    other.next_ = &other;

    prev_ = other.prev_;
    prev_->next_ = this;
    other.prev_ = &other;

  // Sanity check to make sure that other is in a valid state to be destroyed.
  DCHECK_EQ(other.prev_, &other);
  DCHECK_EQ(other.next_, &other);

IOBuf::IOBuf(const IOBuf& other) {
  *this = other.cloneAsValue();

    uintptr_t flagsAndSharedInfo,
    uint8_t* buf,
    std::size_t capacity,
    uint8_t* data,
    std::size_t length) noexcept
    : next_(this),
      flagsAndSharedInfo_(flagsAndSharedInfo) {
  assert(data >= buf);
  assert(data + length <= buf + capacity);

  CHECK(!folly::asan_region_is_poisoned(buf, capacity));

IOBuf::~IOBuf() {
  // Destroying an IOBuf destroys the entire chain.
  // Users of IOBuf should only explicitly delete the head of any chain.
  // The other elements in the chain will be automatically destroyed.
  while (next_ != this) {
    // Since unlink() returns unique_ptr() and we don't store it,
    // it will automatically delete the unlinked element.


IOBuf& IOBuf::operator=(IOBuf&& other) noexcept {
  if (this == &other) {
    return *this;

  // If we are part of a chain, delete the rest of the chain.
  while (next_ != this) {
    // Since unlink() returns unique_ptr() and we don't store it,
    // it will automatically delete the unlinked element.

  // Decrement our refcount on the current buffer

  // Take ownership of the other buffer's data
  data_ = other.data_;
  buf_ = other.buf_;
  length_ = other.length_;
  capacity_ = other.capacity_;
  flagsAndSharedInfo_ = other.flagsAndSharedInfo_;
  // Reset other so it is a clean state to be destroyed.
  other.data_ = nullptr;
  other.buf_ = nullptr;
  other.length_ = 0;
  other.capacity_ = 0;
  other.flagsAndSharedInfo_ = 0;

  // If other was part of the chain, assume ownership of the rest of its chain.
  // (It's only valid to perform move assignment on the head of a chain.)
  if (other.next_ != &other) {
    next_ = other.next_;
    next_->prev_ = this;
    other.next_ = &other;

    prev_ = other.prev_;
    prev_->next_ = this;
    other.prev_ = &other;

  // Sanity check to make sure that other is in a valid state to be destroyed.
  DCHECK_EQ(other.prev_, &other);
  DCHECK_EQ(other.next_, &other);

  return *this;

IOBuf& IOBuf::operator=(const IOBuf& other) {
  if (this != &other) {
    *this = IOBuf(other);
  return *this;

bool IOBuf::empty() const {
  const IOBuf* current = this;
  do {
    if (current->length() != 0) {
      return false;
    current = current->next_;
  } while (current != this);
  return true;

size_t IOBuf::countChainElements() const {
  size_t numElements = 1;
  for (IOBuf* current = next_; current != this; current = current->next_) {
  return numElements;

std::size_t IOBuf::computeChainDataLength() const {
  std::size_t fullLength = length_;
  for (IOBuf* current = next_; current != this; current = current->next_) {
    fullLength += current->length_;
  return fullLength;

void IOBuf::prependChain(unique_ptr<IOBuf>&& iobuf) {
  // Take ownership of the specified IOBuf
  IOBuf* other = iobuf.release();

  // Remember the pointer to the tail of the other chain
  IOBuf* otherTail = other->prev_;

  // Hook up prev_->next_ to point at the start of the other chain,
  // and other->prev_ to point at prev_
  prev_->next_ = other;
  other->prev_ = prev_;

  // Hook up otherTail->next_ to point at us,
  // and prev_ to point back at otherTail,
  otherTail->next_ = this;
  prev_ = otherTail;

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::clone() const {
  auto tmp = cloneOne();

  for (IOBuf* current = next_; current != this; current = current->next_) {

  return tmp;

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::cloneOne() const {
  if (SharedInfo* info = sharedInfo()) {
    info->refcount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
  return std::unique_ptr<IOBuf>(new IOBuf(

