/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include // @manual #endif #if !FOLLY_HAVE_RECVMMSG #if FOLLY_HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS extern "C" FOLLY_ATTR_WEAK int recvmmsg( int sockfd, struct mmsghdr* msgvec, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int flags, struct timespec* timeout); #else static int (*recvmmsg)( int sockfd, struct mmsghdr* msgvec, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int flags, struct timespec* timeout) = nullptr; #endif // FOLLY_HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS #endif // FOLLY_HAVE_RECVMMSG namespace folly { namespace netops { namespace { #ifdef _WIN32 // WSA has to be explicitly initialized. static struct WinSockInit { WinSockInit() { WSADATA dat; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &dat); } ~WinSockInit() { WSACleanup(); } } winsockInit; int translate_wsa_error(int wsaErr) { switch (wsaErr) { case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return EAGAIN; default: return wsaErr; } } #endif template static R wrapSocketFunction(F f, NetworkSocket s, Args... args) { R ret = f(s.data, args...); #ifdef _WIN32 errno = translate_wsa_error(WSAGetLastError()); #endif return ret; } } // namespace NetworkSocket accept(NetworkSocket s, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return NetworkSocket(wrapSocketFunction( ::accept, s, addr, addrlen)); #endif } int bind(NetworkSocket s, const sockaddr* name, socklen_t namelen) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else if (kIsWindows && name->sa_family == AF_UNIX) { // Windows added support for AF_UNIX sockets, but didn't add // support for autobind sockets, so detect requests for autobind // sockets and treat them as invalid. (otherwise they don't trigger // an error, but also don't actually work) if (name->sa_data[0] == '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } } return wrapSocketFunction(::bind, s, name, namelen); #endif } int close(NetworkSocket s) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return netops::detail::SocketFileDescriptorMap::close(s.data); #endif } int connect(NetworkSocket s, const sockaddr* name, socklen_t namelen) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else auto r = wrapSocketFunction(::connect, s, name, namelen); #ifdef _WIN32 if (r == -1 && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { errno = EINPROGRESS; } #endif return r; #endif } int getpeername(NetworkSocket s, sockaddr* name, socklen_t* namelen) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::getpeername, s, name, namelen); #endif } int getsockname(NetworkSocket s, sockaddr* name, socklen_t* namelen) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::getsockname, s, name, namelen); #endif } int getsockopt( NetworkSocket s, int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else auto ret = wrapSocketFunction( ::getsockopt, s, level, optname, (char*)optval, optlen); #ifdef _WIN32 if (optname == TCP_NODELAY && *optlen == 1) { // Windows is weird about this value, and documents it as a // BOOL (ie. int) but expects the variable to be bool (1-byte), // so we get to adapt the interface to work that way. *(int*)optval = *(uint8_t*)optval; *optlen = sizeof(int); } #endif return ret; #endif } int inet_aton(const char* cp, in_addr* inp) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else inp->s_addr = inet_addr(cp); return inp->s_addr == INADDR_NONE ? 0 : 1; #endif } int listen(NetworkSocket s, int backlog) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::listen, s, backlog); #endif } int poll(PollDescriptor fds[], nfds_t nfds, int timeout) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else // Make sure that PollDescriptor is byte-for-byte identical to pollfd, // so we don't need extra allocations just for the safety of this shim. static_assert( alignof(PollDescriptor) == alignof(pollfd), "PollDescriptor is misaligned"); static_assert( sizeof(PollDescriptor) == sizeof(pollfd), "PollDescriptor is the wrong size"); static_assert( offsetof(PollDescriptor, fd) == offsetof(pollfd, fd), "PollDescriptor.fd is at the wrong place"); static_assert( sizeof(decltype(PollDescriptor().fd)) == sizeof(decltype(pollfd().fd)), "PollDescriptor.fd