/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace folly { /** * UDP server socket * * It wraps a UDP socket waiting for packets and distributes them among * a set of event loops in round robin fashion. * * NOTE: At the moment it is designed to work with single packet protocols * in mind. We distribute incoming packets among all the listeners in * round-robin fashion. So, any protocol that expects to send/recv * more than 1 packet will not work because they will end up with * different event base to process. */ class AsyncUDPServerSocket : private AsyncUDPSocket::ReadCallback, public AsyncSocketBase { public: class Callback { public: using OnDataAvailableParams = AsyncUDPSocket::ReadCallback::OnDataAvailableParams; /** * Invoked when we start reading data from socket. It is invoked in * each acceptors/listeners event base thread. */ virtual void onListenStarted() noexcept = 0; /** * Invoked when the server socket is closed. It is invoked in each * acceptors/listeners event base thread. */ virtual void onListenStopped() noexcept = 0; /** * Invoked when the server socket is paused. It is invoked in each * acceptors/listeners event base thread. */ virtual void onListenPaused() noexcept {} /** * Invoked when the server socket is resumed. It is invoked in each * acceptors/listeners event base thread. */ virtual void onListenResumed() noexcept {} /** * Invoked when the server socket can still read but need to inform the * callback object that it should not process read from new client address. * It is invoked in each acceptors/listeners event base thread. */ virtual void onAcceptNewPeerPaused() noexcept {} /** * Invoked when need to inform the callback object that it can resume * process read from new client address. It is invoked in each * acceptors/listeners event base thread. */ virtual void onAcceptNewPeerResumed() noexcept {} /** * Invoked when a new packet is received */ virtual void onDataAvailable( std::shared_ptr socket, const folly::SocketAddress& addr, std::unique_ptr buf, bool truncated, OnDataAvailableParams) noexcept = 0; virtual ~Callback() = default; }; enum class DispatchMechanism { RoundRobin, ClientAddressHash }; /** * Create a new UDP server socket * * Note about packet size - We allocate buffer of packetSize_ size to read. * If packet are larger than this value, as per UDP protocol, remaining data * is dropped and you get `truncated = true` in onDataAvailable callback */ explicit AsyncUDPServerSocket( EventBase* evb, size_t sz = 1500, DispatchMechanism dm = DispatchMechanism::RoundRobin) : evb_(evb), packetSize_(sz), dispatchMechanism_(dm), nextListener_(0) {} ~AsyncUDPServerSocket() override { if (socket_) { close(); } } void bind( const folly::SocketAddress& addy, const SocketOptionMap& options = emptySocketOptionMap, const std::string& ifName = "") { CHECK(!socket_); socket_ = std::make_shared(evb_); socket_->setReusePort(reusePort_); socket_->setReuseAddr(reuseAddr_); socket_->applyOptions( validateSocketOptions( options, addy.getFamily(), SocketOptionKey::ApplyPos::PRE_BIND), SocketOptionKey::ApplyPos::PRE_BIND); AsyncUDPSocket::BindOptions bindOptions; bindOptions.ifName = ifName; socket_->bind(addy, bindOptions); socket_->applyOptions( validateSocketOptions( options, addy.getFamily(), SocketOptionKey::ApplyPos::POST_BIND), SocketOptionKey::ApplyPos::POST_BIND); applyEventCallback(); } void setReusePort(bool reusePort) { reusePort_ = reusePort; } void setReuseAddr(bool reuseAddr) { reuseAddr_ = reuseAddr; } folly::SocketAddress address() const { CHECK(socket_); return socket_->address(); } void getAddress(SocketAddress* a) const override { *a = address(); } /** * Add a listener to the round robin list */ void addListener(EventBase* evb, Callback* callback) { listeners_.emplace_back(evb, callback); } void listen() { CHECK(socket_) << "Need to bind before listening"; for (auto& listener : listeners_) { auto callback = listener.second; listener.first->runInEventBaseThread( [callback]() mutable { callback->onListenStarted(); }); } socket_->resumeRead(this); } NetworkSocket getNetworkSocket() const { CHECK(socket_) << "Need to bind before getting Network