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::cloneCoalesced() const {
  return std::make_unique<IOBuf>(cloneCoalescedAsValue());

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::cloneCoalescedWithHeadroomTailroom(
    std::size_t newHeadroom, std::size_t newTailroom) const {
  return std::make_unique<IOBuf>(
      cloneCoalescedAsValueWithHeadroomTailroom(newHeadroom, newTailroom));

IOBuf IOBuf::cloneAsValue() const {
  auto tmp = cloneOneAsValue();

  for (IOBuf* current = next_; current != this; current = current->next_) {

  return tmp;

IOBuf IOBuf::cloneOneAsValue() const {
  if (SharedInfo* info = sharedInfo()) {
    info->refcount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
  return IOBuf(

IOBuf IOBuf::cloneCoalescedAsValue() const {
  const std::size_t newHeadroom = headroom();
  const std::size_t newTailroom = prev()->tailroom();
  return cloneCoalescedAsValueWithHeadroomTailroom(newHeadroom, newTailroom);

IOBuf IOBuf::cloneCoalescedAsValueWithHeadroomTailroom(
    std::size_t newHeadroom, std::size_t newTailroom) const {
  if (!isChained() && newHeadroom <= headroom() && newTailroom <= tailroom()) {
    return cloneOneAsValue();
  // Coalesce into newBuf
  const std::size_t newLength = computeChainDataLength();
  const std::size_t newCapacity = newLength + newHeadroom + newTailroom;
  IOBuf newBuf{CREATE, newCapacity};

  auto current = this;
  do {
    if (current->length() > 0) {
      DCHECK_LE(current->length(), newBuf.tailroom());
      memcpy(newBuf.writableTail(), current->data(), current->length());
    current = current->next();
  } while (current != this);

  DCHECK_EQ(newLength, newBuf.length());
  DCHECK_EQ(newHeadroom, newBuf.headroom());
  DCHECK_LE(newTailroom, newBuf.tailroom());

  return newBuf;

void IOBuf::unshareOneSlow() {
  // Allocate a new buffer for the data
  uint8_t* buf;
  SharedInfo* sharedInfo;
  std::size_t actualCapacity;
  allocExtBuffer(capacity_, &buf, &sharedInfo, &actualCapacity);

  // Copy the data
  // Maintain the same amount of headroom.  Since we maintained the same
  // minimum capacity we also maintain at least the same amount of tailroom.
  std::size_t headlen = headroom();
  if (length_ > 0) {
    assert(data_ != nullptr);
    memcpy(buf + headlen, data_, length_);

  // Release our reference on the old buffer
  // Make sure flags are all cleared.
  setFlagsAndSharedInfo(0, sharedInfo);

  // Update the buffer pointers to point to the new buffer
  data_ = buf + headlen;
  buf_ = buf;

void IOBuf::unshareChained() {
  // unshareChained() should only be called if we are part of a chain of
  // multiple IOBufs.  The caller should have already verified this.

  IOBuf* current = this;
  while (true) {
    if (current->isSharedOne()) {
      // we have to unshare

    current = current->next_;
    if (current == this) {
      // None of the IOBufs in the chain are shared,
      // so return without doing anything

  // We have to unshare.  Let coalesceSlow() do the work.

void IOBuf::markExternallyShared() {
  IOBuf* current = this;
  do {
    current = current->next_;
  } while (current != this);

void IOBuf::makeManagedChained() {

  IOBuf* current = this;
  while (true) {
    current = current->next_;
    if (current == this) {

void IOBuf::coalesceSlow() {
  // coalesceSlow() should only be called if we are part of a chain of multiple
  // IOBufs.  The caller should have already verified this.

