/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; namespace folly { namespace { /** * Get the type of a folly::dynamic object as a string, for inclusion in * exception messages. */ std::string dynamicTypename(const dynamic& value) { switch (value.type()) { case dynamic::NULLT: return "null"; case dynamic::ARRAY: return "array"; case dynamic::BOOL: return "boolean"; case dynamic::DOUBLE: return "double"; case dynamic::INT64: return "integer"; case dynamic::OBJECT: return "object"; case dynamic::STRING: return "string"; } return "unknown type"; } /** * Parse a LogLevel from a JSON value. * * This accepts the log level either as an integer value or a string that can * be parsed with stringToLogLevel() * * On success updates the result parameter and returns true. * Returns false if the input is not a string or integer. * Throws a LogConfigParseError on other errors. */ bool parseJsonLevel( const dynamic& value, StringPiece categoryName, LogLevel& result) { if (value.isString()) { auto levelString = value.asString(); try { result = stringToLogLevel(levelString); return true; } catch (const std::exception&) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "invalid log level \"", levelString, "\" for category \"", categoryName, "\"")}; } } else if (value.isInt()) { auto level = static_cast(value.asInt()); if (level < LogLevel::MIN_LEVEL || level > LogLevel::MAX_LEVEL) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "invalid log level ", value.asInt(), " for category \"", categoryName, "\": outside of valid range")}; } result = level; return true; } return false; } LogCategoryConfig parseJsonCategoryConfig( const dynamic& value, StringPiece categoryName) { LogCategoryConfig config; // If the input is not an object, allow it to be // just a plain level specification if (!value.isObject()) { if (!parseJsonLevel(value, categoryName, config.level)) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for configuration of category \"", categoryName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(value), ", expected an object, string, or integer")}; } return config; } auto* level = value.get_ptr("level"); if (!level) { // Require that level information be present for each log category. throw LogConfigParseError{to( "no log level specified for category \"", categoryName, "\"")}; } if (!parseJsonLevel(*level, categoryName, config.level)) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for level field of category \"", categoryName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(*level), ", expected a string or integer")}; } auto* inherit = value.get_ptr("inherit"); if (inherit) { if (!inherit->isBool()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for inherit field of category \"", categoryName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(*inherit), ", expected a boolean")}; } config.inheritParentLevel = inherit->asBool(); } auto* propagate = value.get_ptr("propagate"); if (propagate) { if (!parseJsonLevel( *propagate, categoryName, config.propagateLevelMessagesToParent)) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for propagate field of category \"", categoryName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(*propagate), ", expected a string or integer")}; } } auto* handlers = value.get_ptr("handlers"); if (handlers) { if (!handlers->isArray()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "the \"handlers\" field for category ", categoryName, " must be a list")}; } config.handlers = std::vector{}; for (const auto& item : *handlers) { if (!item.isString()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "the \"handlers\" list for category ", categoryName, " must be contain only strings")}; } config.handlers->push_back(item.asString()); } } return config; } LogHandlerConfig parseJsonHandlerConfig( const dynamic& value, StringPiece handlerName) { if (!value.isObject()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for configuration of handler \"", handlerName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(value), ", expected an object")}; } // Parse the handler type auto* type = value.get_ptr("type"); if (!type) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "no handler type specified for log handler \"", handlerName, "\"")}; } if (!type->isString()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for \"type\" field of handler \"", handlerName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(*type), ", expected a string")}; } LogHandlerConfig config{type->asString()}; // Parse the handler options auto* options = value.get_ptr("options"); if (options) { if (!options->isObject()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for \"options\" field of handler \"", handlerName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(*options), ", expected an object")}; } for (const auto& item : options->items()) { if (!item.first.isString()) { // This shouldn't really ever happen. // We deserialize the json with allow_non_string_keys set to False. throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for option of handler \"", handlerName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(item.first), ", expected string")}; } if (!item.second.isString()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for option \"", item.first.asString(), "\" of handler \"", handlerName, "\": got ", dynamicTypename(item.second), ", expected a string")}; } config.options[item.first.asString()] = item.second.asString(); } } return config; } LogConfig::CategoryConfigMap parseCategoryConfigs(StringPiece value) { LogConfig::CategoryConfigMap categoryConfigs; // Allow empty (or all whitespace) input value = trimWhitespace(value); if (value.empty()) { return categoryConfigs; } std::unordered_map seenCategories; std::vector pieces; folly::split(",", value, pieces); for (const auto& piece : pieces) { LogCategoryConfig categoryConfig; StringPiece categoryName; StringPiece configString; auto equalIndex = piece.find('='); if (equalIndex == StringPiece::npos) { // If level information is supplied without a category name, // apply it to the root log category. categoryName = StringPiece{"."