/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class EventBaseBackend : public folly::EventBaseBackendBase { public: EventBaseBackend(); explicit EventBaseBackend(event_base* evb); ~EventBaseBackend() override; event_base* getEventBase() override { return evb_; } int eb_event_base_loop(int flags) override; int eb_event_base_loopbreak() override; int eb_event_add(Event& event, const struct timeval* timeout) override; int eb_event_del(EventBaseBackendBase::Event& event) override; bool eb_event_active(Event& event, int res) override; private: event_base* evb_; }; EventBaseBackend::EventBaseBackend() { evb_ = event_base_new(); } EventBaseBackend::EventBaseBackend(event_base* evb) : evb_(evb) { if (UNLIKELY(evb_ == nullptr)) { LOG(ERROR) << "EventBase(): Pass nullptr as event base."; throw std::invalid_argument("EventBase(): event base cannot be nullptr"); } } int EventBaseBackend::eb_event_base_loop(int flags) { return event_base_loop(evb_, flags); } int EventBaseBackend::eb_event_base_loopbreak() { return event_base_loopbreak(evb_); } int EventBaseBackend::eb_event_add( Event& event, const struct timeval* timeout) { return event_add(event.getEvent(), timeout); } int EventBaseBackend::eb_event_del(EventBaseBackendBase::Event& event) { return event_del(event.getEvent()); } bool EventBaseBackend::eb_event_active(Event& event, int res) { event_active(event.getEvent(), res, 1); return true; } EventBaseBackend::~EventBaseBackend() { event_base_free(evb_); } class ExecutionObserverScopeGuard { public: ExecutionObserverScopeGuard(folly::ExecutionObserver* observer, void* id) : observer_(observer), id_{reinterpret_cast(id)} { if (observer_) { observer_->starting(id_); } } ~ExecutionObserverScopeGuard() { if (observer_) { observer_->stopped(id_); } } private: folly::ExecutionObserver* observer_; uintptr_t id_; }; } // namespace namespace folly { class EventBase::FuncRunner { public: void operator()(Func func) noexcept { func(); } }; /* * EventBase methods */ EventBase::EventBase(std::chrono::milliseconds tickInterval) : EventBase(Options().setTimerTickInterval(tickInterval)) {} EventBase::EventBase(bool enableTimeMeasurement) : EventBase(Options().setSkipTimeMeasurement(!enableTimeMeasurement)) {} // takes ownership of the event_base EventBase::EventBase(event_base* evb, bool enableTimeMeasurement) : EventBase(Options() .setBackendFactory([evb] { return std::make_unique(evb); }) .setSkipTimeMeasurement(!enableTimeMeasurement)) {} EventBase::EventBase(Options options) : intervalDuration_(options.timerTickInterval), runOnceCallbacks_(nullptr), stop_(false), loopThread_(), queue_(nullptr), maxLatency_(0), avgLoopTime_(std::chrono::seconds(2)), maxLatencyLoopTime_(avgLoopTime_), enableTimeMeasurement_(!options.skipTimeMeasurement), nextLoopCnt_( std::size_t(-40)) // Early wrap-around so bugs will manifest soon , latestLoopCnt_(nextLoopCnt_), startWork_(), observer_(nullptr), observerSampleCount_(0), executionObserver_(nullptr) { evb_ = options.backendFactory ? options.backendFactory() : getDefaultBackend(); initNotificationQueue(); } EventBase::~EventBase() { std::future virtualEventBaseDestroyFuture; if (virtualEventBase_) { virtualEventBaseDestroyFuture = virtualEventBase_->destroy(); } // Keep looping until all keep-alive handles are released. Each keep-alive // handle signals that some external code will still schedule some work on // this EventBase (so it's not safe to destroy it). while (loopKeepAliveCount() > 0) { applyLoopKeepAlive(); loopOnce(); } if (virtualEventBaseDestroyFuture.valid()) { virtualEventBaseDestroyFuture.get(); } // Call all destruction callbacks, before we start cleaning up our state. while (!onDestructionCallbacks_.rlock()->empty()) { OnDestructionCallback::List callbacks; onDestructionCallbacks_.swap(callbacks); while (!callbacks.empty()) { auto& callback = callbacks.front(); callbacks.pop_front(); callback.runCallback(); } } clearCobTimeouts(); DCHECK_EQ(0u, runBeforeLoopCallbacks_.size()); (void)runLoopCallbacks(); queue_->drain(); // Stop