  // Compute the length of the entire chain
  std::size_t newLength = 0;
  IOBuf* end = this;
  do {
    newLength += end->length_;
    end = end->next_;
  } while (end != this);

  coalesceAndReallocate(newLength, end);
  // We should be only element left in the chain now

void IOBuf::coalesceSlow(size_t maxLength) {
  // coalesceSlow() should only be called if we are part of a chain of multiple
  // IOBufs.  The caller should have already verified this.
  DCHECK_LT(length_, maxLength);

  // Compute the length of the entire chain
  std::size_t newLength = 0;
  IOBuf* end = this;
  while (true) {
    newLength += end->length_;
    end = end->next_;
    if (newLength >= maxLength) {
    if (end == this) {
          "attempted to coalesce more data than "

  coalesceAndReallocate(newLength, end);
  // We should have the requested length now
  DCHECK_GE(length_, maxLength);

void IOBuf::coalesceAndReallocate(
    size_t newHeadroom, size_t newLength, IOBuf* end, size_t newTailroom) {
  std::size_t newCapacity = newLength + newHeadroom + newTailroom;

  // Allocate space for the coalesced buffer.
  // We always convert to an external buffer, even if we happened to be an
  // internal buffer before.
  uint8_t* newBuf;
  SharedInfo* newInfo;
  std::size_t actualCapacity;
  allocExtBuffer(newCapacity, &newBuf, &newInfo, &actualCapacity);

  // Copy the data into the new buffer
  uint8_t* newData = newBuf + newHeadroom;
  uint8_t* p = newData;
  IOBuf* current = this;
  size_t remaining = newLength;
  do {
    if (current->length_ > 0) {
      assert(current->length_ <= remaining);
      assert(current->data_ != nullptr);
      remaining -= current->length_;
      memcpy(p, current->data_, current->length_);
      p += current->length_;
    current = current->next_;
  } while (current != end);
  assert(remaining == 0);

  // Point at the new buffer

  // Make sure flags are all cleared.
  setFlagsAndSharedInfo(0, newInfo);

  capacity_ = actualCapacity;
  buf_ = newBuf;
  data_ = newData;
  length_ = newLength;

  // Separate from the rest of our chain.
  // Since we don't store the unique_ptr returned by separateChain(),
  // this will immediately delete the returned subchain.
  if (isChained()) {
    (void)separateChain(next_, current->prev_);

void IOBuf::decrementRefcount() noexcept {
  // Externally owned buffers don't have a SharedInfo object and aren't managed
  // by the reference count
  SharedInfo* info = sharedInfo();
  if (!info) {

  // Avoid doing atomic decrement if the refcount is 1.
  // This is safe, because it means that we're the last reference and destroying
  // the object. Anything trying to copy it is already undefined behavior.
  if (info->refcount.load(std::memory_order_acquire) > 1) {
    // Decrement the refcount
    uint32_t newcnt = info->refcount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
    // Note that fetch_sub() returns the value before we decremented.
    // If it is 1, we were the only remaining user; if it is greater there are
    // still other users.
    if (newcnt > 1) {

  // save the useHeapFullStorage flag here since
  // freeExtBuffer can delete the sharedInfo()
  bool useHeapFullStorage = info->useHeapFullStorage;

  // We were the last user.  Free the buffer

  // Free the SharedInfo if it was allocated separately.
  // This is only used by takeOwnership().
  // To avoid this special case handling in decrementRefcount(), we could have
  // takeOwnership() set a custom freeFn() that calls the user's free function
  // then frees the SharedInfo object.  (This would require that
  // takeOwnership() store the user's free function with its allocated
  // SharedInfo object.)  However, handling this specially with a flag seems
  // like it shouldn't be problematic.
  if (flags() & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
    delete info;
  } else {
    if (useHeapFullStorage) {

void IOBuf::reserveSlow(std::size_t minHeadroom, std::size_t minTailroom) {
  size_t newCapacity = (size_t)length_ + minHeadroom + minTailroom;
  DCHECK_LT(newCapacity, UINT32_MAX);

  // reserveSlow() is dangerous if anyone else is sharing the buffer, as we may
  // reallocate and free the original buffer.  It should only ever be called if
  // we are the only user of the buffer.