is the wrong size"); static_assert( offsetof(PollDescriptor, events) == offsetof(pollfd, events), "PollDescriptor.events is at the wrong place"); static_assert( sizeof(decltype(PollDescriptor().events)) == sizeof(decltype(pollfd().events)), "PollDescriptor.events is the wrong size"); static_assert( offsetof(PollDescriptor, revents) == offsetof(pollfd, revents), "PollDescriptor.revents is at the wrong place"); static_assert( sizeof(decltype(PollDescriptor().revents)) == sizeof(decltype(pollfd().revents)), "PollDescriptor.revents is the wrong size"); // Pun it through auto files = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(fds)); #ifdef _WIN32 return ::WSAPoll(files, (ULONG)nfds, timeout); #else return ::poll(files, nfds, timeout); #endif #endif // defined(__XROS__) } ssize_t recv(NetworkSocket s, void* buf, size_t len, int flags) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ((flags & MSG_DONTWAIT) == MSG_DONTWAIT) { flags &= ~MSG_DONTWAIT; u_long pendingRead = 0; if (ioctlsocket(s.data, FIONREAD, &pendingRead)) { errno = translate_wsa_error(WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } fd_set readSet; FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_SET(s.data, &readSet); timeval timeout{0, 0}; auto ret = select(1, &readSet, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout); if (ret == 0) { errno = EWOULDBLOCK; return -1; } } return wrapSocketFunction(::recv, s, (char*)buf, (int)len, flags); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::recv, s, buf, len, flags); #endif } ssize_t recvfrom( NetworkSocket s, void* buf, size_t len, int flags, sockaddr* from, socklen_t* fromlen) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ((flags & MSG_TRUNC) == MSG_TRUNC) { SOCKET h = s.data; WSABUF wBuf{}; wBuf.buf = (CHAR*)buf; wBuf.len = (ULONG)len; WSAMSG wMsg{}; wMsg.dwBufferCount = 1; wMsg.lpBuffers = &wBuf; wMsg.name = from; if (fromlen != nullptr) { wMsg.namelen = *fromlen; } // WSARecvMsg is an extension, so we don't get // the convenience of being able to call it directly, even though // WSASendMsg is part of the normal API -_-... LPFN_WSARECVMSG WSARecvMsg; GUID WSARecgMsg_GUID = WSAID_WSARECVMSG; DWORD recMsgBytes; WSAIoctl( h, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &WSARecgMsg_GUID, sizeof(WSARecgMsg_GUID), &WSARecvMsg, sizeof(WSARecvMsg), &recMsgBytes, nullptr, nullptr); DWORD bytesReceived; int res = WSARecvMsg(h, &wMsg, &bytesReceived, nullptr, nullptr); errno = translate_wsa_error(WSAGetLastError()); if (res == 0) { return bytesReceived; } if (fromlen != nullptr) { *fromlen = wMsg.namelen; } if ((wMsg.dwFlags & MSG_TRUNC) == MSG_TRUNC) { return wBuf.len + 1; } return -1; } return wrapSocketFunction( ::recvfrom, s, (char*)buf, (int)len, flags, from, fromlen); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction( ::recvfrom, s, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen); #endif } ssize_t recvmsg(NetworkSocket s, msghdr* message, int flags) { #ifdef _WIN32 (void)flags; SOCKET h = s.data; // Don't currently support the name translation. if (message->msg_name != nullptr || message->msg_namelen != 0) { return (ssize_t)-1; } WSAMSG msg; msg.name = nullptr; msg.namelen = 0; msg.Control.buf = (CHAR*)message->msg_control; msg.Control.len = (ULONG)message->msg_controllen; msg.dwFlags = 0; msg.dwBufferCount = (DWORD)message->msg_iovlen; msg.lpBuffers = new WSABUF[message->msg_iovlen]; SCOPE_EXIT { delete[] msg.lpBuffers; }; for (size_t i = 0; i < message->msg_iovlen; i++) { msg.lpBuffers[i].buf = (CHAR*)message->msg_iov[i].iov_base; msg.lpBuffers[i].len = (ULONG)message->msg_iov[i].iov_len; } // WSARecvMsg is an extension, so we don't get // the convenience of being able to call it directly, even though // WSASendMsg is part of the normal API -_-... LPFN_WSARECVMSG WSARecvMsg; GUID WSARecgMsg_GUID = WSAID_WSARECVMSG; DWORD recMsgBytes; WSAIoctl( h, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &WSARecgMsg_GUID, sizeof(WSARecgMsg_GUID), &WSARecvMsg, sizeof(WSARecvMsg), &recMsgBytes, nullptr, nullptr); DWORD bytesReceived; int res = WSARecvMsg(h, &msg, &bytesReceived, nullptr, nullptr); errno = translate_wsa_error(WSAGetLastError()); return res == 0 ? (ssize_t)bytesReceived : -1; #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::recvmsg, s, message, flags); #endif } int recvmmsg( NetworkSocket s, mmsghdr* msgvec, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int flags, timespec* timeout) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else if (reinterpret_cast(::recvmmsg) != nullptr) { return wrapSocketFunction(::recvmmsg, s, msgvec, vlen, flags, timeout); } // implement via recvmsg for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vlen; i++) { ssize_t ret = recvmsg(s, &msgvec[i].msg_hdr, flags); // in case of an error // we return the number of msgs received if > 0 // or an error if no msg was sent if (ret < 0) { if (i) { return static_cast(i); } return static_cast(ret); } else { msgvec[i].msg_len = ret; } } return static_cast(vlen); #endif } ssize_t send(NetworkSocket s, const void* buf, size_t len, int flags) { #ifdef _WIN32 return wrapSocketFunction( ::send, s, (const char*)buf, (int)len, flags); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::send, s, buf, len, flags); #endif } ssize_t sendmsg(NetworkSocket socket, const msghdr* message, int flags) { #ifdef _WIN32 (void)flags; SOCKET h = socket.data; // Unfortunately, WSASendMsg requires the socket to have been opened // as either SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_RAW, but sendmsg has no such requirement, // so we have to implement it based on send instead :( ssize_t bytesSent = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < message->msg_iovlen; i++) { int r = -1; if (message->msg_name != nullptr) { r = ::sendto( h, (const char*)message->msg_iov[i].iov_base, (int)message->msg_iov[i].iov_len, message->msg_flags, (const sockaddr*)message->msg_name, (int)message->msg_namelen); } else { r = ::send( h, (const char*)message->msg_iov[i].iov_base, (int)message->msg_iov[i].iov_len, message->msg_flags); } if (r == -1 || size_t(r) != message->msg_iov[i].iov_len) { errno = translate_wsa_error(WSAGetLastError()); if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK && bytesSent > 0) { return bytesSent; } return -1; } bytesSent += r; } return bytesSent; #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::sendmsg, socket, message, flags); #endif } int sendmmsg( NetworkSocket socket, mmsghdr* msgvec, unsigned int vlen, int flags) { #if FOLLY_HAVE_SENDMMSG return wrapSocketFunction(::sendmmsg, socket, msgvec, vlen, flags); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else // implement via sendmsg for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vlen; i++) { ssize_t ret = sendmsg(socket, &msgvec[i].msg_hdr, flags); // in case of an error // we return the number of msgs sent if > 0 // or an error if no msg was sent if (ret < 0) { if (i) { return static_cast(i); } return static_cast(ret); } else { msgvec[i].msg_len = ret; } } return static_cast(vlen); #endif } ssize_t sendto( NetworkSocket s, const void* buf, size_t len, int flags, const sockaddr* to, socklen_t tolen) { #ifdef _WIN32 return wrapSocketFunction( ::sendto, s, (const char*)buf, (int)len, flags, to, (int)tolen); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::sendto, s, buf, len, flags, to, tolen); #endif } int setsockopt( NetworkSocket s, int level, int optname, const void* optval, socklen_t optlen) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (optname == SO_REUSEADDR) { // We don't have an equivelent to the Linux & OSX meaning of this // on Windows, so ignore it. return 0; } else if (optname == SO_REUSEPORT) { // Windows's SO_REUSEADDR option is closer to SO_REUSEPORT than // it is to the Linux & OSX meaning of SO_REUSEADDR. return -1; } return wrapSocketFunction( ::setsockopt, s, level, optname, (char*)optval, optlen); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction( ::setsockopt, s, level, optname, optval, optlen); #endif } int shutdown(NetworkSocket s, int how) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return wrapSocketFunction(::shutdown, s, how); #endif } NetworkSocket socket(int af, int type, int protocol) { #if defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return NetworkSocket(::socket(af, type, protocol)); #endif } #ifdef _WIN32 // adapted from like code in