consumer before deleting NotificationQueue queue_->stopConsuming(); for (auto storage : localStorageToDtor_) { storage->onEventBaseDestruction(*this); } localStorage_.clear(); evb_.reset(); VLOG(5) << "EventBase(): Destroyed."; } std::unique_ptr EventBase::getDefaultBackend() { return std::make_unique(); } size_t EventBase::getNotificationQueueSize() const { return queue_->size(); } void EventBase::setMaxReadAtOnce(uint32_t maxAtOnce) { queue_->setMaxReadAtOnce(maxAtOnce); } void EventBase::checkIsInEventBaseThread() const { auto evbTid = loopThread_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (evbTid == std::thread::id()) { return; } // Using getThreadName(evbTid) instead of name_ will work also if // the thread name is set outside of EventBase (and name_ is empty). auto curTid = std::this_thread::get_id(); CHECK_EQ(evbTid, curTid) << "This logic must be executed in the event base thread. " << "Event base thread name: \"" << folly::getThreadName(evbTid).value_or("") << "\", current thread name: \"" << folly::getThreadName(curTid).value_or("") << "\""; } // Set smoothing coefficient for loop load average; input is # of milliseconds // for exp(-1) decay. void EventBase::setLoadAvgMsec(std::chrono::milliseconds ms) { assert(enableTimeMeasurement_); std::chrono::microseconds us = std::chrono::milliseconds(ms); if (ms > std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) { maxLatencyLoopTime_.setTimeInterval(us); avgLoopTime_.setTimeInterval(us); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "non-positive arg to setLoadAvgMsec()"; } } void EventBase::resetLoadAvg(double value) { assert(enableTimeMeasurement_); avgLoopTime_.reset(value); maxLatencyLoopTime_.reset(value); } static std::chrono::milliseconds getTimeDelta( std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point* prev) { auto result = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - *prev; *prev = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); return std::chrono::duration_cast(result); } void EventBase::waitUntilRunning() { while (loopThread_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == std::thread::id()) { std::this_thread::yield(); } } // enters the event_base loop -- will only exit when forced to bool EventBase::loop() { // Enforce blocking tracking and if we have a name override any previous one ExecutorBlockingGuard guard{ExecutorBlockingGuard::TrackTag{}, this, name_}; return loopBody(); } bool EventBase::loopIgnoreKeepAlive() { if (loopKeepAliveActive_) { // Make sure NotificationQueue is not counted as one of the readers // (otherwise loopBody won't return until terminateLoopSoon is called). queue_->stopConsuming(); queue_->startConsumingInternal(this); loopKeepAliveActive_ = false; } return loopBody(0, true); } bool EventBase::loopOnce(int flags) { return loopBody(flags | EVLOOP_ONCE); } bool EventBase::loopBody(int flags, bool ignoreKeepAlive) { VLOG(5) << "EventBase(): Starting loop."; const char* message = "Your code just tried to loop over an event base from inside another " "event base loop. Since libevent is not reentrant, this leads to " "undefined behavior in opt builds. Please fix immediately. For the " "common case of an inner function that needs to do some synchronous " "computation on an event-base, replace getEventBase() by a new, " "stack-allocated EventBase."; LOG_IF(DFATAL, invokingLoop_) << message; invokingLoop_ = true; SCOPE_EXIT { invokingLoop_ = false; }; int res = 0; bool ranLoopCallbacks; bool blocking = !