}; configString = trimWhitespace(piece); } else { categoryName = piece.subpiece(0, equalIndex); configString = piece.subpiece(equalIndex + 1); // If ":=" is used instead of just "=", disable inheriting the parent's // effective level if it is lower than this category's level. if (categoryName.endsWith(':')) { categoryConfig.inheritParentLevel = false; categoryName.subtract(1); } // Remove whitespace from the category name categoryName = trimWhitespace(categoryName); } // Split the configString into level and handler information. std::vector handlerPieces; folly::split(":", configString, handlerPieces); FOLLY_SAFE_DCHECK( !handlerPieces.empty(), "folly::split() always returns a list of length 1"); auto levelString = trimWhitespace(handlerPieces[0]); bool hasHandlerConfig = handlerPieces.size() > 1; if (handlerPieces.size() == 2 && trimWhitespace(handlerPieces[1]).empty()) { // This is an explicitly empty handler list. // This requests LoggerDB::updateConfig() to clear all existing log // handlers from this category. categoryConfig.handlers = std::vector{}; } else if (hasHandlerConfig) { categoryConfig.handlers = std::vector{}; for (size_t n = 1; n < handlerPieces.size(); ++n) { auto handlerName = trimWhitespace(handlerPieces[n]); if (handlerName.empty()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "error parsing configuration for log category \"", categoryName, "\": log handler name cannot be empty")}; } categoryConfig.handlers->push_back(handlerName.str()); } } // Parse the levelString into a LogLevel levelString = trimWhitespace(levelString); try { categoryConfig.level = stringToLogLevel(levelString); } catch (const std::exception&) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "invalid log level \"", levelString, "\" for category \"", categoryName, "\"")}; } // Check for multiple entries for the same category with different but // equivalent names. auto canonicalName = LogName::canonicalize(categoryName); auto ret = seenCategories.emplace(canonicalName, categoryName.str()); if (!ret.second) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "category \"", canonicalName, "\" listed multiple times under different names: \"", ret.first->second, "\" and \"", categoryName, "\"")}; } auto emplaceResult = categoryConfigs.emplace(canonicalName, std::move(categoryConfig)); FOLLY_SAFE_DCHECK( emplaceResult.second, "category name must be new since it was not in seenCategories"); } return categoryConfigs; } bool splitNameValue( StringPiece input, StringPiece* outName, StringPiece* outValue) { size_t equalIndex = input.find('='); if (equalIndex == StringPiece::npos) { return false; } StringPiece name{input.begin(), input.begin() + equalIndex}; StringPiece value{input.begin() + equalIndex + 1, input.end()}; *outName = trimWhitespace(name); *outValue = trimWhitespace(value); return true; } std::pair parseHandlerConfig(StringPiece value) { // Parse the handler name and optional type auto colonIndex = value.find(':'); StringPiece namePortion; StringPiece optionsStr; if (colonIndex == StringPiece::npos) { namePortion = value; } else { namePortion = StringPiece{value.begin(), value.begin() + colonIndex}; optionsStr = StringPiece{value.begin() + colonIndex + 1, value.end()}; } StringPiece handlerName; Optional handlerType(in_place); if (!splitNameValue(namePortion, &handlerName, &handlerType.value())) { handlerName = trimWhitespace(namePortion); handlerType = folly::none; } // Make sure the handler name and type are not empty. // Also disallow commas in the name: this helps catch accidental errors where // the user left out the ':' and intended to be specifying options instead of // part of the name or type. if (handlerName.empty()) { throw LogConfigParseError{ "error parsing log handler configuration: empty log handler name"}; } if (handlerName.contains(',')) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "error parsing configuration for log handler \"", handlerName, "\": name cannot contain a comma when using the basic config format")}; } if (handlerType.has_value()) { if (handlerType->empty()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "error parsing configuration for log handler \"", handlerName, "\": empty log handler type")}; } if (handlerType->contains(',')) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "error parsing configuration for log handler \"", handlerName, "\": invalid type \"", handlerType.value(), "\": type name cannot contain a comma when using " "the basic config format")}; } } // Parse the options LogHandlerConfig config{handlerType}; optionsStr = trimWhitespace(optionsStr); if (!optionsStr.empty()) { std::vector pieces; folly::split(",", optionsStr, pieces); FOLLY_SAFE_DCHECK( !pieces.empty(), "folly::split() always returns a list of length 1"); for (const auto& piece : pieces) { StringPiece optionName; StringPiece optionValue; if (!splitNameValue(piece, &optionName, &optionValue)) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "error parsing configuration for log handler \"", handlerName, "\": options must be of the form NAME=VALUE")}; } auto ret = config.options.emplace(optionName.str(), optionValue.str()); if (!ret.second) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "error parsing configuration for log handler \"", handlerName, "\": duplicate configuration for option \"", optionName, "\"")}; } } } return std::make_pair(handlerName.str(), std::move(config)); } } // namespace LogConfig parseLogConfig(StringPiece value) { value = trimWhitespace(value); if (value.startsWith('{')) { return parseLogConfigJson(value); } // Split the input string on semicolons. // Everything up to the first semicolon specifies log category configs. // From then on each section specifies a single LogHandler config. std::vector pieces; folly::split(";", value, pieces); FOLLY_SAFE_DCHECK( !pieces.empty(), "folly::split() always returns a list of length 1"); auto categoryConfigs = parseCategoryConfigs(pieces[0]); LogConfig::HandlerConfigMap handlerConfigs; for (size_t n = 1; n < pieces.size(); ++n) { auto handlerInfo = parseHandlerConfig(pieces[n]); auto ret = handlerConfigs.emplace( handlerInfo.first, std::move(handlerInfo.second)); if (!ret.second) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "configuration for log category \"", handlerInfo.first, "\" specified multiple times")}; } } return LogConfig{std::move(handlerConfigs), std::move(categoryConfigs)}; } LogConfig parseLogConfigJson(StringPiece value) { json::serialization_opts opts; opts.allow_trailing_comma = true; auto jsonData = folly::parseJson(json::stripComments(value), opts); return parseLogConfigDynamic(jsonData); } LogConfig parseLogConfigDynamic(const dynamic& value) { if (!value.isObject()) { throw LogConfigParseError{"JSON config input must be an object"}; } std::unordered_map seenCategories; LogConfig::CategoryConfigMap categoryConfigs; auto* categories = value.get_ptr("categories"); if (categories) { if (!categories->isObject()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for log categories config: got ", dynamicTypename(*categories), ", expected an object")}; } for (const auto& entry : categories->items()) { if (!entry.first.isString()) { // This shouldn't really ever happen. // We deserialize the json with allow_non_string_keys set to False. throw LogConfigParseError{"category name must be a string"}; } auto categoryName = entry.first.asString(); auto categoryConfig = parseJsonCategoryConfig(entry.second, categoryName); // Check for multiple entries for the same category with different but // equivalent names. auto canonicalName = LogName::canonicalize(categoryName); auto ret = seenCategories.emplace(canonicalName, categoryName); if (!ret.second) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "category \"", canonicalName, "\" listed multiple times under different names: \"", ret.first->second, "\" and \"", categoryName, "\"")}; } categoryConfigs[canonicalName] = std::move(categoryConfig); } } LogConfig::HandlerConfigMap handlerConfigs; auto* handlers = value.get_ptr("handlers"); if (handlers) { if (!handlers->isObject()) { throw LogConfigParseError{to( "unexpected data type for log handlers config: got ", dynamicTypename(*handlers), ", expected an object")}; } for (const auto& entry : handlers->items()) { if (!entry.first.isString()) { // This shouldn't really ever happen. // We deserialize the json with allow_non_string_keys set to False. throw LogConfigParseError{"handler name must be a string"}; } auto handlerName = entry.first.asString(); handlerConfigs.emplace( handlerName, parseJsonHandlerConfig(entry.second, handlerName)); } } return LogConfig{std::move(handlerConfigs), std::move(categoryConfigs)}; } dynamic logConfigToDynamic(const LogConfig& config) { dynamic categories = dynamic::object; for (const auto& entry : config.getCategoryConfigs()) { categories.insert(entry.first, logConfigToDynamic(entry.second)); } dynamic handlers = dynamic::object; for (const auto& entry : config.getHandlerConfigs()) { handlers.insert(entry.first, logConfigToDynamic(entry.second)); } return dynamic::object("categories", std::move(categories))( "handlers", std::move(handlers)); } dynamic logConfigToDynamic(const LogHandlerConfig& config) { dynamic options = dynamic::object; for (const auto& opt : config.options) { options.insert(opt.first, opt.second); } auto result = dynamic::object("options", options); if (config.type.has_value()) { result("type", config.type.value()); } return result; } dynamic logConfigToDynamic(const LogCategoryConfig& config) { auto value = dynamic::object("level", logLevelToString(config.level))( "inherit", config.inheritParentLevel)( "propagate", logLevelToString(config.propagateLevelMessagesToParent)); if (config.handlers.has_value()) { auto handlers = dynamic::array(); for (const auto& handlerName : config.handlers.value()) { handlers.push_back(handlerName); } value("handlers", std::move(handlers)); } return value; } } // namespace folly