Socket"; return socket_->getNetworkSocket(); } const std::shared_ptr& getSocket() const { return socket_; } void close() { CHECK(socket_) << "Need to bind before closing"; socket_->close(); socket_.reset(); } EventBase* getEventBase() const override { return evb_; } /** * Indicates if the current socket is accepting. */ bool isAccepting() const { return socket_->isReading(); } /** * Pauses accepting datagrams on the underlying socket. */ void pauseAccepting() { socket_->pauseRead(); for (auto& listener : listeners_) { auto callback = listener.second; listener.first->runInEventBaseThread( [callback]() mutable { callback->onListenPaused(); }); } } /** * Inform the callback object that it should not process read from new client * address. */ void pauseAcceptingNewPeer() { for (auto& listener : listeners_) { auto callback = listener.second; listener.first->runInEventBaseThread( [callback]() mutable { callback->onAcceptNewPeerPaused(); }); } } /** * Starts accepting datagrams once again. */ void resumeAccepting() { socket_->resumeRead(this); for (auto& listener : listeners_) { auto callback = listener.second; listener.first->runInEventBaseThread( [callback]() mutable { callback->onListenResumed(); }); } } /** * Inform the callback object that it can process read from new client address * now. */ void resumeAcceptingNewPeer() { for (auto& listener : listeners_) { auto callback = listener.second; listener.first->runInEventBaseThread( [callback]() mutable { callback->onAcceptNewPeerResumed(); }); } } void setEventCallback(EventRecvmsgCallback* cb) { eventCb_ = cb; applyEventCallback(); } private: // AsyncUDPSocket::ReadCallback void getReadBuffer(void** buf, size_t* len) noexcept override { std::tie(*buf, *len) = buf_.preallocate(packetSize_, packetSize_); } void onDataAvailable( const folly::SocketAddress& clientAddress, size_t len, bool truncated, OnDataAvailableParams params) noexcept override { buf_.postallocate(len); auto data = buf_.split(len); if (listeners_.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "UDP server socket dropping packet, " << "no listener registered"; return; } uint32_t listenerId = 0; uint64_t client_hash_lo = 0; switch (dispatchMechanism_) { case DispatchMechanism::ClientAddressHash: // Hash base on clientAddress. // 1. This logic is samilar to: clientAddress.hash() % listeners_.size() // But runs faster as it use multiply and shift instead of division. // 2. Only use the lower 32 bit from the address hash result for faster // computation. client_hash_lo = static_cast(clientAddress.hash()); listenerId = (client_hash_lo * listeners_.size()) >> 32; break; case DispatchMechanism::RoundRobin: // round robin is default. default: if (nextListener_ >= listeners_.size()) { nextListener_ = 0; } listenerId = nextListener_; ++nextListener_; break; } auto callback = listeners_[listenerId].second; // Schedule it in the listener's eventbase // XXX: Speed this up auto f = [socket = socket_, client = clientAddress, callback, data = std::move(data), truncated, params]() mutable { callback->onDataAvailable( socket, client, std::move(data), truncated, params); }; listeners_[listenerId].first->runInEventBaseThread(std::move(f)); } void onReadError(const AsyncSocketException& ex) noexcept override { LOG(ERROR) << ex.what(); // Lets register to continue listening for packets socket_->resumeRead(this); } void onReadClosed() noexcept override { for (auto& listener : listeners_) { auto callback = listener.second; listener.first->runInEventBaseThread( [callback]() mutable { callback->onListenStopped(); }); } } void applyEventCallback() { if (socket_) { if (eventCb_) { socket_->setEventCallback(eventCb_); } else { socket_->resetEventCallback(); } } } EventBase* const evb_; const size_t packetSize_; std::shared_ptr socket_; // List of listener to distribute packets among typedef std::pair Listener; std::vector listeners_; DispatchMechanism dispatchMechanism_; // Next listener to send packet to uint32_t nextListener_; // Temporary buffer for data folly::IOBufQueue buf_; bool reusePort_{false}; bool reuseAddr_{false}; EventRecvmsgCallback* eventCb_{nullptr}; }; } // namespace folly