(flags & EVLOOP_NONBLOCK); bool once = (flags & EVLOOP_ONCE); // time-measurement variables. std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point prev; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point idleStart = {}; std::chrono::microseconds busy; std::chrono::microseconds idle; auto const prevLoopThread = loopThread_.exchange( std::this_thread::get_id(), std::memory_order_release); CHECK_EQ(std::thread::id(), prevLoopThread) << "Driving an EventBase in one thread (" << std::this_thread::get_id() << ") while it is already being driven in another thread (" << prevLoopThread << ") is forbidden."; if (!name_.empty()) { setThreadName(name_); } if (enableTimeMeasurement_) { prev = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); idleStart = prev; } while (!stop_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { if (!ignoreKeepAlive) { applyLoopKeepAlive(); } ++nextLoopCnt_; // Run the before loop callbacks LoopCallbackList callbacks; callbacks.swap(runBeforeLoopCallbacks_); runLoopCallbacks(callbacks); // nobody can add loop callbacks from within this thread if // we don't have to handle anything to start with... if (blocking && loopCallbacks_.empty()) { res = evb_->eb_event_base_loop(EVLOOP_ONCE); } else { res = evb_->eb_event_base_loop(EVLOOP_ONCE | EVLOOP_NONBLOCK); } ranLoopCallbacks = runLoopCallbacks(); if (enableTimeMeasurement_) { auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); busy = std::chrono::duration_cast( now - startWork_); idle = std::chrono::duration_cast( startWork_ - idleStart); auto loop_time = busy + idle; avgLoopTime_.addSample(loop_time, busy); maxLatencyLoopTime_.addSample(loop_time, busy); if (observer_) { if (observerSampleCount_++ == observer_->getSampleRate()) { observerSampleCount_ = 0; observer_->loopSample(busy.count(), idle.count()); } } VLOG(11) << "EventBase " << this << " did not timeout " << " loop time guess: " << loop_time.count() << " idle time: " << idle.count() << " busy time: " << busy.count() << " avgLoopTime: " << avgLoopTime_.get() << " maxLatencyLoopTime: " << maxLatencyLoopTime_.get() << " maxLatency_: " << maxLatency_.count() << "us" << " notificationQueueSize: " << getNotificationQueueSize() << " nothingHandledYet(): " << nothingHandledYet(); // see if our average loop time has exceeded our limit if ((maxLatency_ > std::chrono::microseconds::zero()) && (maxLatencyLoopTime_.get() > double(maxLatency_.count()))) { maxLatencyCob_(); // back off temporarily -- don't keep spamming maxLatencyCob_ // if we're only a bit over the limit maxLatencyLoopTime_.dampen(0.9); } // Our loop run did real work; reset the idle timer idleStart = now; } else { VLOG(11) << "EventBase " << this << " did not timeout"; } // Event loop indicated that there were no more events (NotificationQueue // was registered as an internal event and there were no other registered // events). if (res != 0) { // Since Notification Queue is marked 'internal' some events may not have // run. Run them manually if so, and continue looping. // if (!queue_->empty()) { ExecutionObserverScopeGuard guard(executionObserver_, queue_.get()); queue_->execute(); } else if (!ranLoopCallbacks) { // If there were no more events and we also didn't have any loop // callbacks to run, there is nothing left to do. break; } } if (enableTimeMeasurement_) { VLOG(11) << "EventBase " << this << " loop time: " << getTimeDelta(&prev).count(); } if (once) { break; } } // Reset stop_ so loop() can be called again stop_.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed); if (res < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "EventBase: -- error in event loop, res = " << res; return false; } else if (res == 1) { VLOG(5) << "EventBase: ran out of events (exiting loop)!"; } else if (res > 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "EventBase: unknown event loop result = " << res; return false; } loopThread_.store({}, std::memory_order_release); VLOG(5) << "EventBase(): Done with loop."; return true; } ssize_t EventBase::loopKeepAliveCount() { if (loopKeepAliveCountAtomic_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { loopKeepAliveCount_ += loopKeepAliveCountAtomic_.exchange(0, std::memory_order_relaxed); } DCHECK_GE(loopKeepAliveCount_, 0); return loopKeepAliveCount_; } void EventBase::applyLoopKeepAlive() { auto keepAliveCount = loopKeepAliveCount(); // Make sure default VirtualEventBase won't hold EventBase::loop() forever. if (auto virtualEventBase = tryGetVirtualEventBase()) { if (virtualEventBase->keepAliveCount() == 1) { --keepAliveCount; } } if (loopKeepAliveActive_ && keepAliveCount == 0) { // Restore the notification queue internal flag queue_->stopConsuming(); queue_->startConsumingInternal(this); loopKeepAliveActive_ = false; } else if (!loopKeepAliveActive_ && keepAliveCount > 0) { // Update the notification queue event to treat it as a normal // (non-internal) event. The notification queue event always remains // installed, and the main loop won't exit with it installed. queue_->stopConsuming(); queue_->startConsuming(this); loopKeepAliveActive_ = true; } } void EventBase::loopForever() { bool ret; { SCOPE_EXIT { applyLoopKeepAlive(); }; // Make sure notification queue events are treated as normal events. // We can't use loopKeepAlive() here since LoopKeepAlive token can only be // released inside a loop. ++loopKeepAliveCount_; SCOPE_EXIT { --loopKeepAliveCount_; }; ret = loop(); } if (!ret) { folly::throwSystemError("error in EventBase::loopForever()"); } } void EventBase::bumpHandlingTime() { if (!enableTimeMeasurement_) { return; } VLOG(11) << "EventBase " << this << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " (loop) latest " << latestLoopCnt_ << " next " << nextLoopCnt_; if (nothingHandledYet()) { latestLoopCnt_ = nextLoopCnt_; // set the time startWork_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); VLOG(11) << "EventBase " << this << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " (loop) startWork_ " << startWork_.time_since_epoch().count(); } } void EventBase::terminateLoopSoon() { VLOG(5) << "EventBase(): Received terminateLoopSoon() command."; // Set stop to true, so the event loop will know to exit. stop_.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); // If terminateLoopSoon() is called from another thread, // the EventBase thread might be stuck waiting for events. // In this case, it won't wake up and notice that stop_ is set until it // receives another event. Send an empty frame to the notification queue // so that the event loop will wake up even if there are no other events. try { queue_->putMessage([&] { evb_->eb_event_base_loopbreak(); }); } catch (...) { // putMessage() can only fail when the queue is draining in ~EventBase. } } void EventBase::runInLoop( LoopCallback* callback, bool thisIteration, std::shared_ptr rctx) { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); callback->cancelLoopCallback(); callback->context_ = std::move(rctx); if (runOnceCallbacks_ != nullptr && thisIteration) { runOnceCallbacks_->push_back(*callback); } else { loopCallbacks_.push_back(*callback); } } void EventBase::runInLoop(Func cob, bool thisIteration) { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); auto wrapper = new FunctionLoopCallback(std::move(cob)); wrapper->context_ = RequestContext::saveContext(); if (runOnceCallbacks_ != nullptr && thisIteration) { runOnceCallbacks_->push_back(*wrapper); } else { loopCallbacks_.push_back(*wrapper); } } void EventBase::runOnDestruction(OnDestructionCallback& callback) { callback.schedule( [this](auto& cb) { onDestructionCallbacks_.wlock()->push_back(cb); }, [this](auto& cb) { onDestructionCallbacks_.withWLock( [&](auto& list) { list.erase(list.iterator_to(cb)); }); }); } void EventBase::runOnDestruction(Func f) { auto* callback = new FunctionOnDestructionCallback(std::move(f)); runOnDestruction(*callback); } void EventBase::runBeforeLoop(LoopCallback* callback) { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); callback->cancelLoopCallback(); runBeforeLoopCallbacks_.push_back(*callback); } void EventBase::runInEventBaseThread(Func fn) noexcept { // Send the message. // It will be received by the FunctionRunner in the EventBase's thread. // We try not to schedule nullptr callbacks if (!fn) { DLOG(FATAL) << "EventBase " << this << ": Scheduling nullptr callbacks is not allowed"; return; } // Short-circuit if we are already in our event base if (inRunningEventBaseThread()) { runInLoop(std::move(fn)); return; } queue_->putMessage(std::move(fn)); } void EventBase::runInEventBaseThreadAlwaysEnqueue(Func fn) noexcept { // Send the message. // It will be received by the FunctionRunner in the EventBase's thread. // We try not to schedule nullptr callbacks if (!fn) { LOG(DFATAL) << "EventBase " << this << ": Scheduling nullptr callbacks is not allowed"; return; } queue_->putMessage(std::move(fn)); } void EventBase::runInEventBaseThreadAndWait(Func fn) noexcept { if (inRunningEventBaseThread()) { LOG(DFATAL) << "EventBase " << this << ": Waiting in the event loop is not " << "allowed"; return; } Baton<> ready; runInEventBaseThread([&ready, fn = std::move(fn)]() mutable { SCOPE_EXIT { ready.post(); }; // A trick to force the stored functor to be executed and then destructed // before posting the baton and waking the waiting thread. copy(std::move(fn))(); }); ready.wait(folly::Baton<>::wait_options().logging_enabled(false)); } void EventBase::runImmediatelyOrRunInEventBaseThreadAndWait(Func fn) noexcept { if (isInEventBaseThread()) { fn(); } else { runInEventBaseThreadAndWait(std::move(fn)); } } void EventBase::runLoopCallbacks(LoopCallbackList& currentCallbacks) { while (!currentCallbacks.empty()) { LoopCallback* callback = ¤tCallbacks.front(); currentCallbacks.pop_front(); folly::RequestContextScopeGuard rctx(std::move(callback->context_)); ExecutionObserverScopeGuard guard(executionObserver_, callback); callback->runLoopCallback(); } } bool EventBase::runLoopCallbacks() { bumpHandlingTime(); if (!loopCallbacks_.empty()) { // Swap the loopCallbacks_ list with a temporary list on our stack. // This way we will only run callbacks scheduled at the time // runLoopCallbacks() was invoked. // // If any of these callbacks in turn call runInLoop() to schedule more // callbacks, those new callbacks won't be run until the next iteration // around the event loop. This prevents runInLoop() callbacks from being // able to start file descriptor and timeout based events. LoopCallbackList currentCallbacks; currentCallbacks.swap(loopCallbacks_); runOnceCallbacks_ = ¤tCallbacks; runLoopCallbacks(currentCallbacks); runOnceCallbacks_ = nullptr; return true; } return false; } void EventBase::initNotificationQueue() { // Infinite size queue queue_ = std::make_unique>(); // Mark this as an internal event, so event_base_loop() will return if // there are no other events besides this one installed. // // Most callers don't care about the internal notification queue used by // EventBase. The queue is always installed, so if we did count the queue as // an active event, loop() would never exit with no more events to process. // Users can use loopForever() if they do care about the notification queue. // (This is useful for EventBase threads that do nothing but process // runInEventBaseThread() notifications.) queue_->startConsumingInternal(this); } void EventBase::SmoothLoopTime::setTimeInterval( std::chrono::microseconds timeInterval) { expCoeff_ = -1.0 / timeInterval.count(); VLOG(11) << "expCoeff_ " << expCoeff_ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; } void EventBase::SmoothLoopTime::reset(double value) { value_ = value; } void EventBase::SmoothLoopTime::addSample( std::chrono::microseconds total, std::chrono::microseconds busy) { if ((buffer_time_ + total) > buffer_interval_ && buffer_cnt_ > 0) { // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_smoothing for // more info on this calculation. double coeff = exp(buffer_time_.count() * expCoeff_); value_ = value_ * coeff + (1.0 - coeff) * (busy_buffer_.count() / buffer_cnt_); buffer_time_ = std::chrono::microseconds{0}; busy_buffer_ = std::chrono::microseconds{0}; buffer_cnt_ = 0; } buffer_time_ += total; busy_buffer_ += busy; buffer_cnt_++; } bool