libevent, itself adapted from like code in tor // // from: https://github.com/libevent/libevent/tree/release-2.1.12-stable // license: 3-Clause BSD static int socketpair_win32( int family, int type, int protocol, intptr_t fd[2]) { intptr_t listener = -1; intptr_t connector = -1; intptr_t acceptor = -1; struct sockaddr_in listen_addr; struct sockaddr_in connect_addr; int size; int saved_errno = -1; int family_test; family_test = family != AF_INET && (family != AF_UNIX); if (protocol || family_test) { WSASetLastError(WSAEAFNOSUPPORT); return -1; } if (!fd) { WSASetLastError(WSAEINVAL); return -1; } listener = ::socket(AF_INET, type, 0); if (listener < 0) { return -1; } memset(&listen_addr, 0, sizeof(listen_addr)); listen_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); listen_addr.sin_port = 0; /* kernel chooses port. */ if (::bind(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&listen_addr, sizeof(listen_addr)) == -1) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } if (::listen(listener, 1) == -1) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } connector = ::socket(AF_INET, type, 0); if (connector < 0) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } memset(&connect_addr, 0, sizeof(connect_addr)); /* We want to find out the port number to connect to. */ size = sizeof(connect_addr); if (::getsockname(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&connect_addr, &size) == -1) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } if (size != sizeof(connect_addr)) { goto abort_tidy_up_and_fail; } if (::connect( connector, (struct sockaddr*)&connect_addr, sizeof(connect_addr)) == -1) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } size = sizeof(listen_addr); acceptor = ::accept(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&listen_addr, &size); if (acceptor < 0) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } if (size != sizeof(listen_addr)) { goto abort_tidy_up_and_fail; } /* Now check we are talking to ourself by matching port and host on the two sockets. */ if (::getsockname(connector, (struct sockaddr*)&connect_addr, &size) == -1) { goto tidy_up_and_fail; } if (size != sizeof(connect_addr) || listen_addr.sin_family != connect_addr.sin_family || listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr != connect_addr.sin_addr.s_addr || listen_addr.sin_port != connect_addr.sin_port) { goto abort_tidy_up_and_fail; } ::closesocket(listener); fd[0] = connector; fd[1] = acceptor; return 0; abort_tidy_up_and_fail: saved_errno = WSAECONNABORTED; tidy_up_and_fail: if (saved_errno < 0) { saved_errno = WSAGetLastError(); } if (listener != -1) { ::closesocket(listener); } if (connector != -1) { ::closesocket(connector); } if (acceptor != -1) { ::closesocket(acceptor); } WSASetLastError(saved_errno); return -1; } #endif int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, NetworkSocket sv[2]) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (domain != PF_UNIX || type != SOCK_STREAM || protocol != 0) { return -1; } intptr_t pair[2]; auto r = socketpair_win32(AF_INET, type, protocol, pair); if (r == -1) { return r; } sv[0] = NetworkSocket(static_cast(pair[0])); sv[1] = NetworkSocket(static_cast(pair[1])); return r; #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else int pair[2]; auto r = ::socketpair(domain, type, protocol, pair); if (r == -1) { return r; } sv[0] = NetworkSocket(pair[0]); sv[1] = NetworkSocket(pair[1]); return r; #endif } int set_socket_non_blocking(NetworkSocket s) { #ifdef _WIN32 u_long nonBlockingEnabled = 1; return ioctlsocket(s.data, FIONBIO, &nonBlockingEnabled); #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else int flags = fcntl(s.data, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1) { return -1; } return fcntl(s.data, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); #endif } int set_socket_close_on_exec(NetworkSocket s) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)s.data, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { return 0; } return -1; #elif defined(__XROS__) throw std::logic_error("Not implemented!"); #else return fcntl(s.data, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif } } // namespace netops } // namespace folly