/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef FOLLY_ARENA_H_ #error This file may only be included from Arena.h #endif // Implementation of Arena.h functions #include namespace folly { template void* Arena::allocateSlow(size_t size) { char* start; size_t allocSize; if (!checked_add(&allocSize, std::max(size, minBlockSize()), sizeof(Block))) { throw_exception(); } if (sizeLimit_ != kNoSizeLimit && allocSize > sizeLimit_ - totalAllocatedSize_) { throw_exception(); } if (size > minBlockSize()) { // Allocate a large block for this chunk only; don't change ptr_ and end_, // let them point into a normal block (or none, if they're null) allocSize = sizeof(LargeBlock) + size; void* mem = AllocTraits::allocate(alloc(), allocSize); auto blk = new (mem) LargeBlock(allocSize); start = blk->start(); largeBlocks_.push_back(*blk); } else { // Allocate a normal sized block and carve out size bytes from it // Will allocate more than size bytes if convenient // (via ArenaAllocatorTraits::goodSize()) as we'll try to pack small // allocations in this block. allocSize = blockGoodAllocSize(); void* mem = AllocTraits::allocate(alloc(), allocSize); auto blk = new (mem) Block(); start = blk->start(); blocks_.push_back(*blk); currentBlock_ = blocks_.last(); ptr_ = start + size; end_ = start + allocSize - sizeof(Block); assert(ptr_ <= end_); } totalAllocatedSize_ += allocSize; return start; } template void Arena::merge(Arena&& other) { FOLLY_SAFE_CHECK( blockGoodAllocSize() == other.blockGoodAllocSize(), "cannot merge arenas of different minBlockSize"); blocks_.splice_after(blocks_.before_begin(), other.blocks_); other.blocks_.clear(); largeBlocks_.splice_after(largeBlocks_.before_begin(), other.largeBlocks_); other.largeBlocks_.clear(); other.ptr_ = other.end_ = nullptr; totalAllocatedSize_ += other.totalAllocatedSize_; other.totalAllocatedSize_ = 0; bytesUsed_ += other.bytesUsed_; other.bytesUsed_ = 0; } } // namespace folly