EventBase::nothingHandledYet() const noexcept { VLOG(11) << "latest " << latestLoopCnt_ << " next " << nextLoopCnt_; return (nextLoopCnt_ != latestLoopCnt_); } void EventBase::attachTimeoutManager(AsyncTimeout* obj, InternalEnum internal) { auto* ev = obj->getEvent(); assert(ev->eb_ev_base() == nullptr); ev->eb_event_base_set(this); if (internal == AsyncTimeout::InternalEnum::INTERNAL) { // Set the EVLIST_INTERNAL flag event_ref_flags(ev->getEvent()) |= EVLIST_INTERNAL; } } void EventBase::detachTimeoutManager(AsyncTimeout* obj) { cancelTimeout(obj); auto* ev = obj->getEvent(); ev->eb_ev_base(nullptr); } bool EventBase::scheduleTimeout( AsyncTimeout* obj, TimeoutManager::timeout_type timeout) { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); // Set up the timeval and add the event struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = long(timeout.count() / 1000LL); tv.tv_usec = long((timeout.count() % 1000LL) * 1000LL); auto* ev = obj->getEvent(); DCHECK(ev->eb_ev_base()); if (ev->eb_event_add(&tv) < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "EventBase: failed to schedule timeout: " << errnoStr(errno); return false; } return true; } void EventBase::cancelTimeout(AsyncTimeout* obj) { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); auto* ev = obj->getEvent(); if (ev->isEventRegistered()) { ev->eb_event_del(); } } void EventBase::setName(const std::string& name) { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); name_ = name; if (isRunning()) { setThreadName(loopThread_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), name_); } } const std::string& EventBase::getName() { dcheckIsInEventBaseThread(); return name_; } void EventBase::scheduleAt(Func&& fn, TimePoint const& timeout) { auto duration = timeout - now(); timer().scheduleTimeoutFn( std::move(fn), std::chrono::duration_cast(duration)); } event_base* EventBase::getLibeventBase() const { return evb_ ? (evb_->getEventBase()) : nullptr; } const char* EventBase::getLibeventVersion() { return event_get_version(); } const char* EventBase::getLibeventMethod() { // event_base_method() would segv if there is no current_base so simulate it struct op { const char* name; }; struct base { const op* evsel; }; auto b = reinterpret_cast(getLibeventBase()); return !b ? "" : b->evsel->name; } VirtualEventBase& EventBase::getVirtualEventBase() { folly::call_once(virtualEventBaseInitFlag_, [&] { virtualEventBase_ = std::make_unique(*this); }); return *virtualEventBase_; } VirtualEventBase* EventBase::tryGetVirtualEventBase() { if (folly::test_once(virtualEventBaseInitFlag_)) { return virtualEventBase_.get(); } return nullptr; } EventBase* EventBase::getEventBase() { return this; } EventBase::OnDestructionCallback::~OnDestructionCallback() { if (*scheduled_.rlock()) { LOG(FATAL) << "OnDestructionCallback must be canceled if needed prior to destruction"; } } void EventBase::OnDestructionCallback::runCallback() noexcept { scheduled_.withWLock([&](bool& scheduled) { CHECK(scheduled); scheduled = false; // run can only be called by EventBase and VirtualEventBase, and it's called // after the callback has been popped off the list. eraser_ = nullptr; // Note that the exclusive lock on shared state is held while the callback // runs. This ensures concurrent callers to cancel() block until the // callback finishes. onEventBaseDestruction(); }); } void EventBase::OnDestructionCallback::schedule( FunctionRef linker, Function eraser) { eraser_ = std::move(eraser); scheduled_.withWLock([](bool& scheduled) { scheduled = true; }); linker(*this); } bool EventBase::OnDestructionCallback::cancel() { return scheduled_.withWLock([this](bool& scheduled) { const bool wasScheduled = std::exchange(scheduled, false); if (wasScheduled) { auto eraser = std::move(eraser_); CHECK(eraser); eraser(*this); } return wasScheduled; }); } constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds EventBase::SmoothLoopTime::buffer_interval_; } // namespace folly