  // We'll need to reallocate the buffer.
  // There are a few options.
  // - If we have enough total room, move the data around in the buffer
  //   and adjust the data_ pointer.
  // - If we're using an internal buffer, we'll switch to an external
  //   buffer with enough headroom and tailroom.
  // - If we have enough headroom (headroom() >= minHeadroom) but not too much
  //   (so we don't waste memory), we can try one of two things, depending on
  //   whether we use jemalloc or not:
  //   - If using jemalloc, we can try to expand in place, avoiding a memcpy()
  //   - If not using jemalloc and we don't have too much to copy,
  //     we'll use realloc() (note that realloc might have to copy
  //     headroom + data + tailroom, see smartRealloc in folly/memory/Malloc.h)
  // - Otherwise, bite the bullet and reallocate.
  if (headroom() + tailroom() >= minHeadroom + minTailroom) {
    uint8_t* newData = writableBuffer() + minHeadroom;
    memmove(newData, data_, length_);
    data_ = newData;

  size_t newAllocatedCapacity = 0;
  uint8_t* newBuffer = nullptr;
  std::size_t newHeadroom = 0;
  std::size_t oldHeadroom = headroom();

  // If we have a buffer allocated with malloc and we just need more tailroom,
  // try to use realloc()/xallocx() to grow the buffer in place.
  SharedInfo* info = sharedInfo();
  bool useHeapFullStorage = info && info->useHeapFullStorage;
  if (info && (info->freeFn == nullptr) && length_ != 0 &&
      oldHeadroom >= minHeadroom) {
    size_t headSlack = oldHeadroom - minHeadroom;
    newAllocatedCapacity = goodExtBufferSize(newCapacity + headSlack);
    if (usingJEMalloc()) {
      // We assume that tailroom is more useful and more important than
      // headroom (not least because realloc / xallocx allow us to grow the
      // buffer at the tail, but not at the head)  So, if we have more headroom
      // than we need, we consider that "wasted".  We arbitrarily define "too
      // much" headroom to be 25% of the capacity.
      if (headSlack * 4 <= newCapacity) {
        size_t allocatedCapacity = capacity() + sizeof(SharedInfo);
        void* p = buf_;
        if (allocatedCapacity >= jemallocMinInPlaceExpandable) {
          if (xallocx(p, newAllocatedCapacity, 0, 0) == newAllocatedCapacity) {
            if (io_buf_free_cb) {
              io_buf_free_cb(p, reinterpret_cast<size_t>(info->userData));
            newBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(p);
            newHeadroom = oldHeadroom;
            // update the userData
            info->userData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(newAllocatedCapacity);
            if (io_buf_alloc_cb) {
              io_buf_alloc_cb(newBuffer, newAllocatedCapacity);
          // if xallocx failed, do nothing, fall back to malloc/memcpy/free
    } else { // Not using jemalloc
      size_t copySlack = capacity() - length_;
      if (copySlack * 2 <= length_) {
        void* p = realloc(buf_, newAllocatedCapacity);
        if (UNLIKELY(p == nullptr)) {
        newBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(p);
        newHeadroom = oldHeadroom;

  // None of the previous reallocation strategies worked (or we're using
  // an internal buffer).  malloc/copy/free.
  if (newBuffer == nullptr) {
    newAllocatedCapacity = goodExtBufferSize(newCapacity);
    newBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(checkedMalloc(newAllocatedCapacity));
    if (length_ > 0) {
      assert(data_ != nullptr);
      memcpy(newBuffer + minHeadroom, data_, length_);
    if (sharedInfo()) {
    newHeadroom = minHeadroom;

  std::size_t cap;
  initExtBuffer(newBuffer, newAllocatedCapacity, &info, &cap);

  if (flags() & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
    delete sharedInfo();
  } else {
    if (useHeapFullStorage) {

  setFlagsAndSharedInfo(0, info);
  capacity_ = cap;
  buf_ = newBuffer;
  data_ = newBuffer + newHeadroom;
  // length_ is unchanged

// The user's free function should never throw. Otherwise we might throw from
// the IOBuf destructor. Other code paths like coalesce() also assume that
// decrementRefcount() cannot throw.
void IOBuf::freeExtBuffer() noexcept {
  SharedInfo* info = sharedInfo();

  // save the observerListHead
  // since the SharedInfo can be freed
  auto observerListHead = info->observerListHead;
  info->observerListHead = nullptr;

  if (info->freeFn) {
    info->freeFn(buf_, info->userData);
  } else {
    // this will invoke free if info->userData is 0
    size_t size = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(info->userData);
    if (size) {
      if (io_buf_free_cb) {
        io_buf_free_cb(buf_, size);
      folly::sizedFree(buf_, size);
    } else {
      observerListHead, [](auto& entry) { entry.afterFreeExtBuffer(); });

  if (kIsMobile) {
    buf_ = nullptr;

void IOBuf::allocExtBuffer(
    std::size_t minCapacity,
    uint8_t** bufReturn,
    SharedInfo** infoReturn,
    std::size_t* capacityReturn) {
  size_t mallocSize = goodExtBufferSize(minCapacity);
  auto buf = static_cast<uint8_t*>(checkedMalloc(mallocSize));
  initExtBuffer(buf, mallocSize, infoReturn, capacityReturn);

  // the userData and the freeFn are nullptr here
  // just store the mallocSize in userData
  (*infoReturn)->userData = reinterpret_cast<void*>(mallocSize);
  if (io_buf_alloc_cb) {
    io_buf_alloc_cb(buf, mallocSize);

  *bufReturn = buf;

size_t IOBuf::goodExtBufferSize(std::size_t minCapacity) {
  // Determine how much space we should allocate.  We'll store the SharedInfo
  // for the external buffer just after the buffer itself.  (We store it just
  // after the buffer rather than just before so that the code can still just
  // use free(buf_) to free the buffer.)
  size_t minSize = static_cast<size_t>(minCapacity) + sizeof(SharedInfo);
  // Add room for padding so that the SharedInfo will be aligned on an 8-byte
  // boundary.
  minSize = (minSize + 7) & ~7;

  // Use goodMallocSize() to bump up the capacity to a decent size to request
  // from malloc, so we can use all of the space that malloc will probably give
  // us anyway.
  return goodMallocSize(minSize);

void IOBuf::initExtBuffer(
    uint8_t* buf,
    size_t mallocSize,
    SharedInfo** infoReturn,
    std::size_t* capacityReturn) {
  // Find the SharedInfo storage at the end of the buffer
  // and construct the SharedInfo.
  uint8_t* infoStart = (buf + mallocSize) - sizeof(SharedInfo);
  auto sharedInfo = new (infoStart) SharedInfo;

  *capacityReturn = std::size_t(infoStart - buf);
  *infoReturn = sharedInfo;

fbstring IOBuf::moveToFbString() {
  // we need to save useHeapFullStorage and the observerListHead since
  // sharedInfo() may not be valid after fbstring str
  bool useHeapFullStorage = false;
  SharedInfoObserverEntryBase* observerListHead = nullptr;
  // malloc-allocated buffers are just fine, everything else needs
  // to be turned into one.
  if (!sharedInfo() || // user owned, not ours to give up
      sharedInfo()->freeFn || // not malloc()-ed
      headroom() != 0 || // malloc()-ed block doesn't start at beginning
      tailroom() == 0 || // no room for NUL terminator
      isShared() || // shared
      isChained()) { // chained
    // We might as well get rid of all head and tailroom if we're going
    // to reallocate; we need 1 byte for NUL terminator.
    coalesceAndReallocate(0, computeChainDataLength(), this, 1);
  } else {
    auto info = sharedInfo();
    if (info) {
      // if we do not call coalesceAndReallocate
      // we might need to call SharedInfo::releaseStorage()
      // and/or SharedInfo::invokeAndDeleteEachObserver()
      useHeapFullStorage = info->useHeapFullStorage;
      // save the observerListHead
      // the coalesceAndReallocate path will call
      // decrementRefcount and freeExtBuffer if needed
      // so the observer lis notification is needed here
      observerListHead = info->observerListHead;
      info->observerListHead = nullptr;

  // Ensure NUL terminated
  *writableTail() = 0;
  fbstring str(

  if (io_buf_free_cb && sharedInfo() && sharedInfo()->userData) {
        writableData(), reinterpret_cast<size_t>(sharedInfo()->userData));

      observerListHead, [](auto& entry) { entry.afterReleaseExtBuffer(); });

  if (flags() & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
    delete sharedInfo();
  } else {
    if (useHeapFullStorage) {

  // Reset to a state where we can be deleted cleanly
  flagsAndSharedInfo_ = 0;
  buf_ = nullptr;
  return str;

IOBuf::Iterator IOBuf::cbegin() const {
  return Iterator(this, this);

IOBuf::Iterator IOBuf::cend() const {
  return Iterator(nullptr, nullptr);

folly::fbvector<struct iovec> IOBuf::getIov() const {
  folly::fbvector<struct iovec> iov;
  return iov;

void IOBuf::appendToIov(folly::fbvector<struct iovec>* iov) const {
  IOBuf const* p = this;
  do {
    // some code can get confused by empty iovs, so skip them
    if (p->length() > 0) {
      iov->push_back({(void*)p->data(), folly::to<size_t>(p->length())});
    p = p->next();
  } while (p != this);

unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::wrapIov(const iovec* vec, size_t count) {
  unique_ptr<IOBuf> result = nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    size_t len = vec[i].iov_len;
    void* data = vec[i].iov_base;
    if (len > 0) {
      auto buf = wrapBuffer(data, len);
      if (!result) {
        result = std::move(buf);
      } else {
  if (UNLIKELY(result == nullptr)) {
    return create(0);
  return result;

std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::takeOwnershipIov(
    const iovec* vec,
    size_t count,
    FreeFunction freeFn,
    void* userData,
    bool freeOnError) {
  unique_ptr<IOBuf> result = nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    size_t len = vec[i].iov_len;
    void* data = vec[i].iov_base;
    if (len > 0) {
      auto buf = takeOwnership(data, len, freeFn, userData, freeOnError);
      if (!result) {
        result = std::move(buf);
      } else {
  if (UNLIKELY(result == nullptr)) {
    return create(0);
  return result;

IOBuf::FillIovResult IOBuf::fillIov(struct iovec* iov, size_t len) const {
  IOBuf const* p = this;
  size_t i = 0;
  size_t totalBytes = 0;
  while (i < len) {
    // some code can get confused by empty iovs, so skip them
    if (p->length() > 0) {
      iov[i].iov_base = const_cast<uint8_t*>(p->data());
      iov[i].iov_len = p->length();
      totalBytes += p->length();
    p = p->next();
    if (p == this) {
      return {i, totalBytes};
  return {0, 0};

uint32_t IOBuf::approximateShareCountOne() const {
  if (UNLIKELY(!sharedInfo())) {
    return 1U;
  return sharedInfo()->refcount.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

size_t IOBufHash::operator()(const IOBuf& buf) const noexcept {
  folly::hash::SpookyHashV2 hasher;
  hasher.Init(0, 0);
  io::Cursor cursor(&buf);
  for (;;) {
    auto b = cursor.peekBytes();
    if (b.empty()) {
    hasher.Update(b.data(), b.size());
  uint64_t h1;
  uint64_t h2;
  hasher.Final(&h1, &h2);
  return static_cast<std::size_t>(h1);

ordering IOBufCompare::impl(const IOBuf& a, const IOBuf& b) const noexcept {
  io::Cursor ca(&a);
  io::Cursor cb(&b);
  for (;;) {
    auto ba = ca.peekBytes();
    auto bb = cb.peekBytes();
    if (ba.empty() || bb.empty()) {
      return to_ordering(int(bb.empty()) - int(ba.empty()));
    const size_t n = std::min(ba.size(), bb.size());
    DCHECK_GT(n, 0u);
    const ordering r = to_ordering(std::memcmp(ba.data(), bb.data(), n));
    if (r != ordering::eq) {
      return r;
    // Cursor::skip() may throw if n is too large, but n is not too large here

} // namespace folly